Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Gamma Trianguli VI was a class M planet in the Alpha Quadrant, the sixth planet of the Gamma Trianguli system. It was the homeworld of a humanoid race called the Vaalians, controlled by a computer called Vaal for approximately 10,000 years.


Even at its poles, its four or five continents exhibited a jungle climate with a mean temperature of 76°. No moons were evident. (ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation)

Its primitive population numbered less than 1,000. (ST reference: Star Trek Maps)

Volatile surface rocks that exploded upon contact in the 23rd century were believed to be an unintended byproduct of the processes which maintained the planet's idyllic conditions. (TOS novel: No Time Like the Past)


According to one account, the world was inhabited by the a small faction of settlers from the planet Arret who, after seeing the devastation wrought on their world, decided to prevent the potential of happening to their newly adopted home. To accomplish this, they stored their collective knowledge within the supercomputer known as Vaal which wiped the memories of the settlers past. The computer was then charged with guiding the inhabitants while ensuring that they never advanced to the state where they could threaten to destroy the world itself.

Another chronological estimate maintains that the Vaalians were originally placed on the planet by members of Sargon's race millions (not tens of thousands) of years earlier, with the Vaal computer-entity being tasked with a similar purpose. Despite appearing as a stable living planet, Gamma Trianguli VI was a synthetic world that was held together by Vaal. Without the guidance of the computer, the planet would have self destructed. (TOS comic: "Devil Down Below!")

At least 10,000 years ago, Vaal was installed on the planet. (TOS episode & Star Trek 6 novelization: The Apple, ST reference: Star Trek Chronology)

Gamma Trianguli VI was visited by the USS Enterprise in 2267, at which time Captain James T. Kirk destroyed Vaal. (TOS episode & Star Trek 6 novelization: The Apple)

A review board determined Kirk's actions were justified. However, Federation deputy commissioner for interspecies affairs Moriah Wayne believed that Kirk violated the letter of the Prime Directive. (TOS novel: From the Depths)

Commodore Julius Merrill compared the situation on Gamma Trianguli VI to another world he had visited circa 2237. (TOS - Constellations short story: "Fracture")

In 2270, the Enterprise returned to Gamma Trianguli VI after a time traveling Seven of Nine found a temporally displaced crystal fragment inscribed out of phase with stardate 3715.3, the date of the crew's visit, and believed a second fragment would be located there. Seven reviewed log entries in preparation for the visit. When personnel beamed down, Seven became time displaced and materialized prior to the ship's first visit, where she was nearly overcome by Vaal's transmitted directives. Within Vaal's caverns she located another crystal wedge. When she merged the two crystals together, she shifted back to 2270. Before the landing party could return to the ship, they were attacked by Orions from the Navaar who killed security officer Jadello. The newly found crystal was inscribed with 5730.8, the date of the ship's visit to Cheron. (TOS novel: No Time Like the Past)

In 2273, Tilono believed Starfleet officers intentionally killed gods whenever they were encountered, noting Kirk's actions on Gamma Trianguli VI, Yonada, and Beta III. (TOS novel: Ex Machina)

In 2286, during the starship USS Enterprise-A's return mission to the planet, James T. Kirk compared Gamma Trianguli VI to a Genesis Planet. (TOS comic: "Past Perfect")

After returning to the Nexus following his death in 2371, Kirk watched a recreation of his crew's first visit to Gamma Trianguli VI, then met Guinan again. (TOS - Crucible novel: The Star to Every Wandering)

Alternate realities[]

In the mirror universe, James T. Kirk conquered Gamma Trianguli VI. (Decipher RPG module: Through a Glass, Darkly)



planets visited by the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) during Captain Kirk's initial five-year mission (2265-2270)
various Capory • Cygnet IV • Garrus • Rheel • Triangularis III
2265 Earth • Yko • Draxis II • Tally • Karabos II • Gamma Alpha V • Pollux II • Starbase 8 planet • Sector Vega 6 planet • M-155 • Archernar IV • Dimorus • Mandylion V • Tendar IV • Mestiko • Alpha Ortelina VII • Arronus VII • Aldebaran III • Delta Vega I • Starbase 12 • Vellurius • Earth • Globular planet • Norus • Junkyard planet • Palnak's planet • Santar • Nova XIII • Zeltok • Korak • the Traveler's homeworld • Dukar • Orthoo • Algenib II
2266 Crucial-3 • Vultra • Robots' planet • Angoma • Mantis planet • Nuofo • Stai • Vrex • Balant planet • Galaxy T-21 planet • Zargot • Coltac • Rigel XII • Alfa 177 • M-113 • Psi 2000 • Tlaoli IV • Skur • Selkye • Taragon • Alpha 332 • Ynobe II • Ecnal • Raylo • Noriga • Alpha Proxima II • Kynardi • Argylus • Ominnus • Earth • K-G • Nekros • Seggor • Fornia • Angira • Beta II • Neesan • Kujal • Razlak • Luna • Bwuja • Fayo • Hercula • Earth • Kibo/Ndora • Nraka • Sacro • Alpha 23-C • Oordon • Mobita • Jodarr • Quodar • Zarta • Floe I • Metamorpha • Inicrust • Morti • Terrellian II • Voodoo planet • Riza homeworld • Mila Xa • Krugar III remnant • Quaraxus • Arima • Mazda • Numero Uno • Beta Carinae • Exo III • 1324-IV • 7348-II • Tantalus V • Miri's homeworld • Planet Q • Benecia • Zorat planet
2267 Taurus II • Makus III • Ximega II • Hydra Epsilon III • Perseus Arm planetoid • Yko • Tenkara • Salvum • Grotus • Varanu planet • Yko • Talos IV • Tekton • Rifas-L • Amusement Park planet • Heitius VII • Planet of Fire • Ice Planet • Centaurus V • Fomalhaut V • Emben III • Cynur IV • Tyrtaeus II • Gothos • Beta VI • Theta VII • Ramedes III • Cestus III • Metron planet • Alva • Lazarus's planet • Galaxy Zekbran planet • Cygnet XIV • Earth • Canara • Beta III • Draqqana • Iach'tu Prime • Eminiar VII • Ceti Alpha V • Gamma 400 • Vartax • Dak-Alpha • Thark • Morkol • Timshel • Omicron • Omicron Ceti III • Janus VI • 7348-II • Chandra IV • Organia • Angrena • Yko • Earth Colony II • Gateway • Earth • Deneva • Janvar • Zentar • Zettin • Winged Dreamers' planet • "the Frontier" • Modala • Lado • Gamma Xaridian • Elsinor H-25 • Starbase 10 planet • Beta Mariotia III • Vega III • Tondus • Tekkor • Carnak • Pyris VII • Earth • Pentam V • Gamma Canaris N • Vandros VII • Nukolee • Styra • Lurota • Oorego IV • Giant Brain asteroid • Otari II • Gateway • Isis III • Not Eden • Maaba S'Ja • Capella IV • Pollux IV • Vulcan • Mestiko • CJ-884 planet • Nador • Tactis II • Beta Nirobi II • Phygma IV • Outpost Omega-70 • Tau Gamma IV • M-370 • Argelius II • Merope IV • Malur • Eulus • Donico II • Gamma Trianguli VI • Tyrtaeus II • Halka • Ixtolde • Gamma Hydra IV • Levinius V • Calydon • Starbase 10 planet • Turan Tot Narut's planet • Gamma Canaris N • Taunus • Planet 656 • Beton III • Sklurr • Karr • Graktan • Plixes • Andrius • Deneva • Mudd • Earth • Aneher II • Wezonvu • Nalaing • Magna Roma • Bavarya • Neolithia • Mythra • Rimillia • Babel • Gamma Canaris N • Vulcan • Nisus • Certax • Narnel's World • NGC 667 • Neural
2268 Fornax II • Gamma II • Triskelion • Rudimon • Argus X • Tycho IV • Theta VII • Centaurus • Usilde • Signi Beta • Tautee system • Prometheus IV • Syngreal • Glisten IV • Billybob • Gamma Hydra Gamma • Milo • Thrint • Throckmorton • Urf Durfal • Orgone • Vulcan • Beta Canzandia III • Alpha Maluria VI • Rariar III • Karxen V • Dekian II • Mevinna • Sigma Iotia II • Xanvia • Xoxxa • Inquisitor planet • Beta Reticuli • Delta Vega • Nalogen IV • Delta Vega • Delta Canaris IV • Alnath II • Ammdon • Arret • Mu Arigulon V • Ekos • Eeiauo • Sivao • Aprilia III • Kahless • Omega IV • Earth • Theta Kiokis II • Elas • Troyius • Elethia • Alsand • Kos • Tau Delta IX • Kroy's planet • Amerind • Starbase 14 planet • Andru 4/6 • Tranquility VII • Midos V • Earth • Exo III • T'nufo • Midos V • Eando 375 • Starbase 10 planet • Wrigley's Pleasure Planet • Exo III • Tortuga VI • Taos IV • Triacus • Marcos XII • Wokkle III • Cawley IV • Makon III • Kala • Lowaria • Dreamers' planet • Sigma Draconis VI • Direidi • Medusa • Iolos VI • Giermos • Persis Nova • Midgwis • Minara II • Gamma VI • Octavius IV • Beta Cabrini colony • Pegasus IV • Careta IV • Beta XII-A • Platonius • Earth • Scalos • M-317 • Beta Aurigae III • Sanoora host planet • Rhinegelt • Kalandan outpost • Distrel • Prastor • York III • Tttnicktttnor • Ariannus • Cheron • Elba II • Sanctuary • Gideon • Kolya • Tau Omega IV • Tau Omega III • Tareel III
2269 Rontelm • Memory Alpha • Ardana • Merak II • Avalon • Pollux V • Beta Myamid VIII • Chameleon • Zamphor • Hrakkour IV • Scythe • Balkos III • Gothos • Onyius II • Nova Atar III • Masaba • Lekythos • Shroud IV • Sigma Iotia II • Tarnak II • Vesbius • Janus VI • Beta Niobe III • Tree of Life planetoid • Gamma Cygnet planetoid • Centaurus • Raga's Planet • Eden • Theta Tau V • Holberg 917G • Lothor • Tau Beta IV • Excalbia • Sarpeidon • Feudal planet • Camus II • Duwamish • Ephrata IV • Sigma Niobe II • Gateway • Krasni's Folly • Vestalan • Maltos IV • Organia • Kyros • Nesta • Anomaly • Academy • Yko • Arachnae • Babel • Epsilon Delta IV • Heartland • Gothos • Cherela • Starbase 8 planet • Syhaar Prime • The Strand • Aarak III • Phi XI • Ur homeworld • Viden • Gobi III • Pacifica • Dolysia • Gralafi • Loren V • Gelladorn/R-775 I • Dengella II • Lloyd Zeta IX • Sigma Iotia II • Hesperides I • Tombstone • Waycross • Perry's planet • Delta Gamma IV • Trefolg • Trellisane • Holox • Boaco VI • Juram V • Vancadia • Veletus V • Pollux II • Leora IV • Patria I • Memory Prime • Talin IV • I'Qos • Circe V • Gateway • Mantilles • Moauv • Pomplance • Ribol II • Marpaplu • Valeria • Taurus II • Kinshasa
2270 Janus VI • Phylos II • Amusement Park planet • Motherlode • Rock creature planet • Darius IV • Megas-Tu • Terratin • Verdanis • Sherman's Planet • Argo • Deneb V • Vedala asteroid • Dramia • Dramia II • Arret • Lactra VII • Boqu II • Delta Theta III • Pandro • Dengella II • Briamos • Finder's planet • Procrustean planet • Yko • Belarius IV • DT-262 • Kwettir • Waasertla • Mygdalus III • Artemys 314 • Velat Nol/R-836 II • Pillagra (R-855 III) • Polymax VIII • Cenotaph • Emilla II • Vehtora IV • Anabarra colony • Hollow Planet • N'cai • Muldoon • Coridan III • Akladi • Mudd • Kuban • Sarai • CJ-884 planet • Stella Mudd's planet • Mudd • Taygeta V • Okeanos • Beta Omicron Delta III • Zeta Gibraltar • Yoondri • Earth (alternate) • Vrotii outpost planet • Sycorax • Baldur III • Bira III • Njura • Omne's planet • Voran • Razar • Mercan • Starbase 9 planet • Yalbo • Aritani • Vulcan • Hoshan planets • Tanis • Starbase 9 planet • Aragos planet • Aleph Prime • Aleph III • Antos IV • Takoi homeworld • Jinks' planet • Gateway • Andros • Yusub • Earth • Denebia • Veneu II • Gribbin II • Klondike VI • Isitra Zero • Gateway • Aleriad • Andoria • Proxima Centauri • Vulcan • Earth • Pelos • Talos IV • Gateway • Earth • Starbase 12 • Tomarii
planets visited by the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) (2286-2293)
2286 Earth • Luna • wishing planet • Rontelm • Gamma Trianguli VI • Briar Patch • Christofi IX • Vulcan • Sector 9 Romulan colony • Miraud • Triaminus IV • Endicor • Omicron Ceti IV • Chapin I
2287 Nimbus III • Sha Ka Ree • New Ketira • Skylord planet • Casmus III • Chronian III • New Brinden • Tau Gamma II • Earth • Yko • Temaris IV • Cetacean Probe homeworld • Vega IX • Calligar homeworld
2288 Uninhabited chroniton-discovery world • Datugad • Venus • Oyolo • Pavak • Sumno • Claneia I • Karimea • Kristenian world • Rimbor • Needra • Tyrion Defense Zone • Starbase 29 • Dinar IV • Sandar IX • Lerik IV • Skellen III • Horan system • Javik VI • Kurat I • Earth • Sigma Iotia II
2289 Arbutus VIII • Earth • Pilkor III • Metaga V • Zuyna • Pallas 14 star system • Tree of Life planet • Sumellian-adjacent star system • Sumellian homeworld • Deneva • Quatrin Alpha • Quatrin Beta
2290 Earth • Tabuka III • Tabuka IV • Epsilon Kitaj • Starbase 99 planet • Arnebius IV • Alpha Darwin • Kondo Nebula • Mardelva • Nirobi III • Thevos • Casmus III • Largo star system • Theata Leonis • Gateway • Calufrax IV • Babel • Gribbin II • Bupahr mining colony • Gamma Kestra • Nara • 'Gi • Zantak Prime • Kreth
2291 Devidia IV • Musgrave IV • Varba II • Varnex • Mestiko • Tiranax • Earth • Kaskadia IV
2292 Earth • unnamed asteroid belt
2293 Rura Penthe • Khitomer • Faramond • Vulcan • Qo'noS • Patelva • Freelan • Pacifica • Rigel V • Duparre Asteroid Belt • Yquitra • Yko • Earth • Alpha Gederix IV • Prestor V • Sigma Draconis Sector • Chal



External link[]
