Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Locator logo showing the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

Hanab is a protostar that as of the 23rd century was newly charted.

History and specifics[]

The Federation had sent unmanned probes to study it but they had mysteriously vanished.

According to a Starfleet Academy simulator scenario, the Hycombia Confederation also had sent a modified research vessel there but it was trapped in its gravity field.

The Federation sent USS Banting to investigate and monitor its unusual radiation bursts. While there, they detected the high energy subspace signal generated by the Hycombian ship and managed to rescue it. (TOS video game: Starfleet Academy Starship Bridge Simulator)

Template image. This article is a stub relating to a star or star system. You can help our database by expanding on it.



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (H)
Habah • Hab'neth • Hadachi • Hadara • Hadas • Haden • Hadley 557 • Hadura • Hagmi • Halat • Halee • Halkor • Hallion • Halsey • Hal'tara • Ham • Hamal • Hamalz • Hameus • Hamir Tor • Hamui • Hanab • Handor • Hanero • Hann • Hanoli • Han'ra • Hansu • Hara Tor • Hariak • Hariba • Harlan Vortex • Harlequin • Harod • Harrakis • Harrapa • Harridane 226 • Ha'van • Havor • Hayashi • Haylok • Hazion • Haz'vara • Heartland system • Heeya • Hegh'ta • Heitius • Hekiak • Helda • Helios system • Heliul • Helmor • Helsin • Hemok • Henax • Hen'doth • Heniez • • HeQ'ovHeredian • Herel • Herella • Herias • Hermes • Hernandez-E • Hernor • Hertex • Hessen • Hestana • Hesuz • Hetemit • Hetera • Hev'da • Heyp'uwI • Hexem • Hexes • Heyma • Hezior • HeyQ'oy • Hiaman • Hidala • Hidora • Hiemdal/Hiemdal system • Hikara • Hikax • Hikoro • Hilar • Hima • Himalias • Himian • Hira Daraan • Hira'tara • Hirats • Hires • Hirodex • Hithor • Hith'tara • Hixen • Hixoris • Hiznon • Hizol • Hoban • Hoj'tara • Hoka • Holdin • Hoffman • Hohweyn • Holiul • Holly • Homir • Homtak • Hon'veth • Hontox • Hoover • Hopeless Maw • Hoq'ey'ng • Horatius • Hor-cha • Horok • Hoshira • Hovek • Hoz'tara • Hrakkour • Hrojost Alpha • Hrojost Beta • Huebr • Hugh's End • Hura • Huron • Hyana • Hydex • Hydra • Hydra Daco • Hydroba • Hyndman • Hynera • Hypatia • Hyra • Hyrallis • Hytar and Nuofo Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (H) Hagal • Hajj • Hakton • Heathercrist • Helvetios • Hokule'a • Hupyria • Huranzi Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (H) Haakona • Hadar • H'atoria • Hellaro Corva • Hobus • Hybera • Hydra Epsilon • Hydra Geminorum Beta Quadrant icon image.

