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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Klaestron.

Klaestron was a star with an associated system, located in the space of the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant, in Kalandra sector. The system primary was a K class star with a magnitude of +4. (ST reference: Star Charts)

History and specifics[]

Klaestron formed part of the Galador Corridor along with Farius, Kotaki, and the Kressari system. (DS9 novel: Sacraments of Fire)

The Klaestron system's orbit was the location of a number of worlds, including fourth planet Klaestron IV, homeworld of the Klaestron civilization. (DS9 episode: "Dax")

System makeup[]

Klaestron system K class primary star



Beta Ursae sector block
Bajor sector Ajir system (Ajir IX) • Bajor-B'hava'el (Bajor I • Bajor II • Bajor III • Bajor IV • Bajor V • Bajor VI • Bajor • Cajara, Empok Nor • Denorios Belt, Bajoran wormhole, Deep Space 9, Deep Space 9 II • Andros • Bajor IX • Bajor X • Ba'Syladon • Bajor XII • Bajor XIII • Bajor XIV) • Golana • Prophet's Landing • Tasak
Cardassia sector Cardassia system (Cardassia)
Kalandra sector Caldik (Caldik Prime) • Draygo (Draygo IV) • Farius (Farius Prime) • Galador (Galador II) • Hanolan • Kalandra (Kalandra Minor) • Klaestron system (Klaestron IV) • Kotaki • Kressari system (Kressari) • Merak (Lya • Lya Station Alpha • Merak II) • Starbase 375
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (K)
Kachtulla • Kadeus • Kaelon • Ka"hat • Kaisu • Kaizan • Kahless • Kalajia • Kalf • Kalis • Kamtra • Kanda • Kandira • Kandom • Kandru • Kan'fen • Kannon • Kanth • Kanthu • Kan'vara • Kapeshet • Kaph • Kaplhaad • Kapor'At • Kappa • Kappa Rho • Kappa Xi • Kar Daraan • Kara-103 • Karabos • Karak • Karan'teth • Karasi • Karazar • Kardasi • Kardex • Kareus • Karhammur • Karion • Karis • Karlom • Karnas • Karnor • Karregheni • Karrias • Kars • Karsiom • Kar'va • Karxen • Karxiaz • Kasimar • Kastar • Katan • Kathra • Ka'thra • Kathrek • Katri • Katrona • Kaus Australis • Kavka • Kavrot 66 • Kaz Daraan • Kaz'ran • Kaz'veth • Ke Kwanus • Keet Daraan • Kedgellan • Kehvam • Kelasi • Keets Black Hole • Kelmoran • Kelosi • Kelsam • Kemna Daraan • Kena • Ken'kreth • Kennedan • Kenora • Kenvada • Kep Salu • Kep Salu system • Keplar • Kepp • Keptor • Kerlun • Ker'nek • Kernex • Ker'pek • Ker'veth • Kerxiek • Kerzuk • Kesira • Kesprytt • Kestral • Ketim • Ketoi • Ketra • Ketroika • Kevratas • Khag'thun • Khashah • Khoosin • K'hotan • Kiapara • Kiapta • Kibor • Kik'vadi • Kimin • Kinkuthanza • Kintir • Kinxa • Kip'tara • Kirama • Kirazi • Kiridex • Kiro • Kiron • Kitalpha • Kiv'thra • Kix • Kiyu • K'Korran • Klamuth • Klathind • Klavdia • Kled • Klemina • Klethor • Klevas • Klondike • Klorgat • Klos • Kobax • Kobol • Kochab • Kodran • Kohl • Kolarin • Kolian • Kolitor • Kolothos • Koltiska • Komira • Kondaii • Konnoria • Koo • Kophor • Kor Na Ron • Kora Daraan • Koranischat • Korata • Kor'fen • Kor'geth • Korgocht • Kormagara • Koron • Korox • Kor'pok • Kornas • Korreg • Korrier • Kor'tek • Korvad • Korvus • Kos'tara • Koti • Kotira • Kotora • Kot'reth • Ko'veth • Kraatu • Kran • Krana • Kranorel • Kran'tara • Krash'dok • Krasni's Star • Kratath • Kra'togh • Krax'tara • Kraz • Kra'zek • Kreda • Kreel • Kreemorian • Krell • Krimian • Krintara • Krisina • Kristor • Kritela • Kritora • Kroy's system • Krychek • Krylon • Ksora • K'Tazza • K'Tinnam • Kubichi • Kukiam • Kumar • Kumasi • Kunex • Kunial • Kura • Kurat • Kureus • Kuron • Kusdor • K'ushui • K'ushui system • Kusiun • Kuxam • Kuztor • KVN-2312 Singularity • Kyr • Kyros Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (K) Kalandra • Kappa Coronae Borealis • Kappa Delphini • Kappa Ophiuchi • Kaus Borealis • Kavaria • Kay'va • Kazar • Kelrabi • Kepler-018 • Ket-Cheleb • Kholfa • Kinjun • Kir • Klaestron • Kobheeria • Kohlan • Koralis • Korial • Kornephoros • Kotaki • Kressari • Krotar • Ktaria Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (K) Kappa-1 Apodis • Kappa Fornacis • Kappa Geminorum • Kappa Tucanae • Kassae • Ka'Tula • Keid (Keid A • Keid B • Keid C) • Kern • Kessik • Kestra • Ket-cheleb • Khazara • Khitomer • Khosla • Kinjer • K'lai Klinzhai • Klinzhai • Klach D'Kel Bracht • Klothos • Kolar • Koolhaas • Koreb • Korinar • Kostolain • Ko'vel • Krios • K'thar • K't'inga • K'Vort Beta Quadrant icon image.


External link[]
