Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Kern was a star with an associated star system, located in the Xarantine sector and Pi Canis sector block of the galaxy's Beta Quadrant. The system consisted a type K orange star and five planets. Kern III was a class S ultragiant contested between the Federation and Klingons. (STO - Age of Discovery mission: "The Plausibility of the Possible")

History and specifics[]

In the 2400s decade, Kern was one of the sites in the Federation-Klingon War of 2405-2410. In 2409, Lieutenant Commander K'vex dispatched a Klingon Defense Force ship to destroy Federation surveillance satellites emplaced in the planetary rings of Kern III. Starfleet ships in the system attempted to halt the satellites' destruction but the KDF completed their mission. (STO - Path of the Warrior mission: "Pi Canis Sortie Alpha")

The Klingons installed surveillance satellites of their own in the same year. Another Starfleet patrol, dispatched by Commanders Akira Sulu and Samuel Winters at Earth Spacedock, destroyed these to restore Starfleet control over Kern. (STO - Patrol the Xarantine Sector mission: "Kern System Patrol")

Kern 3

The class S planet Kern III.

In 2410, the rebellious House Mo'Kai opened a mycelial rift in orbit of Kern III. A science team led by Captain Kuumaarke of the LSS Reskava, supported by the LSS Jaaleet and the LSS Vuut attempted to close the rift but came under renewed attack from Mo'Kai birds of prey. A Khitomer Alliance vessel arrived, defeated the Klingons, liberated the Jaaleet and the Vuut from the rift, and closed the anomaly. The Mo'Kai warriors pressed their attack once more but were soundly defeated. Kuumaarke and her team opted to remain in the system for research and cleanup operations. (STO - J'Ula's Discovery mission: "Rescue and Search")

System makeup[]

Kern (type K orange star, primary)



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (K)
Kachtulla • Kadeus • Kaelon • Ka"hat • Kaisu • Kaizan • Kahless • Kalajia • Kalf • Kalis • Kamtra • Kanda • Kandira • Kandom • Kandru • Kan'fen • Kannon • Kanth • Kanthu • Kan'vara • Kapeshet • Kaph • Kaplhaad • Kapor'At • Kappa • Kappa Rho • Kappa Xi • Kar Daraan • Kara-103 • Karabos • Karak • Karan'teth • Karasi • Karazar • Kardasi • Kardex • Kareus • Karhammur • Karion • Karis • Karlom • Karnas • Karnor • Karregheni • Karrias • Kars • Karsiom • Kar'va • Karxen • Karxiaz • Kasimar • Kastar • Katan • Kathra • Ka'thra • Kathrek • Katri • Katrona • Kaus Australis • Kavka • Kavrot 66 • Kaz Daraan • Kaz'ran • Kaz'veth • Ke Kwanus • Keet Daraan • Kedgellan • Kehvam • Kelasi • Keets Black Hole • Kelmoran • Kelosi • Kelsam • Kemna Daraan • Kena • Ken'kreth • Kennedan • Kenora • Kenvada • Kep Salu • Kep Salu system • Keplar • Kepp • Keptor • Kerlun • Ker'nek • Kernex • Ker'pek • Ker'veth • Kerxiek • Kerzuk • Kesira • Kesprytt • Kestral • Ketim • Ketoi • Ketra • Ketroika • Kevratas • Khag'thun • Khashah • Khoosin • K'hotan • Kiapara • Kiapta • Kibor • Kik'vadi • Kimin • Kinkuthanza • Kintir • Kinxa • Kip'tara • Kirama • Kirazi • Kiridex • Kiro • Kiron • Kitalpha • Kiv'thra • Kix • Kiyu • K'Korran • Klamuth • Klathind • Klavdia • Kled • Klemina • Klethor • Klevas • Klondike • Klorgat • Klos • Kobax • Kobol • Kochab • Kodran • Kohl • Kolarin • Kolian • Kolitor • Kolothos • Koltiska • Komira • Kondaii • Konnoria • Koo • Kophor • Kor Na Ron • Kora Daraan • Koranischat • Korata • Kor'fen • Kor'geth • Korgocht • Kormagara • Koron • Korox • Kor'pok • Kornas • Korreg • Korrier • Kor'tek • Korvad • Korvus • Kos'tara • Koti • Kotira • Kotora • Kot'reth • Ko'veth • Kraatu • Kran • Krana • Kranorel • Kran'tara • Krash'dok • Krasni's Star • Kratath • Kra'togh • Krax'tara • Kraz • Kra'zek • Kreda • Kreel • Kreemorian • Krell • Krimian • Krintara • Krisina • Kristor • Kritela • Kritora • Kroy's system • Krychek • Krylon • Ksora • K'Tazza • K'Tinnam • Kubichi • Kukiam • Kumar • Kumasi • Kunex • Kunial • Kura • Kurat • Kureus • Kuron • Kusdor • K'ushui • K'ushui system • Kusiun • Kuxam • Kuztor • KVN-2312 Singularity • Kyr • Kyros Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (K) Kalandra • Kappa Coronae Borealis • Kappa Delphini • Kappa Ophiuchi • Kaus Borealis • Kavaria • Kay'va • Kazar • Kelrabi • Kepler-018 • Ket-Cheleb • Kholfa • Kinjun • Kir • Klaestron • Kobheeria • Kohlan • Koralis • Korial • Kornephoros • Kotaki • Kressari • Krotar • Ktaria Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (K) Kappa-1 Apodis • Kappa Fornacis • Kappa Geminorum • Kappa Tucanae • Kassae • Ka'Tula • Keid (Keid A • Keid B • Keid C) • Kern • Kessik • Kestra • Ket-cheleb • Khazara • Khitomer • Khosla • Kinjer • K'lai Klinzhai • Klinzhai • Klach D'Kel Bracht • Klothos • Kolar • Koolhaas • Koreb • Korinar • Kostolain • Ko'vel • Krios • K'thar • K't'inga • K'Vort Beta Quadrant icon image.


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