Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Stanley Kosinski (alt. "Kozinski") was a 24th century Human man, a Starfleet propulsion expert in the 2360s decade. He held the rank of specialist.

Kosinski is referred to as Kozinski in the ST novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace, where he was referenced as a "small-minded fool".


Kosinski attended the Starfleet Technical Services Academy on Mars. (DS9 novel: The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko)

Using a series of equations, Kosinski was able to make a measurable increase in propulsion with the starships USS Ajax and USS Fearless. His warp drive efficiency upgrade experiments brought him to the USS Enterprise-D in 2364, where he was to test different ways of entering warp speed and different intermix ratios. It later was revealed that it was his mysterious assistant, The Traveler, who was affecting the upgrades and not him. (TNG episode: "Where No One Has Gone Before")

Dexter Remmick criticised Picard and his crew for apparently letting Kosinski ride roughshod over them. (TNG episode: "Coming of Age")

Wesley Crusher tested a theory of Kosinski’s in 2367. (TNG episode: "Remember Me")

Geordi LaForge considered Kosinski, Paul Manheim and Bruce Maddox to be jerks and prima donnas. (TNG novel: Q-Space)

First Splinter timeline[]

From 2383 onwards he worked as a data analyst on Memory Alpha. (Prometheus novel: In the Heart of Chaos)

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Memory Alpha personnel and residents
David A. Goodman • Geoffrey Mandel • Chi Namthot • Kirayoshi O'Brien • Kosinski • Mira Romaine • unnamed Memory Alpha personnel Emblem of the United Federation of Planets.

Appearances and references[]


External link[]
