Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Latinum Express was a Ferengi Na'Far-class shuttle in service to the Ferengi Alliance in the late 24th century. This shuttlecraft was the private property of Grand Nagus Zek. (DS9 episode: "Rules of Acquisition"; Decipher RPG module: Starships)


In 2370, Zek allowed Quark and Pel to use his shuttle to travel to the Gamma Quadrant continuing business negotiations with the Dosi. (DS9 episode: "Rules of Acquisition")

In 2371, Zek traveled to Cardassia III in his shuttle where he was given the Orb of Wisdom, of which he was going to give to the Bajorans at a price. Before doing so, he traveled into the Bajoran wormhole with the orb to see if the Prophets could show Zek future opportunities for profit, instead disdainful of this they "de-evolved" Zek into a type of person the Ferengi used to be where they weren't concerned about profit. Later assisted by Rom and Maihar'du, Quark took the shuttle with Zek and the orb on board into the wormhole to have the Prophets change Zek back to his old self. (DS9 episode: "Prophet Motive")

In 2374 after Zek was deposed from being Grand Nagus, Zek, Ishka and Maihar'du traveled aboard the Latinum Express to Deep Space 9 to meet with Quark, Rom, and Nog to plan how to get Zek back into power. (DS9 episode: "Profit and Lace")

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