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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
This article is about the RPG book. You may be looking for a categorized list of starships.

"All I need is a tall ship, and a star to steer her by… " — Kirk to Leonard McCoy, "The Ultimate Computer"


These are the fleets of the galaxy.
EnterpriseExcelsiorStargazer… Their names and exploits have taken on the mantle of legend. Over two centuries' worth of starship engineering comes together in this comprehensive volume. Whether charting the unknown or battling hostile empires, starships from the vanguard of exploration and discovery for every starfaring species. So open hailing frequencies and prepare to deploy these vessels in your own Star Trek RPG series!
Starships includes:
  • Over forty different starship designs, complete with illustrations, history, and technical data. Vessels include Starfleet designs such as the Prometheus and Nova classes, as well as threat vessels such as the implacable Borg cube and the Breen warship.
  • Additional maneuvers for the starship combat system allow you to perform the Riker Maneuver, Scorpion Evasives, and many other tactics.
  • Starship and system design rules for every type of vessel - UFP, Klingon, Romulan, Dominion, and others - allow you to create dozens of new ship systems and build any starship you can imagine!



Earth and the Federation
Joseph AmasovRobert AprilHenry ArcherJonathan ArcherErika BenteenDouglas BradyZefram CochraneBill CrossDarsonDataJadzia DaxMatthew DeckerRobert DeSotoDonaldsonEntebeDavid L. Evans, IIRachel GarrettStephen GarrovickGarth of IzarGleasonWalter GrangerHansonAnnika HansenErin HansenMagnus HansenJohn HarrimanAnton HarrisKathryn JanewayEdward JellicoJames T. KirkKosinskiSilva La ForgeThomas LeytonBenjamin MaxwellLeonard McCoyLawrence MitchellXian MoorNechayevDarion PageOwen ParisThann PentisJean-Luc PicardChristopher PikeRamirezJoel RandolphRudolph RansomMary-Anne RiceWilliam RikerKhan Noonien SinghBenjamin SiskoSolokDan StackCarol StevensonHikaru SuluChristian SummersRobert StylesRonald TraceyLwaxana TroiT'VenikDonald VarleyTim WattersRobert WesleyLeslie WongWorf
DurasGorkonGowronKangKarganKolothKorKrugeKurnK'TemocK'VadaLothorgMartokMoragNu'DaqR'kahSirellaTel'PehT'MoqTorak (Governor)Worf
"T'Pel" • AlmakMendakTarisTebokTorethM'retPardekSirolTomalakVreenak
amoeba creatureBeta XII-A entityBorg QueenCaretakerCulluhdikironium cloud creatureErisGelnonLuaranProphetsQSittikTekeny GhemorThree of FiveT'Khasi HathTiernaT'Khasi-HathV'gerWeyoun

Starships and vehicles[]

Earth and the Federation[]

Akira-class (heavy cruiser)
USS AkiraUSS Black ElkUSS GeronimoUSS MateoUSS Nez PerceUSS OsceolaUSS Red CloudUSS SusquehannaUSS SpectorUSS RabinUSS Thunderchild
Ambassador-class (heavy cruiser)
USS AdelphiUSS AmbassadorUSS Enterprise-CUSS ExcaliburUSS ExeterUSS GandhiUSS HoratioUSS KrotusUSS ValdemarUSS YamaguchiUSS Zhukov
Constitution-class (heavy cruiser)
USS ConstellationUSS ConstitutionUSS DefiantUSS EagleUSS EndeavourUSS EnterpriseUSS Enterprise-AUSS ExcaliburUSS ExeterUSS FarragutUSS HoodUSS IntrepidUSS KongoUSS LexingtonUSS PotemkinUSS RepublicUSS Yorktown
Danube-class (runabout)
USS DanubeUSS GanderUSS GangesUSS MekongUSS OrinocoUSS Rio GrandeUSS RubiconUSS ShenandoahUSS VolgaUSS Yangtzee KiangUSS Yukon
Defiant-class (heavy escort)
USS DefiantUSS GallantUSS IncessantUSS RedoubtableUSS Sao PauloUSS StalwartUSS Valiant
Excelsior-class (exploration cruiser)
USS AgincourtUSS Al-BataniUSS CairoUSS CharlestonUSS Crazy HorseUSS Enterprise-BUSS ExcelsiorUSS FarragutUSS FearlessUSS GorkonUSS HoodUSS IntrepidUSS LakotaUSS LexingtonUSS MelbourneUSS OkinawaUSS PotemkinUSS RepulseUSS RooseveltUSS TecumsehUSS Valley Forge
Galaxy-class (explorer)
USS Enterprise-DUSS GalaxyUSS MagellanUSS OdysseyUSS TrinculoUSS VentureUSS Yamato
Intrepid-class (light explorer)
USS BellerophonUSS BlackthorneUSS GallantUSS IntrepidUSS NelsonUSS VoyagerUSS Zealous
Nebula-class (cruiser)
USS BougainvilleUSS ChesapeakeUSS EndeavourUSS FarragutUSS HeraUSS HonshuUSS LeedsUSS LeopardUSS LexingtonUSS MerrimackUSS MonitorUSS NebulaUSS PhoenixUSS PrometheusUSS ProximaUSS SutherlandUSS T'KumbraUSS TemeraireUSS Ulysses
Nova-class (heavy scout)
USS AuroraUSS BinaryUSS EquinoxUSS Freeman DysonUSS NovaUSS PulsarUSS QuasarUSS Solstice
Enterprise (NX-01)
Prometheus-class (light cruiser)
USS PrometheusUSS HerculesUSS Titan
Sovereign-class (heavy explorer)
USS Enterprise-EUSS IndependenceUSS SovereignUSS Yorktown
Talon-class (scout)
USS FlamsteedUSS HaleUSS HubbleUSS LickUSS PalomarUSS SidingUSS TalonUSS WilsonUSS Yerkes
Aerie-class (surveyor)
USS AerieUSS DunnockUSS GreenfinchUSS GullUSS LinnetUSS RavenUSS RobinUSS RookUSS SkylarkUSS StarlingUSS SwiftUSS TernUSS WarblerUSS Wren
Altair-class (freighter)
SS Alla TarasovaSS Arctic QueenSS Diamond QueenSS J. Burton AyresSS Jade StarSS Kathrine ClewisSS Kay ColeSS Marine CourierSS Medusa ChallengerSS Medusa ConquestSS NicoletSS Millenium QueenSS Sarah SpencerSS SennevilleSS Spar GarnetSS Spar JadeSS Spar Opal
class 3 tanker (tanker, Monarch-class)
SS AlgocapeSS Amy RileySS DaishowaSS Imperial AeadiaSS Imperial DartmouthSS Kobayashi MaruSS Mangal DesaiSS ManitoulinSS MississagiSS Nordic BlossomSS OmisaijSS RelianceSS Rochelle KayeSS Silver IsleSS Soren ToubroSS Stella LykesSS Theodore TooSS Topa Topa
DY-100-class and DY-500-class (transport)
SS Botany BaySS ConquestSS HastingsSS IbervilleSS Lyons CreekSS MalaspinaSS MariposaSS MonticelloSS SalisburySS San JuanSS Santa MariaSS ShenandoahSS SylvaniaSS Toledo SunSS WacostaSS YaconaSS Yakima
type 1 shuttlepodclass F shuttlecraftclass G shuttlecrafttype 6 shuttlecrafttype 10 shuttlecraftaeroshuttleDelta Flyer-classStarfleet shuttlecraft (2280s)
other classes and ships
class 2 tankerUSS CochraneSS ColumbiaConstellation-classUSS DecaturUSS GrissomUSS HorizonUSS IndomitableSS Long Beach (freighter) • SS Manhattan (freighter) • Miranda-classOberth-classSS PotemkinPhoenixUSS Sal'koth (Ranger-class) • USS StargazerWaverider


B'rel-class (far scout) and K'vort-class (light cruiser)
IKS B'relIKS Ch'TangIKS Hegh'taIKS K'vortIKS KoragaIKS KormagIKS KorothIKS Mok'talIKS Ning'TauIKS OrinthoIKS PaghIKS Rotarran
D7-class and K't'inga-class (battle cruisers)
IKS AmarIKS B'MothIKS Gr'othIKS Quo'noS OneIKS T'AcogIKS T'OngIKS KorvatIKS Ch'danIKS HaH'vatIKS OrinthoIKS PaghIKS Rotarran
Negh'Var-class (dreadnought)
IKS Hegh'marIKS K'mpecIKS KormatIKS MoghIKS Negh'Var
Raptor-class (scout)
IKS Amw'IIKS BalthIKS BarakIKS BokorIKS Dit'kraIKS K'araHIKS K'eylatIKS Nu'paHIKS Nu'TalIKS PatanIKS R'moraIKS Rok'lorIKS SamraHIKS Veng
Vor'cha-class (battle cruiser)
IKS BortasIKS DrovnaIKS K'elestIKS Key'vongIKS Mahk'tarIKS Maht-H'aIKS Neng-taIKS Qu'VatIKS R'kangIKS T'KoraIKS Toh'KahtIKS Vor'chaIKS VornakIKS Yavang
other classes
D-12-class (bird-of-prey) • IKS Vis'Tor


Romulan bird-of-prey (fast attack warship)
D'deridex-class (battleship)
Theta-class (courier, shuttle, surveyor)
other classes
T'rasus-class (light cruiser)


Groumall-class (cargo carrier)
Galor-class (battle cruiser)
Keldon-class (battle cruiser)


Borg cube (dreadnought)
cube 1184cube 461cube 630
Borg time sphere (light explorer)
sphere 194sphere 196sphere 211sphere 212sphere 222sphere 634sphere 878
Breen battlecruiser
Braaktak GaalGor KorusGor NivikGor TevikMegal TaanNistaan BurReel GorvaalReel Tivaan
Ferengi D'kora-class (armored transport)
Ferengi pod (shuttle)
Barzan ExplorerBlunt HammerLatinum ExpressNilva's JauntQuark's TreasureRational Profit
Jem'hadar attack ship (fast attack ship)
Jem'Hadar Fighter 10Jem'Hadar Fighter 23Jem'Hadar Fighter 37Jem'Hadar Fighter 47Jem'Hadar Fighter 57Jem'Hadar Fighter 62Jem'Hadar Fighter 67Jem'Hadar Fighter 73Jem'Hadar Fighter 81Jem'Hadar Fighter 82Jem'Hadar Fighter 93Jem'Hadar Fighter 102unnamed Jem'Hadar attack ships
Jem'hadar warship (battle cruiser)
Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser 9Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser 44Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser 55Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser 59Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser 61Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser 68Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser 85Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser 91Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser 109Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser 112Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser 122Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser 134Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser 222
Kazon shuttle (shuttlecraft)
Hobii-SuratNistrim RugovaNistrim ZaranOgla KokeOglamar-SurkanRelora-KeldarVistik Hax
Orion Harmony-class (fast escort)
SS CatapultSS Cutty SarkSS Dragon's FangSS DreamerSS DutchmanSS EnigmaSS Hellcat IISS Lancer's FollySS MercurySS NomadSS O'meSS Ona's RichesSS OrzabalSS Star of MenonSS ScimitarSS Zenith
Species 8472 battleship
Ay HortCuh Thug Ahunnamed Species 8472 battleships
Vulcan T'Plana Hath-class (surveyor)
Akasa Gorah'ilBesaya GlantayaDorli Fai-tukhFal ChayaPahn-ReeT'Khasi HathT'Plana HathYeht Fai-TukhYeht TalalTor-ut Koon
other classes
A'norum-class (cruiser) • Antares class (freighter) • Bok'Nor-class (freighter) • Borg scout (heavy escort) • Class 2 tankerDyson sphereKrenim temporal weapon shipMaymora-class (surveyor) • Kazon Predator-classTandaran fast escort

Types and classifications[]

Academy Threat Response Training vesselarmored transportbattle cruiserbattleshipbird-of-preycouriercruiserdreadnoughtescape podexploration cruiserexplorerfar scoutfast attack warshipfast escortflagshipheavy cruiserheavy escortheavy explorerheavy scoutlight cruiserlight explorerpassenger linerplanet killerrunaboutscoutshuttlecraftsurveyortankertransport


Cities and planetary locations[]

Broken BowMontanaOklahomaSan FranciscoSan Francisco BayVega colonyWarp Five Research Complex

Outposts and stations[]

Antares Fleet YardsAntares X Docking YardCatalina StationDeep Space 5Deep Space 9Deep Space 12deueterium refineryEmpok NorGavor ShipyardsHighguard StationKhol-Ralithium cracking stationMars orbital platformNecuon FacilityPortricalQo'noS Orbital Facility BaseRelay Station 47SADA stationSN-475 mining facilitySpace Station K-7Unimatrix ZeroUnited Earth Space StationUtopia Planitia ShipyardsVelidan

Planets and planetoids[]

AgrathaAndorAnthor PrimeArgelius IIAR-558AxenarBajorBarradas IIIBennus IIBeta IIIBetazedBolarus IXCaldwell IVCapella IVCardassia PrimeChin'toka IIIGoralisplanet CoridanDessicaDonatu VDorvan VDraconis IXDytallix BEarthEclair IIEpsilon Canaris IIFerenginarFounder homeworldGalorndon CoreGamma 7AGamma Tauri VIGenesis PlanetHirats IIIIntellas IVIoKhitomerKriosLazon IILovalMarsMinosMoonMuldoon IVNarciso IINarendra IIINelvana IIINewton IIINimbus IIINorpin colonyplanet OcampaOmega IVOmekia IIIOthaOrias IIIPaxar IVQo'noSRigel IVRigel IXRomulusRugal IVSeclix PrimeSherman's PlanetSoukaraSuvin IVTandar PrimeTaranko colonyTechnis IVTellarTorga IVTrelka VTycho IVVeridian IIIVulcanis
Types and classifications[]
Class 9 (gas giant) • Class J (gas giant) • Class L planet

Stars and star systems[]

Alpha CentauriAlpha Omnicron systemAnaxarArchanisArcybiteAndorian systemBajoran systemBarzan systemBenzar systemBerdun systemCapellaCarrayaCassandraChin'tokaDaxura systemDonatuDwar systemEpsilon 119Goren systemHerit pulsarKelrabi systemLokiOcampa systemOlmerakOmega XXIOrganian systemOrias systemOrtaran systemOthan systemPelosaRigelSigma Draconis systemSolTalos star groupThorTiber systemUllaisValo systemVeridianWolf 357Wolf 359Xendi Sabu systemZhamur system

Stellar regions and spatial phenomena[]

Almatha sectorAlpha QuadrantArchanis sectorArgolis ClusterArteline sectorAzure NebulaBadlandsBajor sectorBajoran wormholeBarzan WormholeBellis ExpanseBeta QuadrantBolian sectorBriar PatchBurke ExpanseChin'toka sectorDelta QuadrantFederation-Cardassian DMZFicus sectorGamma Quadrantthe galaxyGlintara sectorHelaspont NebulaHittemite sectorJelakesh sectorKalindra sectorKlach D'Kel BrachtKlingon Neutral ZoneLembatta ClusterMutara ClusterNexusNutrion ExpanseOmarion NebulaOthan sectorPandara CorridorRigel sectorRomulan Neutral Zonesector 001sector 3-1sector 63sector 347sector 15120sector 19658Sol sectorSpatial Grid 94Styx RiftTholian InterphaseVela ExpanseVolus Corridor

States and organizations[]

Alliance for Global UnityAndorian EmpireArcybite Mining ConsortiumBlue Starbrown dwarfCardassian UnionCardassian Central CommandCardassian-Dominion AllianceCardassian ResistanceDominion Central CommandDetapa CouncilDominionEarth StarfleetFederation Council • Federation TimefleetFerengi AllianceFerengi Commerce AuthorityKazon CollectiveKazon-HobiiKazon-NistrimKazon-OglaKazon-OglamarKazon-ReloraKazon-VistikImperial Klingon Defense ForceKlingon EmpireKlingon High CouncilKlingon-Romulan AllianceMaquisMerchant MarineObsidian OrderOrion SyndicateRed SquadRomulan SenateRomulan Star EmpireRomulan Star NavySeventh OrderStarfleetStarfleet Advanced Starship Design BureauStarfleet CommandStarfleet Corp of EngineersStarfleet IntelligenceTask Force ThreeTask Force TwelveTask Force TwentyTal ShiarTaurhai UnityUnited Federation of PlanetsVelosi Construction FirmVulcan Exploratory Space ForcesVulcan High CommandVulcan Science Institute

Races and cultures[]

AndorianAxanariBa'kuBoslicBreenBorgCardassianDenobulanDosiFerengiGhorusdanGornHaakonianHirogenHumanIconianJem'HadarKaremmaKazonKlingonKrenimNausicaanOrganianOrionRemanRomulanSaltah'naSpecies 8472Son'aSulibanTalaxianTandaranTaurhaiTholianT'LaniTrabeVortaVulcanXyrillianZakdorn

Ranks and titles[]

admiralambassadorcaptainchancellorcommandercommodoredaimonengineerfleet captainfirst officergeneralgrand nagusgullieutenantlieutenant commanderpraetorsubcommandervice proconsul

Treaties and law[]

First Khitomer AccordsSecond Khitomer AccordsTreaty of Algeron

Wars and operations[]

Axanar RebellionBattle of BetazedBattle of CardassiaBattle of Chin'tokaBattle of Chin'toka IIIBattle of GethaBattle of Klach D'Kel BrachtBattle of TyraBattle of Wolf 359Cardassian-Federation warCardassian-Klingon warDominion WarDraconis IX Preimeter ActionEugenics WarsFirst Battle of VulcanisFirst Coridan SurveyGenesis IncidentGreat Tribble HuntKlingon-Cardassian WarKlingon Civil WarM-5 wargames simulationOperation ReturnRomulan-Earth WarSecond Battle of VulcanisSecond Vulcan OffensiveSiege of AR-558Third World WarTholian WarTomed IncidentTzenkethi WarVega Colonies MassacreV'Ger Incident

Weapons and technology[]

ablative armorantiproton beambioneural gelpackboomerBussard collectorcaptain's yachtcargo bayclass XI tetryon probecloaking devicedecontamination chamberdeflectordisruptordisruptor bankdisruptor cannonelectrodynamic fluidhydrogenelectro-plasma systemenergy screen generatorhull polarization generatorIconian computer virusimpulse driveinterplexing beaconion powerJeffries tubeM-5Mars defense perimetermatter-antimatter reactionmicrotorpedominemulti-adaptive shieldingmultiplexing beaconnanoprobenaniteoptical data networkOrder of the Praetorphase cannonphase disruptorphoton torpedoplasma cannonplasma energy cannonplasma torpedopulse phaserprobequantum torpedosensorshieldshuttlebaySpacedockspatial torpedospiral wave disruptor cannonstructural integrity fieldsubspace riftt-9 energy convertertachyon detection gridtemporal phase coiltorpedo launchertractor beamtransportertranswarp conduittranswarp drivetrilithium-tekasite-protomatter explosive devicewarp corewarp drivewarp field geometry

Other references[]

anti-deuteriumantiprotonasteroidBadlands RunBiennial Trade ConferenceCardassian-Orion trade routechronometric particleCoreward Frontier Survey Initiativedark matter nebulaDefiant-class Development ProjectD'eradeuteriumdilithiumdistress beaconduraniumEarth-Luna runelectro-kinetic stormelectromagnetic radiationelectro-plasma flowenergy drain weaponevent horizonFederation Interstellar Permit ActFederation Science CouncilFereginar-Dessica trade routeFerenginar-Dorvan V trade routeFerenginar-Rigel trade routeGalaxy-class Development ProjectGuardian of ForeverHero of the Empire AwardHouse of DurasHouse of Martokion stormketracel whiteKlingon Houselithiumion storminterstellar dustmega particlemeteor showerneuropeptideneutron radiationNipps-Tecla runObsidian Order directive Duka-Tal-242302Obsidian Order directive Tal-Ban-351201Obsidian Order directive tor-kat-15201Order of the PraetorPerimeter Defense Directiveplanetplasma trailpolaron beamprotomatter universequantum fluxquantum singularityquasar burstra'tarsharksolar flarestarstar systemStarfleet directive alpha theta 12Starfleet Directive 715Starfleet Joint Research Projectsubspacesubspace riftsubspace rupturesubspace variancesuffrage taxationsupernovatemporal continuumtemporal distortiontemporal nexustemporal vortextemporal waketetryontulaberry wineuridiumwormholeVulcan language




Decipher's RPG publications
Player's GuideNarrator's GuideNarrator's ScreenStarfleet Operations ManualStarshipsAliensCreaturesWorldsMirror Universe: Through a Glass Darkly

External link[]
