Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} OR {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU


Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Orion Ruse was a role-playing game adventure supplement released by FASA, as part of their Star Trek: The Role Playing Game series.


The Captain of TransSolar's Eridani Star was not a happy man. By all rights, he ought to have been satisfied, confident, and even smug. He'd just received permission to open trade talks with the Orion-settled world of Daros IV, the commercial center for an entire sector.

'Unfortunately,' thought the Captain, 'there is a fly in the ointment — several flies, in fact, and they all wear Star Fleet uniforms. A Federation merchant ship had disappeared near the Daros system, and someone in Intelligence was convinced that the Eridani Star would make an excellent spy ship.'


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Barak the Gem MerchantMichael CorbettJack CorriganJoachim HartzerJorvaSolomon KaneIvra KeravMerkos KeravSavro KeravImri KerosKelon KerosKolorKothaarIan MackenzieMadravErnst MetzMorkaiArminius MuldoonThe PharmacistRadrasRadrosSiravSkevarSkurosAlexander SolovievIvar SorensenSoron (Orion)Michael ThornVasro the Dream SellerSkrix Veestarunnamed Orion slave girlunnamed Orion tribble salesman
Referenced only
Stefan MarkovskyElkar Kerav


DaroskelarDaroskelar StarportHigh MarketKeravkarKeroskarMadame Altair's House of JoyMavro's PlaceShadow MarketSkaroskarSoron's HoleThe Tears of Rigel
Referenced only
CanadaGermanyInverness (colony)IrelandRussiaSimka ColonyStarfleet HeadquartersSweden


InstellCoStarfleet IntelligenceTransSolar
Referenced only
Galaxy Exploration CommandHammond LinesMerchant AcademyMerchant Marine PoliceMerchant MarineStarfleetStarfleet AcademyStarfleet Marines

Planets and planetoids[]

Daros IV
Referenced only
CaloronCoros IIIKarion VIIKlethor IIKlethor IXKlevas IIKolothos IXMandrak VIMiromar IIMiros XMiros XIIOrion HomeworldSolis IIStavchek's WorldTerraTiros IITor III

Races and cultures[]

HumanKlethorianKlingon (Human FusionImperial Race) • Orion (Ruddy Orion) • Torian
Referenced only


Organian Treaty Zone

Stars and systems[]

Referenced only
Amal systemCorosKarionKlethorMiros

Starships and vehicles[]

aircarcarcargo lighterEridani StarMorakosUSS PattonWerewolf
Referenced only
USS AmundsenUSS CortesUSS HoodUSS ScipioTiradosir


AlthoriBeldavCouncil of TradeFederation CouncilFive FamiliesKeravKerosKlingon EmpireOrion ColoniesSimriUnited Federation of Planets

Stations and outposts[]

Outpost 36

Other references[]

agonizerAdrenalaneAndorian krill-beast steakCetian oakCouncil LordcreditCurial DustCylaniteDiristani NeurocoffeedisruptorDurnian slime-beastdurosteelEldor fruitEldor Fruit RustFamilyGalactaIdris flower dustklingonaaseKolothian Whipcrackkorgasantkossetkrill-beastLuru stoneMelanex BmorakosOrion languageOrion piracyOrion slave girlOrion tapestryPantorite machine toolsphaserplasti-steelPrime DirectiveRomulan aleSaurian brandyslethiSoriel BounderSpican flame gemstandard cargo unitSurokos steeltribbletricorder



Star Trek: The Original Series RPG sourcebooks and adventures
Heritage Models sourcebook Adventure Gaming in the Final Frontier
adventure The Slaver Ruins
Tsukuda Hobby sourcebook Enterprise: Role Play Game in Star Trek
adventure The Drifting Ring
FASA sourcebooks The Role Playing Game (Star Fleet Officer's ManualCadet's Orientation SourcebookGame Operations Manual) • The Klingons (The Klingons: Star Fleet Intelligence ManualThe Klingons: Game Operation Manual) • Star Trek II: Starship Combat SimulatorStarship Tactical Combat SimulatorThe Romulans: Starfleet Intelligence ManualThe Romulan Way: Game Operations ManualStar Trek III: Starship Combat GameStar Trek III: Starship UpdateThe TriangleThe Orions: Book of Common KnowledgeThe Orions: Book of Deep KnowledgeThe FederationStar Fleet Intelligence ManualStar Fleet Intelligence Manual: Agent's Orientation SourcebookUSS Enterprise Deck PlansKlingon D-7 Deck PlansTrader Captains and Merchant Princes (2nd edition) • Spacelanes: The Magazine of Interstellar TradeShip Construction ManualStar Trek III Sourcebook UpdateThe Four Years WarThe Romulan WarKlingon Intelligence BriefingStar Trek IV Sourcebook UpdateRegula-1 Orbital Station DeckplansShip Recognition Manual: The Klingon Empire/Klingon Ship Recognition ManualShip Recognition Manual: The Federation/Federation Ship Recognition ManualShip Recognition Manual: Romulans
adventures Adventure Book (Ghosts of ConscienceAgain, Troublesome TribblesIn the Presence of My Enemies) • The VanishedWitness for the DefenseDenial of DestinyIntrusionThe Natural OrderTermination: 1456Demand of HonorOrion RuseMargin of ProfitThe OutcastsA Matter of PrioritiesA Doomsday Like Any OtherThe Mines of SelkaLost and Presumed DeadThe Triangle CampaignGraduation ExerciseWhere Has All the Glory Gone?Return to AxanarDecision at MidnightAn Imbalance of PowerOld Soldiers Never DieConflict of InterestsThe Dixie GambitThe White Flame Starship Combat Scenario PackThe Strider IncidentStardate Magazine (The Serpent FactorDeneva DeceptionSafari in VioletContinuing the LineOperation ShadowfallThe Barrier of EssaiOrion RisingThe Hottest Blood of AllOperation KingmakerOperation Starling) • StarDrive (Another Piece of the Action)
LUG sourcebooks Core Game BookNarrator's ToolkitThe Andorians: Among the Clans
adventures The Danurian FactorStopping at the Beast
Mōdiphiüs sourcebooks TOS Rules Digest
adventures These are the Voyages: Mission Compendium Vol. 1 (A World With a Bluer Sun) • RemnantsA Forest ApartHard Rock CatastropheStrange New Worlds: Mission Compendium Vol. 2 (Pluto's CaveDrawing Deeply From the WellNo Good Deed) • The BurningThe Keyhole of EternityMission Briefs: First ContactsMission Briefs: SpacewrecksMission Briefs: MysteriesMission Briefs: Ancient CivilizationsMission Briefs: Cold WarMission Briefs: Khitomer AccordsGhosts in the MachineConflict of ValuesAlternative TruthsMission Briefs: The Alpha Quadrant

External link[]
