Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Trader Captains and Merchant Princes was a role-playing game supplement released by FASA, as part of their Star Trek: The Role Playing Game series. Released in 1987, this module was a second edition, following the original Trader Captains and Merchant Princes. Revised with expanded content, this second edition would be released as a two-book set with FASA RPG module: Spacelanes: The Magazine of Interstellar Trade.


This two-book rules supplement for Star Trek: The Role Playing Game includes all the rules and charts needed for creating traders, privateers, merchants, con men, and rogues. A complete system for trading commodities, playing the stock market, procuring a bank loan, and maintaining a starship are all presented in an easy-to-understand format.
Book 1 contains comments and essays on the ups and downs of the merchant's life, written in the form of the Triangle Edition of the Interstellar Trader's Association magazine. Book 2 includes all the information necessary for the gamemaster to play and run characters who buy and sell merchandise, rent, lease, buy or steal a starship, find a cargo for hire, buy and sell on the black market, and many other possibilities.


  • Introduction
  • Creating Trader Characters
  • Training Trader Characters
  • Equipping the Trader Character
    • Starting Savings
    • Starting Cash
    • Guide to Equipment
      • Land Vehicles
      • Water Vehicles
      • Air Vehicles
      • Weapons
      • Medical Equipment
      • Clothing
    • Guide to Services
  • Judging Trade
    • Running the Corporate Bureaucracy
    • Independent Trade
    • Building a Business
    • Judging Spaceport Operations
  • Judging the Merchant Adventure
    • The Character Spokesman
    • Adventure Types
    • Adventure Preparation
    • Creating a Campaign Setting
    • NPCs
    • Establishing the Adventure
  • Judging Illegal Operations
    • Smuggling
  • Judging Finance and Investments
    • Stocks and Securities
    • Playing the Market
    • Bonds
    • Large-Scale Fleet Operations
    • Loans and financial Speculation
  • Appendix A: Travel Time
  • Appendix B: Trade Ships
    • Control Computers
    • Engines



Lawrence JordaineC. Northcote Parkinson
Referenced only
B'rintraeFederiko ComstockAurora FellLeRoy GannetCyrano JonesKevlath sutai-PlaviteemJames T. KirkTristan Leeper IIRandolf Merriweather IIIHarry MuddSintarTirexSara UndaraTamara UvancaUrden Victa

Starships and vehicles[]

Four Leaf Clover (Argon-class) • USS John Paul JonesRare Earth (Argon-class) • Baka 'Re-classChameleon-classLiberty-classLotus Flower-classMission-classMokal-classMonarch-classNilron-classZeus-class


Milky Way Galaxy (Alpha and Beta Quadrants)
AndorBonanzaCaitDalanda VD'Livian VIDuo IIIDvlaakEarthEdoEnid VIFacetJanus VIKatan IIIKeefKlaanKlestKlevaanMarsOrganian Treaty ZoneRRissShuridarSSleenTellarTorrt VIT'RillianTritiumTwilight BaseTwilight NebulaVulcan (planet)

Races and cultures[]

AndorianCaitianEdoanHumanKatan III nativeKlingonOrionRomulanRRissithTellariteTholianVaradeeVulcan

States and organizations[]

Bio/Genetic Research IncorporatedChiokis Starship Construction CorporationFederationGorn AllianceGgramphud Histo-Cryogenics IncorporatedKlingon EmpireLeeper-Fell Universal, Ltd.Multiplanet Metals IncorporatedNew Amsterdam Gravitics Co.Rantura Shipping LinesRomulan Star EmpireShuvinaaljis Warp Technologies IncorporatedStarfleetTachyon Micromechanics, Ltd.Tholian AssemblyWilson Energies LimitedXaxxi Mechanistics Ltd.

Science and classification[]

aqualanternbiocomputerdisruptorenvironmental suitgillpakholographic camerahyposprayID forgery unitlaser scalpellife support maskphaserphaser IIBphaser pistolpistolpolice stunnershuttlecraftspace stationstarshipstun clubtricordertype-2 phaseruniversal translator

Ranks and titles[]


Other references[]

animalblack marketcalendarclothingcoradrenalinecreditdyloveneFederation StandardFederation Starfleet ranksFederation Starfleet ranks (2270s-2350s)Four Years WargalaxygovernmenthyronalinKlingoneselanguagelawlifeformMasiform DmoneyoutpostpiQaDplanetprimary universequadrantraces and culturesrankspacespace-time continuumstarstar mapstardatestar systemStarfleet uniformStarfleet uniform (2270s-2350s)statesterilitestock markettechnologytimetitletri-ox compounduniformuniverseweapon


2287 (from reference stardate 2/2308.09)
Current time period.





Star Trek: The Original Series RPG sourcebooks and adventures
Heritage Models sourcebook Adventure Gaming in the Final Frontier
adventure The Slaver Ruins
Tsukuda Hobby sourcebook Enterprise: Role Play Game in Star Trek
adventure The Drifting Ring
FASA sourcebooks The Role Playing Game (Star Fleet Officer's ManualCadet's Orientation SourcebookGame Operations Manual) • The Klingons (The Klingons: Star Fleet Intelligence ManualThe Klingons: Game Operation Manual) • Star Trek II: Starship Combat SimulatorStarship Tactical Combat SimulatorThe Romulans: Starfleet Intelligence ManualThe Romulan Way: Game Operations ManualStar Trek III: Starship Combat GameStar Trek III: Starship UpdateThe TriangleThe Orions: Book of Common KnowledgeThe Orions: Book of Deep KnowledgeThe FederationStar Fleet Intelligence ManualStar Fleet Intelligence Manual: Agent's Orientation SourcebookUSS Enterprise Deck PlansKlingon D-7 Deck PlansTrader Captains and Merchant Princes (2nd edition) • Spacelanes: The Magazine of Interstellar TradeShip Construction ManualStar Trek III Sourcebook UpdateThe Four Years WarThe Romulan WarKlingon Intelligence BriefingStar Trek IV Sourcebook UpdateRegula-1 Orbital Station DeckplansShip Recognition Manual: The Klingon Empire/Klingon Ship Recognition ManualShip Recognition Manual: The Federation/Federation Ship Recognition ManualShip Recognition Manual: Romulans
adventures Adventure Book (Ghosts of ConscienceAgain, Troublesome TribblesIn the Presence of My Enemies) • The VanishedWitness for the DefenseDenial of DestinyIntrusionThe Natural OrderTermination: 1456Demand of HonorOrion RuseMargin of ProfitThe OutcastsA Matter of PrioritiesA Doomsday Like Any OtherThe Mines of SelkaLost and Presumed DeadThe Triangle CampaignGraduation ExerciseWhere Has All the Glory Gone?Return to AxanarDecision at MidnightAn Imbalance of PowerOld Soldiers Never DieConflict of InterestsThe Dixie GambitThe White Flame Starship Combat Scenario PackThe Strider IncidentStardate Magazine (The Serpent FactorDeneva DeceptionSafari in VioletContinuing the LineOperation ShadowfallThe Barrier of EssaiOrion RisingThe Hottest Blood of AllOperation KingmakerOperation Starling) • StarDrive (Another Piece of the Action)
LUG sourcebooks Core Game BookNarrator's ToolkitThe Andorians: Among the Clans
adventures The Danurian FactorStopping at the Beast
Mōdiphiüs sourcebooks TOS Rules Digest
adventures These are the Voyages: Mission Compendium Vol. 1 (A World With a Bluer Sun) • RemnantsA Forest ApartHard Rock CatastropheStrange New Worlds: Mission Compendium Vol. 2 (Pluto's CaveDrawing Deeply From the WellNo Good Deed) • The BurningThe Keyhole of EternityMission Briefs: First ContactsMission Briefs: SpacewrecksMission Briefs: MysteriesMission Briefs: Ancient CivilizationsMission Briefs: Cold WarMission Briefs: Khitomer AccordsGhosts in the MachineConflict of ValuesAlternative TruthsMission Briefs: The Alpha Quadrant

External link[]
