Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

QiV'ol was a Klingon colony established in the 2330s, near both the Federation border and the independent planet Tezwa. In 2379, Tezwa declared sovereignty over QiV'ol, claiming they sent an automated probe prior to the Empire's colonization, accusing the Klingons of destroying it. This was in truth a ploy by Prime Minister Kinchawn, assuming the Federation would force the Klingons to cede the colony to avoid war. When the Klingons sent an initial wave of ships to Tezwa, Kinchawn used the nadion-pulse cannons secretly installed there prior to the Dominion War to kill the 6,000 Klingon troops in orbit. This act almost led to full-scale war which was only averted by the overthrow of Kinchawn by the USS Enterprise. (TNG novel: A Time to Kill)

This world is spelled Qi'Vol in A Time for War, A Time for Peace and Articles of the Federation.