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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For information on the founding document of the Federation, see: Articles of the Federation (document).


Following the surprise resignation of Federation President Min Zife after the disastrous Tezwa affair, Nan Bacco of Cestus III has won a hotly contested election to become the new chief executive of over one hundred fifty planetary civilizations and their colonies. But no sooner does she take office than the Romulan Star Empire falls into chaos. With tensions already high, a Reman refugee ship is sighted approaching a Federation outpost, its intentions unknown.
As the first year of the Bacco Administration unfolds, the Federation Council is slow to work with its new president, and not always supportive of her policies or her appointments to key council positions; a successful first contact suddenly becomes a diplomatic disaster; and the sins of President Zife prove difficult to lay to one celebrated Starfleet officer's career reaches a turning point.



Office of the President[]

Jas Abrik • Aoki • Nanietta Bacco • Bey Toh • Myk Bunkrep • Kirti Chandra • Lan Cooper • Dogayn 418 • Forzrat • Ne'al G'ullho • Roshenz Huaig • Iliop • Kant Jorel • Kenshikai • Fred MacDougan • Zachary Manzanillo • Marta • Mikhail Okha • Ashanté Phiri • Esperanza Piñiero • Holly Hostetler Richman • Rol Yarvik Rol • William Ross • Rydell • Safranski • Bgdronik Selk • Raisa Shostakova • Sivak • Sorlak • Sxottlan • T'r'wo'li'i' • Xeldara Trask • Thanatazhres th'Vroth • Z4 Blue

Former Federation Presidents[]

Amitra • Thelianaresth th'Vorothishria
Referenced only
Haroun al-Rashid • Madza Bral • Jaresh-Inyo • Lorne McLaren • Ra-ghoratreii • Hiram Roth • Avaranthi sh'Rothress • T'Maran • T'Pragh • Kenneth Wescott • Min Zife

Federation Council[]

Aleph • Artrin na Yel • Lari Beltane • Ra'ch B'ullhy • Huang Chaoying • Eduardo de la Vega • Altoun Djinian • Eleana • Cort Enaren • Kellerasana zh'Faila • Gorus Gelemingar • Bera chim Gleer • Gnizbreg • C29 Green • Je'er • Jix • Krim Aldos • Linzner • Matthew Mazibuko • Molmaan • Nea • Nitram • Q2 Brown • Selora Quintor • Sicarios • Strovos • T'Latrek • Tomorok • Rina Tran
Referenced only
Corices • Corvix • Elos • Govrin • Eftheria Lo • Melnis • Nerramibus • Saltroni 815 • Sanaht • Severn-Anyar


Emra • K'mtok • Kalavak • Kedda • Colton Morrow • Alexander Rozhenko • Spock • Tierra • Alfear Yorgas
Referenced only
Lagan Serra • Lantar • Arafel "Fel" Pagro • T'Kala


Annalisa Armitage • Edmund Atkinson • Farik • Brek chim Glamok • Ozla Graniv • Regia Maldonado • Nofia • Maria Olifante • Phant • Regradnischrak • Sovan • T'Nira • Teneso • Traya • Velisa • Kav glasch Vokrak • Gora Yed
Referenced only


Leonard James Akaar • Heidi Bowles • Robert DeSoto • Rebecca Emmanuelli • Casey Goodwin • Kathryn Janeway • Bruce Maddox • Jeremy McCall • Bernard McTigue • Karin Noosar • Catherine Papadimitriou • Charles Reynolds • Rixx • Taela Shanthi • Thérèse Su
Referenced only
Bjarne Henderson • T'Vrea


Referenced only
Nancy Addison • Hugues Baptiste • Buck Bokai • Barry Bonds • Taisha Diaz • Yusef Farouk • Josh Gibson • Gordimer • Hayakawa • Blaithin Lipinski • Faith Martinez • Willie Mays • Aloysius McSweeney • Satchel Paige • Illyana Petrova • José Ramirez • Babe Ruth • Sookdeo • Kornelius Yates


Brelkel • The Doctor • Ele'er • Gira • Gordon • Gyani • Natalia Hatcher • Ihazs • Jaresh-Uryad • Kralis na Then • Lagg • Lenandro • Tim Lincoln • Lhian Mendak • "the observer" • Ghee P'Trell • Lars Patek • Gregory Quinn • Ra-Yalix • Rakos • Sephara • Joseph Sisko • Tal'Aura • Ytri/ol • Ythrilasifsa sh'Zathrosia • Tawna Zelemka
Referenced only
Alberto • Marie Antoinette • Argenziano • Arlon • Asarem Wadeen • Koll Azernal • Azetbur, daughter of Gorkon • B-4 • Annabella Bacco • B'Ekara • Dennis Chimelis • Zefram Cochrane • Toshiro Czierniewski • Data • Janna Demitrijian • Robert DeSoto • Durjik • Walter Emick • Daniel Emmanuelli • Gustavo Emmanuelli • Raphael Emmanuelli • Farak • Fiske • Benjamin Franklin • Elim Garak • David Lloyd George • Alon Ghemor • Gorkon • Gowron • Baleeza Gral • Renna Gral • Tristor Gral • Ira Graves • Adolf Hitler • Irina • J'kral • Jaron • Jianuk • K'Ehleyr • K'mpec • Kahless • Kamarag • Khegh • Kinchawn • Kleissu • Kolrami • Kopek • Kravokh • L'Haan • Lal • Lantar • Una Lillius • Lore • Malic • Mantor • Olorun Meboras • Yalno Meboras • Marie de Medici • Minza • Mlikk • Claude Monet • Rulan Moody • Crell Moset • Alynna Nechayev • Paolo • Jean-Luc Picard • Nereida Piñiero • Victor Piñiero • Nelino Quafina • Rale/ar • William T. Riker • Theodore Roosevelt • Montgomery Scott • Sarek • Shiarkiek • Shinzon of Remus • Sirella • Benjamin Sisko • Jake Sisko • Noonien Soong • H'jn Sowell • T'l'u'r'w'w'q'a • Vara Tal • Tamok • Tanaa • Lwaxana Troi • Hantra Trrrrei • V1 Red • V5 Red • Vikagh • Vkruk • Worf, son of Mogh • Avro Wraor • Wusekl • Yntral • Zaarok • Lewis Zimmerman • Zormonk


Achernar Prime • Aligar • Alkam-Zar • Alonis • Alpha Centauri • Alpha Proxima II • Andor • Antares • Antede III • Atrea • Bajor • Benzar • Berengaria VII • Betazed • Bolarus • Brannik IV • Brantik • Brasîto • Bre'el IV • Cairn • Cait • Cardassia Prime • Carrea • Cestus III • Chalna • Champs Elysées • Chartres • Coridan III • Damiano • Deep Space 9 • Delavi • Delta IV • Delta Quadrant • Delta Sigma IV • Delta system • Demilitarized Zone • Deneva • Dominion War memorial museum • Downriver • Earth • Efros • Ehrie'fvil • Elabrej • Endurance • Evora • Ferenginar • France • Gemworld • Germany • Grisella • Gnala • Golden Gate Park • Gorak IX (Gorak system) • Graves World • Grazer • Hermat • Huanni • Janus VI • Johnson City • Jupiter Station • Kavrot sector • Keelee-Kee • Kessik IV • Kharzh'ulla • Kinshaya Major • Kliradon • Klorgat IV • Koa • Krios • Ktar • Lakeside • Lembatta Prime • London • Luna �� Mars • Mayak Swamp • Mexico • Miridian system • Mizar • Montana • Mount Dalwik • Mu Arae • Narendra III • Nasat • New Chicago • New Orleans • New Paris • Omicron Theta • Ontail • Outpost 13 • Outpost 22 • Pacifica • Pandril • Pangea • Paris • Pike City • Qi'Vol colony • Qo'noS • Ralatak • Rashanar Battle Site • Remus • Revelok system • Rigel • River of Blood • Romulus • San Francisco • San-Tarah • Sector 109-G • Sector 204-E • Sector 798-C • Seine River • Selmak • Sirius • Starbase 1 • Starbase 10 • Starbase 55 • Starbase 375 • Sto-Vo-Kor • Sulamid • T'Met system • Tantalus • Taurus III • Tellar • Temecklia system • Tezwa • Tiburon • Tokyo • Triex • Trill • Trinni/ek • Tzenketh • United Rigel Colonies • Vancouver • Ventax II • Virinat • Vorni system • Vulcan • Vulcan's Forge • Xanitla • Yankee Stadium • Zakdorn • Zalda

Starships and vehicles[]

Shuttlecraft al-Rashid • IKS Azetbur • USS Bellerophon • USS Centaur • USS Cheiron • USS da Vinci • USS Defiant (I) • USS Defiant (II) • IKS Ditagh • USS Enterprise • USS Gorkon • USS Hood • USS Intrepid • USS Io • USS Malinche • USS Musashi • USS Prometheus • IRW Rhliailu • USS Saratoga • Shuttlecraft sh'Rothress • USS Sugihara • USS T'Kumbra • Shuttlecraft T'Maran • USS Titan • USS Tsavo • USS Venture • Reman Free Vessel Vkruk • USS Voyager
Centaur-class • D'Deridex-class • Galaxy-class • Karas-class • Luna-class • Shirekral-class

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Antares • Antedean • Ardanan • Bader • Bajoran • Balduk • Benzite • Berellian • Betazoid • Bolian • Breen • Bre'ella • Capellan • Carreon • Chalnoth • Chameloid • Children of Tamar • Coridani • Danteri • Delbian • Deltan • Dorset • Edoan • Efrosian • Elaysian • Evoran • Ferengi • Gnalish • Gorn • Hekaran • Human • Jem'Hadar • Kelvan • Klingon • Koas • Kriosian • Miridian • Mizarian • Mordaliia • New Parisian • Ontailian • Orion • Reman • Rhaandarite • Romulan • Saurian • Selelvian • Son'a • Strata • Takaran • Tellarite • Tessenite • Tholian • Tiburonian • Trill • Triexian • Trinni/ek • Tzenkethi • Vulcan • Watraii • Xindi • Zakdorn • Zaldan

States and organizations[]

Bajoran Militia • Borg Collective • Cardassian Union • Carreon Science Institute • Daystrom Institute • Falric Institute • Federation Council • Federation Diplomatic Corps • Federation Judiciary Council • Federation Medical Association • Federation News Service • Federation Security Council • Federation Trade Council • Gatilili Society • Imperial Romulan State • Klingon Empire • Klingon High Council • Klingon Science Institute • Liberation Watch • Luna-See Troupe • Matter of Everything/HapHoch • Orion Syndicate • Romulan Star Empire • Starfleet Academy • Starfleet Corps of Engineers • Starfleet Medical • Starfleet Security • Tellarite News Service • Titan Shipbuilder's Guild • Triexian Curia • Tzelnira • United Federation of Planets

Baseball organizations[]

Baltimore Orioles • Cestus Baseball League • Chicago Cubs • London Kings • New Chicago Cubs • Palombo Sehlats • Pike City Pioneers • Port Shangri-La Seagulls • Prairieview Green Sox • Salavar Stars

Science and classification[]

astronomy • biology • cartography • communications • energy • matter • measurement • technology


galaxy • planet • quadrant • space • star • star system • time • universe


lifeform • medicine
Anatomy and medicine[]
anti-intoxicant • blood • blood screening • Irumodic Syndrome • psychology
animal • humanoid • plant


Bolarus and You • distress signal • Free Vulcan Gazette • Zakdorn's Sun Is Going Nova Tomorrow

Materials and substances[]

Altair water • anti-intoxicant • atmosphere • blood • dilithium • drink • food • gas • kellinite • metal • salish • solid • topaline • zenite
Food and drink[]
allira punch • Altair water • grakizh salad • Jack Daniel's • jambalaya • kava juice • kimchee • marshmallows • Orion whiskey • Saurian brandy • Terran scotch • wheat paste

Cartography and measurement[]

century • day • quadrant • timeline • year

Technology and weapons[]

android • hologram • Soong-type android • starship

Occupations and titles[]

admiral • archpriest • captain • chirurgeon • command division • crew • doctor • engineer • Federation Starfleet ranks • Federation Starfleet ranks (2370s-2380s) • lieutenant commander • medic • physician • officer • rank • sciences division • scientist • yar

Other references[]

Again, the Ears • Antwerp Conference • Arc de Triomphe • Articles of the Federation • avro • Bâtiment Vingt-Troisième Siècle • batyay'a • boot • Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies • cal-tai • Caliph • Château de Saint Brisson • Château Thelian • Circle Commission • clothing • demiurgical phenomena • Dominion War • Earth-Romulan War • eeriak • Elysian Fields • EMH Mark 1 • emotion • Enaren University • Federation Charter • Federation Council Chambers • flatbrain • fleer/ic • fleer/ok • Fortil • frimk/ek • frimlike • Gavlin • Genesis Device • Genesis wave • glove • "Golden Gate" • Golden Gate Bridge • government • Greek mythology • hair • hilrep • holostrike • Homebrew • Homestead Grays • Hôpital V'gran • Hôtel de Ville • hovrat • Iconian gateways • Illuminating the City of Light • jacket • jeghpu'wI' • Judge Advocate General • kelmek • Khitomer Accords • Khitomer Conference • klin zha • Knowledge Isn't Always Power • London Dinner • The Louvre • Monet Room • neutron star • Oida age • Organian Peace Treaty • Palais de la Concorde • pants • Pioneer Pub • Place de Cochrane • Ra-ghoratreii Room • races and cultures • The Ripple Effect • Romulan Neutral Zone • Roth Dining Room • Ruth Field • science • Sebrotnizskeapoierf • Seeker • semtek • semtir • shirt • Sisko's Creole Kitchen • sky-singing • Squyres Amphitheater • Starfleet uniform • Starfleet uniform (2373-2380s) • state • Supreme Magisterial Authority • Sword of Damocles • technobabble • Tenaran ice cliffs • Thori • Times • title • Torus • Tour de France • Tour Eiffel • Traité d'Unification • Transporter Improvement Act • tunic • Tzenkethi War • underground railroad • uniform • Wescott Room



  • The book's cover depicts Starfleet officers folding the flag of the Federation, presumably an illustration of one of the novel's minor subplots, the death and funeral of former President Jaresh-Inyo. The silhouetted image of President Bacco looking out a curtained window echoes a famous photograph of US President John F. Kennedy (as well as a similar image used in The West Wing's opening credits).
  • Outpost 22, the destination of Reman refugees in the novel, is listed on the title page as the location of one of the Pocket Books offices.



published order
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
The Red King
Pocket Next Adventure:
The Calling
The above chronology placements are based on the primary placement in 2380.
The Pocket Books Timeline places events from this story in two other timeframes:
Previous Adventure:
Orion's Hounds
Chapters 7-17
Next Adventure:
Captain's Blood
Previous Adventure:
Captain's Blood
Chapters 18-28
Next Adventure:
Captain's Glory

External links[]
