Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Regadex was a star with an associated star system located somewhere in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrant.

History and specifics[]

As of the 24th century, in the 2340s decade, this star and its system had yet to be explored by the major states of the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant. (ST video game: Infinite)

This randomly generated star system has a chance of occurring outside of player characters' territories in each campaign of ST video game: Infinite.



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (R)
Rabnor • Rachelis • Rada Ban • Raddan • Radrini • Rahwe • Rai • Rainsford • Rajatha • Rakon • Rakor • Ralvek • Ramedes • Ramexik • Ramirian • Ramnor • Ramul • Ramuur • Ram'ved • Rana Nur • Ranar • Ranara • Randa • Randiir • Raniem • Ranos • Ranta Daraan • Ran'ved • Rapta • Rariar • Rasalgethi • Rasira • Rastan • Ravanar • Raville • Raxa • Raxax • Raxel • Rayvan • Razgara • Razma • Razmara • Razna • Razzbo • Reality's Edge • Redama • Redmond • Rednor • Redor • Refniai • Regadex • Regal • Regara • Rejarris • Rek'Sgar • Relgor • Rella • Rell's Theta system • Relva • Remior • Remok • Rem'zek • Rena • Renebis • Renneq • Reriez • Reshenk • Revdex • Rexar • Rexenox • Rho Drunir • Rho Ophiuchi • Ribeldalia • Ribodex • Ribol • Riburn • Ridara • Ridix • Rigelken • Riglona • Rikoth • Ril Korvas • Rilustra • Rimanda • Rimara • Rim'tara • Rim'ter • Rintox • Ripoche Black Hole • Ripora • Risa • Ri'sar • Rivala • Rivox • Rixiax • Rixora • Rixudex • Robeton • Robina • Robinson Singularity • Roblor • Robved • Robvin • Rodden • Rodex • Rodox • Rod'reth • Rogg • Roja • Rolan • Rolon • Romina • Romok • Romor • Rom'vadi • Rona Tan • Ronved • Rooth • Rorel • Roriez • Ros Daraan • Rosec • Rosion • Rosiul • Ross 154 • Ross 271 • Rosved • Rousseau • Rovan • Roveb • Rover • Rov'pek • Roxiar • Roxies • Roze • Ru Daraan • Rubenox • Ruchba • Ruchbah • Ruidan • Ruli • Rulira • Rundoris • Runeus • Rura Delvis • Rura Fera • Rura Gentra • Rura Ilra • Rura Kolstra • Rura Koris • Rura Merenthe • Rura Mintra • Rura Nora • Rura Penthe • Rura Tervox • Rura Vestra • Rura Xoran • Ruth'ved • Ruud Daraan • Ruved • Ru'veth • RY Antliae • Rylaran Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (R) Rakal • Raknal • Ramilles • Rasalhague • Rastaban • Redansk • Regulon • Rho Capricorni • Rhota'Nev • Rissa • Rog • Rondac • Rotanev • Ruchbah • Rudellia • Rymus Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (R) Ramatis • Rana • Rasalas • Rator • Regulus • Regulus A • Respler • Reytan • Rho Magnin • Rho Tucanae • Rho Virginis • Rhys • Rigel systems: (Beta Orionis: Rigel A, Rigel BC • Beta Rigel) • Rigil Kentaurus • Romii • Romulus system (Romulus • Romulus B) • Rotarran • Roulean Beta Quadrant icon image.

