Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Beta Rigel, or simply "Rigel", was a star system located in Federation space, in the Kandari sector of the Beta Quadrant. To its inhabitants, the star was known as Raij, and the associated planetary system the Raij'hl system. Because the name was a homophone with the Human name for the much more distant star Rigel (Beta Orionis), it was also referred to as Beta Rigel. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Tower of Babel)


Rigel vicinity.

It was named "Beta Rigel" by astronomers on Earth, due to its apparent proximity to the "true" Rigel, also called Beta Orionis. It was in fact much closer to Earth (about 90 light-years from Sol, below the galactic plane, in a rimward direction). It consisted of a single star, an A class blue star with spectral class A5V, and a brightness of absolute magnitude 6.2. (ST reference: Star Charts)

Beta Rigel was likely created to solve the problem of how the Enterprise (NX-01) managed to travel the 773 light-years (according to the source) to Rigel in only 4 days at warp factor 4 in the ENT episode: "Broken Bow", by positing a much closer star instead. As a supposed companion of Rigel, it may in fact be the fourth star of Beta Orionis once postulated by astronomers.


The Beta Rigel system comprised 10 planets. Remarkably, four of these were class M and six were inhabited. It also had an asteroid belt lying between the first and second planets. (ST reference: Star Charts)

One of these planets was also known as simply Beta Rigel. It was a core part of the United Federation of Planets. (ST - Destiny novel: Lost Souls)

Star Charts mirrors many of the Rigel planets mentioned in the television series—Rigel II, Rigel IV, Rigel V, and Rigel X—as planets of Beta Rigel, and leaves only Rigel VII and Rigel XII orbiting Beta Orionis. However, many other sources have left all these planets around Beta Orionis. As such, it is impossible to separate the Beta Rigel and Beta Orionis planets. In other continuities where they do not contradict, they are likely to be the same. Therefore, all the planets of the Beta Rigel system are included in the articles for the Rigel planets, not including the separate case of the planet also called Beta Rigel.
Though Beta Rigel was first mentioned in Star Charts as a ten-planet star system, subsequent references to Beta Rigel do not make this connection clear. The Destiny novel series refers to Beta Rigel in a context that implies it is a single planet, as does "Seeds of Dissent", below. Information pertaining to this planet is placed here. In other continuities, this is likely to be one of the Federation member worlds of Rigel.


In an alternate universe in which Khan Noonien Singh won the Eugenics Wars, he went on to fight across the ironfields of Beta Rigel on his way to creating an interplanetary Khanate. (ST - Myriad Universes novel: Seeds of Dissent)

Zefram Cochrane visited Beta Rigel during his final voyage of 2120. (ST reference: Star Charts)

A major heist occurred in the city of Kefvenek on Beta Rigel in March 2261. Although the crime was never solved, Lieutenant Haniff Jackson of Starbase 47-Vanguard suspected one Joshua Kane of perpetrating the robbery. (VAN novel: Precipice)

The planet Beta Rigel was targeted by the Borg during their invasion in 2381. The assault on this world was halted by Erika Hernandez—as were simultaneous assaults on Vulcan, Andor, Coridan III, and Qo'noS—and the Borg forces destroyed. (ST - Destiny novel: Lost Souls) Among the ships defending Beta Rigel was the USS Nansen. (TNG novel: Losing the Peace)



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (B)
B Hydri • Babylus • Badura • Bafor • Bahr • Baideus • Baj'neth • Bakada • Baker • Bakora • Bal Daraan • Bal Quonnot and PojjanPiraKot • Baldara • Baldur • Balidex • Balka • Balkos • Ballion • Bal'tek • Bamir • Bandor • Banra • Ban'trek • Baradex • Baradi • Barak • Baran • Barasa Alpha • Barasa Beta • Baraza Gamma • Barbox • Bardeeza • Bardex • Barklay • Barnard 183 • Barnard 392 • Bar'tara • Bar'tmana • Bartha • Bartunu • Barzan • Baten • Batora • Baumeister • Baw • Baxak • Bayara • Bazron • Baz'tek • Beaufort Vortex • Bejarus • Bechdel • Bekom • Belarius • Belaruz • Belena • Belennii • Belgara • Bellex • Belmara • Benar • Benera • Bennus • Bentix • Benzi • Berak • Berasi • Berkaid • Bernard • Bernay • Berry • Bersallis • Bersus • Bestari • Beta • Beta 6 • Beta Agni • Beta Arantialus • Beta Argotha • Beta Arietis • Beta Aurelon • Beta Barania • Beta Bilatus • Beta Bora • Beta Brenor • Beta Cabrini • Beta Calara • Beta Canzandia • Beta Cassius • Beta Cephei • Beta Chimera • Beta Corvela • Beta Damoron • Beta Deri • Beta Draconis • Beta Eneras • Beta Epsilon • Beta Feronis • Beta Folor • Beta Forminia • Beta Gitor • Beta Gorgoni • Beta Haxor • Beta Herculani • Beta Hetera • Beta Hydra • Beta Hydra 378 • Beta Hydros • Beta Indi • Beta Infinite • Beta Ivela • Beta Jalonis • Beta Jola • Beta Kentor • Beta Koda • Beta Kona • Beta Krakor • Beta Kupsic • Beta Laeras • Beta Leetor • Beta Lenta • Beta Li'odo • Beta Lora • Beta Magellan • Beta Marada • Beta Maradi • Beta Mariotia • Beta Mera • Beta Merana • Beta Minora • Beta Myamid • Beta Nimara • Beta Niobe • Beta Nirobi • Beta Norab • Beta Origii • Beta Orsilak • Beta Orvis • Beta Paugdi • Beta Penthe • Beta Portolan • Beta Prometheus • Beta Proxima • Beta Quaternas • Beta Reticuli • Beta Rigala • Beta Rigalia • Beta Roxor • Beta Runa • Beta Sargonus • Beta Serpentis • Beta Scoraata • Beta Sora • Beta Tarsus • Beta Triaran • Beta Ursae Minor • Beta Veldonna • Beta Vertis • Beta Visa • Beta Virgilis • Beta Xaridian • Beta Yela • Beta Zeta • Beta Zlora • Beta'Elan • Betazed • Bethel • Beton • Betrisius Major • Bexem • Beyven • Bezedi • Bikes • Bik'van • Bilara • Biliuz • Bimiok • Bimor • Bimum • Bindor • Bintar • Binvek • Bin'vrak • Bio'reth • Bir Daraan • Bira • Biran • Biren • Birob • Bir'teth • Biruin • Bisera • Bisiul • Bisox • Bitrox • Bixiem • Bletayil • B'lev • Blisnar • Blys • Boaco • Boam • Boana • Boggas • Bokrasi • Bolari Alpha • Bolari Beta • Bolarus • Boldasi • Bolius • Bolona • Bomelli 709 • Boqu • Bor • Boraka • Borea • Boreal • Borgia • Borigrass • Boristar • Bornar • Boron 437 • Borora • Boru • Boslia • Botein • Bovek • Boxiez • Bracas • Bradley • Bral'vara • Bramon • Branda • Braslota • Bravan • Bredara • Bre'el • Brelga • Brenex • Brenott • Brenta • Brentis • Briamos • Brijac Alpha • Brijac Beta • Bringloid • Brinus Zeta • Bris'neth • Britannia • Brius • Brividi • Brodar • Brol Daraan • Bronthrop • Broyan • Brun'tara • Brutus • B'Saari • BU1T-61 Singularity • Buenora • Bulara • Bulasi • Burela • Burran Alpha • Burran Beta • Burtira • Bus'vara • Bu'uli Tev • BWCC98 • Bygoth the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (B) Baham • Bajor • Balancar • Balosnee • Barkon • Barnard's Star • Behr'ak • Benecia • Berengaria • Beta 16 Ceti • Beta Andromedae • Beta Aquilae • Beta Aurigae • Beta Boötis • Beta Canum Venaticorum • Beta Ceti • Beta Comae Berenices • Beta Coronae Borealis • Beta Cygni • Beta Delphini • Beta Draconis • Beta Herculis • Beta Lyrae • Beta Maxim 437 • Beta Ophiuchi • Beta Persei • Beta Piscis Australis • Beta Renner • Beta Tauri • Beta Trianguli • Beta Ursae Majoris • B'hava'el • B'lii • Bryma the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (B) Ba'aja • Balduk • Barolia • Barradas • Beid • Belak • Bellatrix • Benzar • Beta Antares • Beta Canis Minoris • Beta Carinae • Beta Centauri • Beta Columbae • Beta Eridani • Beta Geminorum • Beta Hydri • Beta Lankal • Beta Leonis • Beta Leonis Minoris • Beta Octantis • Beta Orionis • Beta Pavonis • Beta Pavonis JK-838 • Beta Pictoris • Beta Rigel • Beta Stromgren • Beta Theseus • Beta Thoridor • Beta Virginis • Beta Volantis • Betelgeuse • Bhea • Black Star • B'Moth • Bolarus • Boragi • Boreth • Bortas • Borka • Breshar • Brestant • Buqret • Buruk the galaxy's Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (R)
Rabnor • Rachelis • Rada Ban • Raddan • Radrini • Rahwe • Rai • Rainsford • Rajatha • Rakon • Rakor • Ralvek • Ramedes • Ramexik • Ramirian • Ramnor • Ramul • Ramuur • Ram'ved • Rana Nur • Ranar • Ranara • Randa • Randiir • Raniem • Ranos • Ranta Daraan • Ran'ved • Rapta • Rariar • Rasalgethi • Rasira • Rastan • Ravanar • Raville • Raxa • Raxax • Raxel • Rayvan • Razgara • Razma • Razmara • Razna • Razzbo • Reality's Edge • Redama • Redmond • Rednor • Redor • Refniai • Regadex • Regal • Regara • Rejarris • Rek'Sgar • Relgor • Rella • Rell's Theta system • Relva • Remior • Remok • Rem'zek • Rena • Renebis • Renneq • Reriez • Reshenk • Revdex • Rexar • Rexenox • Rho Drunir • Rho Ophiuchi • Ribeldalia • Ribodex • Ribol • Riburn • Ridara • Ridix • Rigelken • Riglona • Rikoth • Ril Korvas • Rilustra • Rimanda • Rimara • Rim'tara • Rim'ter • Rintox • Ripoche Black Hole • Ripora • Risa • Ri'sar • Rivala • Rivox • Rixiax • Rixora • Rixudex • Robeton • Robina • Robinson Singularity • Roblor • Robved • Robvin • Rodden • Rodex • Rodox • Rod'reth • Rogg • Roja • Rolan • Rolon • Romina • Romok • Romor • Rom'vadi • Rona Tan • Ronved • Rooth • Rorel • Roriez • Ros Daraan • Rosec • Rosion • Rosiul • Ross 154 • Ross 271 • Rosved • Rousseau • Rovan • Roveb • Rover • Rov'pek • Roxiar • Roxies • Roze • Ru Daraan • Rubenox • Ruchba • Ruchbah • Ruidan • Ruli • Rulira • Rundoris • Runeus • Rura Delvis • Rura Fera • Rura Gentra • Rura Ilra • Rura Kolstra • Rura Koris • Rura Merenthe • Rura Mintra • Rura Nora • Rura Penthe • Rura Tervox • Rura Vestra • Rura Xoran • Ruth'ved • Ruud Daraan • Ruved • Ru'veth • RY Antliae • Rylaran Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (R) Rakal • Raknal • Ramilles • Rasalhague • Rastaban • Redansk • Regulon • Rho Capricorni • Rhota'Nev • Rissa • Rog • Rondac • Rotanev • Ruchbah • Rudellia • Rymus Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (R) Ramatis • Rana • Rasalas • Rator • Regulus • Regulus A • Respler • Reytan • Rho Magnin • Rho Tucanae • Rho Virginis • Rhys • Rigel systems: (Beta Orionis: Rigel A, Rigel BC • Beta Rigel) • Rigil Kentaurus • Romii • Romulus system (Romulus • Romulus B) • Rotarran • Roulean Beta Quadrant icon image.

