Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Rodek in 2372

Rodek, son of Noggra was the new identity given to Kurn after Doctor Julian Bashir erased Kurn's memories and altered his appearance in 2372. This was done as the members of the House of Mogh had been dishonored after his elder brother Worf refused to support the invasion of Cardassia. Worf felt doing so was the only way for Kurn to regain honor without ending his life. "Rodek" was told he had been in a shuttle accident, and a plasma discharge had damaged his hippocampus, causing extensive memory loss. (DS9 episode: "Sons of Mogh")

The name Rodek was suggested by Jadzia Dax, after a former aide to Kang (and good grinnak player) who had died in 2326. (KE novel: A Burning House)


Dominion War[]

In 2373, Rodek was part of a Klingon occupation force, under the command of General Malach of the House of Razg, that took control of Federation starbase Deep Space 9 in order to secure it from Dominion occupation. After DS9's chief of operations Miles O'Brien shut down the gravity and the atmosphere on the station, Rodek was one of the few Klingon occupiers to find an environmental protection suit and live, while most of the Klingon force was killed from asphyxiation. (DS9 novel: Vengeance)

During the Dominion War, Rodek served aboard the IKS Lallek, along with Kurak. (TNG novel: Diplomatic Implausibility)

IKS Gorkon[]

In late 2375, Rodek transferred to the IKS Gorkon, where he served as gunner. (TNG novel: Diplomatic Implausibility)

Following The Battle at San-Tarah, he was also promoted to second officer. (GKN novel: Honor Bound)

Rodek began regaining his memories of his time during and after The Battle at San-Tarah. He allowed himself to be misled by Dorrek, the younger brother of Klag, into believing Klag was responsible for his memory alterations. Rodek challenged Klag but Worf intervened, telling both the truth about Rodek's identity. Klag chose to remove Rodek from the IKS Gorkon due to Rodek's challenge. (KE novel: A Burning House)

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Gorkon personnel
USS Gorkon personnel
(Federation, Starfleet)
Dramar • Ezeafulukwe • Alynna Nechayev • Esperanza Piñiero • Aidan Thorn UFP emblem image. Starfleet emblem.
IKS Gorkon personnel
(Klingon Empire, Klingon Defense Force)
B'Elath • B'Oraq • Davok • Drex • Gaj • G'joth • Goran • Grotek • Kagak • Kal • Kallo • Kegren • Kelad • Klag • Kline • Klorga • K'Nir • Kodek • Kohn • Kornan • Koxx • Krevor • Kurak • Leskit • Lojar • Lokor • Moq • Morketh • Morr • Rodek • Tereth • Toq • Vall • Vok • Vralk • Wol Emblem of the Klingon Empire image.
IKS Gorkon personnel
(Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, Klingon Defense Force)
Klag, son of M'Raq • Drex • Wol Emblem of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. Emblem of the Klingon Empire image.

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