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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Gorkon.

The USS Gorkon (NCC-40521) was a Federation Excelsior-class explorer in service to Starfleet in the 24th century. She had an illustrious service career. (Decipher RPG modules: Starfleet Operations Manual, Starships)

Service history[]

In the 2340s and 2350s decades, the ambitious Captain Alynna Nechayev forged her career aboard this starship during the Federation-Cardassian War and the Tholian War. (Decipher RPG module: Starships)

In 2366, Admiral Nechayev, as the commanding officer of the 12th fleet, picked her former command as the flagship of the fleet. The Gorkon would fulfill this role for the next five years. (Decipher RPG module: Starships)

In late 2369, the Gorkon served as Admiral Nechayev's flagship for the task force that prepared for a possible renewed Borg invasion that year. (TNG episode: "Descent, Part I")

Lieutenant Aidan Thorn was the Chief of Security aboard the Gorkon. In 2371, the Gorkon discovered a derelict vessel and Thorn went on the away team. He was injured in the mission and he suffers from memory loss from the incident. The Gorkon met with the USS Endeavour to drop him off. (DS9 novel: Saratoga)

In 2375, the Gorkon visited the planet Kropasar, on the pretense of attending a diplomatic meeting. In reality, Nechayev orchestrated, with the help of Captain Montgomery Scott, the theft of a captured Breen frigate from the Kropasar government. (SCE eBook: The Future Begins)

The Gorkon was Esperanza Piñiero’s old post. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation)

The Gorkon was named for former Chancellor of the Klingon High Council Gorkon. See also: IKS Gorkon.




Ships named Gorkon
Klingon Empire, Defense Force IKS Gorkon (Qang-class) • IKS Gorkon (Gorkon-class) • see also: Gorkon-class Klingon Empire emblem icon image.
Federation, Starfleet USS Gorkon (NCC-40521, Excelsior-class) Emblem of the United Federation of Planets Seal of the Federation Starfleet
Klingon-Cardassian Alliance
mirror universe
IKS Gorkon (Regent-class) Seal of the KCA icon image.
Excelsior-class starships
Federation, Starfleet Agincourt (I) • Agincourt (II) • Al-Batani (I) • Al-Batani (II) • Alliance • Archer • Aries • Berlin (I) • Berlin (II) • Bill of Rights • Cairo (I) • Cairo (II) • Centennial • Carpenter • Chamberlain • Charleston (I) • Charleston (II) • Chekov • Columbia • Concord • Concordia • Crazy Horse • Crockett • Dallas • Enterprise-B • Excalibur • Excelsior • Excelsior-D • Excelsior (II) • Exeter • Farragut (I) • Farragut (II) • Fearless (I) • Fearless (II) • Fredrickson • Gorkon • Grissom • Hood • Hornet • Icarus • Intrepid • Jackson • Juno • Kongo • Lakota (I) • Lakota (II) • Lassiter • Lexington • Livingston • Malinche • Ohio • Okinawa • Paris • Potemkin (I) • Potemkin (II) • Repulse (I) • Repulse (II) • Repulse (III) • Righteous • Roma • Sarek • Slayton • Suribachi • Tecumseh • Thunderer • Valley Forge • unnamed Excelsior-class starships Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
exploration cruisers Agincourt • Al-Batani • Cairo • Charleston • Crazy Horse • Enterprise-B • Excelsior • Farragut • Fearless • Gorkon • Hood • Intrepid • Lakota • Lexington • Melbourne • Okinawa • Potemkin • Repulse • Roosevelt • Tecumseh • Valley Forge
battleships class XIII-class XIV battleships: Columbia • Excelsior • Galacta • Proxima
class XIII transwarp battleships: Achilles II • Agincourt • Ajax II • Alamo • Aquila II • Arizona • Bearn • Berlin • Brisbane • Challenger • Chikuma • Columbia • Constitution II • De Mayo • Eagle • Enterprise-B • Excalibur • Excelsior • Exeter • Farragut • Fearless • Fuso • Galacta • Hancock • Hood • Intrepid • Kitty Hawk • Kongo • Lexington • Potemkin • Proxima • Royal Oak • Ryujo • Sussex • Thunderer • Ticonderoga II • Valiant • Yamashiro • Yorktown
2280s/2290s battlecruiser (BCE) Al-Batani • Berlin • Cairo • Charleston • Excelsior • Fearless • Lakota • Repulse Kirov-subclass battlecruiser (BCG) Charleston • Cleveland • Dayton • Gettysburg • Graf Spee • Guirierre • Matsumo
Bismarck-subclass battlecruiser (BCF) Belknap • Missouri • Raan New Jersey-subclass battlecruiser (BCJ) Australia • Bismarck • Bunker Hill • FedTerra • Forrest • Howland • Kirov • Montana • New Jersey • New Zealand • Ogarkov • Orca • Saber
fleet cruisers
24th century
Agincourt • Al-Batani • Cairo • Challenger • Charleston • Chicago • Crazy Horse • Crockett • Enterprise-B • Excelsior • Farragut • Fearless • Fredrickson •Gorkon • Grissom • Hood • Intrepid • Lakota • Lexington • Livingston • Malinche • Melbourne • Mikita • Okinawa • Potemkin • Repulse • Roosevelt • Tecumseh • Valley Forge
proposed starships
24th century
Alexandria • Angelou • Billings • Burton • Curie • Dauntless • Eliel • Ervolina • Gallico • Hanley • Kahlo • Le Guin • Legionnaire • Lionheart • Nimble • Nova • Oyama • Resolute • Riegel • Rue • Sentinel • Silversides • Strother • Valorous • Walters
fleet cruisers
late 2370s decade
Acrux • Acturus • Agena • Al-Batani • Anak • Antares • Australia • Belknap • Berlin • Betelgeuse • Binar • Bismarck • Bunker Hill • Cairo • Canopus • Capella • Charleston • Cleveland • Crazy Horse • Crockett • Darion • Dayton • Dispatch • Fearless • Fredrickson • Gettysburg • Gorkon • Grissom • Guirierre • Hood • Howland • Kirov • Lakota • Livingston • Malinche • Matsumo • Missouri • Montana • New Jersey • New Zealand • Okinawa • Orca • Pollux • Potemkin • Repulse • Spica • Tecumseh • Valley Forge • Vega • Vena
various alternate subclasses and configurations Alka-Selsior • Archimedes • Excelsior II-class: Mestral • Eureka • Excelsior (II) • Repulse-subclass: Akron • Repulse • Resolute-subclass: Resolute
Interstellar Union, Interstellar Guard
(alternate timeline)
Kumari II Federation icon image. Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Excelsior • Excelsior-D • Excelsior-I • Punisher Terran Empire icon image. Terran Starfleet icon image.

External link[]
