Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The SS Mississagi (NGL-1017) was a Monarch class 3 tanker starship that was in service to the Federation Merchant Marines in the 23rd century. Mississagi was scrapped in 2292. (Decipher RPG module: Starships)

Monarch-class freighter/class 3 tanker starships
Independently owned/operated AlbatrossMerchantmanSS Silver Isle Non-aligned icon image.
Federation, Merchant Marine SS AlgocapeSS Amy RileySS DaishowaSS G-WillikerSS Imperial AeadiaSS Imperial DartmouthSS Mangal DesaiSS ManitoulinSS MississagiSS Rochelle KayeSS Nordic BlossomSS OmisaijSS RelianceSS Silver IsleSS Soren ToubroSS Stella LykesSS Theodore TooSS Topa Topafictional vessel: SS Kobayashi Maru Federation icon image. Badge of the Merchant Marines icon image.
Federation AlbatrossSS Stella LykesPelian escort vessel Federation icon image.
Cardassian Union, Central Command Bok'Nor-class: CDS Bok'Nor Cardassian Union icon image.
Klingon Empire, civilian Klingon civilian transport ship Klingon Empire icon image.
Vidiian Sodality Scout-class: Dereth's scoutPel's scout {{{2}}} icon image.
Coalition of Madena, Atlec Atlec security vessel: Debin's security vessel Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Sheliak Corporate Sheliak colony ship Non-aligned icon image.