Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Ships of the Line.



A new multi-role Federation Starfleet starship commissioned in 2409.

Raptor class[]

A new Klingon destroyer launched in 2397, based on the 22nd century Raptor-class.

Oslo class[]

A new Federation Starfleet starship launched in 2393, based on the Norway-class but with greater modularity allowing components to be swapped out with the Norway-classes sister ships the Akira and Zephyr-class.

Type VII Commercial Laboratory[]

A new multi-use commercial ship launched in 2405. The Type VII originated from private Cardassian designers but has subsequently been adopted by the Kobheerians, Galadorans, Barolians and Coverians. It is used, in various modified forms, for a variety of scientific missions.

Excalibur class[]

A new Federation Starfleet starship class commissioned in 2391, the Excalibur-class, designed by Graarvin Narl takes the classic form of the Constitution-class, but with the modular design of late-24th century Starfleet. The new design is intended as workhorse, a tough and hardy support ship, or reliable sturdy vessel working independently.

Reconnaissance Photo[]

A report from Klingon Intelligence on the fate of the choS Battle Group which had been sent to investigate the Romulan Forge facility and were attacked by an advanced Romulan starship.

Vo'Quv class[]

A new type of Klingon Defense Force super carrier is commissioned in 2407. The Vo'Quv-class is equipped "with more space and armaments than even the mighty Negh'Var". A new warship to lead Klingon forces.



D'rakal • Martok • Nero • Kurak • Graarvin Narl • Quen • Worf

Starships and vehicles[]

IKS Ki'tang • Narada • NCC-94547 • NX-91001 • IKS Qiv • IKS Tagak • USS Trieste • SS Trialas
Starship classes
Akira-class • Borg cube • Constitution-class • Excalibur-class • Nebula-class • Negh'Var-class • Norway-class • Oslo-class • Raptor-class • To'Duj-class fighter • Type VII Commercial Laboratory • Vo'Quv-class super carrier • Zephyr-class


Alpha Quadrant • Eta Crucis • Forge • Galador II • Nequencia • Tranome Sar • Ty'Gokor

Races and cultures[]

Barolian • Borg • Cardassian • Coverian • Ferengi • Galadoran • Klingon • Kobheerian • Nausicaan • Romulan

States and organizations[]

choS battle group • Federation Starfleet • House of Palkar • Klingon Defense Force • Klingon Empire • Klingon High Council • Klingon Intelligence • Starfleet Corps of Engineers • United Federation of Planets

Science and technology[]

ablative hull plating • bioneural circuit • central power matrix • cloaking device • deflector array • deflector shield generator • dilithium • dilithium chamber • electronic countermeasure • electro-plasma distribution network • Emergency Command Hologram • Emergency Medical Hologram • gravitron beam • holodeck • holoemitter • hyper impulse drive • industrial replicator • Metaphasic shield • neuron • neutronium alloy • paratrinic shield generator • particle dampeners • photonic lifeform • quantum sublimating theta-matrix compositor • regeneration chamber • regenerative shielding • robotic exo-probe • rodinium alloy • sensor pod • stasis unit • subnucleonic beam • subspace variance • tachyon pulse • telemetric observation VISOR • tetraburnium alloy • tractor beam • tritanium alloy • warp core • warp drive
disruptor beam array • disruptor cannon • phaser • photon torpedo • plasma weapon • quantum torpedo • type X phaser array • type XII phaser array • type XIV phaser array


Dominion War • espionage • Fek'lhri • gagh • Hobus supernova • Klingon Chancellor • Sto-vo-kor



External links[]
