Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Borg and the Delta Quadrant - Akritirian to Krenim is the fifth volume in the Shipyards in-universe reference work series, and the first of two volumes focusing on ships of the Delta Quadrant. It features 53 Borg and other vessels and was released by Eaglemoss Collections through its Hero Collector imprint in 2021.


Dust jacket
This volume features ships belonging to the Borg and other species of the Delta Quadrant, from the Akritirian to the Krenim. The vessels include warships, fighters, transports, hospital ships, patrol ships, racing ships, and shuttles. Each ship is illustrated with CG artwork, including original VFX models made for the TV show, and is presented with its technical data and operational history. A size chart showing Borg ships to scale is included, and an appendix of listings for each ship's debut appearance, and of other appearances throughout the Star Trek series.




Borg Queen • Dala • Hugh • Irina • Kes (alternates)

Starships and vehicles[]

Borg ship classes[]

cube • probe • Renegade ship • sphere • tactical cube • Queen's ship

Other ships[]

Abaddon's "junk ship" • Akritirian freighter • Akritirian patrol ship • Aksani racing shuttle • Alice • Ankari ship • Annari warship • Annari combat ship • B'omar patrol ship • Ba'neth ship • Benthan patrol ship • Benthan coaxial drive prototype • Bothan ship type 1 • Brunali transport ship • Caatati ship type 1 • Caatati ship type 2 • Chokuzan ship • Cravic starship • Cytoplasmic lifeform ship • Daelen's ship • USS Dauntless • Dala's "Delta Flyer" • Devore warship • Devore shuttle • Dinaali hospital ship • Dralian ship • Drayan starship • Entharan starship • Flea ship • Hazari warship • Hazari scout ship • Hierarchy ships (Assault-class • survey vessel) • Hirogen holoship • Hirogen warship • Hirogen Venatic-class • Ilari ship • Imhotep racing shuttle • Irina's racing ship • Kazon and Trabe carrier • Kazon and Trabe fighter • Kazon raider • Kes's shuttle • Kobali ship • Kraylor medical transport (Nightingale) • Krenim patrol ship • Krenim warship • Krenim temporal weapon ship


Delta Quadrant

Ranks and titles[]

captain • commandant

States and organizations[]

Annari Empire • Benthan Guard • Borg Collective • Devore Imperium • Hierarchy • Krenim Imperium

Races and cultures[]

Ankari • Annari • Antarian • B'omar • Ba'neth • Benthan • Bothan • Borg • Brunali • Caatati • Chokuzan • Cravic • cytoplasmic lifeform (Cytoplasmic pseudo-parasite) • Devore • Dinaali • Dralian • Drayan • Hirogen • Hologram • Ilari • Imhotep • Kazon • Kobali • Kraylor • Krenim • Overlooker • Species 116 • Trabe

Events and treaties[]

Antarian Trans-stellar Rally • Battle of Sector 001 • Battle of Wolf 359

Science and classification[]

flea • transwarp • transwarp coil • transwarp conduit

Materials and substances[]

antimatter • deuterium • dilithium

Other references[]

22nd century • 23rd century • 24th century • year






Star Trek reference works
In-universe Blueprints • Star Fleet Technical Manual • Medical Reference Manual • Official Cooking Manual • Spaceflight Chronology • Monsters • The Motion Picture Blueprints • Maps • Biographies • Klingon Dictionary • Who's Who in Star Trek (Issues 1 • 2) • Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise • The Worlds of the Federation • TNG Technical Journal • TNG Technical Manual • Chronology • Encyclopedia (Volumes 1 • 2 • 3 • 4) • Ferengi Rules of Acquisition • Federation Passport • The Klingon Way • NCC-1701-D Blueprints • These Are the Voyages... • Federation Travel Guide • A Star to Steer Her By • Legends of the Ferengi • Klingon for the Galactic Traveler • Q's Guide to the Continuum • DS9 Technical Manual • The Tribble Handbook • The Klingon Hamlet • Star Trek Cookbook • Celebrations • Starship Spotter • The Hologram's Handbook • The Starfleet Survival Guide • Star Charts • Ships of the Line • Star Trek Legacy Prima Official Game Guide • Captain Kirk's Guide to Women • Haynes Manuals (USS Enterprise • Klingon Bird of Prey) • Federation: The First 150 Years • On Board the USS Enterprise • A Very Klingon Khristmas • Stellar Cartography • Klingon Art of War • Autobiographies (James T. Kirk • Jean-Luc Picard • Kathryn Janeway • Spock • Benjamin Sisko) • Hidden Universe Travel Guides (Vulcan • Klingon Empire) • Shipyards (Starfleet Ships, 2151-2293 • Starfleet Ships, 2294-The Future • The Klingon Fleet • Federation Members • Borg & Delta Quadrant, A to K • Delta Quadrant, L to Z • Alpha Quadrant, A-K • Alpha Quadrant, L-Z) • Illustrated Handbooks (NCC-1701-D • NCC-1701 & 1701-A • Voyager • Deep Space 9) • Body by Starfleet • Kirk Fu Manual • The Star Trek Cookbook • USS Cerritos Crew Handbook
Real world The Making of Star Trek • The World of Star Trek • Inside Star Trek • Making of The Motion Picture • Compendium • Making of The Wrath of Khan • TNG Companion • Make-Up FX Journal • Where No One Has Gone Before: A History in Pictures • Making of DS9 • The Art of Star Trek • Inside Star Trek: The Real Story • Making of First Contact • Phase II: The Lost Series • TOS Sketchbook • The Continuing Mission • Science Logs • TNG Sketchbook: The Movies • Action! • Secrets of Insurrection • Quotable Star Trek • DS9 Companion • Aliens & Artifacts • The Magic of Tribbles • VOY Companion • Voyages of Imagination • 101 • Star Trek: The Art of the Film • Art of Star Trek Online • A Comics History • 365 • Star Trek Vault • Visual Dictionary • Costumes • New Life and New Civilizations: Exploring Star Trek Comics • TNG: Warped • The Star Trek Book • 50 Artists 50 Years • Designing Starships (The Enterprises and Beyond • The USS Voyager and Beyond • The Kelvin Timeline • DSC Designing Starships • DS9 and Beyond) • Treknology • The Art of Star Trek: The Kelvin Timeline • Lost Scenes • Official Guide to TAS • The Motion Picture: Inside the Art & Visual Effects • Cocktails: A Stellar Compendium • Art of DSC • VOY: A Celebration • The Artistry of Dan Curry • Designing the Final Frontier • TOS: A Celebration • The Star Trek Book of Friendship • Picard: The Art and Making of the Series


published order
Previous book:
Shipyards: Federation Members
Shipyards Next book:
Shipyards: Delta Quadrant

External links[]
