Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Sulrex was a star with an associated star system located somewhere in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrant.

History and specifics[]

As of the 24th century, in the 2340s decade, this star and its system had yet to be explored by the major states of the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant. (ST video game: Infinite)

This randomly generated star system has a chance of occurring outside of player characters' territories in each campaign of ST video game: Infinite.



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (S)
Sabara • Sadara • Sadera • Sadora Rex • Sahndara • Sahqooq • Sakian • Sakiel • Salayna • Saldara • Saldev • Salgorax • Salgorax-Neptor • Salius • Sal'tara • Salvada • Samaara • Samdev • Samon • Samra Tor • Samved • San Daraan • Sana • Sandar • Sandev • Sandpinian • Sandir • Saniem • Sanjara • Santora • Sanvada • Sanurna • Sapeb • Saphek • Saqdev • Saraka • Sardev • Sarola • Sarsithia • Sash'ivara • Sataghni • Sattenik • Satrox • Saur • Saveb • Savek • Savella • Sa'veth • Savira • Savoy • Scaldori • Scheherazad • Schroeder • Sciron • Scolora • Seatana • Sebena • Seboran • Segora • Seiji Major • Sel Daraan • Seldex • Seldor • Selelvia • Selta Avastam • Seltoris • Semele • Semontra • Sendra • Senian • Senra • Sensi • Sentera • Sen'vadi • Sepmantis • Septimus Minor • Sepux • Seran • Sero • Sergane • Serris • Servitrix • Sesilor • Sestarci 124 • Setal • Sevoris • Sevrok • Sezedi • Shaandra • Shadi • Shahkur • Shanador • Shangdi • Shantil • Shaula • Shelley Vortex • Shem • Sheratan • Sheridan • Shimved • Shived • The Shrike • Shonoisho Epsilon • Shora • Shor'tara • Shurdan • Shynna • Sicon • Sidianial • Sidar • Sidvon • Sif • Sifts • Sigma • Sigma Avuncu • Sigma Barana • Sigma Borella • Sigma Iotia • Sigma Kinna • Sigma Niobe • Sigma Quadratis • Sigma Regonis • Sigma Tama • Sigma Thernia • Sigma Tricali • Sigma Zhukova • Sikorn • Sila • Silica Tare • Silicasa • Silivar • Silva • Silvanus • Silvestra • Simeta • Simton • Sinbad • Sindarius • Sines • Singularity • Sinisser • Sinnawa Lotos • Sinuiji • Sinuiji • The Siren • Sirrie • Sir'vara • Sisara • Sisor • Sisus • Sitora • Siveb • Sixan • Sizox • Skaliir • Skamda • Skånevik • Skastra • Skatemus • Skeevo • Skela • Skellen • Ski'vadi • Skolora • Skondard • Skora • Skor'tok • S'mtharz • Snitsia • Snokomie • Solaris • Soleb • Solidak • Soltaris • Soltor • Somiok • Somme • Somum • Sonax • Soolahn • Soq'oy • Soran • Sordinia • Sorenle • Sorvalo • Sotana • Soth'van • Sovan • Sovar • Sphere of Obliteration • Spaniard • Spiron • Soxiem • Spartal • Spikal • Stagnimea • Stamana • Steger Delta • Stel Daraan • Stelam Deletham • Stelama • Stella Bir • Stella Fen • Stella Jor • Stella Lora • Stella Lucia • Stella Lux • Stella Mox • Stella Pyr • Stella Tem • Stelva • Stemia • Stervon • Stilhe Alpha • Stilhe Beta • Stillwell • Stirnis • Strala • The Strand • Strezhi • Strnad • Strobo • Strom'teth • Sturanda • Stygian • Suah'Dron • Suarana • Subtra'tara • Sufiday • Sul Daraan • Sula • Sulrex • Surak • Sura'tara • Suri • Svala • Svara • Swelvak • SX Arietis • Sybaron • Sygnia • Syliss • Sylorn • Sylvan • Symbokovech • Synton Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (S) Sabik • Sadatoni • Sadr • Sakura • Saltok • Salva • Sandal • Sanelar • Sarin • Sar'kell • Saurian system • Seginus • Selay • Sepia • Septimus • Setlik • Seyom • Shandrak • Shelia • Sheliak • Sigma Beta 443 • Sigma Coronae Borealis • Sigma Cygni 57 • Sigma Draconis • Sigma Pegasi • Sigma Serpentis • Shushan • Slaybis • Socratii • Sol • Solarion Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (S) S1423 • Salieh • Samnar • Sankrax • Securis • Shahr • Servin • Shansar • Sherman • Shekkis • Sienae • Sierra • Sigma Ceti • Sigma Geminorum • Sigma Librae • Sigma Pavonis • Sigma-1014 Orionis • Simon-316 • Sirius • Sirius A • Sirius B • Skorr • Somraw • Soroya • Spica • S'sgaron • Stelam Rom'lnz • Suhail • Sya • System 1324 Beta Quadrant icon image.

