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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Sirius.
SFTM star chart

Star chart image.

Sirius (also known as Alpha Canis Majoris, 9 Canis Majoris, Alpha Canaris or the Alpha system) is a binary star system in Federation space consisting of companion stars named Sirius A and Shahr, located about 2.6 parsecs (8.6 light-years) from Earth, where it is visible in the constellation of Canis Major. At coordinates 0.97N 5.9E, Sirius is the location of the planet Alpha III, an important Federation colony. (TOS references: Star Fleet Technical Manual, Spaceflight Chronology; FASA RPG module: The Federation)

History and specifics[]

In the field of stellar cartography, Sirius is a landmark that was used in the naming of the Sirius sector block. Sirius is not located in the Sirius sector block, but rather in the neighboring Alpha Trianguli sector block. (STO video game: Star Trek Online)

In the treaty boundary quadrant star chart system, Sirius is located in Quadrant 0. (ST reference: Star Trek Maps)


The Dogon of Mali are believed to have been visited thousands of years ago by aliens from Sirius. In 1940, Benny Russell had a vision where a Dogon encountered one of the aliens who died soon after. (DS9 novelization: Far Beyond the Stars)

The Dogon people are believed to have known of the existence of Sirius and its companion star.

On several occasions in 2364, viewscreen readouts aboard the USS Enterprise-D showed the location of Sirius, in the form of charts from the Enterprise library computer. (TNG episodes: "The Naked Now", "The Last Outpost", "Conspiracy")

The Federation starships USS Sirius were named for this location. (TOS reference: Star Fleet Technical Manual)

Mirror universe[]

The Terran Empire was known to send their detainees to the Sirius system. (ST video game: Fleet Command: Exodus Part 2)

Astronomical data[]

Alpha system TWotF

Primary inner system orbits.

Alpha I
Has no atmosphere, and is geologically dead. An asteroid belt separates it from Alpha II.
Alpha II
Has a highly poisonous atmosphere and is very geologically active.
Alpha III
Has 7 moons. Another asteroid belt separates Alpha III from the trojan planet system of Alpha IV and V.
Sirius IV
Gas giant, has 12 moons
Alpha V
Has 29 moons. Alpha IV and V are gas giants that slowly revolve around each others as they orbit the star system.
Sirius IX
Supports an indigenous population.
Centauran colony.
Other objects
  • Yubii
  • Xigut



Stars, systems and objects of the Canis Major constellation
Alpha Canis Majoris (Sirius, Alpha Canaris: Sirius A • Shahr) • Delta Canis Majoris (Wezen, Delta Canaris) • Epsilon Canis Majoris (Adhara, Epsilon Canaris) • Aludra, Eta Canaris / Eta Canis Majoris • Gamma Canis Majoris (Muliphen, Gamma Canaris) • Pi Canis Majoris (Korvat, Pi Canaris)
Alpha Trianguli sector block
Alpha Trianguli
Algira sector Alpha Majoris (Alpha Majoris I) • Sirius system (Sirius A, Shahr: Alpha I • Alpha II • Alpha III • Sirius IV • Alpha V • Springboard) • Lilsis
Almatha sector Almatha system • Aria system • Caralun system • Corwin system • Santos system • Trivas system
Dorvan sector Aokii system • Dorvan system (Dorvan V) • Andoss system • Minos Korva system (Minos Korva) • Obrom system
Centauran stars and star systems
Centauran home system (Alpha Centauri): Rigil Kentaurus (Alpha Centauri A) • Quindar (Alpha Centauri B) • Proxima (Alpha Centauri C) Federation icon image. the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrants icon image. Centauran icon image. Centauran icon image.
Alpha Canus Majoris/Alpha Canaris • Arabenn • Beta Rigalia • Egara 172 • Kolitor • Illex • Laxes Alpha • Leoxa • Luris Eta • Maven Parsis • Megolar • Minarcis Alpha • Molinus • Moxenalus • Oroness • Osiris • Parsus Indi • Pillas Minora • Piram • Princip • Principius Midos • Quadrix • Ridix • Sestarci 124 • Singularity • Sirius • Tarletus
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (S)
Sabara • Sadara • Sadera • Sadora Rex • Sahndara • Sahqooq • Sakian • Sakiel • Salayna • Saldara • Saldev • Salgorax • Salgorax-Neptor • Salius • Sal'tara • Salvada • Samaara • Samdev • Samon • Samra Tor • Samved • San Daraan • Sana • Sandar • Sandev • Sandpinian • Sandir • Saniem • Sanjara • Santora • Sanvada • Sanurna • Sapeb • Saphek • Saqdev • Saraka • Sardev • Sarola • Sarsithia • Sash'ivara • Sataghni • Sattenik • Satrox • Saur • Saveb • Savek • Savella • Sa'veth • Savira • Savoy • Scaldori • Scheherazad • Schroeder • Sciron • Scolora • Seatana • Sebena • Seboran • Segora • Seiji Major • Sel Daraan • Seldex • Seldor • Selelvia • Selta Avastam • Seltoris • Semele • Semontra • Sendra • Senian • Senra • Sensi • Sentera • Sen'vadi • Sepmantis • Septimus Minor • Sepux • Seran • Sero • Sergane • Serris • Servitrix • Sesilor • Sestarci 124 • Setal • Sevoris • Sevrok • Sezedi • Shaandra • Shadi • Shahkur • Shanador • Shangdi • Shantil • Shaula • Shelley Vortex • Shem • Sheratan • Sheridan • Shimved • Shived • The Shrike • Shonoisho Epsilon • Shora • Shor'tara • Shurdan • Shynna • Sicon • Sidianial • Sidar • Sidvon • Sif • Sifts • Sigma • Sigma Avuncu • Sigma Barana • Sigma Borella • Sigma Iotia • Sigma Kinna • Sigma Niobe • Sigma Quadratis • Sigma Regonis • Sigma Tama • Sigma Thernia • Sigma Tricali • Sigma Zhukova • Sikorn • Sila • Silica Tare • Silicasa • Silivar • Silva • Silvanus • Silvestra • Simeta • Simton • Sinbad • Sindarius • Sines • Singularity • Sinisser • Sinnawa Lotos • Sinuiji • Sinuiji • The Siren • Sirrie • Sir'vara • Sisara • Sisor • Sisus • Sitora • Siveb • Sixan • Sizox • Skaliir • Skamda • Skånevik • Skastra • Skatemus • Skeevo • Skela • Skellen • Ski'vadi • Skolora • Skondard • Skora • Skor'tok • S'mtharz • Snitsia • Snokomie • Solaris • Soleb • Solidak • Soltaris • Soltor • Somiok • Somme • Somum • Sonax • Soolahn • Soq'oy • Soran • Sordinia • Sorenle • Sorvalo • Sotana • Soth'van • Sovan • Sovar • Sphere of Obliteration • Spaniard • Spiron • Soxiem • Spartal • Spikal • Stagnimea • Stamana • Steger Delta • Stel Daraan • Stelam Deletham • Stelama • Stella Bir • Stella Fen • Stella Jor • Stella Lora • Stella Lucia • Stella Lux • Stella Mox • Stella Pyr • Stella Tem • Stelva • Stemia • Stervon • Stilhe Alpha • Stilhe Beta • Stillwell • Stirnis • Strala • The Strand • Strezhi • Strnad • Strobo • Strom'teth • Sturanda • Stygian • Suah'Dron • Suarana • Subtra'tara • Sufiday • Sul Daraan • Sula • Sulrex • Surak • Sura'tara • Suri • Svala • Svara • Swelvak • SX Arietis • Sybaron • Sygnia • Syliss • Sylorn • Sylvan • Symbokovech • Synton Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (S) Sabik • Sadatoni • Sadr • Sakura • Saltok • Salva • Sandal • Sanelar • Sarin • Sar'kell • Saurian system • Seginus • Selay • Sepia • Septimus • Setlik • Seyom • Shandrak • Shelia • Sheliak • Sigma Beta 443 • Sigma Coronae Borealis • Sigma Cygni 57 • Sigma Draconis • Sigma Pegasi • Sigma Serpentis • Shushan • Slaybis • Socratii • Sol • Solarion Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (S) S1423 • Salieh • Samnar • Sankrax • Securis • Shahr • Servin • Shansar • Sherman • Shekkis • Sienae • Sierra • Sigma Ceti • Sigma Geminorum • Sigma Librae • Sigma Pavonis • Sigma-1014 Orionis • Simon-316 • Sirius • Sirius A • Sirius B • Skorr • Somraw • Soroya • Spica • S'sgaron • Stelam Rom'lnz • Suhail • Sya • System 1324 Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (A)
Aalad • Aarak • Aarra • Abakir • Abalma • Abassa • Abdadi • Abel • Aberriz • Abessia • Aboira • Abraxas • Abrena • Abrora • Abrox • Ab'vek • Abyss Alpha • Accellus • Achillon • Aciben • Adigeon • Adonolo • Adra • Ad'reth • Adrian's Bane • Ad'veth • Aecupus • Aeon • Aerie • Aerimea • Aesa • Aesir • Aesuri • Aetisan • Aexix • Afebra • Aferva • Aflor • Afritalis • Agbar • Agiirrat • Agrico • Ahadi • Ahzdar • Aia'vadi • Ailig • Ain • Ainaro • Aindia • Ain'Tok • Airola • Aiti • Ajora • Akemora • Akers • Akiren • Alabaster • Alacti • Aladfar • Aladso • Alak • Alamedus • Alannah • Alaris • Alastor • Alatum • Alcyone • Alderam • Alderamin • Aldhan • Alela • Aleph • Alera • Alexisian • Aleyda • Alfas Ducat • Alfin-Bernard • Alfirk • Alfor • Alfr • Algerida • Algeron • Alila • Alioth • Alkalurops • Alkuk • Allendon • Almedo • Almeisan • Almekan • Alnath • Alnitak • Alonso • Alorina • Alpha Aldiss • Alpha Arietis • Alpha Ataru • Alpha Baratis • Alpha Coranda • Alpha Darwin • Alpha Demetrius • Alpha Emori • Alpha Epsilon Tauri • Alpha Equulei • Alpha Feronis • Alpha Helios • Alpha Honorus • Alpha Hydros • Alpha Imvori • Alpha Is'tek • Alpha Kiriki • Alpha Kratonii • Alpha Leporis • Alpha Min'roth • Alpha Maluria • Alpha Marak 272 • Alpha Narnia • Alpha Nemvadi • Alpha Nexus • Alpha Nimorra • Alpha Omicron • Alpha Orionis • Alpha Ortelina • Alpha Parnaculon • Alpha Persei • Alpha Quarram • Alpha Sarpeidon • Alpha Shiro • Alpha Sigma • Alpha Tau • Alpha Tel'reth • Alpha Tenori • Alpha Theta • Alpha Trimora • Alpha Varangis • Alpha Vegetis • Alpha Vergoris • Alpha Xaridian • Alphax • Alsafi • Altamid • Altanea • Altanis Idrilon • Altar • Althos • Altor • Aludra • Alula • Alvaradi • Alvarka • Alya • Alycen • Ama Daraan • Amal • Amana • Amboris • Ambrose's Star • Amebis • Amelda • Ami Bera • Ammdon • Amon • Ampok • Ampolis • Amstar • Amvada • An Daraan • Anaxa • Anaxar • Andra • Andrade Abyss • Andrea • Andrek • Androcus • Anelda • Anezira • Anki • Angosia • Annobon • Anrak • Anreta • Antas • Antede • Antiacus • Antide • Antigone • Antilios • Antipathy • Antonehk • Antos Veria • Antros • Anzibar • Aparcha • Aphir'keth • Apnira • Aprilia • Apyra • Aquila Scorpi • Ar Daraan • Arachnae • Arada • Arak • Aralan • Arali • Arara • Arb'sa • Arbutus • Arcadia • Arcan-Beta • Arcanis Majoris • Archernar • Archibald • Ardaji • Ardan • Ardana • Aretian • Argentomea • Argez • Argona • Arhennius • Aria • Ariax • Arianna • Aridanes • Aridia • Arkab • Arken • Arkto • Arloff • Armus • Arnab • Arneb • Arnebius • Arnos • Arori • Aroven • Arrakis • Artaleirh • Artemis • Arvada • Asara • Aseara • Asellus • Ashgrave • Ashira • Asiti Alpha • Asiti Beta • Askalifex's Sorrow • Askalon • Asmidiske • Asneth • Asta Daraan • Astamante • Astarea • Asterope • Astra Bel • Astra Bora • Astra Enda • Astra Fara • Astra Imra • Astra Ina • Astra Jelra • Astra Jora • Astra Kalda • Astra Kol • Astra Lera • Astra Melva • Astra Menta • Astra Nor • Astra Pevra • Astra Rendra • Astra Veldra • Astra Vin • Astra Yara • Astra Yera • Astrida • Atabis • Atalia • Atalis • Atana Daraan • Atarvi • Atlas • Atria • Atrius • Atropira • Atryn • 'aucdet • Augustus Gamma • Aumoide Pore • Auva • Avery • Avan • Avek • Av'tel • AX Arae • Axelot • Axtox • Ayela • Ayin Aleph • Aylus Alpha • Aylus Beta • Ayta • Ayvren • Azati Prime • Azedis • Azentra • Azinda the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (A) Aaamazzara • Abilakk Alpha • Abilakk Beta • Achird • Actrium • Adhil • Adia Alpha • Adia Beta • Aegis Aquila • Ajir • Al Nath • Alam'ak system (Alam'ak) • Albireo • Alcor • Aldhibain • Alferaz (Alferaz A • Alferaz B) • Algol • Algira • Alkaid • Almach • Almatha • Alpha Andromedae (Alpha Andromedae A • Alpha Andromedae B) • Alpha Aquarii • Alpha Aquilae • Alpha Aurigae • Alpha Boötis • Alpha Canum Venaticorum • Alpha Camus • Alpha Coronae Borealis • Alpha Cygni • Alpha Majoris • Alpha Ophiuchi • Alpha Proxima • Alpha Trianguli • Alpha Ursae Majoris • Alpha Zaria • Alpha-1 Andromedae • Alpha-2 Andromedae • Alphecca • Alpheratz • Altair • Amleth • Ancha • Andromeda • Ankaro • Antica • Antos • Anzat Alpha • Anzat Beta • Aokii • Aquila • Arawath • Arbazan • Archaria • Arcturus • Arduria • Argaya • Argus • Arteline • Ascella • Atair • Atik • Aurelia • Avenal the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (A) Acamar • Achernar • Acrux • Acubens • Adara • Adelphous • Adhafera • Adhara • Aelas • Agena • Agornu • Agurtha • Ajilon • Akaali • Al Nair • Alchibah • Aldebaran • Algorab • Alhena • Alkes • Alnilam • Alpha-2 Centauri • Alpha Cancri • Alpha Canis Minoris • Alpha Canis Majoris (Alpha Canis Majoris A • Alpha Canis Majoris B) • Alpha Carinae • Alpha Centauri (Alpha Centauri A • Alpha Centauri B • Alpha Centauri C) • Alpha Chamaeleonis • Alpha Circini • Alpha Comae Berenices • Alpha Corvi • Alpha Crucis • Alpha Cygni • Alpha Eridani • Alpha Geminorum • Alpha Gruis • Alpha Hydri • Alpha Leonis • Alpha Mensa • Alpha Monocerotis • Alpha Onias • Alpha Phoenicis • Alpha Pictoris • Alpha Prime • Alpha Scorpii • Alpha Virginis • Alpha Volantis • Alpha Zeta • Alphard • Alshemali • Alterf • Alungis • Amar • Amargosa • Amirii • Andoria • Angel • Ankaa • Antares • Archanis • Archer • Argelius • Argelius B • Arided • Avior • Axanar • Azha • Azraga the galaxy's Beta Quadrant icon image.


The Chronology depicted Sirius's name and distance from Earth on star chart illustrations, but since it is a "real" star system, modern scientists know a few things about its makeup that weren't in its Star Trek mentions.

It is notable that Sirius was briefly glimpsed onscreen in canon productions of Star Trek because the production staff copied their star charts from the earlier, non-canon Chronology. In close proximity to Earth, Sirius is in the vicinity of sector 006 and is therefore a Beta Quadrant star system, directly on the edge of the Alpha Quadrant. FASA RPG module: The Federation claims this system contains two Class M worlds but doesn't identify the other world.

Star Trek Online suggests that the planet Vulcan is located in the Sirius system. A location at Sirius would be a contradiction of canon since ENT episode: "Home" states it is 16 light-years from Earth. Other sources generally agree the Vulcan system exists around the triple star 40 Eridani.

In modern day astronomical notation, the two stars of Sirius do not have separate names, particularly the secondary's name "Shahr", which appears to have been devised for the Technical Manual.

In TNG video game: Birth of the Federation, the orbital configuration of the game map star systems was randomly generated each time a new game started. In particular, Sirius can exist twice on the same map, once as "Sirius" and again as the "Alpha system".

No history or specifics are established for this location in Starfleet Command III, as its name was arbitrarily selected for a Federation system on the game map by the game software, with random attributes.


External links[]
