Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Tsugh Khaidnn (or Tsugh Kaidnn) was a star, located somewhere in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants, that was home to a Federation communications array.

History and specifics[]

This star was in the general vicinity of Beta Simmons and Theta Mees. (TNG episode: "Yesterday's Enterprise", TNG reference: The Continuing Mission)

In May 2375, Montgomery Scott did some repair work on the Tsugh Kaidnn array as an excuse to get away from his office. (SCE - What's Past eBook: The Future Begins)

Alternate realities[]

On a 24th century viewscreen display of a tactical situation monitor in an alternate timeline where the Klingon Empire was at war with the United Federation of Planets in the year 2366, Tsugh Khaidnn was listed twice on a star chart showing Klingon allied forces in relation to Federation positions. (TNG episode: "Yesterday's Enterprise", TNG reference: The Continuing Mission)



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (T)
Tabuk • Tagus • Tahniva 311 • Tajarhi • Takan • Takanarra • Takoi • Tak'vor • Taladi • Talar • Taldora • Talbot • Talgat • Tali • Tal'Ihnor Gates • Talin • Talitha • Tallus • Talna • Talon • Talora • Talquos • Tamaros • Tambor • Tampora • Tanar • Tanaris • Tania • Tandorian • Tantalus • Tantamon • Tanuga • Taoji • Taos • Taran • Tarana • Taranda • Tardal • Tareel • Tarett • Tarf • Tariax • Tarila • Taris Seti • Tarletus • Tarnak • Tarquolese • Tarsus • Tartana • Tartarus • Tasox • Tasus • Tau Beta • Tau Gamma • Tau Omega • Tau Serpentis • Tau Zeta • Taurean • Tauro-34 • Tautallus • Tautee • Taxak • Taygeta • Taz • Taziok • Tazior • T'Bor • T'Dakka • Te Awamutu • Technis • Tedara • Tejat • Tekian • Tekiel • Tek'reth • Telcosus • Telep • Tellion • Telora • Telum • Teluridian • Tem Daraan • Temaris • Temazi • Temir • Tenak • Tenara • Tendar • Tendarri • Tenekratus • Tenber • Teniira • Tenor • Tera Daraan • Tera Lara • Terana • Teranth • Terazon-X31 • Terba • Tereb • Terella • Terga • Terim • Terminimurus • Terof • Teron • Terratin • Terrellian • Tervek • Tervellion • Tessmata • Tesum • Teth'torva • Tevron • Tewa • Tezel-Oroko • Tezion • Thabit • Thalak • Thalia • Thallus • Thark-Morkol • Tharnos • Tharsis • Thasus • Thaxius • Theata Leonis • Thelonii system (Thelonii) • Theta • Theta 116 • Theta Anterial • Theta Bowles • Theta Cobrini • Theta Cygni • Theta Gamma • Theta Majoris • Theta Mariana • Theta Mees • Theta Pictoris • Theta Rill • Theta Tau • Thetalian • Thevos • Tholus • Thonolan • Thorian-V • Thoris Amarnis • Thranstor • Thrax • Thraz • Threllvia • Thrishia • Thuban • THX-1138 • Tia Daraan • Tiaren • Tib'vor • Tiba • Tibidex • Tierenios • Tifel • Tigan • Tikopai • Tiliul • Timonium • Timor • Timore • Timpek • Tim'pek • Tio'pek • Tir Kapov • Tira Daraan • Tirian • Tiros • Tir'tara • Titan • Titanias • Tithadi • Tizum • T'Kar • T'Lani • Tlaoli • T'lli Beta • T'Lor • TNC-5527 • Tokan • Tok'Bhul • Tolfor • Tolochon • Tolor • Toman • Tomb of Anikalistes • Tomira • Tomora • Toolian • Toothy Maw • Tor • Toradi • Torgu-Va • Toridex • Torin • Tor'ivara • Tor'ken • Torkor • Torob • Torona • Torrt • Tortuga • Torviir • Toska • Toziuz • Tozox • Tozron • T'Por • Trager • Trakliv • Tra'tara • Trab'neth • Trabian • Trablar • Trabox • Tramzon • Tran • Traxen • Trel Daraan • Treleb • Trelkis • Trendir • Trellisane-Sealon • Trennes • Tri-Betaline • Tri-Rho Nautica • Triaminus • Triangeles • Triangularis • Trieba • T'Rill • Trillby • Triminon • Trimir • Trinora • Trin'tara • Tripoli • Tro'vara • Tron Daraan • Trotor • Truai • Trunox • Truth's Bane • Truxtun • Tseen • Tsih • Tsugh Khaidnn • Tsze • Tufem • Tulan • Tulgana • Tuner • Turen • Turion • Turi'tara • Tur'vok • Turul • Tutakai system (Tutakai) • T'Vant • Twisting Maw • Twobin • Tyburn • Tycho • Tynt • Tyolo • Tyrelli • Tyrtaeus • Tyrus Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (T) Tagra • Talos • Tama/Tamar • Tammeron • Tarahong • Tarazed • Tarvo • Tasak • Tau Ceti • Tau Cygna • Tau Boötis • Taurus • Tegedaar • Tellar • Temecklia • Thalos • Therbia • Theta Aquarii • Theta Draconis • Theta Pegasi • TL-9139 • Tohvun • Tomed • Topin • Torman • Torros • Trelka • Triangulum • Trill • Trivas • Tyl • Tyra Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (T) T'Acog • Talvath • Tarod • Tau Centauri • Tau Delta • Tau Lacertae • Tegmeni • Tellun • Teneebia • Tephrei • Terix • Tessen • Teutil • T'gha • Thalassa • Thallon • Theta Centauri • Theta Eridani • Theta Hydrae • Theta Indi • Theta Kiokis • Theta Leonis • Theta Pavonis • Tiburon • Tigelis • Tika • T'Met • Toh'kaht • T'ong • Toredar • Torek • Torna • Toron • Traelus • Tranome Sar • Trilith • Turkana • Ty'Gokor Beta Quadrant icon image.


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