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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Richey.

The USS Richey (NCC-1973) was a 23rd century Federation starship, a Miranda-class vessel in Starfleet service in the 2280s and 2290s decades.

Service history and disposition[]

Richey was initially equipped as a scout cruiser (NSC).

This vessel had the capability of being modified for service as an advanced scout cruiser (NSC+). (ST video games: Starfleet Command II: Empires at War, Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates)

No history or definitive fate is established for this vessel as its name was randomly selected for a Federation scout cruiser by the SFC game software.



Miranda-class starships
Federation, Starfleet Anton-class refits Condor • Courage • Daring • Devastator • Gallant • Invincible • Reliant (I) • Renown • Repulse 2250s/2260s configurations Achilles (I) • Aephas • Alamo • Aloia • Bombay • Buenos Aires • Cortez • Drake • Georgia • Kobayashi Maru II • Miranda • Oxford • Plato Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
various configurations: Achilles (I) • Achilles (II) • Alexandria • Armstrong • Atlantis • Avenger • Bolivar • Bolland • Brattain • Britannia • Callahan • Carthage • Chagaris • Cluster • Concord • Condor • Courage • Courageous • Daran • Daring • Delbora • Devastator• Drake • Excalibur • Fuller • Gallant • Gladstone • Gorbachev • Harold • Hartt • Hoagland • Invincible • Kitty Hawk • Korolev • Lafayette • Lantree • Legionaire • MacDuff • Miranda • Miranda-B • Nautilus • Leonov • Oberon • Obsidian • Omaha • Pacific • Pawtucket • Polaris • Potemkin • Raleigh • Ranger • Reliant (I) • Reliant (II) • Reliant (III) • Renown • Repulse • Rutherford • Samson • Saratoga (I) • Saratoga (II) • Saratoga-A • Sentinel • Stockholm • Sturgeon • Surak • Tempest • Tian An Men • Truong • Ulysses • Valor • Vindicator • Whorfin • Zephyr • NC-141 • unnamed Miranda-class starships • dorsal nacelles variant: Capella • Kelvin timeline: Vanguard
new cruiser (NCA) Atlanta • Beijing • Berlin • Buenos Aires • Calgary • Chicago • Dayton • Kinshasa • London • Los Angeles • Mecca • Milwaukee • New York • Philadelphia • Tokyo • Yellowknife new heavy cruiser (NCM) Miranda • Magsaysay • Eisenhower • Valor • Reliant (I) • MacArthur • Montgomery • Saratoga (I)
new light cruiser (NCL) Alabama • Daystrom • Gneisenau • Kearsarge • Littorio • Moreno • Mutso • Nagato • New Mexico • Prinz Eugen • Renown • Repulse • Richelieu • Rivadavia • Scharnhorst • Strasbourg new advanced light cruiser (NCL+) Aliyah • Assawari • De Ruyter • Defence • Glorie • Groton • Iowa • Kortenauer • Medina • Meko • Michigan • Mikasa • Missouri • Naken • North Carolina • Olympia • Pervenetz • Piorun • Ramadan • Vosper • Warspite
command light cruiser (CLC) Chandalar • Mali • Mendoza • Pegasus Bay • Tangiers • Udzha heavy command cruiser (NCC) Clancy • Clausewitz • Coyle • Jomini • Mahan • Sun Tzu • Tacitus • Webber
new drone cruiser (NCD) Azov • Gromykii • Groznyy • Sverdlov • Varyag new advanced drone cruiser (NCD+) Baba Yaga • Grochenko • Ivanov • Moscotivitch • Sergei
commando transport (NCT) Ford • Virgil • Vindicator • Vision advanced commando transport (NCT+) Grissom • Vanguard • Venture • Victory
new escort cruiser/new aegis cruiser (NEC/NAC) Thresher • Scorpion • Barb • Halibut • Permit • Plunger • Puffer • Haddock • Pollack • Dolphin • Mako new strike carrier (NVS) Hoover • Polk • Filmore • Baines • Garfield • Carter • Johnson
new light carrier/new advanced light carrier (NVL/NVL+) Bataan • Belleau Wood • Cabot • Cowpens • Independence • Langley • Monterey • Princeton • San Jacinto new scout cruiser/advanced new scout cruiser (NSC/NSC+) Garth • Komack • Christopher • Richey • Bell • Cochrane • Esteban • April • Pike • Bateson • Garrovick
Reliant-subclass class XI cruiser Accommodator • Achilles (II) • Administrator • Amador • Archer • Ardent • Ares • Artemis • Asclepius • Athena • Audacious • Bacchus • Blade of Tellar • Brave Shield • Ceres • Champion • Chronos • Circe • Commencement • Condor • Conqueror • Courage • Courageous • Crommalen • Daredevil • Daring • Defender • Demeter • Devastator • Dionysus • Dominator • Encounter • Enforcer • Eradicator • Forceful • Formidable • Furious • Fusilier • Gallant • Glorious • Grenadier • Guardian • Hathor • Hephaestus • Hera • Hermes • Hestia • Hotspur • Hypnos • Immortal • Invincible • Invicta • Isis • Kings Destroyer • Legionaire • Lifeforce • Minerva • Odessa • Odysseus • Osiris • Perseus • Poseidon • Pugilist • Ra • Ramilles • Redan • Redoubt • Reforger • Regulator • Reliant (I) • Renown • Repulse • Rigorous • Striker • Terminator • Terror • Thetis • Thoth • Thurgon • Triumph • Valhalla • Valorous • Venerable • Vengeance • Vesta • Vindicator • Warrior
class 6 cargo vessel refits Lantree • Phoebus • Der Sonnenaufgang • T'rin'saz outboard pod refits Portia • Saratoga (II) • Saratoga-A
24th century dorsal platform refits Alexandria • Antares • Archer • Berkeley • Buenos Aires • Champion • Chicago • Defender • Legionnaire • Montréal • Odessa • Ranger • Reliant • Sentinel • Valorous • Vigilant
24th century destroyers Alameda • Berkeley • Boston • Brittain • Brunswick • Condamine • Coronado • Covington • Everett • Helmsdale • Kirkland • Lachlan • Lantree • L'aventure • Majestic • Miranda • Montréal • Nautilus • Newport • Reliant • Rockford • Sakai • Saratoga • Sitak • ShirKahr • Somali • Stratford • Tian An Men • Winnipeg • Venice
24th century medium cruisers Andover • Brattain • Brisbane • Indianapolis • Majestic • Miranda • Mondial • Nautilus • ShirKahr • Sitak • Tian An Men • Trial • Vigilant
Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
NCC-1877 • Brigand • Dakota • Havoc • Malicious • Malevolent • Miranda-B • Miranda-C • Monterey-B • Monterey-C • Nogura • Ranger • Reliant • Ruthless • Treacherous Terran Empire icon image. Imperial Starfleet icon image.
Miranda subclasses: Anton-class • Reliant-class • Soyuz-class • ShiKahr-class

Appearances and references[]

