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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Venture.

The USS Venture (NCC-71854-A) was a 25th century Federation starship, a Venture-class tier 4 exploration cruiser refit and the prototype of its class. The Venture-A entered Starfleet service in the 2400s decade and continued operations into the 2410s. (STO - Klingon War mission: "Welcome to Earth Spacedock")

Service history and disposition[]

Development and predecessors[]

USS Venture and Excelsiors

The USS Venture at DS9.

In the 24th century, the name Venture was carried by the Galaxy-class explorer USS Venture (NCC-71854). This Venture participated in the Federation-Klingon War of 2372-2373 and the subsequent Dominion War. (DS9 episodes: "The Way of the Warrior", "Tears of the Prophets")

The Venture-A was named for this particular ship, and inherited its NCC registry number, with the "-A" suffix indicating legacy, from its Galaxy-class predecessor. (STO - Klingon War mission: "Welcome to Earth Spacedock")


The USS Venture in 2401.

In the meantime, Starfleet deployed a Sovereign-class[3] battleship[4] USS Venture (NCC-75306). This ship was active in the year 2401. (ST video game: Star Trek Online)

Legendary Andromeda

The USS Andromeda.

The Venture-A design was an upgrade based on the successful Galaxy-class hull. The Venture-class itself became the template for the larger Andromeda-class exploration cruiser. The Venture-A was more streamlined than the graceful Galaxy class and the bulkier USS Andromeda. (STO Collection Issue 03: "USS Andromeda")

Destruction and return to service[]

In the 2410s, the Venture-A represented its class in the Starfleet Shipyards Operations facilities interfaces across the Milky Way Galaxy. (STO - Delta Rising mission: "Welcome to Earth Spacedock")


Admiral Tuvok.

By 2410, Captain Rebecca Simmons served as the Venture-A's commanding officer. In that year, the Venture joined an international task force in the Beta Quadrant's Kuda star system, led by Rear Admiral Tuvok aboard the USS Voyager. Cyberneticist Doctor Eric Cooper joined the Venture-A's staff as mission specialist. The joint Federation-Klingon Defense Force-Romulan Republic fleet entered fluidic space through a quantum singularity to investigate why the Undine, known by their Borg species designation as "Species 8472", kept attacking the powers of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

USS Venture NCC-71854-A

The Venture in fluidic space.

Inside the foreign universe, the Venture detected a Borg interplexing beacon, and Captain Simmons requested to investigate. With Tuvok's approval, the Venture departed from the fleet. Tuvok's task force discovered wrecks of galactic starships and observed how the Iconians deployed fake AQ/BQ starships to incite the xenophobic Undine. Meanwhile, the Borg Collective discovered the Venture and attacked the cruiser. Captain Simmons issued a distress call before the Venture-A was destroyed.

Eric Cooper (Undine)

The duplicate Eric Cooper.

When the task force rushed to the last coordinates they could only recover escape pods. Captain Simmons was missing. Unbeknownst to the allies, Eric Cooper had been replaced by an Undine agent.

After completing their mission, the remaining task force returned to the Kuda system. (STO - Borg Advance mission: "Fluid Dynamics")

The Venture was in active service again later that year. Following the Iconian War, Khitomer Alliance flag officers deployed the Venture-A for missions around the galaxy's four quadrants as part of the four-quadrant strategy. (STO - New Dawn mission: "Admiralty System")

Legendary command exploration cruiser classes

Galaxy-class-inspired legendary starships in 2411.

Following the Battle of Excalbia on stardate 84999.22[5] in early 2411, which saw the prominent involvement of hero ships from the Federation's past and present, the Venture was among the exploration cruisers that received a refit to legendary starship classification. (STO - Legacy missions: "Measure of Morality", "Welcome to Earth Spacedock")

The Venture was upgraded to a tier 6 command exploration cruiser specifications. (STO website: Legacy: The Legendary Command Exploration Cruiser)




25th century Venture-class cruiser starships
Federation, Starfleet
(primary universe)
exploration cruiser: USS Venture (NCC-71854-A) • dreadnought cruiser: USS Samson (NCC-170147) • advanced research vessel: USS Monitor (NCC-83800) Federation icon image. Seal of Federation Starfleet icon image.
Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
exploration cruiser: ISS Galaxy (NCC-70637) Terran Empire icon image. Imperial Starfleet icon image.
Ships named Venture
Bajoran civilian registry Shuttlecraft Venture Bajoran icon image.
Federation, Starfleet USS Venture (Constitution-class) • USS Venture (NCC-1537, Miranda-class) • USS Venture (NCC-71854, Galaxy-class) • USS Venture (NCC-71854-A, Venture-class) • USS Venture (NCC-75306, Sovereign-class)

see also: Venture-class (scout) • Venture-class (cruiser)

Federation icon image. Starfleet Command icon image.
Ferengi Alliance, Treasury Guard FMS Venture (Tomax-class) Ferengi Alliance icon image.
Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
ISS Venture (NCC-170147, Galaxy X-class) • ISS Venture (NCC-71954, Sirius-class) Terran Empire icon image. Imperial Starfleet icon image.
Galaxy-class class XVI explorer/exploration cruiser starships
Federation, Starfleet early series Galaxy (I) • Yamato (I) • Enterprise-D • Constitution Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
various series / standard configurations Bolivar • Breedlove • Challenger • Cheyenne • Crockett • Dauntless (I) • Dauntless (II) • Excalibur-A • Galaxy (I) • Galaxy (II) • Harriman • Idaho • Intrepid • Lhasa • Madison • Magellan • Marquette • McGinley • Mukaikubo • Musashi • Odyssey (I) • Odyssey (II) • Oraidhe • Phlox • Renown • San Francisco • Sequoia • Syracuse • Trident • Venture • Yamato (I) • Yamato (II) • unnamed Galaxy-class starships
Dominion War fleets Agrippa • Asgard • Magellan • Odysseus • Ronald D. Moore • Sorak • Trinculo • Venture • Victory • Yamato (II) • Zhurkov
command cruiser
fleet expansion
Adelaide • Argonaut • Asigara • Bermuda • Blake • Bolzano • Canarias • Cervera • Columbus • De Ruyter • Galicia • Gloucester • Hurutaka • Kinugasa • Lazarev • Makarov • Molotov • Murmansk • Navarra • Ning Hai • Ontario • Renown • Salem • Swiftsure • Sumatra • Tikuma • Trieste • Tyokai • Wichita • Worcester
post-war 2370s decade
fleet expansions
Allegheny • Andromeda • Argo • Berry • Citadel • Dominance • Formidable • Frontier • Geronimo • Goodman • Jubei • Malevolent • Oregon • Pequod • Perseus • Persia • Renown • Reverant • Reverent • Rylander • Scimitar • Taylor • Ulysses • Valhalla • Vindictive
Bonhomme Richard • C. Lewis • Constellation • Defiance • Eagle • El Dorado • Endeavor • Essex • Excalibur • Exeter • Farragut • Galaxy • Hood • Hornet • Kongo • Krieger • Lafayette • Lexington • Merrimac • Monitor • Odyssey (II) • Republic • Saratoga • Tori • Valiant • Wasp • Yorktown
First Splinter timeline and other alternate realities Canterbury • Challenger • Enterprise-D • Excalibur-A • Hedderjin • Jefferies • Magellan • Robinson • Trident • Trinculo • Venture
variant configurations Andromeda-subclass: Andromeda • Birmingham • Celestial-subclass: Celestial • Envoy-subclass: Envoy • Galaxy X-subclass • Monarch-subclass: Monarch • Samson (variant) • Ross-subclass: Ross • Vanguard • Yi Sun-Sin • Venture-subclass: Samson (variant) • Venture-A • Venture-B • World Razer-subclass: Brazos • World Razer-D • Yamato-subclass: Madrid
Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universes)
Enterprise-D • Galaxy • Venture-subclass: Galaxy • Andromeda-class/Cygnus-class: Pegasus Terran Empire icon image. Imperial Starfleet icon image.
Confederation of Earth, Corps
(alternate timeline)
World Razer-subclass: World Razer Confederation of Earth icon image. Confederation Corps icon image. Borg Collective
(mirror universe)
Assimilation Target Prime Borg Collective icon image.

Appearances and references[]



External links[]
