Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki


From the back covers
While traveling to a medical conference, the Runabout Missouri encounters a strange anomaly that sends the runabout crashing to the surface of an unknown planet, leaving its two passengers -- Dr. Elizabeth Lense of the U.S.S. da Vinci and Dr. Julian Bashir of Deep Space 9 -- separated.
Each physician thinks the other dead, and each winds up trapped with the factions of a decades-old conflict between those who want to replace dying limbs with cybernetics, and those who want to remain pure. [...]
Lense finds herself aiding the Jabari freedom fighters as their new medic, working with equipment she finds primitive on people wounded in their fight against the Kornak. All the while she hopes that her crewmates on the da Vinci might rescue her -- and not blame her for the death of Julian Bashir...
Unknown to her, though, Bashir is alive, recovering in a Kornak military facility, where he becomes the focus of a power struggle between the medical and military personnel in the hospital. When the Jabari attack the hospital, Lense and Bashir find themselves on opposite sides of a conflict that can only end in tragedy...



Apariam • Arin • Julian Bashir • Blate • Breynar • Doren • Idit Kahayn • Elizabeth Lense • Mara • Nerrit • Saad
Referenced only
Domenica Corsi • Ezri Dax • Jadzia Dax • Dobrah • Eberling • Dantas Falcão • David Gold • Sonya Gomez • Janel • Leonard McCoy • Jean-Luc Picard • Phil Selden • Storn • Mor glasch Tev • Sandy Wetzel • Lewis Zimmerman

Starships and vehicles[]

USS da Vinci • USS Defiant • USS Lexington • USS Missouri


Artemis IX • Australia • Avril Station • Earth • Empok Nor • Kornak-Jabari homeworld • Lentrex VII • Mount Everest • Mount Seleya • Quark's • Rangdron Medical Complex • Rec Station Hidalgo • Sherman's Planet • Shiralea VI • Starbase 314 • Trill • Vulcan's Forge

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Bolian • Borg • Bynar • Ferengi • Jabari • Klingon • Kornak • Orion • Outlier

States and organizations[]

Dominion • Kornak Armed Forces • Starfleet Corps of Engineers • Starfleet Medical Academy

Science and classification[]

autopsy • class M • functional magnetic resonance imaging • garotte • Gigli saw • holodrama • intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging • microelectromechanical machine • nanodrive • painstik • projectile weapon • protoplaser • ventilator tube

Other references[]

adun cactus • augment • bahgol • Bentman Prize • Cataclysm • chimpanzee • DNA • dompenephrine • duranium • EMH • fish juice • gagh • Ludian halofish • Macbeth • methemoglobin • orangutan • periatrium • plasticine • Prime Directive • postganglionic nerve • preganglionic fiber • primate • shapeshifters • Thugee • water



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Star Trek: Corps of Engineers stories and publications
eBooks The Belly of the Beast • Fatal Error • Hard Crash • Interphase (Part One • Part Two) • Cold Fusion • Invincible (Part One • Part Two) • The Riddled Post • Here There Be Monsters • Ambush • Some Assembly Required • No Surrender • Caveat Emptor • Past Life • Oaths • Foundations • Enigma Ship • War Stories • Wildfire • Home Fires • Age of Unreason • Balance of Nature • Breakdowns • Aftermath • Ishtar Rising • Buying Time • Collective Hindsight • The Demon • Ring Around the Sky • Orphans • Grand Designs • Failsafe • Bitter Medicine • Sargasso Sector • Paradise Interrupted • Where Time Stands Still • The Art of the Deal • Spin • Creative Couplings • Small World • Malefictorum • Lost Time • Identity Crisis • Fables of the Prime Directive • Security • Wounds • Out of the Cocoon • Honor • Blackout • The Cleanup • Progress • The Future Begins • Echoes of Coventry • Distant Early Warning • 10 is Better Than 01 • Many Splendors • Turn the Page • Troubleshooting • The Light • The Art of the Comeback • Signs from Heaven • Ghost • Remembrance of Things Past
Short stories "Field Expediency" • "An Easy Fast"
Omnibuses Have Tech, Will Travel • Miracle Workers • Some Assembly Required • No Surrender • Foundations • Wildfire • Breakdowns • Aftermath • Grand Designs • Creative Couplings • Wounds • Out of the Cocoon • What's Past


published order
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SCE eBooks Next eBook:
Out of the Cocoon
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