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Fundraising 2010/Banner testing/Stats/Stats report 2010-09-09

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

You may see some weirdness on the site names: for instance, referrals from other sites. Those are the result of live mirroring. If you have specific questions feel free to ask.



Please note: All banners tested this week used the same landing page ( seen here ). It included the basic landing page we have used recently (with the picture of Jimmy Wales and a link to donor comments) with the addition of text about "The knowledge revolution" that is Wikipedia and its sister sites.

Overall Click rates

Impression to click comparisons

Donation Statistics

Click through stats


Overview (All users/All projects combined)


Combined (All users)


Anonymous users only


Logged in users only






Impressions per project (Anonymous)


Impressions per project (Logged in)


Impressions per project (All users)


Impression to Click Ratios


Overview (combined data for targeted projects)


Conversion ratios (All Users)


Conversion ratios (Anonymous only)


Conversion ratios (Logged in only)
