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Grants:Simple/Applications/GLAM Macedonia/2018

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Grant stage: grant in progress
Grantee: GLAM Macedonia
Amount granted: 11,000 EUR (10,000 EUR + 10% contingency fee) (13,000 USD (11,700 USD + 10% contingency fee))
Funding period: 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018
Midpoint report due: 15 July 2018
Final report due: 30 January 2019





These two requests are required of first-time applicants. In future years, you can use reports to substitute for these requirements.

  1. Link to one program story that showcases your organization's achievements in the past year.
    Activities in 2016, Activities in 2017
  2. Link to one learning story you have created or contributed to, that demonstrates how your organization documents and applies learning.
    Wiki conference for teachers - report, Case study:Wiki Club in Macedonia

Link to these documents only if you have them.

  1. Link to your organization's staffing plan.
    This organization is not requesting staff.
  2. Link to your annual plan.
    GLAM Macedonia Annual Plan 2018 (Google Docs)
    GLAM Macedonia Annual budget 2018 (Google Docs)
  3. Link to your strategic plan.
    GLAM Macedonia Strategic Plan 2018-2022

Please add your global metrics to this sheet. Contact APG staff if you need access.



GLAM program

Members of the Wiki Club in Staro Nagoričane on the meeting with the Mayor, Milovan Stojkovski, June 2017
Wiki Club participants, President of User Group GLAM Macedonia, coordinator of the education program at GLAM Macedonia, and PR person from the Karpoš Municipality, and Wiki Club members on the meeting with officials at Karpoš Municipality, January 2017
Wiki Tour for Wikipedians at the City Library, June 2017

GLAM program is the main activity of GLAM Macedonia altogether with the education program. We have excellent collaboration with several GLAM institutions. We signed memorandum of collaboration with the State Archives of the Republic of Macedonia, Museum of Macedonian struggle in Skopje and with the City Library “Braḱa Miladinovci” in Skopje. We had meetings with the Wiki Club members and officials of the two municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia. We have an offer for collaboration with the several other GLAM institutions in Republic of Macedonia, and at the moment we are in negotiation of the future collaboration. Once when we will fix the nature of collaboration, the memorandum of collaboration will be signed.

Wiki tour for Wikipedians in the City Library, organized by WiR, June 2017
Workshop about Wikipedia and adding references, held by WiR at the City Library, June 2017
Wiki tour in the Archive, organized by WiR, October 2017

So far, we sent Wikipedians in residence in two GLAM institutions in Macedonia: the City Library “Braḱa Miladinovci” and in the State Archives of the Republic of Macedonia. Both Wikipedians had good and productive months. The best thing was the collaboration with the employees of both Institutions. The employees of both, the State Archives and City Library, provided the necessary help for easier and successful accomplishment of the Wikipedian's tasks. They have shown great interest in Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects and did not hesitate to provide both Wikipedians with the needed materials. Some of the employees showed interest and willingness to be part of Wikipedia and Commons (as contributors) and they took part in the edit-a-thons and workshops held by the Wikipedians. There were: organised three edit-a-thons, where 20 people took part in; two Wiki-Tours, one in the City Library where students were shown and introduced with Library and the employees and one in the Archives; trained 8 new users to use and edit on Wikipedia, including how to add references and images; organised and held several workshops for training new users on: how to upload files on Commons; how to categorise new files; how to add references in existing articles; how to use Wikipedia.; decreased the content gap; uploaded total 261 files worked out and uploaded on Commons; added 301 references in the articles on mk.wiki; created 16 new categories; 32 new articles were created; 6 existing articles were edited, all as results of the great work of Wikipedian in Residence.

The objectives of the GLAM program are:
  1. to deepen of GLAM collaboration in Macedonia
  2. to educate the GLAM employees on Wikimedia projects, educate them to add references into articles, and create new articles or improve the existing ones;
  3. implementation of WIkimedia projects within WiR work;
  4. establishing connections and starting cooperation with new GLAM institutions;
  5. improving the cooperation which already exists;
  6. organize special events in collaboration with GLAM institutions, such as edit-a-thons; workshops and Wikipedian tours, which will bring Wikipedians on-site to work with staff on content creation and improvement;
  7. enriching Wikipedia with new content.
Measures of success:
  1. send Wikimedians in residence in at least two different GLAM institutions in Macedonia, who will serve as liaison between GLAM institutions and Wikimedia community;
  2. at least 2 new GLAM institutions involved in cooperation;
  3. at least 8 special events (Wikipedian tours, edit-a-thons and workshops with GLAM employees);
  4. at least 500 references added to the existing articles;
  5. at least 500 files uploaded on Commons;
  6. at least three GLAM employees who will be educated to edit Wikipedia.

Our members were organizers of photo contests in Macedonia in the past years. Photo contest is a good practice to obtain free photos. In 2018 we plan to organise one photo contest in collaboration with one of the museums in the Republic of Macedonia. The main goal of the contest is to call competitors to come up with free photos on a given topic and to upload them on Commons. We expect to have a photo tour in the chosen museum, and this project will require involvement of the GLAM institution and their consent to photograph their artifacts. On that way we expect to enrich Commons with new free images and decrease the gap that exists for the topic and museum artifacts that will be chosen.

Objectives are:
  1. to increase a number of free photos
  2. to increase the number of articles related to those artifacts on Wikipedia
  3. to expand the collaboration with GLAM institutions
  4. To include more active new users and professional photographers in Wikimedia projects
  5. To digitize in a form of photos artifacts which are kept in GLAM institutions
Measures of success:
  1. at least 2000 free photos uploaded on Commons
  2. at least 30 involved Wikipedians


Education program of GLAM Macedonia is mostly focused on training students to edit Wikipedia, as well as involvement of the teachers in Wikimedia projects. So far we have successful collaboration with many schools in Skopje. We signed memorandum of collaboration with many schools, and many others want to participate in existing Wiki Clubs or are interested to open Wiki sections in their schools. We already had offers for collaboration with several schools out of the capitol city, which we held on stand by for now, as we will need an employee in order to answer all calls. Teachers and schools from Veles, Kumanovo, Ohrid, Berovo, Tetovo and Bitola already asked us to send Wikipedian in their schools to teach their students how to edit Wikipedia.

Wiki Club members giving interview to national media reporters during the celebrating Wikipedia 16, January 2017
Two educators, employees in the Museum, receiving the award, May 2017.

The first Wiki Club in Macedonia was establish in the Museum of Macedonian struggle in Skopje. The first working day of the Wiki Club was on 19 October 2016. We have students coming from at least six schools from Skopje, all coming from different part of the city, most of them by bus, using their free time. The opening day of the second Wiki Club in Macedonia was on 1 March 2017, in the local elementary school in Staro Nagoričane. Moreover, we maintain two Wiki Clubs and one Wiki section by the volunteers. 96 students and 2 adults passed the training about Wikipedia, 7 edit-a-thons were held, two meetings with the Municipality officials (Karposh Municipality and Staro Nagorichane Municipality), more than 240 new articles were created by the members of Wiki Clubs, and more than 500 existing articles were improved. The big success of the Wiki Clubs was an award which we received at the international day of the Museums, 18 May. ICOM awards the best projects which are active in the Museums in Macedonia. This year, the first Wiki Club received this award. We had calls to start several more Wiki Clubs. Our page on the Programs and Event Dashboard

Objectives of the education program are:
  1. establish new Wiki Clubs or Wiki sections;
  2. recruit new editors and contributors;
  3. add or improve the content of the existing Wikimedia projects in Macedonian.
  4. spread the word about Wikipedia among the students
Measures of success:
  1. To establish at least one new Wiki Club or Wiki section;
  2. To recruit at least 30 new editors;
  3. To involve at least 10 students from every school.
Participants at Wiki conference for teachers, April 2017

We had two Wiki conferences for teachers in 2017, the first one was held on 20 April and the second one on 19 October. There was a big interest for this conference. There were 130 participants, 8 speakers and 20 Wikipedians volunteers involved. After the conferences were announced, we were unable to accept all interested teachers. The main goal of holding this conferences is to involve the teachers and schools in Wikimedia projects. Many of the teachers are interested to start Wiki Club in their schools, and so far we started successful collaboration with several secondary and high schools in Skopje.

Wiki conferences for teachers will be hold in April and October 2018.

Objectives are:
  1. To educate teachers on how to use Wikipedia in the classroom;
  2. To recruit a new Wiki coordinators for education;
  3. To establish new collaboration with schools.
Measures of success:
  1. To organize two one-day Wiki conferences for teachers;
  2. At least 120 trained teachers;
  3. At least 15 volunteers involved;
  4. At least 3 new establish collaboration with the schools.

Wiki Camp is three day camp for students and members of Wiki Clubs. We plan to organize one Wiki Camp for 50 Wiki Club active members and new participants, plus 12 volunteers, teachers and Wikipedians. Adults have to be present in order to maintain the Wiki Camp. Wiki Camp will serve as a nursery of new Wikipedians, as well as strengthening the interest of existing ones. The first day, there will be session for beginners on how to edit Wikipedia. All three days we will have edit-a-thons, workshops, one wiki expedition around the event place, workshop about Commons, etc. We expect more than 150 new articles created by the participants at the end of the event. One of our team members is an amateur athlete, and she will be responsible to organize sport activities for the participants.

Wiki Camp is planed for November 2018.

Objectives are:
  1. Build connections between experienced and new participants;
  2. Engage new editors and members;
  3. To increase the number of content pages.
Measures of success:
  1. At least 50 participants;
  2. At least 10 new trained editors;
  3. At least 150 new articles;
  4. At least 30 free photos.


GLAM Macedonia user group is registered non-profit organization, and it is a user group of contributors, teachers and researchers who are interested to generate and organize projects and events including participation of Wikimedia volunteers, and employees from GLAM and educational institutions. At the moment, we have 88 members. The Board members and other GLAM Macedonia members have several meetings in person a month, in order to plan and strategize on new activities. Many times there is a need to discuss the ongoing projects or projects we plan to organize in person.

Objectives are:
  1. To increase the number of involved volunteers;
  2. Increase membership from 67 to 100;
  3. Increase visibility of the user group in society, by followers on social media (Facebook), number of blog posts and visits to them, and number of media and press mentions.
Measures of success:
  1. At least once in a month member meetings;
  2. One annual Assembly with program and activities;
  3. Organizing public events to introduce Wikipedia and user group work to the audience;
  4. Maintain the web page, blog and FB page of the user group.
Edit-a-thon participants, September 2017
Members of Wiki Club in Skopje on edit-a-thon on 7 March 2017.

Our edit-a-thons were organized with Wiki Club members, mainly. The first edit-a-thon was held on 1 of December 2016. Seven students took part in the edit-a-thon. The topic of the edit-a-thon was: Karpoš Municipality. The texts for this edit-a-thon was provided by Karpoš Municipality officials. Over the past year, we had 7 thematic edit-a-thons, 38 editors were participants, 40 new articles were created, 10 free photos were uploaded on Commons.

  1. To increase the number of new articles;
  2. To improve the existing articles;
  3. To increase the number of free photos.
Measures of success:
  1. At least 12 organized edit-a-thons;
  2. At least 50 involved editors;
  3. At least 70 new articles.

We took part in the international editing contest: The women you have never met, which took place in March 2017. 13 editors were involved, and they created 35 new articles about biographies of women. The success of this contest is enriched by the fact that our local winner was international contest winner as well, user: Marija Andovska.

Additionally, we plan to organise one editing competition in March. Our idea for the editing competition is to dedicate this competition to the gender gap and decreasing it to a level suitable to our capacities. By this primarily is understood creating articles about female biographies and improving the existing ones.

Objectives are:
  1. To increase the number of new articles;
  2. To enrich mk.wiki with articles about women;
  3. To improve the existing articles;
  4. To increase the number of free photos.
Measures of success:
  1. To organize one-month contest;
  2. To have at least 15 involved editors;
  3. At least 50 new articles about biographies of women on mk.wiki.



This organization is not requesting staff.

Budget and resource plan


Link to a detailed budget (that also includes a plan for raising the resources you need).

GLAM Macedonia Budget

Midpoint report


This is a brief report on the grantee's progress during the midpoint reporting period: 1 January - 30 June 2018.

Program story


Please link to one program story that showcases your organization's achievements during the reporting period.

GLAM Macedonia Blog, All reports



Please add text or a link to a page with details on your program progress. This should including reporting against each of the SMART objectives form your proposal.



Celebrating Wikipedia 17 in Macedonia: open discussion about "Digitization in 21 century"
Editing articles on the subject music with members of choir "Artisan", 17 March 2018

The first half of the year was quite productive and effective in terms of meeting the SMART objectives from the annual plan. The organization and its members put extra efforts in promoting the idea of free knowledge and using the resources for creating free knowledge that will be available for the general public. Several activities marked the community progress, of which noteworthy are the collaboration with volunteers from the Wikipemedians Community of Republika Srpska, collaboration with the choir "Artisan" and its members, collaboration with the City Library and organising a panel discussion about the importance of digitalization in the 21th century and taking part in the conference Wiki Live 2018 in Belgrade, Serbia. During these activities more than 30 articles were created and more than 20 existing articles were improved.
The panel discussion was covered by the national media and the citizens were informed for the activities of GLAM and its collaborators. Four speakers had their presentation on importance of digitization in the GLAM institution they work for:

  • Jasmina Najdovska, advisor for archiving material, a new period, from The State Archives of Republic of Macedonia,
  • Daniela Mitevska, historian educator from the Museum of Macedonian struggle in Skopje,
  • Gordana Andreeva, program manager from the City Library and
  • Gordana Jovik Stojkovska, who is Wikipedian in Residence in the City Library.

The event itself was announced on national TV channel.

The members of the Mixed choir "Artizan" together with members of GLAM Macedonia, and the members of Wiki Clubs in Macedonia lead by GLAM Macedonia, created 20 new articles about music, 15 existing articles were improved and two photos regarding performance of the Macedonian choirs were uploaded on Commons. This collaboration on the theme music come after we received an invitation by several musicians in order to improve the music articles on mkwiki. The main editing together event took part at the evening hours in Public Room in Skopje.

Moreover, the increase of social media coverage is also important to mention. Besides the functioning websites for GLAM Macedonia (http://glammacedonia.mk/mk/) and Wiki Camp (http://wikicamp.mk/), the general Macedonian population significantly used the social media and electronic mails for gaining information about the work of GLAM Macedonia and their possible involvement in the activities. On the other side, GLAM Macedonia and its members actively use the social media to reach the people and spread the idea. This year the interaction with the people is doubled in comparison with the previous year.
GLAM Macedonia members and friends were involved in more than 5 media and press interviews or mentions, including appearance on National TV.

Sub-Project Goal Status Description
Community objectives and mesures of success To increase the number of involved volunteers;
As planed, the interaction with the people is doubled in comparison with the previous year
Increase membership from 67 to 100;
The number of signed association application is now 88.
Increase visibility of the user group in society, by followers on social media (Facebook), number of blog posts and visits to them, and number of media and press mentions.
Beside maintaining FB page and Blog, GLAM Macedonia members and friends of free knowledge have been involved in more than 6 media and press interviews or mentions



NATO workshop with Wiki Club members, 17 April 2018
Wiki Club Ohrid, workshop with the members, 31 March 2018
Working day, Wiki Club Staro Nagoricane, 11 April 2018
Working day in Wiki Club/section in Dracevo, 23 March 2018

The education program of GLAM Macedonia is in a constant progress and increase. The success of the education program can be seen from several measurements or metrics that are clearly visible. Several important activities or events marked the education program of GLAM Macedonia during the previous six months, all connected to the Wiki Clubs and their activities.
During the past six months several crucial things happened that shape the future of the organisation and its idea. The beginning of the year was marked by the establishing and opening of the new Wiki Club Ohrid. This new Wiki Club started in January with 5 members and very quickly they grew to 14 members, resulting with more than 150 created articles and more than 20 existing articles improved. The members of the Wiki Club actively take part in all editing days and weekends and they actively contribute to the number of newly created and improved articles. Wiki Club Ohrid organized two-day workshop where 17 articles were created and 6 existing articles were improved.
The Wiki Club Staro Nagoricane again proved to be very productive and effective. The Wiki Club is in constant improvement in regarding its active participation in GLAM Macedonia education activities and improvement of Wikimedia Projects. The Wiki Club and its members are active contributors to the Macedonian Wikipedia and they took part in activities organized by the WiR and the Club coordinator. As of June, the number of active members of the club is 18 and they have created more than 120 new articles and more than 20 existing articles were improved. The members not only pay attention to the quantity, but also to the quality of their work. Important to mention is the fact that the members gladly participated in the activities organized by the WiR at the City Library on the topic World War I and they contributed with a number of good new articles. Twelve Wikipedians and 8 members of the Wiki Club Staro Nagoricane participated, and two new Wikipedians were trained. During the weekend, 15 new articles were created, and six existing articles were improved.
The Wiki Club Museum of Macedonian Struggle, as the oldest Wiki Club in Macedonia, is the largest Wiki Club in terms of members and active contribution. The Wiki Club is in constant expansion with members and its members are actively involved in the process of improving the quality and quantity of the Macedonian Wikipedia. As of June, the Wiki Club reached 145 members, from 103 in January, which means, 42 new members joined the Club. Additionally, the number of articles created by the members of the Club is more than 200, while the number of improved articles is more than 20.
Besides the engagement in the everyday Wiki Club activities, the members, it is noteworthy to mention, took part in two workshops. The first workshop that was held was April, where Fifteen new members enrolled in Wiki Club, who were introduced with the basics of editing Wikipedia. To the other members of this Wiki Club, who already create and edit articles on Macedonian Wikipedia, were shown tips and tricks, which will improve their editing skills. During the workshop 7 new articles were created and 1 existing article was improved. The second workshop where the members of the Club took part in was the NATO workshop. A short documentary film about NATO was presented to the participants, and they had opportunity to visit the exhibition in the Military Museum. During the three hours of the editing workshop, eight new articles on Wikipedia were created, all biographies of people who were the General Secretaries of NATO.
New Wiki section is established as result of collaboration with the High school "Rade Jovcevski - Korcagin" in Skopje. The Wiki section is led by the history teacher in the school, and started with 12 new editors. All other information about Wiki Clubs could be found on project page, all photos are uploaded on Commons

Overall, the GLAM Macedonia's education program so far resulted with (summary):

  • two new Wiki Club / Wiki section established, Wiki Club Ohrid and Wiki section at the Rade Korcagin High School
  • 52 new editors and members of the Wiki Clubs, total 177 members
  • 512 new article on the Macedonian Wikipedia
  • 779 improved articles on the Macedonian Wikipedia
Sub-Project Goal Status Description
Education objectives, and midpoint status To establish at least one new Wiki Club or Wiki section;
As planed, we started with one new Wiki Club and one new Wiki section as collaboration with one new school,
at least 100 newly registred;
52 new editors were recruit in the first half of the year 2018
at least 760 content pages created or improved across all Wikimedia projects
1277 articles were created or improved across all Wikimedia projects in the first half of the year 2018



Wiki Tour in the City Library, 5 June 2018
Wiki Tour in the Military Museum, 17 April 2018
NATO workshop with Wiki Club members, 17 April 2018
Working day of WiR, 13 April 2018

GLAM Macedonia finished the first half of the year very successfully and productively in terms of its GLAM activities. The success and the achievements of GLAM Macedonia in terms of GLAM activities can be divided into two aspects; Wikipedians in Residence and collaboration with GLAM institutions.

This year, or more precisely this first half of the year, proved to be very successful for GLAM Macedonia and its vision regarding the deepening and strengthening its collaboration with GLAM institutions. The beginning of the year was marked by renewal of the agreement and memorandum for collaboration with the State Archives and the Museum for Macedonian Struggle. GLAM Macedonia can proudly announce that the State Archives has shown and stated that they do want to continue the collaboration with GLAM Macedonia and accept a Wikipedian/ GLAM Macedonia member to continue training and co-working with the Archives' employees. The Archives and the Museum expressed willingness to sign another memorandum for collaboration between the organizations and that was signed between GLAM Macedonia and the State Archives and Museum by their initiative. Therefore, the connections and the collaboration, and as well as the established practices, remain and they are further improved. The third GLAM institution that expressed readiness to renew the memorandum for collaboration is the City Library 'Braka Miladinovci' in Skopje. The Library again, as it was the case with the previous year, even though the management was changed, expressed readiness and willingness to work with GLAM Macedonia. Several activities marked the extremely good collaboration between the organizations, of which worth mentioning are the Wiki Tours, Wikipedian in Residence, the panel discussion and providing access to materials and resources for improving the Macedonian Wikipedia, not only to the materials and resources in the main library, but also to its regional chapters around the city. Moreover, the library and its staff expressed interest in training and educating people on how to edit and use Wikipedia.

The success of the GLAM program is even greater with the signing of a new memorandum and an agreement for collaboration with another GLAM institution in Macedonia - The Institute for National History. The initial contacts that were done with the Institute grew to a very good collaboration and professional mutual understanding, resulting in signing a contract and memorandum for collaboration. The Institute expressed high interest in the idea and work of GLAM Macedonia and they have shown readiness to help us meet the goals. Therefore, they have expressed the readiness to host the Wikipedian-in-Residence. The WiR's experience with the Institute for National History is very positive. The Institute did not hesitate to provide the WiR materials and resources for improving and the quality and quantity of the Macedonian Wikipedia, and also they provide valuable advice for further improving the quality of the existing articles. The agreement between the Institute and GLAM Macedonia proved to be very successful and their readiness and enthusiasm for helping us spreading the idea of free knowledge is valuable.

GLAM Macedonia currently is in a process of establishing connections and signing memorandums with other GLAM organisations in Macedonia.

The other aspect of the GLAM program of GLAM Macedonia are the Wikipedians-in-Residence. This year, as it was the case last year, two Wikipedians in Residence were sent to two different state institutions. One Wikipedian in Residence was sent to the City Library 'Braka Miladinovci' and the second Wikipedian in Residence was sent to the Institute for National History, both in Skopje. Additionally, as part of the mutual agreement between the State Archives and GLAM Macedonia, we sent volunteers to serve as Wikipedian-in-Residence, but without set working time.

The WiRs had a good and very productive three-month period, each. In the Library, the WiR was warmly welcomed and accepted by its staff. Since the Library got new management, they were introduced with the idea and goals of GLAM Macedonia during the signing of the contract, the WiR immediately started with her own activities. The staff expressed unconditional support and willingness to collaborate, especially in terms of training new volunteers and providing all necessary materials for smooth and productive work of the WiR. Overall, the two Wikipedian in Residence finished the activities on a highly professional level, strengthened the collaboration between GLAM Macedonia and the GLAM institutions and expanded GLAM Macedonia's possibilities for collaboration with other institutions of similar nature. The GLAM activities achieved the following:

• 321 new references were added to the articles on the Macedonian Wikipedia,
• 365 new articles were created and 135 articles were improved during this period, most of them as a direct result of collaboration with volunteers during editing days and editing weekends,
• 25 new images uploaded on Commons
• 5 new volunteers (GLAM employees) were trained on how to edit and use Wikipedia in Macedonian,
• the WiR held a mini-training to the students that regularly visit the reading hall of the Library,
• organized and held 7 events in collaboration with GLAM institutions: 2 Wiki Tours (in City Library and in the Military Museum), 3 editing days and weekends, 1 panel discussion about the importance of digitalization in the 21th century in the City Library, 1 lecture about Wikipedia at the Museum of Macedonian Struggle on celebrating "Five years of education in the Museum".
Sub-Project Goal Status Description
GLAM objectives, and midpoint status send WiR in at least two different GLAM institutions in Macedonia
As planed, we sent two WiR in two GLAM institutions: City Library "Braka Miladinovci" in Skopje and in Institute of National History
at least 2 new GLAM institutions involved in cooperation;
Institute of National History is new institution involved
at least 8 special events (Wikipedian tours, edit-a-thons and workshops with GLAM employees);
7 events so far were organized in collaboration with GLAM institutions
at least 500 references added to the existing articles;
More than 321 references were added to the existing articles so far
at least three GLAM employees who will be educated to edit Wikipedia.
Five new trained GLAM employees



Please report your organization's total spending during the reporting period, or link to a financial document showing your total spending.

Grants:Simple/GLAM Macedonia/2018/Midpoint spending

Final report


This is the final report for your grant, describing your outcomes from the period: 1 July - 31 December 2018.

Program story


Please link to one program story that showcases your organization's achievements during the reporting period.

All reports, Videos of GLAM Macedonia

Learning story


Please link to one learning story that shows how your organization documents lessons learned and adapts its programs accordingly.

GLAM Macedonia Blog, Video made by Radio Slobodna Makedonija in the Wiki Club in the Museum of Macedonian struggle



Please add text or a link to a page with details on your program results. You should report on each of the objectives you included in your Simple APG application.

Metrics worksheet



The year of 2018 for GLAM Macedonia regarding the community activities was quite productive and effective in terms of meeting the SMART objectives from the annual plan. The organization and its members put extra efforts in promoting the idea of free knowledge and using the resources for creating free knowledge that will be available for the general public. Several activities marked the community progress, of which noteworthy are the collaboration with volunteers from the Wikipemedians Community of Republika Srpska, collaboration with the choir "Artisan" and its members, collaboration with the City Library and organising a panel discussion about the importance of digitalization in the 21th century, taking part in the conference Wiki Live 2018 in Belgrade, Serbia, taking part in the Eastern European Editathon which took place in Sofia, and workshop in the honor of Hungarian National day - 23 October.

Moreover, the increase of social media coverage is also important to mention. Besides the functioning websites for GLAM Macedonia (http://glammacedonia.mk/mk/) and Wiki Camp (http://wikicamp.mk/), the general Macedonian population significantly used the social media and electronic mails for gaining information about the work of GLAM Macedonia and their possible involvement in the activities. On the other side, GLAM Macedonia and its members actively use the social media to reach the people and spread the idea. This year the interaction with the people is doubled in comparison with the previous year.

The GLAM Macedonia community, its members and volunteers learnt quite a bit from the conferences organised on international level as well. GLAM Macedonia has sent a representative to the CEE Conference held in Ukraine and GLAM Conference held in Israel. The experience and the new ideas that have been absorbed by the representative significantly enriched the GLAM Macedonia ideas for new projects and activities and expended its visions and encouraged the organisation for cooperation with other wiki groups and chapters. The freshness and the new wave of enthusiasm that affected the members was obvious.
GLAM Macedonia members and friends were involved in more than 13 media and press interviews or mentions, including appearance on National TV.

On 24 October we organized workshop in the honor of Hungarian National day - 23 October. The event took place in the office of the Association of Hungarians in the Republic of Macedonia, and all participants were members of Wiki Club in the Museum of Macedonian struggle in Skopje. During the three hours of the editing workshop, 14 new articles on Wikipedia were created, all biographies of people who were involved in the Hungarian Revolution from 1956. Bilingual book and certificates were given to the participants.

In the beginning of the November, GLAM Macedonia sent three participants for Eastern European Editathon which took place in Sofia.

Sub-Project Goal Status Description
Community objectives and mesures of success To increase the number of involved volunteers;
As planed, the interaction with the people is doubled in 2018, in comparison with the previous year
Increase membership from 67 to 100;
The number of signed association application is now 114.
Increase visibility of the user group in society, by followers on social media (Facebook), number of blog posts and visits to them, and number of media and press mentions.
Beside maintaining FB page and Blog, GLAM Macedonia members and friends of free knowledge have been involved in more than 6 media and press interviews or mentions


Wiki Clubs

The education program of GLAM Macedonia is in a constant progress and increase. The success of the education program can be seen from several measurements or metrics that are clearly visible. Several important activities or events marked the education program of GLAM Macedonia during 2018, all connected to the Wiki Clubs and their activities.

2018 proved to be quite successful for the Wiki Clubs. The year was marked with opening two new Wiki Clubs, Wiki Club Ohrid in January and Wiki Club Shtip in September, in addition to the existing wiki clubs and sections. It was noted that GLAM Macedonia has been in collaboration with 20 schools in Macedonia.

Overall, the GLAM Macedonia's education program so far resulted with (summary):

  • two new Wiki Clubs established, Wiki Club Ohrid, Wiki Club Shtip
  • total 127 new members, in addition to the old ones
  • 1240 new article on the Macedonian Wikipedia
  • 1980 improved articles on the Macedonian Wikipedia
Sub-Project Goal Status Description
Education objectives, and final status To establish at least one new Wiki Club or Wiki section;
Two new Wiki Clubs were established and several new Wiki section as collaboration with four new schools
at least 100 newly registred;
127 new editors were recruit in the year 2018
at least 760 content pages created or improved across all Wikimedia projects
3220 articles were created or improved across all Wikimedia projects in the year 2018

Wiki Camp

Wiki Camp Doyran 2018 took place on the weekend of 7-9 September 2018, in Doyran, Republic of Macedonia. The Camp was a successfully and professionally organized camp for underage students for editing articles on Macedonian Wikipedia. Overall, the camp was a huge success regarding the stated goals and expected outcomes. We had 56 participants, 46 students, two lecturers, and others were involved teachers and GLAM Macedonia volunteers. The students were coming from 10 schools, all from different cities. As a direct result of the Camp one Wiki section was started and 300 new articles were created. On the Wiki Camp, there were 28 already trained Wikipedians, who are members of Wiki Clubs in Macedonia, and 18 newbies.

The sessions were split first two days: in one group there were the new users who were trained to edit Wikipedia and in the other group were Wikipedians who created articles and learn more skills while editing. The second day, there were two sessions: one workshop for photography, and the second workshop for advanced editing. The third day, after the morning editing together, the most successful editors were awarded, and we all together went back home.

Teachers' Conference

On 16 November 2018 we organized Wiki conference for teachers in Ohrid, in front of 67 teachers coming from that area of the Republic of Macedonia. The interest in participation was significant, as we expected. Three speakers, all members of GLAM Macedonia, two of them teachers in the real life, gave introductory talks about Wikipedia and the teaching process. Speakers in the conference were:

A survey of the meeting participants was held after the event, and the results were surprising: 42% of participants said that they are ready to use in the classroom what they learned about, 25 participants want to join the GLAM Macedonia activities, and 72% of participants found the booklet "How instructors are teaching with Wikipedia" useful.

The link of project page on mk.wiki with the program and whole results from the survey.


GLAM activities

GLAM Macedonia finished the year very successfully and productively in terms of its GLAM activities. The success and the achievements of GLAM Macedonia in terms of GLAM activities can be divided into two aspects; Wikipedians in Residence and collaboration with GLAM institutions.

Archaeological Museum in Skopje.

This year proved to be very successful for GLAM Macedonia and its vision regarding the deepening and strengthening its collaboration with GLAM institutions. The beginning of the year was marked by renewal of the agreement and memorandum for collaboration with the State Archives and the Museum for Macedonian Struggle. GLAM Macedonia can proudly announce that the State Archives has shown and stated that they do want to continue the collaboration with GLAM Macedonia and accept a Wikipedian/ GLAM Macedonia member to continue training and co-working with the Archives' employees. The Archives and the Museum expressed willingness to sign another memorandum for collaboration between the organizations and that was signed between GLAM Macedonia and the State Archives and Museum by their initiative. Therefore, the connections and the collaboration, and as well as the established practices, remain and they are further improved. The third GLAM institution that expressed readiness to renew the memorandum for collaboration is the City Library 'Braka Miladinovci' in Skopje. The Library again, as it was the case with the previous year, even though the management was changed, expressed readiness and willingness to work with GLAM Macedonia. Several activities marked the extremely good collaboration between the organizations, of which worth mentioning are the Wiki Tours, Wikipedian in Residence, the panel discussion and providing access to materials and resources for improving the Macedonian Wikipedia, not only to the materials and resources in the main library, but also to its regional chapters around the city. Moreover, the library and its staff expressed interest in training and educating people on how to edit and use Wikipedia.

The success of the GLAM program is even greater with the signing of a new memorandum and an agreement for collaboration with another GLAM institution in Macedonia - The Institute for National History. The initial contacts that were done with the Institute grew to a very good collaboration and professional mutual understanding, resulting in signing a contract and memorandum for collaboration. The Institute expressed high interest in the idea and work of GLAM Macedonia and they have shown readiness to help us meet the goals. Therefore, they have expressed the readiness to host the Wikipedian-in-Residence. The WiR's experience with the Institute for National History is very positive. The Institute did not hesitate to provide the WiR materials and resources for improving and the quality and quantity of the Macedonian Wikipedia, and also they provide valuable advice for further improving the quality of the existing articles. The agreement between the Institute and GLAM Macedonia proved to be very successful and their readiness and enthusiasm for helping us spreading the idea of free knowledge is valuable.

GLAM Macedonia currently is in a process of establishing connections and signing memorandums with other GLAM organisations in Macedonia.

The other aspect of the GLAM program of GLAM Macedonia are the Wikipedians-in-Residence. This year, as it was the case last year, two Wikipedians in Residence were sent to two different state institutions. One Wikipedian in Residence was sent to the City Library 'Braka Miladinovci' and the second Wikipedian in Residence was sent to the Institute for National History, both in Skopje. Additionally, as part of the mutual agreement between the State Archives and GLAM Macedonia, we sent volunteers to serve as Wikipedian-in-Residence, but without set working time.

The WiRs had a good and very productive three-month period, each. In the Library, the WiR was warmly welcomed and accepted by its staff. Since the Library got new management, they were introduced with the idea and goals of GLAM Macedonia during the signing of the contract, the WiR immediately started with her own activities. The staff expressed unconditional support and willingness to collaborate, especially in terms of training new volunteers and providing all necessary materials for smooth and productive work of the WiR. Overall, the two Wikipedian in Residence finished the activities on a highly professional level, strengthened the collaboration between GLAM Macedonia and the GLAM institutions and expanded GLAM Macedonia's possibilities for collaboration with other institutions of similar nature. The GLAM activities achieved the following:

• ~500 new references were added to the articles on the Macedonian Wikipedia,
• 750 articles were created оr improved during the year, most of them as a direct result of collaboration with volunteers during editing days and editing weekends,
• 25 new images uploaded on Commons
• 5 new volunteers (GLAM employees) were trained on how to edit and use Wikipedia in Macedonian,
• the WiR held a mini-training to the students that regularly visit the reading hall of the Library,
• organized and held 8 events in collaboration with GLAM institutions: 3 Wiki Tours (in City Library, the Military Museum and in the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia), 3 editing days and weekends, 1 panel discussion about the importance of digitalization in the 21th century in the City Library, 1 lecture about Wikipedia at the Museum of Macedonian Struggle on celebrating "Five years of education in the Museum".
• One uploaded book on Commons, as a result of the collaboration with the Institute of Macedonian History

On 28 of September 2018 we organize Wiki Tour in the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia in Skopje, as a result of the signed Agreement of collaboration. Wikipedians, members of GLAM Macedonia and our friends had an opportunity to learn more about this Museum and to walk around the artifacts for free of charge.

Sub-Project Goal Status Description
GLAM objectives, and final status send WiR in at least two different GLAM institutions in Macedonia
As planed, we sent two WiR in two GLAM institutions: City Library "Braka Miladinovci" in Skopje and in Institute of National History
at least 2 new GLAM institutions involved in cooperation;
Institute of National History and the Archaeological Museum of the Republic of Macedonia are new institutions involved
at least 8 special events (Wikipedian tours, edit-a-thons and workshops with GLAM employees);
8 events were organized in collaboration with GLAM institutions
at least 500 references added to the existing articles;
More than 500 references were added to the existing articles in 2018
at least three GLAM employees who will be educated to edit Wikipedia.
Five new trained GLAM employees



Please link to a detailed financial report for your spending during the grant period. This should be in the same format as your detailed budget from your Simple APG application.

Final financial report for 2018

Please include the total amount of Simple APG funds you spent during the grant period.

10,844 EUR