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Grants:Simple/Applications/Wikimedia Suomi/2017

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Grant stage: grant in progress
Grantee: Wikimedia Suomi
Amount granted: 48,203 EUR (51,400)
Funding period: 1 May 2017 to 31 December 2017
Final report due: 30 January 2018





These two requests are required of first-time applicants. In future years, you can use reports to substitute for these requirements.

  1. Link to one program story that showcases your organization's achievements in the past year.
  2. Link to one learning story you have created or contributed to, that demonstrates how your organization documents and applies learning.

Link to these documents only if you have them.

  1. Link to your organization's staffing plan. Henkilöstökäytäntö
  2. Link to your annual plan. Wikimedia Suomi toimintasuunnitelma 2017
  3. Link to your strategic plan. We are working on our strategic plan this year.

Please add your global metrics to this sheet. Contact APG staff if you need access. Please visit this worksheet to view global metrics targets and progress.




The goal of the community program is to grow our community on national and international scale. We will achieve this through contests, and international collaboration. During the grant period the entire Finnish Wikipedia will have 2 300 new images added to Wikimedia Commons and 300 images in Wikipedia, 500 active editors and 430 new editors involved, and 8 community members participating in 12 international networks.

For the first time in Finland we will organize Wiki Loves Monuments photo competition which results in estimated 2 000 photos downloaded into Commons to be used in Wikipedia projects or articles. A part time assistant will be responsible for coordinating our participation in the competitions. Participation in WLM is done in cooperation with Museovirasto (Finland’s National Board of Antiquities) and the steering group consists of people from both parties.

Finnish language is central in Fenno-Ugric languages. Wikimedia Suomi should share experience with the Fenno-Ugric Wikimedia chapters and user groups and Wikimedia Russia. In order to maintain connection to this culturally significant sector we nominate a person who volunteers to be responsible of minority languages, Swedish, Fenno-Ugrigs and Northern Same Wikipedia and Wikimedia collaboration.

In May our representative will participate in Wikimedia Hackathon in Vienna. We open two travel grants in May for our community members and two board nominated representations to participate Wikimania meeting in Montreal, Canada. One person participates in CEE meeting in Warsaw, Poland, in September. The participants are briefed by board or experienced Wikimedians or negotiate together before their travel.

The participants mediate topical ideas, methods and news for the community. We require the participants to report of their experience to the community at large in Wikimedia Suomi blog and/or in internal reporting. These introduce new insights and ideas to our community. We encourage warmly the participants to share experience of our activities in these international forums. International networks develop if number of participants contacts and interaction increase.

We strengthen our international collaboration with international Wikimedia movement, especially with our vicinity Wikimedias of Estonia, Sweden and Russia by participating in international meetings and organising contests and events.

Wikimedia Suomi supports and participates in Suomi100 international Wikipedia translation competition, where 100 qualified articles in Finnish Wikipedia about Finland are translated into different Wikipedias. The project was initiated and run by community volunteers.

With Wikimedia Estonia, we collaborate a month of editing and a photography contest. This will produce 200-400 new Wikipedia articles and photographs about Estonia in Finnish and Finland in Estonian Wikipedias.

Wikimedia Suomi follows the EU copyright directive proposal process in EU parliament. The personal data protection law enforcement in EU legislation will be discussed in the community, especially concerning Wikidata.


Wikimedia Suomi partners with libraries, museums, open data groups, and educational institutions to increase the quality and quantity of content on the Wikimedia projects, and increase community participation. Through these collaborations we expect to involve 9 institutions, 30 active editors, and 40 new editors. We expect 30 images used on Wikimedia projects and 30 articles created or improved through our partnerships work.

Wikimedia Suomi supports nationwide organisation and participation in affiliate events. From this year we urge our partners to organize Wikipedia and Wikimedia related events more independently by delivering information about how to organize Wiki-events when introducing Wikimedia and Wikipedia basics in various events. Local networks should continue as informal, independent Wikipedia user groups. If they continue collaboration with local libraries, archives and museums and other organizations, the task of nationwide coverage of the community is fulfilled. This requires in the future, that we maintain and organize these local networks and develop a program that provides education in Wikipedia pedagogic activity.

This year´s theme in our GLAM operations are libraries. We organize short (2-4 hours) information and editing events in various local libraries and educate librarians to organize Wiki-events. By the end of the year 2017 we expect to have 6 Wikipedia introduction and editing events that involve 40 new editors that create 36 new articles. At the end of the year we prepare for the 1lib&1ref event in January 2018.

We continue GLAM partnerships with Kiasma, Atheneum and AGK art museums and archives of art of the National Gallery. The National Museum of Finland. Pori Art museum and Media museum Vapriikki in Tampere are significant partners, where we see emerging programmatic collaboration. We estimate to organize six editing, photo-hunt or hacking events with museums in which 30 new articles, 150 photos and new ideas are introduced. We will continue our collaboration of editing Wikipedia with the Finnish Museum of Games, which was opened in Tampere in January 2017.

We expect to start a collaboration program with Finnish Museums Association about use of free cultural heritage and copyrights with museums and Wikipedia. This will educate museum staffs to organize Wikipedia and Wikimedia events, dealing with free licences photographs and approaching Wikirecidencies.

There will be at least five short (4–6 hours) GLAM and other editing events that attend 12 persons and gain 5 new editors each. We organize five one-day (6–12 hours) editing events that attend 15–30 persons and gain 7 new editors each. We organize at least one photo-hunt, where 200 photos are to be uploaded to Commons to be used in Wikipedia projects and articles. A representative of Wikimedia Suomi will be at the events and local experienced Wikipedians will contribute as instructors.

The association collaborates with Wikidata and Open Glam projects. This year we will organise collaborative events with our partnerships Open Knowledge Finland Open Glam organization, Finnish Broadcasting company YLE and Finnish fact-checking organization Faktabaari. With them we organise a workshop under themes political elections, Wikidata, fact checking and fake news. Estimated 20 new and 15 experienced editors participate and create 12 new Wikipedia articles and 2 000 Wikidata items. With Open Knowledge Finland organization, we organize an information campaign about open data and licences targeted to Finnish municipalities and regions.

In spring 2017 we are running two Education Program pilots that will serve as learning tools for setting up broader Education Program. The pilots are run at the universities of Helsinki and Jyväskylä. Our goal is to launch the program in Finnish Wikipedia by the end of this year. After the pilots we will launch a community consultation and make draft pages for the project. From the experience of the Wikipedia Library consultation, we expect 10–15 Wikipedians to take part in the discussion. Our plan is to create a hub in the same style as English and Swedish Wikipedia (i.e. translate them to Finnish). Programs & Events dashboard will be demoed to facilitiate the courses. Two workshops will be organised in August / September for teachers and EDU tutors. Wikimedia Suomi should consider to act as a promoter to maintain this hub, the course pages and offer to help lecturers when needed.

We take part in project Wiki-leap for elementary education by developing didactic and pedagogic material for teachers and education materials for pupils in digital sphere. This advances experimental culture in open licences and digital service concepts by compiling schoolbooks under free licence into WikiBooks. Operations are targeted in Wikibooks and include editing and education events.


By our experience everybody in Finland knows Wikipedia, but very few know how Wikipedia works, what is Wikimedia family and what are the organizations behind it. Responsibility of Wikimedia Suomi is to spread information on Wikimedia family to large reading audiences by gaining media and public visibility.

Our main strategy in Outreach is presence in Finnish society at large. We reach this by being present at following events with information kiosks: Finnish Museum league annual conference in Rauma in May, Finnish Librarians days in Jyväskylä in June, where we expect to have altogether 60 important contacts. We take part in Helsinki Book Fair in October, where we reach from 80 000 visitors about 240 contacts.

This year we want to stress Wikipedia as a civic activity and library collaboration. We will organize a small travelling exhibition titled “15 years of Wikipedia in Finland” in collaboration with media museum Vapriikki in connection with The Finnish Museum of Games in Tampere. The exhibition informs the viewers about the history of Wikipedia, the Wikimedia movement and Wikimedia Suomi activity. The exhibition starts in the Museum of Games in Tampere and will reach about 8 000 visitors monthly. After that the exhibition travels in public libraries around the country.

The association reaches its members via Wikimedia Suomi blog and Facebook pages. Announcements about events are published in Wikipedia (village pump). The monthly association board meetings and minutes are open to be read for all. We welcome and support initiatives from within the community and outside it.

Finnish language Wikipedia is rather large in numbers of articles and active editors, but compared to these, the amount of association members is small. We develop the association membership relationships by offering more possibilities to engage in both association and Wikimedia family activities. Our task is to gain 15 percent more new members by the end of the year 2017 in our association. We expect to get new members take part in the Community and Partnership programs. The number of new members and their activity indicates the success of these programs. Intensifying membership relations by more effective use of information channels and contests is a priority task within the community.

Our outreach task is to increase the number of our active members by 10 percent (6–10 persons) by the end of the term. We gain this by increasing our visibility, by being actively represented and by giving speeches, lectures and participate in gatherings and meetings of our old and new associates. Our member benefits include a monthly membership letter (blog), access to equipment owned by the association and participation in many inspiring events.




  1. Please link to a detailed job description, which shows how this staff person will help your organization achieve its goals.
    The hired person acts as a coordinator to make decisions related to day-to-day activities of the chapter and helps to add entries to the document registry and process documents. We need to someone to facilitate internal and external communication of the chapter, community support and managing day-to-day finances.
  2. How long is this staff person or contractor's planned engagement with your organization, and how many hours will they work over the course of this grant?
    This person is a regular staff person who will be working 2 days a week throughout the year.
  3. Use a percentage of that person's total hours to show how they will spend their time on different programs and activities.
    Community, WLM 60%; partnerships 20%; outreach 20%

Budget and resource plan


Link to a detailed budget (that also includes a plan for raising the resources you need). https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w9gxmifnPSplpeF18qroCo1VxY9qaT1DTTmrNpWD1UM/edit#gid=868905082

Midpoint report


This is a brief report on the grantee's progress during the midpoint reporting period: 1 May - 30 September.

Program story


Please link to one program story that showcases your organization's achievements during the reporting period.

Here is the text you may use to add a story or link!



Please add text or a link to a page with details on your program progress. This should including reporting against each of the SMART objectives from your proposal.


Objectives include growing our community; 2300 new images to Commons, 300 images to Wikipedia; 500 active editors; 430 new editors; 8 community members participating in 12 international networks

Our Blog and Facebook group Wikipedian ystävät has been regularly updated with current news and events. In Wikipedia, we have published information on our events in Finnish Wikipedias village pump and current events pages. We have accepted XXX new members in our association.

The Wikimedia Suomi association has held 11 meetings this calender year of which 9 were board meetings, one spring meeting and one strategy plan meeting. Most of board members are living in same physical location which allowed face to face meetings.

We participated in Wikimedia Hackathon and WikiCite in Vianna(1 person), Wikimania in Montreal (2 persons) and CEE meeting in Warsaw (2 person). Vikipeedia Suvepäev (1 person) and Vikipeedia 15 (5 persons) in Estonia.

Through Wiki Loves Monuments we have engaged community members and also non-editors. The competition resulted in roughly 2296 pictures including organizers 100-200 photos and the jury process is underway. We have conducted WLM in collaboration with the National Board of Antiquities, a large and influential organization, and we have also succeeded in collecting a good jury; we have professional photographers, an employee of the Ministry of Environment, a Wikimedian, and an editor of an online culture journal.

Wikimedia Suomi was represented in CEE 2017 by a member of the board and the coordinator. The event gave the association new contacts, skills and ideas, and will hopefully result in new partnerships and projects. The Finnish representatives had an informal meeting with other Nordics present to discuss future collaborations.

Later in the report (under Activity 1.4.-1.10.2017) you will find detailed information on the events, including the community members who participated.


Objectives include increasing the quality and quantity of content on the Wikimedia projects; increasing community participation; 9 institutions, 30 active editors, and 40 new editors

We have had continuing collaboration with the National Board of Antiquities on WLM and WikiLeap. We have started planning a new project with the National Archive; this project will collect and organize information on coats of arms in Wikidata (similar to what has been conducted by the French).

We have continued collaboration with the Museum of Games, and are in the process of organizing an exhibition on Wikipedia's first 15 years in Finland. The exhibition will start in Tampere, but we have planned for it to be showcased in other cities as well.

Our work on WikiLeap has been productive, although it is still in the early stages. We are working on importing elementary school education materials into WikiBooks.

See Activity 1.4.-1.10.2017 for more information on new articles, partnerships and editathons.


Objectives include being present in events; communication in Facebook, Twitter, blog and Wikipedia (village pump); 15 percent more members by the end of 2017

The association has been represented in multiple events, such as Finnish Museum League annual conference and Finnish Librarians Day. We have organized or taken part in multiple photohunts and editathons. The association was also represented in Wikimania, CEE 2017, and Estonian Wikipedia's 15th birthday celebration.

We have shared information on our projects and other topics in different channels. Our blog is an active medium of communication.



Please report your organization's total spending during the reporting period, or link to a financial document showing your total spending. 21822,09 EUR

Here is where your spending notes/explanations are.


Final report


This is the final report for your grant, describing your outcomes from the period 1 May - 31 December 2017.

Program story


Please link to one program story that showcases your organization's achievements during the reporting period.

In 2017 Finnish Wikipedia participated first time to the Wiki Loves Monuments. (website: wlm2017.wikimedia.fi)

WMFI organized the national competition of Wiki Loves Monuments in collaboration with the Finnish National Board of Antiquities (NBA). The competition was successful: 2 300 photos were uploaded into Commons by 93 participants of whom 50 were new, which shows that projects like WLM are a good way to reach and activate non-editors. Due to its success, WMFI will be organizing WLM again in 2018.

Technical implementation of the competition was built on top of Wikidata. Cultural heritage sites of national significance and some ancient monument register sites were matched and imported to Wikidata with statements covering basic information such as area, type, coordinates and national IDs. After that, existing Wikidata items, which were located inside the Wikidata items from the national registers, were linked together using ‘part of’ property to get higher granularity in the data. SPARQL and Listeria were used to create target monuments lists of the Wikidata items that had either an NBA ID OR were part of a Wikidata item that had an NBA ID. Wikidata was also used for adding the default descriptions and Commons categories to the photos. In addition, a separate mobile map based on Wikishootme by Magnus Manske was used. The jury used Montage for photo evaluation.

The collaboration proved to be successful as both parties were able to utilize each other’s contacts, knowledge and skills. WMFI had the chance to use NBA’s databases and connections and NBA published WLM press releases. After the competition, photographs have been utilized in their databases on cultural heritage sites of national significance in Finland and ancient monuments database and they were used. Part of the photographs will be permanently archived by the NBA. An example from the NBA's website - a WLM photo in the top right corner. WMFI and NBA had a follow-up meeting in January 2018 where the organizers shared their experiences and began planning for WLM 2018. The NBA was positively surprised by the success of the project, and how useful the results will be in their databases.

Learning story


Please link to one learning story that shows how your organization documents lessons learned and adapts its programs accordingly.

In 2017 WMFI became a proper employer – for the first time in two years. The latter half of the year was spent on learning employer’s practices and responsibilities. Excluding few stand-alone projects, everything had been done previously on a volunteer basis.

In May we hired a part-time coordinator to organize WLM, manage our projects and carry out association’s day-to-day activities. However, WLM was a big task, especially for a first-timer in Wikimedia environment, and we also underestimated the technical demands of our plan. We realized that we would not have been able to arrange WLM well enough without somebody working full-time on the data and the technical implementation. So, in the end, we supported the coordinator with one board member as a volunteer doing the required technical and wiki-specific work, and we hired a Wikidata and cultural content expert for the technical implementation.

However, even with the success of WLM, last year clearly unbalanced WMFI’s internal workflow. As a result, our reporting was late, our higher education project was postponed to next year and our 15 years of Finnish Wikipedia exhibition is still not ready. To improve this, we adopted new project management tools, such as Trello and Slack, and practises, such as guidelines and division of tasks. This has made it possible for board members and staff to be on the same page, and it has allowed us to organize our individual work better.

In addition, we have developed our systems related to financials by putting in place new guidelines and rules. Hiring a treasurer from outside has helped greatly with our management. It has also improved sustainability as we now don’t have to find a new volunteer with these professional skills every year.

We adapted our learned lessons into operation: for next year’s WLM we have all the needed tasks already divided into subtasks in project management tool. We have hired the technical support needed for the implementation of WLE and WLM and to solve the emerging problems, as the projects have been closely tied to the use of advanced technical tools. This also frees coordinator’s resources to focus on maintaining day-to-day activities, contacts, and communications related to all the projects, including WLM.



Please add text or a link to a page with details on your program results. You should report on each of the objectives you included in your Simple APG application.

Please visit this worksheet to view global metrics targets and progress


WMFI strengthened its international collaborations: Board members and staff participated in international events, such as CEE Meeting in Warsaw and Diversity Conference in Stockholm, and traveled to Tallinn, Estonia to congratulate WMEE on their 15 years of Wikipedia. During the Estonia trip, we continued our strategy work in brainstorming sessions and networked with our Estonian colleagues. At Wikimedia Hackathon and Wikicite, WMFI representatives gave presentations about Glampipe and the Flagged Revision extension.(link 1 and link 2) Three representatives of WMFI participated in Wikimania, one of which had not participated in a Wikiconference before .

WMFI continued with Public art project in which the task is to collect data and photographs of all Public art works and memorials in Finland into Wikipedia. The largest cities have been covered and the work continues into smaller municipalities. Several experienced Wikipedians have joined the project and since last summer the work has become continuous. We have organized photo safaris in Pori, Tampere, Espoo, and Vaasa. The participants have created a control list to govern the lists: 12 municipalities were estimated as complete or nearly complete; 102 had coverage but were lacking in illustration and location; and 41 were lacking in coverage, illustration and location incomplete. Still, ungraded were 144 municipalities. Integrating into Wikidata is next major issue, and we need more intense collaboration with local museums, heritage associations and organizations that adhere public artworks and memorials.

This turned out to be a successful project, developed over time, and it has attracted many community members. One of the reasons for its success might be that it was planned to be accessible and attainable, and results can be seen in real time.

Wikimedians participated in open culture hackathon Hack4FI – Hack your heritage! where one project was a plan of AR application of recognizing public artworks. A Finna to Commons uploading tool was made in this event.

CEE Meeting and Diversity Conference led to shared knowledge and new initiatives between international Wikimedians; for example, WMFI, WMSE and WMNO are planning together a project about female community leaders. Finnish Wikimedians also presented the Glampipe project at the Wikimedia Conference in Berlin.

WMFI assisted the community of Finnish Wikipedia in their Suomi 100 editing contest, the objective of which was to improve and translate selected 100 articles related to Finland into other language editions of Wikipedia. Due to WMFI’s minor supportive role in the contest as a whole, it is not included in our metrics.

The Wikimedia Suomi association held 17 meetings in 2017. 14 of them were board meetings, two were general meetings and one was a strategy meeting.


During this grant period, WMFI opened collaboration with the National Museum of Finland and the National Board of Antiquities which are the major large museum establishments in Finland. This happened first in conjunction with Wiki Loves Monuments and later with the WikiLeap project. WMFI was represented in Museopäivät (Museum days) by two board members and one community member, who promoted WLM and Wikimedia tasks.

WMFI continued cooperation with established partners and also started collaborations with new partners such as KAVI (National Audiovisual Institute), with whom we organized one editathon. The participants were both from this institution and the staff of YLE Finnish Broadcasting Company. In late 2017 we started collaborating with the Finnish National Archives and it led to our very first Wikiresidency, starting this February.

We organized ten editathons and events with GLAM institutions and libraries. For example, we held an editathon with the National Audiovisual Archive, editing and creating articles relating to Finnish radio and television history. We held three small-scale editathons in a local library in Vantaa. Another workshop we organized was Coding Obstacle Course, which focused on editing WikiBooks in a fun way.

Another conference that WMFI participated in was a conference Open licence, open content, open data: tools for developing digital humanitites in Tartu, Estonia, in which president Heikki Kastemaa and a representative from the Game Museum in Tampere took part and who gave a presentation on the establishing of the Game Museum, which opened on January 2017.


WMFI’s flagship education project WikiLeap is aimed at co-creating learning materials and textbooks for Finnish schools to be freely used by anyone in elementary education. Our partners in this project are The Finnish Information Processing Association (TIVIA); IT Educators Association (IT-kouluttajat ry) and CSC - IT Centre for Science (Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy).

The project progressed swiftly in 2017. Results include two editing events, out of which one was organized for teachers and the other with the [[:w:National Museum of Finland |National Museum of Finland]]. Five presentations on WikiLeap were held in different events. The team also organized three school visits. This cooperation has resulted in increased awareness of WikiBooks as a source for learning materials, and new materials have also been created.


During the grant period our biggest project was Wiki Loves Monuments, which is described more closely in Program Story.

Apart from WLM, a big part of our outreach work was conducted through participation in different events, making contacts and holding speeches, thus making Wikimedia and WMFI more known to different stakeholders. For example, the association had a representative participating in the Gothenburg book fair in Sweden. This was important as WMFI has wanted for a long time to build more bridges between Finnish Wikipedia, Swedish-speakers in Finland and WMSE. The representative has become a connection between these groups, and we’re planning to use her contacts and networks in the future as we move forward with our cooperation with Fenno-Swedes.

We also participated in Library Days in Jyväskylä with a booth and presentation for librarians. In “Library network days” in Helsinki Heikki Kastemaa gave a talk on Encyclopedism, Wikipedia and Wikimedia. Libraries and librarians are an important resource we’re working to engage more, and his talk made the Wikimedia movement more known in this event.

Kastemaa also worked as a Wikiresident in Villa Karo in Benin, where he gave talks and hosted editathons in various events and thus raised awareness of the Wikimedia movement and WMFI.

We reached the planned 10 percent growth in our membership.



Please link to a detailed financial report for your spending during the grant period. This should be in the same format as your detailed budget from your Simple APG application.

Financial Report May 1 - December 31 (updated 2.5.2018)

Please include the total amount of Simple APG funds you spent during the grant period.

36,656.82 EUR (44,016.04 USD)