Primos Wiki

Patricia “Tater” Ramirez Humphrey is the main protagonist of Primos. She is a 9-year-old eccentric Mexican-American girl with big dreams and, unbeknownst to her, a certain 'it factor' that makes her exceptional. When her 12 cousins (‘primos’ in Spanish) move in for the summer, they help her discover just what it is. She is voiced by Myrna Velasco.


Tater, a spirited and imaginative young Mexican-American girl, is eagerly anticipating her 10th birthday and the summer of self-discovery that lies ahead. Her excitement, however, takes an unexpected turn when her twelve lively cousins, her primos, arrive to stay for the summer. Initially, Tater is disappointed and frustrated by their intrusion, as she longs for solitude and personal space. She fears that her primos will disrupt her plans, invade her privacy, and create chaos in her life.

Tater's initial resistance to her primos' presence is rooted in her belief that they will encroach on her space, causing mess and disorder. She envisions her summer being ruined by their rambunctious energy and constant presence. Despite her reservations, Tater soon begins to understand that their presence is not a hindrance but a blessing in disguise. Her cousins play a crucial role in helping her unearth her true identity and explore the rich tapestry of her multicultural family history.

Tater is introduced as a girl with a clear vision of her future and who she wants to become. However, the arrival of her primos challenges this vision, causing her to become withdrawn and slightly anti-social. Despite her initial resistance, Tater's natural craftiness and resourcefulness come to the fore. She can be somewhat egocentric, believing her goals and aspirations to be loftier than those of her family, who she perceives as being more grounded and practical. This creates a tension between her ambitions and her family's values.

On the other hand, Tater is highly observant and possesses an open mind, traits that underscore her intelligence. This is somewhat ironic, as her sister Nellie points out that Tater does not enjoy school. Tater deeply cares about her family, particularly her baby brother Bud. Her protective nature and affection for Bud highlight her strong familial bonds, even as she struggles with the changes brought by her cousins' arrival.

As Tater retreats to her newfound attic hideout, seeking solace and isolation, she begins to feel the sting of being left out. Realizing that she misses the companionship and vibrancy of her primos, Tater makes a conscious effort to engage more with them. In doing so, she discovers that her presence and actions inadvertently help her cousins step out of their comfort zones and embrace their true selves.

Through this journey, Tater learns valuable lessons about family, identity, and self-discovery. Her cousins, initially seen as obstacles, become catalysts for her personal growth. They help her appreciate the beauty of her multicultural heritage and the importance of family bonds. Tater's summer, once dreaded, transforms into a time of profound personal development, enriched by the love and support of her primos.

The Summer of Tater

Tater harboured ambitious dreams for her future, and with summer break upon her, she was determined to make headway. At almost ten years old, she felt a pang of disappointment at her perceived lack of progress. However, she resolved to use her alone time during the summer to push forward with her plans.

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Tater explaining her big dreams to Nellie.

Her resolve was abruptly shaken when she was disturbed in bed by a rough commotion. Bibi had unexpectedly invited all twelve cousins to stay for the summer. Tater, initially disheartened by their rowdy and reckless behavior, saw them as distractions rather than companions. Her dismay deepened when Bibi announced that all twelve cousins would be bunking in her room, potentially jeopardizing her personal space and belongings.

In an attempt to maintain order amidst the chaos, Tater devised a roommate agreement contract. She offered to bring in all the cousins' luggage if they agreed to abide by her rules: no loud music, no roughhousing, no perfume or makeup, and no tooting. The cousins, however, took offense to these restrictions, as many of their favorite activities were now prohibited.

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Bibi tells Tater and Nellie about the primos staying in their room.

Tater stood firm, refusing entry to her room unless they signed the agreement. But her defenses crumbled when Gordita easily bypassed the room's combination lock, which was based on Tater's social security number. Faced with this breach, Tater reluctantly retreated, guarding her belongings outside her room.

The cousins attempted to manipulate Tater, sending sweet-natured Lucita to soften her resolve, but Tater remained steadfast. However, Nacho's use of her diary as leverage struck a nerve, sending Tater into a panic. With her secrets at risk, Tater hatched a plan to reclaim her diary while deceiving the cousins with a decoy.

Her attempt to sneak through a vent was foiled by Nachito, leading to a skirmish where the cousins overpowered Tater, using cologne, pillows, and water guns to overwhelm her defenses. Defeated, Tater resigned herself to the primos remaining belongings, relieved to find her diary left untouched amidst the chaos.

Finding solace in the board game "Diplomats and Domains," Tater began to play alone in the hallway. Surprisingly, Gordita joined her, followed by Nachito, and soon all the cousins gathered to watch. Gordita proposed a trade: a card Tater needed in exchange for adjustments to the roommate agreement. Tater agreed, albeit refusing to budge on the no tooting rule.

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The primos all stand by and watch Tater and Gordita play.

Moved by their gesture, Tater expressed her longing for a space of her own. In response, the cousins surprised her by transforming a corner of their crowded room into "Tater's Corner." Decorated with her favorite things, including Nachito's night light and Lita's guitar, it became a sanctuary within the chaos.

Overwhelmed by their generosity, Tater was left in awe of what the cousins had done for her, realizing that amidst their differences and initial clashes, they had come together to make her feel at home.

Chore Duty

The next morning, Tater's excitement surged when she spotted a box of name-brand cereal on the dinner table—a rare sight in their household. She eagerly reached for it, only to find it empty, with Nachito and ChaCha sporting cereal remnants all over them. Disappointed, Tater realized it must have been bought for the visiting cousins.

After breakfast, Bibi intercepted Tater and Nellie, assigning them chore duty. Tater protested, questioning why they had to do all the chores while Bibi got to enjoy entertaining the cousins. Bibi explained she had plans for the primos and needed their help to tidy up. Resigned, Tater began cleaning, while Nellie cleverly escaped most chores by offering to match socks.

As Tater tidied up under Bibi's watchful eye, annoyance grew with each new task. But her breaking point came when she was ordered to clean the bathroom. Opening the door revealed a chaotic scene from the T-Sisters' spa day—bath bombs, makeup, towels, and dirt strewn everywhere. Frustrated, Tater glanced out the small window to see Bibi having a blast with the cousins, intensifying her irritation.

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Tater opens the bathroom door to see the mess the T-Sisters left.

Fed up, Tater rebelled by dropping her walkie-talkie into the bathwater, symbolically disconnecting from her chores to focus on her vision board, discussed with Vision Tiger. He encouraged her, noting the board was empty because she hadn't yet defined her dreams—a task "The Summer of Tater" was meant to fulfill.

Overhearing Bibi's emotional phone call about exhausting her planned activities and expressing gratitude for Tater's help, guilt washed over Tater. She hadn't realized how essential her support was to Bibi. Retrieving the walkie-talkie, Tater resumed cleaning, but panic set in when Nacho urgently knocked, needing the bathroom. Hastily grabbing her vision board materials, Tater braced for the worst.

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Tater explaining the new Primo Chore Chart to the T-Sisters.

To her astonishment, Nacho left the bathroom spotless, surprising Tater with his respectful habits. Nachito joined in, and observing their willingness to pitch in, Tater devised a Primos Chore Chart to involve everyone in housework. Presenting her plan to Bibi, Tater's heart swelled as Bibi welled up with joy, deeply touched by Tater's initiative and creativity.

Expressing her initial desire to focus on her vision board, Tater received an unexpected gift from Bibi—a deluxe art box with pens, markers, and a fresh canvas for her board. Grinning ear to ear, Tater felt supported in her aspirations.

Energized by Bibi's encouragement, Tater established the Chore Chart for the primos, assigning tasks and fostering a sense of responsibility. With newfound purpose and support, Tater embarked on filling her vision board while nurturing a more harmonious household dynamic, enriched by everyone's participation and contributions.

Quest for Alone Time

Late one evening, Tater, feeling overwhelmed by the chaos of her rowdy cousins, covered her head with a pasta strainer and stealthily crawled to the living room. There, she wrapped herself in a blue blanket, seeking refuge from the commotion. Startled by Buela pulling her out of her makeshift cocoon, Tater initially reacted with a shout before realizing it was just her grandmother.

Tater and T sisters on their phone.

Tater making her way past the T-Sisters on their phones.

Buela gently chided Tater for isolating herself, commenting that she looked as if she were under a curse. Tater scoffed at the notion, dismissing fairy tales as she neared her "decade old" milestone. As the cousins entered the living room, Tater hissed at them and retreated deeper into her blanket.

To her surprise, the room suddenly fell silent. Tater peeked out to find only LotLot, engrossed in a tea party with her doll, Dolly. LotLot confided that the other cousins were terrified of Dolly and avoided her. Sensing an opportunity, Tater persuaded LotLot to let her watch over Dolly while LotLot mingled with the cousins, echoing Buela's earlier advice.

Before leaving, LotLot laid down three rules: keep Dolly in sight at all times, brush her hair at least fifty times to prevent spiders from escaping, and never let Dolly cross to Tater's side. Disgusted yet intrigued by the odd rules, Tater reluctantly agreed.

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Tater insisting on LotLot letting her watch Dolly.

Using Dolly to her advantage, Tater deterred the T-Sisters from styling her hair by revealing Dolly and insisting they work on her instead, prompting a swift exit from the girls. Throughout the evening, Tater strategically placed Dolly outside the bathroom door and in her bedroom to clear spaces of cousins, while she relaxed and readied her diary.

Her peace shattered when she accidentally knocked Dolly onto her bed, violating the rule. She took quick notice that she had moved from in front of the door, which she had originally placed her. She then seen Dolly's 8-Ball eye stare at her ominously saying "I See You", Tater panicked and stowed Dolly in the closet. Returning to her diary, Tater was startled by a chilling voice pleading, "Let me out." Terrified, she fled to join the cousins in the living room, where she caught a glimpse of Dolly's reflection on the TV screen, though no one else seemed to notice.

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Tater reveals Dolly to the T-Sisters to scare them off.

LotLot reminded Tater of Dolly's aversion to being left alone, intensifying Tater's panic over leaving Dolly in the closet. Returning to her room, Tater found Dolly perched in a chair at the doorway, laughing eerily. In a frenzied attempt to appease Dolly, Tater brushed her hair fifty times, only to be startled by a swarm of spiders crawling out from Dolly's head.

Later that night, Tater accidentally knocked Dolly off her bed, triggering non-stop eerie giggles. Desperate, Tater wrapped Dolly in a blanket and phone cord coil, fleeing to Buela's house. There, Tater confessed that Buela might have been right about the curse, prompting Buela to prepare to rid Tater of the supposed curse with a torch, amid swirling smoke.

LotLot serving blood punch to tater

LotLot pours a glass of blood orange tea during her and Tater's tea party.

Their ritual was abruptly interrupted by coughing from under the table, revealing LotLot. She confessed to orchestrating the entire haunting: moving Dolly, mimicking voices from the closet, placing spiders in Dolly, and creating illusions to scare Tater. When asked why, LotLot admitted she wanted to bond with Tater, believing scaring people was her "love language." She felt a connection with Tater, seeing similarities in their desire for solitude and tranquility.

Moved by LotLot's honesty, Tater was taken aback but understood. They decided to have a tea party at Buela's, bonding over their shared experience and newfound understanding of each other.

Vision Board

Tater delcares a training montage

Tater declares they do a training montage to help her develop her skills.

One of Tater's biggest goals for the summer is to work on her vision board, a collection of aspirations and dreams she wants to pursue when she grows up. This summer is especially significant for her because she is turning 10 years old, and she wants to make it unforgettable. While her cousins are in the living room watching "Cake Island" on TV, Tater finds the show ridiculous and even talks to the character on screen, saying, "You're going to die alone." This comment angers the primos, who shout at her for "disrespecting Cake Island." Feeling dejected, Tater crouches down beside the couch to work on her vision board but is saddened to see it nearly blank, even a few days into summer vacation.

As she glances at the TV, she notices an ad for BizKid Magazine, which features kids under the age of 10 accomplishing outstanding things. Inspired, Tater decides to learn 10 new skills in a week to get featured in the magazine. She asks one of her cousins to lend her a phone, but they respond by throwing pillows at her. Determined, Tater turns to Buela and Pops, asking to borrow their camcorder. Gordita, intrigued by Tater's plan, volunteers to handle the camera.

At Buela and Pops' house, Buela is delighted to see her granddaughters. Tater asks to borrow the camcorder but is distracted by Pop throwing tires. Buela explains that Pop is trying something new. When Tater shares her plan to learn 10 new skills in a week, Pop advises her to take her time, reminding her that she has her whole life to master these skills. Tater, however, insists she can do it within a week.

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Tater shouts her crazy plan to the Primos.

A training montage ensues, with Gordita studies Tater as she attempts to master various activities, often leading to her getting hurt. Exhausted and frustrated, Tater returns home, laughing maniacally about her ambitious plan. She cuts out pages from the magazine featuring other kids' achievements and pastes them on her vision board. She concocts a daring plan to perform all the activities simultaneously while riding across the zipline at the crevasse.

As Tater shares her plan with her cousins, they look on in disbelief at her increasingly frantic behavior. Pop takes Tater and her cousins to the crevasse. As she stands on the edge, ready to embark on her stunt, Tater begins to feel nervous and imagines everything that could go wrong. Pop approaches her, offering a drink and advising her to take a breath, explaining that staying hydrated helps him avoid rash decisions. Tater, realizing she needs to use the bathroom, agrees to head home, understanding that the stunt was too dangerous.

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Tater's updated vision board with the Bizkid Magazine clippings.

The primos, initially disappointed, watch in awe as Pop performs the stunt himself. Back at home, they gather to watch "Cake Island" again, but this time a commercial for Biz Senior Magazine's 7 Under 70s list airs, featuring Pop. In the interview, Pop credits his granddaughter for inspiring him, referring to Tater as "local girl." Tater, thrilled to be recognized, feels proud as her primos celebrate her achievement. She realizes she doesn't need to master all these skills in a week. With the magazine's help, she now has a clearer vision of her goals, which she can explore throughout the summer.

Sharing with the Primos

Tater immerses herself in her favorite fantasy romance novel, Romancimorphs, while her primos engage in a chaotic sock war around her. Despite the noise, Tater tries to maintain her focus but eventually asks them to quiet down. Bibi, her mother, interrupts to collect laundry, and Tater excitedly explains the plot of her book, expressing her eagerness to read the next volume. However, when Bibi suggests that Tater should pass on her old books before getting a new one, Tater is initially resistant. Her older books are sentimental, representing key moments in her growth. With Bibi’s encouragement, Tater decides to give her books to the younger primos, embracing the idea of becoming "Saint Tater, the patron saint of books."

Tater carefully selects three primos—Nachito, Lucita, and ChaCha—and hands over her cherished books, hoping to inspire the same love for reading that she has. However, Nellie cynically points out that the younger primos likely won’t appreciate the books as much as Tater does. Tater's fears are realized when she discovers Lucita drawing in the margins, ChaCha chewing on the pages, and Nachito tearing out the paper to make balls for his Palo de Poder (Power Stick). Feeling heartbroken and disrespected, Tater takes the books back, but Bibi insists she return them, reminding her of the value in sharing.

In a fit of frustration, Tater tries to retaliate by drawing on Lucita's things and chewing on ChaCha's toys, but to her dismay, they find her actions amusing and even endearing. The turning point comes when Tater, still upset, leaves a note for Nachito and throws his Palo de Poder in the trash. When Nachito panics upon finding the note, Tater realizes she may have gone too far. She retrieves the stick and apologizes, but Big Nacho intervenes, revealing that both he and Nachito struggle with dyslexia, making reading a challenge despite their love for it. This makes Tater realize why Nachito was so rough with the books and she decides to help him learn to read properly. They help each other sound out letters and words.

Bonding with Bud

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Tater and Baby Bud pose as they enter Bibi and Bud's room.

On Father's Day, Tater, Nellie, and Baby Bud present their father, Bud, with a gift card to the hardware store, hoping it will make him happy. While Bud appears only mildly pleased, Tater senses his disappointment. Determined to make the day special, Tater teams up with Baby Bud to come up with a better gift. While Nellie busies herself with "tio watching," Tater and Baby Bud brainstorm ways to make their father laugh, knowing how much he loves tools. After sneaking into their parents’ room, Tater discovers that Bud’s thoughts are consumed by tools and projects. Inspired, she tries to cheer him up with a classic dad joke, "Is your refrigerator running?" Unfortunately, Bud takes it literally and rushes off to the hardware store. Tater's next plan—a game of catch—also backfires when the ball accidentally breaks a window, sending Bud back to the store yet again. Frustrated by her failed attempts to connect with him, Tater confides in Bibi, expressing her frustration that Bud seems to love his tools more than his family.

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Bud overhears Tater saying she wished he shown he cared more about his kids.

Bud overhears Tater’s comment and, feeling guilty, returns to the store one last time. Concerned, Tater and Baby Bud follow him, only to discover that the hardware store is filled with people who look just like Bud. Tater realizes that the store is Bud’s safe space, a place where he feels understood and comfortable. Bud, in a vulnerable moment, admits to his fellow "Bud look-alikes" that while he knows how to fix things, he struggles to show his appreciation for his children.

Tater and Baby Bud reveal themselves, and Bud, touched by their efforts, finally understands how much they wanted to make his day special. They reconcile, and Bud promises to work on being more expressive with his love. Back at home, Tater agrees to help Bud with some home projects, finally finding a way to bond over their shared love of tools and creativity. Nellie returns, donning a fake mustache, and joins in a game of catch, symbolizing the renewed connection between father and children.

Sleeping Under the Stars


Nellie picks fun at Tater's messy appearance from her lack of sleep.

Tater wakes up in a grumpy mood, fed up with her overcrowded sleeping arrangements. She finds Nellie downstairs and vents her frustration, yearning for a better night's sleep. Cousin Bud strolls in, looking unusually refreshed, and Tater eagerly asks him how he managed to sleep so well. Bud explains that he sleeps outside, feeling at peace with nature, which provides him with everything he needs. Inspired, Tater decides she’ll do the same—embrace the outdoors and live off the land. Surprisingly, Nellie supports Tater’s idea, though Tater doesn’t realize that Nellie’s encouragement is a ploy. Nellie secretly auctions off Tater’s bed to the other primos, making a tidy profit while Tater is left to brave the elements.


Tater struggles with the harshness of the outdoors.

Tater’s outdoor adventure starts off rough. The hot sidewalk burns her feet, the gravely ground is uncomfortable, and she’s quickly swarmed by ants. Desperately seeking shade, she realizes it keeps moving, and she inadvertently scares away a three-legged dog. Things go from bad to worse when she gets stung by wasps while trying to grab a guava. Fortunately, Cousin Bud comes to her rescue, sharing his wisdom on coexisting with nature rather than trying to control it. Under his guidance, Tater begins to appreciate the outdoors, making friends with the local wildlife and constructing a proper shaded area to keep cool. Feeling a newfound connection to the world around her, Tater finds peace and comfort in her outdoor setup, even as Cousin Bud decides to try sleeping inside at Buela’s house for a change.


Tater admires the tiny village of bugs.

That night, Tater struggles to sleep with the unfamiliar outdoor noises but remembers Bud’s advice to listen and embrace her surroundings. When she hears the dog from earlier, now with its head stuck in a wheel, Tater uses what she’s learned to free and feed the puppy. By morning, Tater is greeted by Cousin Bud with breakfast. She’s proud of her outdoor survival, though she worries when the dog seems to have disappeared. However, the dog soon returns with its canine friends, and Tater beams with pride, feeling accomplished in her connection to the great outdoors. Back inside, the primos who paid to sleep in Tater’s bed are disappointed by the experience, much to Nellie’s embarrassment.


Tater sleeps with her new puppy friend.


One morning, Tater is startled to find a zit has formed prominently on her forehead. Rather than feeling embarrassed, Tater names the zit Penelope Amelie Mariana, or Pam for short, and embraces it as a symbol of her growing maturity and womanhood. She proudly flaunts Pam, believing it marks a new chapter in her life. However, her primos have mixed reactions when they see it. The T Sisters, ever concerned with appearances, urge Tater to hide it with her hair, while LotLot offers to cover it with makeup. Big Nacho and Nachito, both obsessed with popping zits, are eager to get rid of Pam, with Big Nacho lamenting his own zit-free soft skin. ChaCha, ever curious, simply wants to touch Pam. Although Tater doesn’t see the need to change anything, she gives up on trying to avoid the primos help and decides to listen to their suggestions after having some self doubt.

The T Sisters’ attempt to give Tater a new hairstyle ends in disaster, with their lack of skill evident in the botched haircut. LotLot’s makeup application only worsens the situation, causing Pam to swell and become even more prominent. Tater’s day takes a chaotic turn as Big Nacho and Nachito chase her around, determined to pop Pam, while ChaCha climbs all over her in an effort to get a feel of the zit. In a bid to regain control, Tater decides to embrace Pam by going outside and flaunting her "maturity." However, her neighbor, the Skid, immediately mocks her, as does a passing stranger, making Tater feel self-conscious about her appearance for the first time.

Disheartened, Tater tries to get her primos’ help, but they’ve gone to the movies, leaving her to face her insecurities alone. She covers her face with a mask, feeling defeated. Lita arrives and, sensing something is wrong, asks Tater why she’s hiding. Tater confides in Lita, admitting that she’s afraid to show Pam. Lita, understanding and supportive, reveals that she, too, has a couple of zits hidden under her hair and is proud of them. She encourages Tater to focus not on how she looks, but on how she chooses to present herself to the world.

Emboldened by Lita’s words, Tater removes her mask and re-embraces Pam, feeling more confident. Together, Tater and Lita don similar protective masks and head out to get back at the Skid by spraying him with water. Their revenge is sweetened when they discover that the Skid also has a zit, hidden on the back of his neck. The girls share a triumphant laugh, celebrating their newfound confidence and the bond they’ve strengthened through the experience.



Tater Ramirez Humphrey - render by Nobiean

Tater is a 9-year-old Mexican-American girl of small height, she has brown bushy hair, brown eyes, and fair skin. She wears red glasses and has pink and green braces.


She wears a baggy red and pink striped short sleeve shirt, blue jorts, and yellow flip flops.


  • Tater is unfamiliar with Spanish, making grammatical errors when trying to speak it.
  • Tater is based on series creator Natasha Kline, who previously worked on the series Big City Greens.
  • Tater’s real name Patricia is taken after her great grandmother Patricia. Tater is just a nickname.



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ve Characters
Main characters Tater Ramirez Humphrey
Recurring characters Nellie Ramirez HumphreyBibi Ramirez HumphreyBud HumphreyBud Ramirez HumphreyBuela RamirezPop RamirezCousin Bud HumphreyGordita HumphreyBig Nacho RamirezNachito RamirezTabi, Tere, and Toñita RamirezLotLot RamirezChaCha RamirezLita PerezScooter PerezLucita Perez
Other characters Ivan RamirezDiego PerezGustavo RamirezIgnacio RamirezJavier RamirezVision TigerThe SkidPamBlaineMs. MahoneyGwennifer MalfeoSerenaCarmela