Icon-shinkengerThis article is about a Megazord in Power Rangers Samurai and Power Rangers Super Samurai.Icon-supersamurai

"Samurai Megazord. We are United!"
―Samurai Rangers

In Power Rangers Samurai, the five Samurai Rangers' FoldingZords can combine into the Samurai Megazord. They pilot the Zords by writing the kanji for "super" (超, chō). The Rangers can combine the Zords into the Samurai Megazord by writing the kanji for "unite" (合, ) It can summon a katana and a shield, resembling their Samurai disks, for protection. It resembles an ancient samurai.


The FoldingZords are modeled after Japanese 'origami' (folded art). They can be accessed by using symbol power on the mini emblem modes of their Zords, and transforming the Spin Swords into Mega Blades which turns them into their Mega Mode forms.


Power Rangers Samurai - Calling the Zords 5 (1080p HD)- Power Rangers Official-2

The Rangers calling the Folding Zords and combining them to make the Samurai Megazord.

Once in the cockpits of each FoldingZord, the Rangers, use their Spin Sword discs (now independent of the Spin Swords), lock them onto their control panels and use them to execute certain commands. The Mega Blades fold and become joysticks. Super Attacks are performed with the Samuraizer.

The Rangers originally used their individual Zords to battle until Jayden made the call for a combined form. Tvicon TV STORY-Origins While each Zord has a cockpit, with its own control panel, the Rangers use a single cockpit with all five core Rangers together once in Megazord form. Though not normally seen, the Samurai Megazord can function without its helmet. When a Ranger is in Super Mega Mode, they can call out all the FoldingZords necessary for the Samurai Megazord without the other Rangers.

Normal 8-364

Alternative Attacks

During the final battle against Master Xandred, the Gigazord was called upon but the auxiliary zords were sent flying one-by-one, leaving only the Samurai Megazord remaining. Using all their symbol power, the Samurai Rangers charged the Megazord's sabre and struck Xandred fatally. However, after boasting that the Nighlok threat would always reemerge, Xandred exploded and took the Megazord with him. Tvicon TV STORY-Samurai Forever

Its finisher is the Samurai Strike, where the kanji for "slash" (斬 Ki) appears seconds before the Samurai Rangers slash with their Mega Blades with the Samurai Megazord repeating the motion. It was used to finish off Scorpionic, Rofer, Doubletone, Rhinosnorus, and Master Xandred.

Appearances: S Episodes 2-7, 9-10, 12, 14-15, 18, 20; SS Episodes 1, 2, 4, Clash of the Red Rangers, 5-7, 14-15, 20-21


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Lion FoldingZord[]

The Red Samurai Ranger's Zord that resembles an origami lion. It is usually stored as a handheld device in a pentagonal emblem mode with the symbol for fire '火'. It can break free from this form when Jayden summons it, acting like a toy-sized zord. Using the Samuraizer, Jayden can use symbol power on it and grow it to Zord-size. On its own it can perform flamebird like attacks. It attacks with the Pentagonal Fury, covering its body in fire and launch at the enemy. It also was solely used to defeat Tooya and Fiera. It also forms the head and main body of the Samurai Megazord.

Appearances: S Episodes 1-10, 12-13, 15-20; SS Episodes 1-3, Clash of the Red Rangers, 6, 8-9, 12-16, 20-22

Dragon FoldingZord[]

The Blue Samurai Ranger's Zord that resembles a Chinese origami dragon. It is usually stored as a handheld device in a hexagonal emblem mode with the symbol for water '水'. It can break free from this form when Kevin summons it, acting like a toy-sized zord. Using the Samuraizer, Kevin can use symbol power on it and grow it to Zord-size. On its own it can spew blue fire as an attack. It also forms the left leg and helmet of the Samurai Megazord.

Appearances: S Episodes 1-10, 12-13, 15-18, 20; SS Episodes 1-3, Clash of the Red Rangers, 6, 8-10, 12-16, 20-22

Turtle FoldingZord[]

The Pink Samurai Ranger's Zord that resembles an origami turtle. It is usually stored as a handheld device in a circular emblem mode with the symbol for sky '天'. It can break free from this form when Mia summons it, acting like a toy-sized Zord. Using the Samuraizer, Mia can use symbol power on it and grow it to Zord-size. It also forms the right arm of the Samurai Megazord. The Dragon FoldingZord is capable of throwing the Turtle Zord as an attack.

Appearances: S Episodes 1-10, 12-13, 15, 17-18, 20; SS Episodes 1-3, Clash of the Red Rangers, 6, 8-10, 12-16, 20-22

Bear FoldingZord[]

The Green Samurai Ranger's Zord that resembles an origami bear. It is usually stored as a handheld device in a square emblem mode with the symbol for wood '木'. It can break free from this form when Mike summons it, acting like a toy-sized Zord. Using the Samuraizer, Mike can use symbol power on it and grow it to Zord-size. It rears up on its hind legs to maul enemies. It can form the right leg of the Samurai Megazord.

Appearances: S Episodes 1-10, 12-13, 15-18, 20; SS Episodes 1-3, Clash of the Red Rangers, 6, 8-10, 12-16, 20-22

Ape FoldingZord[]

The Yellow Samurai Ranger's Zord that resembles an origami ape. It is usually stored as a handheld device in a triangular emblem mode with the symbol for earth '土'(although in the episode Sticks and Stones, it is seen as a necklace around her sister’s neck). It can break free from this form when Emily summons it, acting like a toy-sized zord. Using the Samuraizer, Emily can use symbol power on it and grow it to zord-size. It can form the left arm of the Samurai Megazord.

Appearances: S Episodes 1-10, 12-13, 15, 17-18, 20; SS Episodes 1-3, Clash of the Red Rangers, 6, 8-10, 12-16, 20-22

Behind the Scenes[]


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Legendary Ranger Devices[]

Samurai Megazord Ninja Power Star

Samurai Megazord Ninja Power Star

The Samurai Megazord Ninja Power Star is a special Ninja Power Star that bears the likeness of the Samurai Megazord and is marked with the kanji for "machine". This star was originally a part of the Ninja Steel toyline, but was ultimately never released.


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See Also[]



Power nav icon Icon-shinkenger Power Rangers Samurai & Power Rangers Super Samurai Icon-supersamurai
Jayden Shiba - Kevin - Mia Watanabe - Mike - Emily - Antonio Garcia - Lauren Shiba
Samuraizer - Samurai Morpher - Black Box - Power Discs - Spin Sword - Mega Blade - Fire Smasher - Hydro Bow - Sky Fan - Forest Spear - Earth Slicer - Barracuda Blade - Shark Sword - Bullzooka - Mega Mode - Super Mode - Super Mega Mode - Shark Attack Mode - Mega Shark Mode - Shogun Mode - Samurai SUV
Mentor Ji - Farkas Bulkmeier - Spike Skullovitch - Eugene Skullovitch - Cody - Scott Truman
Zords and Megazords
Lion FoldingZord - Dragon FoldingZord - Turtle FoldingZord - Bear FoldingZord - Ape FoldingZord - BeetleZord - SwordishZord - TigerZord - OctoZord - Samurai ClawZord - LightZord - SharkZord - BullZord
Samurai Megazord - Beetle Blaster Megazord - Swordfish Fencer Megazord - Tiger Drill Megazord - Samurai Battlewing - Battlewing Megazord - Octo Spear Megazord - Claw Battlezord - Claw Armor Megazord - Samurai Battle Cannon - Light Megazord - Samurai Shark Megazord - Bull Megazord - Samurai Gigazord - Samurai Lightzord - Samurai Shark Gigazord
Master Xandred - Octoroo - Serrator - General Gut - Moogers - Spitfangs - Furry Warts - Papyrox
Deker - Dayu
Venjix Computer Network: Professor Cog - Grinders
Tooya - Scorpionic - Rofer - Doubletone - Dreadhead - Negatron - Yamiror - Madimot - Desperaino - Robtish - Vulpes - Steeleto - Antberry - Splitface - Arachnitor - Rhinosnorus - Sharkjaw - Sergeant Tread
Armadeevil - Switchbeast - Eyescar - Crustor - Skarf - Duplicator - Grinataur - Epoxar - Maldan - Trickster - Pestilox - Fiera - Gigertox - Gred