Icon-mightymorphinThis article is about an episode in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Plague of the Mantis is the forty-eighth episode of the first season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.


Trini is learning a new style of Kung Fu called Mantis Kung Fu. Somewhat impressed but still thinking that Trini's enthusiasm is "dorky" (as usual), Bulk and Skull attempt to create their own Kung Fu style: Cockroach Kung Fu. In the process, however, they are humiliated by everyone else. Meanwhile, Rita sends down the mighty Mantis monster to challenge and test Trini's new skills as well as hopefully finish her off. Can Trini overcome the deadliest monster yet?


At the Youth Center, Trini is trying to learn a new form of kung-fu from Master Li.  Trini is struggling as she tries to keep the same pace and form as Master Li.  Master Li sees Trini's struggle and shows her on how to do a particular move, then instructs her to try again. Trini does so, but the move is very difficult for Trini. Master Li shakes his head, but tells Trini, "you will get there.  Rest a moment, I will test your mind."  Trini gives a small bow and then grabs a towel to dry her face. Master Li asks Trini, "what is the most honorable tradition of kung-fu?" Trini answers, "we always honor the tradition of a fair fight.  Always face your opponent with equal numbers." Master Li replies, "good. Now to help you master the praying mantis style, I've brought along this." Master Li picks up a small cage and shows it to Trini. Inside the cage is a praying mantis. He tells Trini, observe the mantis. Delicate but powerful. Peaceful but always ready to defend itself.  Master Li places the cage into the gym bag. Master Li tells Trini, "let's try again." Trini puts down the towel and joins Master Li in practicing kung-fu. Behind the counter, Ernie serves a milk shake to SkullBulk and Skull's backs are towards the counter as they watch Trini and Master Li. Bulk jokes with Skull, check out the bug fu. Skull remarks, "bug fu, that's dopey." They both laugh. Suddenly Bulk gets an idea. Bulk tells Skull, "think of this. If we find a bug to imitate, then we can charge people some major moolah to teach them how to do it." Skull likes the idea. Skull stands up and with shake in hand, starts doing "kung-fu" moves. The shake ends up on Bulk. Angry, Bulk tells Skull, "let's go hunt for some bugs!" Bulk yanks Skull to one side and then follows him out of the Youth Center.

From her Moon Palace, Rita has been watching Trini at the Youth Center. "How cute she wants to do mantis kung-fu." Rita yells, "Finster make me a monster! I'll show her how it's done!" Goldar comments, "a mantis monster to take on Trini and destroy her." Rita storms into the monster making room, where Finster, Baboo, and Squatt are.  Rita adds, "and the rest of those power brats too!"  Rita tells Finster to make a good monster. Squatt adds, "those Power Rangers have been bugging us forever." Baboo comments, "this could be tasty." Finster is confident his mantis monster can do the job. Rita is confident as well - "we'll finally get them!"

Trini continues to practice her kung-fu with Master Li. Zack and Kimberly are picking up drinks at the counter. Zack tells Kimberly, "Trini is really looking good." Kimberly adds, "she's been practicing really hard with Master Li." Zack and Kimberly join Billy and Jason at their table and pass out the drinks. Jason comments "we may all have to practice this praying mantis technique if we want to keep up with her." Trini continues to struggle during the practice. Frustrated, Trini tells Master Li, "it's so difficult." Master Li responds, "it just means you have to work harder to perfect it."  Trini tells him she will keep at it. They give a small bow to each other. Master Li gives Trini the cage with the praying mantis inside it. She then shows it to the others and that she has to study it for her next lesson, with Zack showing disgust, while Billy likes it and Kimberly notes she has to do both Math and Kung Fu homework. Jason asks Trini why she chose this style, to which she says it emphasizes fairness. Just then, Bulk and Skull show up with their own Kung Fu Style, Cockroach. Trini says there's no such thing, though Bulk says there is now as he and Skull demonstrate. Jason tells them that he, Zack, Billy and Kimberly would love to see more, but they have to go to the Library.

At the Command Center, Alpha has found an unidentified energy source has landed in the Park. Zordon says Trini is nearby and he'll have her investigate.

Trini is practicing Mantis Kung Fu when Zordon contacts her and informs of the situation, so she goes to check it out. The Mantis makes his appearance and Trini alerts Zordon to contact the other Power Rangers. She then morphs and fights the Monster one on one. When the other Rangers show up, the monster retreats, saying it's not a fair fight anymore. Rita, having observed the fight is pleased at how Mantis shamed Trini.

At the Command Center, Trini doesn't know whether she should've faced the monster alone or not, though Zack reassures her it was a monster bug and that she needed the team. Zordon asks Alpha for information on the monster and Alpha displays it on the Viewing Globe and gives details on him. Trini decides to practice more so she'll be ready when Mantis returns.

Back at the Youth Center, Trini is still practicing, while Rita watches her. Goldar says this is the perfect time to get Trini away from the others. A letter then pops up on the counter and Ernie calls to Trini, saying someone left a note for her. Trini reads it and heads out. Bulk and Skull are still trying to practice their Cockroach Kung Fu, with Skull asking what they should do now. Bulk says they should just look at the bugs and do what they do, so Skull tries acting like the dead ones, though Bulk says not the dead ones.

Trini arrives at the Quarry, looking for Master Li, but Mantis shows up and tries shaming Trini again. Trini says she believes in fair play, while Mantis, being one of Rita's monsters is untrustworthy. Mantis gives his word for a fair fight between the two.

At the Youth Center, the other Rangers are looking for Trini, with Zack asking Ernie where she is. Ernie says she got a note and left, and he gives it to the other Rangers. Kim reads that it's from "Master Li" for special training at the Quarry. The other Rangers, believing it to be a trap, decide to check it out.

At the Quarry, Trini has morphed and fights Mantis one on one, but then the Monster summons Putties, revealing that he has no honor and is a hypocrite. The other Rangers are nearly at the Quarry, but are also ambushed by Putties and forced to fight them. Trini manages to avoid the Putties and slashes Mantis with one of her Power Daggers. The other Rangers then morph and join Trini to fight Mantis. Trini declares it's now a fair fight, but Mantis overpowers the other Rangers and eventually grows.

The Megazord is summoned and after a difficult fight, destroys the monster.

At the Command Center, Zordon commends Trini for trying to be fair, despite Rita cheating.

At the Youth Center, Trini and Master Li have just finished training, when Bulk and Skull begin their display of Cockroach Kung Fu at $50 an hour, but no one seems interested, not even for a $20 "sparing partner". To get publicity, Bulk calls everyone to see a demonstration of how powerful Cockroach Kung Fu is. However, he and Skull just make themselves look stupid and break the jar, causing the living Cockroaches to crawl over them.




Torn Mantis

Mantis' suit is torn

  • The Putties that surrounded and jumped on the Yellow Ranger vanish when she jumps up to fight the Mantis face to face.
  • When Mantis knocks Kimberly out of the air after her failed Power Bow arrow attack, the part under his armpit is visibly torn.
  • During Trini's first fight with the Mantis, the other Rangers jump in holding their Blade Blasters, but when they land the weapons are holstered.
  • During the Command Center scene after Trini's initial fight against the Mantis, Alpha shows the Mantis on the Viewing Globe. However, he was clearly in the quarry despite not visiting the quarry until much later in the episode.
  • The Megazord's finisher shows it slashing vertically from the bottom up, but the shot on the monster is shown as if it was done horizontally.
  • When Rita summons the Putty Patrol to stop the Rangers from interfering with the Mantis' battle with Trini, Baboo, Squatt, and Finster are seen playing instruments.
  • Bulk states Skull was doing what the dead roaches were doing. However if the viewers were to look closely at them, none of the roaches appear to be dead.


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Icon-mightymorphin List of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Episodes
Season 1

0: Day of the Dumpster (pilot) • 1: Day of the Dumpster • 2: High Five • 3: Teamwork • 4: A Pressing Engagement • 5: Different Drum • 6: Food Fight • 7: Big Sisters • 8: I, Eye Guy • 9: For Whom The Bell Trolls • 10: Happy Birthday, Zack • 11: No Clowning Around• 12: Power Ranger Punks • 13: Peace, Love and Woe • 14: Foul Play in the Sky • 15: Dark Warrior • 16: Switching Places • 17-21: Green With Evil • 22: Itsy Bitsy Spider • 23: The Trouble with Shellshock • 24: The Spit Flower • 25: Life's a Masquerade • 26: Gung Ho! • 27: Wheel of Misfortune • 28 & 29: Island of Illusion • 30: The Rockstar • 31: Calamity Kimberly • 32: A Star Is Born • 33: The Yolk's on You! • 34 & 35: The Green Candle • 36: Birds of a Feather • 37: Clean-Up Club • 38: A Bad Reflection on You • 39 & 40: Doomsday • 41: Rita's Seed of Evil • 42: A Pig Surprise • 43: Something Fishy • 44: Lions & Blizzards • 45: Crystal of Nightmares • 46: To Flea or Not to Flee • 47: Reign of the Jellyfish • 48: Plague of the Mantis • 49 & 50: Return of an Old Friend • 51: Grumble Bee • 52: Two Heads are Better than One • 53: Fowl Play • 54: Trick or Treat • 55: Second Chance • 56: On Fins and Needles • 57: Enter… The Lizzinator • 58: Football Season • 59: Mighty Morphin' Mutants • 60: An Oyster Stew

Season 2

1-3: The Mutiny • 4: The Wanna-Be Ranger • 5: Putty on the Brain • 6: Bloom of Doom • 7: The Green Dream • 8: The Power Stealer • 9: The Beetle Invasion • 10: Welcome to Venus Island • 11: The Song of Guitardo • 12 & 13: Green No More • 14: Missing Green • 15: Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park • 16: Beauty and the Beast • 17 & 18: White Light • 19: Two for One • 20: Opposites Attract • 21: Zedd's Monster Mash • 22-24: The Ninja Encounter • 25: A Monster of Global Proportions • 26: Zedd Waves • 27 & 28: The Power Transfer • 29: Goldar's Vice-Versa • 30: Mirror of Regret • 31: When is a Ranger Not a Ranger? • 32: Rocky Just Wants to Have Fun • 33: Lights, Camera, Action • 34: Where There's Smoke, There's Fire • 35: Scavenger Hunt • 36: The Great Bookala Escape • 37: Forever Friends • 38: A Reel Fish Story • 39 & 40: Rangers Back in Time • 41-43: The Wedding • 44-46: Return of the Green Ranger • 47: Best Man for the Job • 48 & 49: Storybook Rangers • 50 & 51: Wild West Rangers • 52: Blue Ranger Gone Bad

Season 3 & Alien Rangers

1-3: A Friend in Need • 4-7: Ninja Quest • 8: A Brush with Destiny • 9: Passing the Lantern • 10: Wizard for a Day • 11: Fourth Down and Long • 12 & 13: Stop the Hate Master • 14: Final Face-Off • 15: The Potion Notion • 16: I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger • 17 & 18: A Ranger Catastrophe • 19-21: Changing of the Zords • 22: Follow that Cab! • 23-25: A Different Shade of Pink • 26: Rita's Pita • 27: Another Brick in the Wall • 28: A Chimp in Charge • 29-31: Master Vile and the Metallic Armor • 32: The Sound of Dischordia • 33: Rangers in Reverse • 34 & 35: Alien Rangers of Aquitar • 36: Climb Every Fountain • 37: The Alien Trap • 38: Attack of the 60' Bulk • 39: Water You Thinking? • 40: Along Came a Spider • 41: Sowing the Seas of Evil • 42 & 43: Hogday Afternoon

Movies & Specials

Alpha's Magical Christmas • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie • Power Rangers (2017) • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always

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