Icon-mightymorphinThis article is about a two-part episode in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Return of an Old Friend is a two-part episode and the forty-ninth & fiftieth episodes of the first season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. It marks Tommy's return as the Green Ranger.


It's Parents' Day! However, Rita concocts a vile scheme to blackmail the Rangers into giving her the Power Coins by kidnapping their parents with the help of the Dramole monster and sending them to another dimension. Though the Rangers give up the Coins, Rita shows no intention of giving their parents back and all hope seems lost. However, one sole hope remains; their old ally Tommy Oliver must re-assume the mantle of the Green Ranger.


Part 1[]

It's Parents' Day at Angel Grove, and three of the Power Rangers—Jason, Zack, and Trini—are enjoying themselves with the rest of the student body of Angel Grove High at the Youth Center. Kimberly, however, is outside wondering if her parents will show up at all considering their divorce. Trini goes out to find her and assures her that her parents are there looking for her.

Meanwhile, Rita Repulsa is planning her biggest scheme yet when she orders Finster to create the Dramole monster who can hypnotize its victims with toxic gas emitted from its nostrils. The plan is to kidnap the Rangers' parents with the ransom being the Rangers to surrender. She sends a squad of Putties to attack Trini and Kimberly while they are still outside and Jason and Zack join them in fighting off the Putties. Rita uses the distraction to trap all in the Angel Grove Youth Center in another dimension just as Billy—the only Ranger not present at the party, enters and finds the Youth Center deserted. At that point, he is overcome by the Dramole's hypnotic gas, and while under Rita's control, he infiltrates the Command Center, shuts down Alpha 5, and steals the Dragon Dagger—the only thing capable of summoning and controlling the Dragonzord.

The Rangers are alerted to Billy's theft by Zordon and morph and teleport to the Dark Dimension where Billy is just about to hand the Dragon Dagger to Goldar. Goldar keeps the four morphed Rangers busy with a contingent of Putty Patrollers long enough to take possession of the Dagger and teleport back to Earth. Billy is set free from the Dramole's mind-control gas and Goldar tells the Rangers that they must surrender their Power Coins to him if they want their parents back before departing with the Dragon Dagger. Billy morphs and teleports with his teammates back to Angel Grove but not in time to keep Goldar from summoning Dragonzord and sending it in to attack Angel Grove. The Rangers summon the Megazord to hold Dragonzord at bay, but the former is slammed and severely damaged by the latter. The Rangers leap out of the Megazord in time to confront Goldar who again demands that they give up their Power Coins in order to get their parents back. The Rangers ask Zordon what they should do but Zordon tells them he cannot make this decision for them since it concerns their parents. With no choice but to save their parents' lives, the Rangers, one by one, hand over their Power Coins, placing them inside an ornate treasure box held by Goldar, and are powered down into their human forms. Goldar then reveals that he had no intention of releasing their parents, and with the Power Coins now in his possession, he believes, nothing can stop Rita now. In Rita's palace, Rita celebrates her victory over the Rangers.

Zordon and Alpha bring the powerless Rangers back to the Command Center, and Zordon commends them for doing the right thing. He also shows them that he and Alpha were able to find their parents and everyone else abducted from the Youth Center, who are in the Dark Dimension and walking in a Zombie-like trance, but otherwise unharmed. The Rangers wonder what they will do next without their parents or their Power Coins, and it's at that moment that Jason reveals that he didn't hand over all the Power Coins. He still has the Dragon one, which Tommy gave to him when he was in danger of losing his powers to Rita. And meanwhile, back at the deserted Youth Center, Tommy has just entered the main hall, confused when he finds it empty.

Part 2[]

The Rangers, with Zordon's help, make a plan to retrieve their parents from Rita's Dark Dimension, but first, they will need their Power Coins back. With only one Coin left—Tommy's Coin—the Rangers have no choice but to ask their old friend for help. Alpha 5 teleports Tommy back to the Command Center, and while Tommy is happy to help he doesn't know how he can with his powers depleted. Zordon has an idea, but it will be very risky. He intends to infuse Tommy with his own energy in place of the coin's own, morphing him into the Green Ranger as long as his power holds out. The Rangers are worried that it's too much of a risk for both Zordon and Tommy, as Zordon could possibly cease to exist, and if the powers run dry too soon, Tommy will be left vulnerable. Tommy, however, is willing to take that chance

While Goldar reawakens Dragonzord to finish destroying Angel Grove, Zordon implements his plan, nearly draining himself of his own life force, but temporarily restoring Tommy's Green Ranger powers in the process. The Green Ranger teleports to Goldar's location and confronts him, but the beast-warrior merely sends Putties to deal with Tommy and weaken his powers until they are depleted again. Despite putting up a good fight, the unstable nature of Tommy's power begins causing him pain, preventing him from fighting at his best. Seeing Tommy getting weaker, Jason has Alpha boost the power, putting him back in the fight.

After a harrowing battle, Tommy manages to retrieve the Dragon Dagger and regain control of the Dragonzord, but Rita sends Scorpina to help Goldar destroy the Zord. As giants, the two warriors battle Dragonzord until they realize that they have left the Rangers' Power Coins unguarded. Back at the Command Center, Zordon has drained away all of his life force trying to maintain Tommy's powers but manages to tell Alpha to bring Tommy back. Meanwhile, just as Tommy is within an inch of powering down permanently, he ekes out a victory by retrieving the Power Coins, with the energy surrounding the box enveloping Tommy before he is teleported back to the Command Center just as a Putty is about to strike him down. When Tommy reaches the Command Center, the physical and mental strain of maintaining his powers has taken its toll on him, and he passes out before de-morphing.

After the Rangers make certain that Tommy is okay, they work on a plan to try to restore Zordon, and Billy and Alpha decide to do the same that Zordon did for Tommy by infusing him with energy from their Power Coins. They attempt this, and to their good fortune, the energy infusion does work, just as Rita sends Dramole to attack the rock quarry outside the city. Zordon informs the team that by destroying Dramole, the Rangers' parents will be returned to Earth from the Dark Dimension, so they morph and teleport to the rock quarry to confront the Dramole monster. However, Dramole uses his hypnotic gas to mind-control Jason, Zack, Billy, and Trini into attacking Kimberly and holding her so the Dramole can finish her off

Back at the Command Center, Alpha and Zordon discover that Tommy's body has been electrically charged by the force field surrounding the Power Coins, recharging his powers once more. When Alpha hands Tommy his Power Coin, he morphs into the Green Ranger once again and sends out laser blasts that incapacitate Dramole, setting the four Rangers he had put under his control free. Enraged, Rita throws her wand down to Earth, making Dramole grow. Tommy uses his Dragon Dagger to summon Dragonzord while the other Rangers summon the Megazord. A harrowing battle ensues before the Rangers call forth Titanus and form the Ultrazord, which disposes of Dramole with its finishing blast.

After the battle, Zordon is pleased to inform the Rangers that with Dramole destroyed, the citizens of Angel Grove have been returned to their own dimension, with no memory of what transpired. Jason and the other Rangers celebrate Tommy's return, but Alpha and Zordon warn that although they'll try to find a way to restore Tommy's powers for good, at the moment they are unstable and still temporary, and could fail at any time. Despite the risk, Tommy chooses to continue his work as a Power Ranger—even if it means someday he may never be one again.

The Rangers hurry back to the Youth Center and express their love for all their parents, and Kimberly decides to introduce her mother and father to Tommy, just as Bulk and Skull start a food fight in the Youth Center. Soon all the adults join in, forcing the Rangers to retreat to the entryway, laughing over the fact that there is still a little kid in all their parents.




  • In Part I, the Dragon Dagger transforms into the box which Goldar uses to collect the Power Coins, but in Part II the Dragon Dagger and the box are shown to be separate items.
  • During the Zord battle in Part II, the Rangers call for the Mega Dragonzord, but the Dragonzord in Fighting Mode is formed then immediately switches to the Mega Dragonzord for the Ultrazord formation.
  • Even though Dramole ends up being destroyed by the Ultrazord, the shot on him shows that he was destroyed by the Megazord using an upward slash.
  • During the fight with Goldar after getting his powers back, Tommy has a Blade Blaster and white holster.
  • During the Megazord formation sequence in Part I, the Mastodon arms are shown to combine with the Tyrannosaurus twice.
  • Right before Goldar places the Dragon Dagger by the box of the Power Coins, it can be seen that the box holds six Power Coins, even though only five Rangers placed their Power Coins into the box.
  • The U.S. Dragon Dagger prop is shown to have many inconsistencies compared to its Zyuranger counterpart:
    • The prop itself faces the wrong way, with the blade facing to the viewers' right when played rather than to the left.
    • The coin design in the center is pointing the wrong way, turned 90 degrees to the right instead of pointing up towards the blade.
    • The entire back of the blade is unpainted.
    • The buttons on the handle are in the wrong place, being in the middle of the handle instead of the top, where the buttons on a flute would traditionally be found.
  • Both Goldar and Tommy play the Dragon Dagger incorrectly in the original footage, playing it by moving their fingers across the 'holes' in the blade as opposed to the buttons on the handle.
  • When the Dragonzord smashes the city near the start of Part II, there is a brief shot of Dragonzord in Fighting Mode smashing a building.
  • Just after the parents are kidnapped, Billy enters the Youth Center through the same entrance Jason and Zack just left through, but he apparently missed them, Trini, and Kimberly fighting the Putties right outside the building.
  • Goldar and Scorpina retreat from the fight with Dragonzord as the Power Coins were unguarded, yet Tommy was still fighting off Putties to reach the Coins. Goldar never returned to defend the Coins.
  • When Tommy first plays the Dragon Dagger, Squatt, and Baboo can be seen placing their hands on their heads. But in the next shot they're now on their sides. Tommy also appears to have changed position from face completely away from them, to facing aside from them.
    • Also if the viewers look closely at Baboo, a human neck is briefly sticking out from his head.
  • In Part II, Alpha tells the Rangers that he and Zordon located their parents, despite them and the other hostages being shown at the end of Part I.
  • The Rangers teleport directly into the Dark Dimension, something they were unable to do in The Green Candle.


  • Part I is the first time that the Dragon Dagger is named. It was used in many previous episodes but only referred to as the Dragon Flute in Birds of a Feather.
  • The fight between the Dragonzord and Goldar and Scorpina uses previously unused footage from Zyuranger.
  • The fight between Megazord and Dragonzord in Part I is reused from The Green Candle Part II with their positions reversed.
  • Part I is the first time a fully original morphed fight is depicted.
  • Part I is the last episode to have the Season 1 intro without Tommy.
  • These episodes feature new summoning footage for the Tyrannosaurus, Pterodactyl, and Dragonzord, as well as a new Megazord formation sequence which bypasses Tank Mode.
  • This two-parter debuts Tommy Oliver's first theme song, Go Green Ranger Go. A teaser of the chorus appears at the very end of Part I while the entire song plays in Part II while the Dragonzord is fighting Scorpina and Goldar.

See Also[]

External Links[]



Icon-mightymorphin List of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Episodes
Season 1

0: Day of the Dumpster (pilot) • 1: Day of the Dumpster • 2: High Five • 3: Teamwork • 4: A Pressing Engagement • 5: Different Drum • 6: Food Fight • 7: Big Sisters • 8: I, Eye Guy • 9: For Whom The Bell Trolls • 10: Happy Birthday, Zack • 11: No Clowning Around• 12: Power Ranger Punks • 13: Peace, Love and Woe • 14: Foul Play in the Sky • 15: Dark Warrior • 16: Switching Places • 17-21: Green With Evil • 22: Itsy Bitsy Spider • 23: The Trouble with Shellshock • 24: The Spit Flower • 25: Life's a Masquerade • 26: Gung Ho! • 27: Wheel of Misfortune • 28 & 29: Island of Illusion • 30: The Rockstar • 31: Calamity Kimberly • 32: A Star Is Born • 33: The Yolk's on You! • 34 & 35: The Green Candle • 36: Birds of a Feather • 37: Clean-Up Club • 38: A Bad Reflection on You • 39 & 40: Doomsday • 41: Rita's Seed of Evil • 42: A Pig Surprise • 43: Something Fishy • 44: Lions & Blizzards • 45: Crystal of Nightmares • 46: To Flea or Not to Flee • 47: Reign of the Jellyfish • 48: Plague of the Mantis • 49 & 50: Return of an Old Friend • 51: Grumble Bee • 52: Two Heads are Better than One • 53: Fowl Play • 54: Trick or Treat • 55: Second Chance • 56: On Fins and Needles • 57: Enter… The Lizzinator • 58: Football Season • 59: Mighty Morphin' Mutants • 60: An Oyster Stew

Season 2

1-3: The Mutiny • 4: The Wanna-Be Ranger • 5: Putty on the Brain • 6: Bloom of Doom • 7: The Green Dream • 8: The Power Stealer • 9: The Beetle Invasion • 10: Welcome to Venus Island • 11: The Song of Guitardo • 12 & 13: Green No More • 14: Missing Green • 15: Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park • 16: Beauty and the Beast • 17 & 18: White Light • 19: Two for One • 20: Opposites Attract • 21: Zedd's Monster Mash • 22-24: The Ninja Encounter • 25: A Monster of Global Proportions • 26: Zedd Waves • 27 & 28: The Power Transfer • 29: Goldar's Vice-Versa • 30: Mirror of Regret • 31: When is a Ranger Not a Ranger? • 32: Rocky Just Wants to Have Fun • 33: Lights, Camera, Action • 34: Where There's Smoke, There's Fire • 35: Scavenger Hunt • 36: The Great Bookala Escape • 37: Forever Friends • 38: A Reel Fish Story • 39 & 40: Rangers Back in Time • 41-43: The Wedding • 44-46: Return of the Green Ranger • 47: Best Man for the Job • 48 & 49: Storybook Rangers • 50 & 51: Wild West Rangers • 52: Blue Ranger Gone Bad

Season 3 & Alien Rangers

1-3: A Friend in Need • 4-7: Ninja Quest • 8: A Brush with Destiny • 9: Passing the Lantern • 10: Wizard for a Day • 11: Fourth Down and Long • 12 & 13: Stop the Hate Master • 14: Final Face-Off • 15: The Potion Notion • 16: I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger • 17 & 18: A Ranger Catastrophe • 19-21: Changing of the Zords • 22: Follow that Cab! • 23-25: A Different Shade of Pink • 26: Rita's Pita • 27: Another Brick in the Wall • 28: A Chimp in Charge • 29-31: Master Vile and the Metallic Armor • 32: The Sound of Dischordia • 33: Rangers in Reverse • 34 & 35: Alien Rangers of Aquitar • 36: Climb Every Fountain • 37: The Alien Trap • 38: Attack of the 60' Bulk • 39: Water You Thinking? • 40: Along Came a Spider • 41: Sowing the Seas of Evil • 42 & 43: Hogday Afternoon

Movies & Specials

Alpha's Magical Christmas • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie • Power Rangers (2017) • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always

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