Icon-gingamanThis article is about a villain in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy.

"Dearest father, give me a chance. Let me find the Lights of Orion. If those Rangers get in my way... I'll make them regret it!"
―Trakeena implores her father to allow her to fight.[src]

"When you destroyed Scorpius, you created something even more powerful... Me."
―Trakeena threatens Leo Corbett.[src]

"What is it gonna be?"
―Trakeena's final words before her “death”.[src]

"This can’t be! What’s happening?! No!"
―Trakeena's last words before her new transformation and later her demise.[src]

Trakeena is the main antagonist of Power Rangers Lost Galaxy. She is the daughter of Scorpius and the current leader of her army against the Galaxy Rangers.

During the events of Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, Trakeena survived and she makes an allliance with the Demon Triskull, unfortunately she is destroyed by the Orion Omega Megazord.


Lost Galaxy

LG Trakeena from Race to the Rescue 01

Trakeena at Scorpius's side.

Trakeena was the daughter of the galactic ruler and warlord Scorpius and an unknown female, though her mother may have been a humanoid, as she speaks highly of her human beauty in spite of her insectoid features. Scorpius considered Trakeena to be the evil princess of his alien army and spared no expense to spoil and protect her, but she did not like being treated as a child as she became older. During her teenage years, while she still enjoyed being spoiled, she wanted to become a warrior to prepare herself as ruler of her father’s army when she would have to succeed him and would frequently sneak away with her father's generals in efforts to prove herself as a warrior despite his disapproval.

LG Trakeena from The Lights of Orion 01

Armored Trakeena scolds Furio for his failure.

In one such case, the general Treacheron had allowed Trakeena to come with him, but when confronted by Scorpius, he claimed that Trakeena had followed him to battle just to save his own neck. Upset at being sold out, and with help from Impostra, Trakeena convinced Scorpius that Treacheron was a traitor and had him locked up. Their feud continued as Treacheron tricked Trakeena into searching for a silver goblet just so he could ambush her once he was free from his cell. She was saved only thanks to the intervention of the Galaxy Rangers.

Trakeena (Tracy)

Trakeena transforms into Tracy.

Eventually, Trakeena learned that Scorpius wished for her to enter the cocoon and become an insect with great powers like him. Not wanting to lose her mortal beauty the transformation would cause, Trakeena fled to the planet Onyx when he tried to force her. As she wandered into the tavern and found that her prestige did her no good in facing the ruthless patrons, Trakeena met Villamax and his aide Kegler. Villamax offered to train her to be a great warrior and taught her swordplay and martial arts. In time, Trakeena became a truly incredible fighter, and later introduced her newfound strength to the tavern when they tried to give her trouble again.

LG Trakeena from Heir to the Throne 01

Villamax pledges loyalty to Trakeena.

Trakeena's personal victory became dashed when word reached her that Scorpius was dying, for he had been manipulated by his new general Deviot to attack the Galaxy Rangers and had been gravely wounded in the battle. She returned to the Scorpion Stinger to be with her father in his last moments and to apologize for running away. As Scorpius died, he willed that everything he had was now in Trakeena's hands, and his remaining power was sealed in an ornate staff for her own use. As to the cocoon, Trakeena puts it in storage as she felt she didn't need it, but also wanted to keep it around just in case.

LG Trakeena from Heir to the Throne 02

Trakeena receives her father's staff.

Now with all of her father's resources at her command, Trakeena began focusing her vengeance on Terra Venture and the Galaxy Rangers. Deviot told her that Scorpius was destroyed by Leo Corbett, the Red Galaxy Ranger. She would later capture and face off against him in a one-on-one sword duel, but would lose the chance to exact her vengeance when they were both attacked by Deviot's assassins Teksa and Kubak. Trakeena destroyed Teksa with ease and left Kubak to the Rangers, promising to destroy them for the death of her father.

Trakeena exposes Karone's identity

Trakeena exposing Karone's identity.

She would continue to attack Terra Venture multiple times, and at one point had the Psycho Rangers restored only for them to be destroyed by the combined might of the Galaxy and Space Rangers. After Kendrix's sacrifice on destroying the Savage Sword used by Psycho Pink, Trakeena was able to expose Karone's identity immediately due to her full knowledge of the former Astronema's involvement on the Zordon Wave, but unable to steal the Pink Quasar Saber when Kendrix's spirit saved Karone and chose her as the second Pink Ranger.

When Terra Venture was pulled into the Lost Galaxy by Deviot, Trakeena was unwilling to follow, fearful of being unable to escape. When the colony emerged some time later, Trakeena destroyed the ship of Captain Mutiny, who was pursuing it as a show of her power over the galaxy.

Trakeena end1-0003005

Trakeena after fusing with Deviot.

When Deviot returned to Trakeena (having escaped the destruction of the castle) and claimed to have been forced into slavery by Captain Mutiny, she refused to believe him as she now knew he was plotting against her. Fleeing for his life, Deviot attempted to enter the cocoon but didn't make it before Villamax caught up. In desperation, he grabbed Trakeena and dragged her into the cocoon with him, causing them to fuse into a single being. Trakeena would emerge alone, her body now bearing some of Deviot's armor, but the fusion also made her as ruthless and evil as he had been.

Trakeena launched a full-scale assault on Terra Venture by arming her Stingwingers with suicide bombs to destroy the colony. Though she succeeded in bringing Terra Venture down and destroyed the Stratoforce and Centaurus Megazords at the cost of her entire army, this wasn't enough as she wanted the entire population of Terra Venture to suffer. This didn't sit well with Villamax, who had simply sworn to help her destroy the Power Rangers, and things came to a head when she was ready to destroy the escape shuttles carrying Terra Venture's population. When Villamax refused to destroy the shuttles and laid down his sword, Trakeena mercilessly killed him.

However, this had bought enough time for the Astro Megaship to catch up and protect the shuttles. Trakeena used the Scorpion Stinger's pincers to attack the Astro Megaship, forcing the Rangers to self-destruct it. As a result, the Scorpion Stinger was sent crashing down to the nearby Moon where it was destroyed, and Trakeena was badly injured. With her father's words echoing through her mind, she entered the cocoon and mutated into a green, humanoid muscular insect with immense powers. She powered up Terra Venture's remains and attempted to drop the wreckage on the colonized planet, and at the same time was able to fight off all five Galaxy Rangers. In the end, Trakeena was seemingly destroyed by Leo's Battlizer when he fired his weapon at point-blank range.

Lightspeed Rescue

Stole people's life energy


Trakeena with a mask to hide her scars

One year later, it was revealed that she had survived and managed to return to her human form. However, the kamikaze attack from the Battilzer had left Trakeena horribly scarred; donning a mask, she vowed to make the Galaxy Rangers pay for taking her mortal beauty. Deciding to destroy their homeworld as payback, Trakeena headed to Earth.

Keeping herself in secret, she employed the double agent demon Triskull to capture humans from Mariner Bay, intending to use their life energy to restore her back into her insectoid form so she could regain her great powers. Triskull claimed to the demons of Skull Cavern that he would give the energy to them so they could restore the body of their leader, Queen Bansheera, to its proper form. Trakeena wasn't concerned by the demons, knowing that at full power, she could easily destroy Olympius and Queen Bansheera. Tvicon TV STORY-Trakeena's Revenge, Pt. 1

Confronting the Rangers

Leo and the Other Rangers attacked by Trakeena

Trakeena attacks the Rangers in her lab.

Things proceeded well, with Trakeena hiding in secret on thirteenth floor of an office building, while Triskull captured humans for her purpose. Unfortunately, her actions soon caught the attention of Lightspeed Rescue, who teamed up with the Galaxy Rangers to foil her.

Leo and Carter Grayson appear in Trakeena's lab, they are joined by the two final Galaxy Rangers, Kendrix Morgan and Damon Henderson. Trakeena shows up and blasts them all out of the high rise building.

Making matters worse, Olympius, aware of Triskull's betrayal, decided to destroy both him and Trakeena along with the Rangers. To do so, he created a dagger covered with poison stronger than that of ten taipans. As Olympius and his forces battled the Lightspeed Rangers and Galaxy Rangers, he thought that it would be more efficient to let Trakeena destroy them than himself.

Tarakeena destroyed by the Rangers

Trakeena destroyed by the Orion Omega Megazord.

Taking advantage of having both sides fighting, Trakeena strapped herself into the machine and began siphoning the life energy to return to her insectoid form. However, Olympius decided to "let Trakeena have her wish" to mutate, tossing the dagger into the room. It tainted the life energy, causing Trakeena to lose control of the mutation process; becoming energy, she flew into the city and became a giant purple monstrosity. Olympius left satisfied, knowing that one of his enemies would be destroyed, if not both. The Galaxy and Lightspeed Rangers teamed up to battle her. Despite the help of the Galactabeasts, the Galaxy and Lightspeed Rangers were unable to stop her until the Omega Megazord became infused with the Lights of Orion. Trakeena was then destroyed forever, as she exploded, she screamed in utter horror before she was explosively ripped apart. Tvicon TV STORY-Trakeena's Revenge, Pt. 2

Dino Thunder

Trakeena was featured in a chronicle of Power Ranger history compiled by Tommy Oliver shortly after he formed the Dino Rangers, which was found by the nascent Ranger team in the Dino Lab. Tvicon TV STORY-Legacy of Power

Beast Morphers

Trakeena and Villamax in beast morphers

Trakeena in Scrozzle's database.

She was shown along with Villamax when the villains were looking for a past villain to revive with the Reanimizer, and came across Astronema. When Robo-Roxy deems that Astronema is the perfect candidate but Robo Blaze is not so sure. He recalls the classes from Ranger History, reminds Robo-Roxy that Astronema reformed back to Karone purified by Zordon's sacrificial energy wave, and would later join the Galaxy Rangers as the second Pink Galaxy Ranger. After seeing the footage of Karone doing just that, along with fighting against Villamax and Trakeena, a now disgusted Robo-Roxy drops Astronema’s gauntlet. Scrozzle suggests that instead of reviving a villain who turned good. Tvicon TV STORY-Making Bad


When we are first introduced to Trakeena in the series, she appears to be a very young woman bent on trying to prove herself to her father and rule by his side. She would tag along with Scorpius' generals and bully them just because she could. Trakeena is the Princess of Scorpius' army and as such, she is pampered and spoiled by her father, he doesn’t discipline her, and never raises his voice or punishes her. She throws around her father's name in order to threaten Scorpius' generals (though this doesn't work as well on Onyx). She is also cunning and very manipulative. She was easily able to bend Furio to her will and convince her father that Treacheron, who is a very loyal general to Scorpius, is a traitor.

Trakeena was incredibly vain and proud. On one occasion, she had the monster Crumummy steal the beauty from all the female inhabitants of Terra Venture, because she hated the thought that they might be those more beautiful than herself. When faced with the possibility of losing her beauty to become as powerful as her father, Trakeena ran away.

Trakeena is power hungry, like her father. After becoming queen, she sits upon her throne trying to find new ways to destroy the Rangers in order to conquer and rule the universe. She quickly destroyed Captain Mutiny after he arrived in her galaxy to preserve her position as ruler of the universe.

Despite being vain, manipulative and power-hungry, Trakeena did have a good side. She had a good honour and she seemed to have a personality similar to Villamax’s, as she only wants to destroy the people who killed her father.

Trakeena was later forcefully fused with Deviot inside the cocoon by him, who hoped that he would be able to absorb Trakeena and become more powerful than Villamax. However, this proved to be his downfall as it was him who got absorbed by Trakeena, but unfortunately for her, Deviot's wicked nature completely consumed her. Trakeena was the dominant personality, but Deviot's wicked nature warped her mind and she lost all restraints. She became focused purely on wreaking havoc and destruction and was pure evil now like Deviot was, as well as now having a voice that echoed like Deviot’s. Trakeena's thirst for destruction took her evil to a whole new level.

After being poisoned by Olympius' dagger, Trakeena became completely feral; speaking exclusively in mindless feral roars and feminine (albeit distorted) yells with her only goal being destroying everything in sight.



Trakeena Profile


Powers and Abilities


  • Teleportation: Trakeena was able to teleport to any location at will in a shimmer of green energy.
  • Disguise: Trakeena was able to disguise herself as a girl named Tracy in an attempt to fool the Rangers.
  • Armor Summoning: Trakeena could summon a green insect-like armor to protect herself in battle. However, this was only used once as she rarely entered combat before Scorpius' death and didn't need it because of her skills by the time that he died.
  • Space Survivability: Trakeena was able to stand atop the Scorpion Stinger in open space during the first part of Lost Galaxy's finale without suffocating.


  • Durability: Trakeena survived her ship's devastating crash which ended up killing Kegler.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: Trakeena was initially an embarrassingly bad fighter in hand-to-hand combat, but after being trained by Villamax, was even more skilled in battle than Leo or the more experienced Karone.


to be added


  • Original Staff: Trakeena initially had a long wooden staff before becoming leader which was eventually discarded in favor of a newer one.
    • Energy Blasts: Trakeena was able to fire weak green energy blasts from her staff.
  • New Staff: Trakeena's newer staff formed when Scorpius died and his body formed into it. It was far stronger than her original staff.
    • Energy Empowerment: Trakeena could run her left hand along her staff to charge it up with green energy and slash with maximum force. A single energized slash was enough to kill Teksa.
    • Energy Rings: Trakeena could fire light green energy rings from her new staff.
    • Sword Transformation: Trakeena's staff could transform into a sword for ease of combat and to increase her agility.
    • Lightning Generation: Trakeena can generate green lightning from her staff.
  • Blaster Gauntlet: Trakeena gained one of Deviot's blaster gauntlets after fusing with him.
    • Energy Lasers: Trakeena could fire red energy lasers from her blaster gauntlet like Deviot before her.
  • Cocoon: Created by her father Scorpius, Trakeena used this cocoon to change into her insect form.
Appearances: LG Episodes 3-11, 13-17, 21-34, 36, 42-45; LR Episodes 29, 30

Trakeena insect armor

Trakeena Insect Armor

Powers and Abilities


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  • Original Staff: Trakeena retained her original staff in combat but never used it offensively.
Appearances: LG Episode 6, 11

Trakeena 5

Trakeena Insect Form

Powers and Abilities


  • Power: After entering her father's cocoon and transforming into a dangerous insect, Trakeena's own power had reached its pinnacle. She was able to completely dominate the Rangers during their decisive battle on Terra Venture for a time until she had fallen to Leo's Battlizer. Despite this form's failure to vanquish her enemies, Trakeena still sought to transform once more during her invasion of earth. It is stated that this form can easily defeat the likes of the demon forces, specifically the demon prince Olympius.
  • Staff Summoning: Trakeena was able to summon her newer staff into her hand in a flash of green lightning.
  • Super Jumps: Trakeena was able to jump seven feet in the air with a single leap to launch her opening attack on Leo during her apparent final battle.
    • Jump Glides: Trakeena could also launch herself forward into a glide to try and get ahead of her enemies.
  • Teleportation: Trakeena was able to teleport like before in her humanoid form. She only did this to reach Terra Venture from the Scorpion Stinger crash site.
    • Instant Teleportation: Trakeena can also instantly teleport around the battlefield quickly enough to avoid multiple blasts from the Astro Cycles.
      • Teleportation Rush: When teleporting instantly, Trakeena was able to surround herself in green energy to teleport around the place and repeatedly smack Leo in the process.
  • Lightning Blasts: Trakeena could charge energy into her hand to fire a devastating blast of green lightning. This was capable of sending Leo flying and damaging Maya's Jet Jammer in one hit.
  • Whip Creation: Trakeena could bring her hands together and then pull them apart to create a whip.


  • Strength: Trakeena was able to take down and badly hurt Leo just by jumping up and multi-kicking him into some debris and restrain him one-armed.
    • Energy Reflection: Trakeena was strong enough to easily catch and throw back the Quasar Launcher finisher with her bare hands.
  • Durability: Trakeena was more durable in this form, being able to shrug off multiple blasts from the Astro Cycles and the Red Capsular Cycle’s Fireball Mode. Even a point-blank suicide blast from Leo's Battlizer just scarred her although it robbed her of this form.
    • Fall Immunity: Trakeena was able to plunge a good five or six stories onto solid concrete from the Terra Venture control room but was completely unfazed.
  • Hand to Hand Combat: Trakeena was completely unmatched in this form, being completely undefeatable even when the Rangers fought her five on one. She was only beaten by a suicide attack from Leo.
  • Piloting: Trakeena was able to very accurately pilot Terra Venture to the landing spot for the inhabitants on Mirinoi.


to be added


  • Staff: Trakeena retained her newer staff but never used it in actual combat in this form.
    • Power Restoration: Trakeena's greatest display of power when she slammed the butt of her staff into the Terra Venture control room's floor to generate green lightning shockwaves which re-powered the entire space station enough for an attempted suicide attack.
  • Claws: Trakeena now had razor sharp claws on her fingers to hack and slash her enemies.
  • Table: At one point, Trakeena threw a café table at Kai which sent him to the ground.
  • Whip: Trakeena can generate a small green whip which she used to wrap up Leo and throw him into a wall.
Appearances: LG Episode 45


Trakeena Final Form

Powers and Abilities


  • Power: Trakeena's demon form was one of the stronger enemies in Lightspeed Rescue, defeating three Megazords with ease and surviving all of their finishing attacks. It took the Omega Megazord empowered by the Lights of Orion to bring her down for good.
  • Fire Breath: Trakeena could breath massive waves of fire from her maw capable of devastating Mariner Bay and ripping buildings clean in two with a single blast.
  • Lightning Vision: Trakeena could fire devastating light green lightning beams from her eyes that took down the wrapped up Omega Megazord and Max Solarzord with one hit.
  • Arm Extension: Trakeena was able to stretch out her arm in attempt to grab the Omega Megazord, but it was cut off by the Galaxy Megazord's saber.
  • Fire Wave Generation: One of the most powerful attacks in Power Rangers history where Trakeena fired a massive orange fire wave from around herself after being hit by the Omega Megazord and Orion Galaxy Megazord finishers. This took down the Omega Megazord, tore the Orion Galaxy Megazord into its individual Galactabeasts, and ejected the Galaxy Rangers all in one hit.


  • Strength: Trakeena was even stronger in her demon form, being able to pluck the Omega Megazord and Max Solarzord clean up off of the ground with her tentacles and suspend them in the air as well as earlier knock back the former with a single swing.
  • Durability: Trakeena was more durable in her demon form, being able to shrug off a kick from the Max Solarzord and survive the Orion Galaxy Megazord's finisher as well as the Omega Megazord's Omega Jet attack without getting a scratch.


to be added


  • Claws: Trakeena's demon form had razor sharp claws on her fingers similar to the ones on her insectoid form to hack and slash her enemies. However, she never used them.
  • Tentacles: Trakeena had massive black tentacles to wrap around and pick up her enemies.
Appearances: LR Episode 30





  • Scorpius - Father (deceased)
  • Unknown Mother





Behind the Scenes

Trakeena(Lost Galaxy Opening Credit)

Trakeena in PR Lost Galaxy opening credits.



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  • Her name was inspired by and is an altered spelling of the trichina worm, a species that caused the disease trichinosis.


  • Miller was originally supposed to reprise the role in Lightspeed Rescue. She initially accepted, but was dissatisfied over the fact that Saban had cut everyone’s salary so they would only receive money for one episode, Miller walked off prior to shooting first unit work. Jennifer Burns replaced her, and the change explains why Trakeena has an armor plate covering most of her face.
  • Amy Miller stated on her Instagram story in May 2020 that the reason Trakeena's green armor was rarely used was due to the fact it severely restricted her movement.


Power Rangers: Super Legends

Image trakeena

Trakeena in her battle armor in Power Rangers: Super Legends

Trakeena appeared in Power Rangers: Super Legends as one of the many antagonists. She was in her green battle armor in the Playstation 2 and PC versions while in the Nintendo DS version she was in her original form, and sent her henchmen to fight against the Rangers. She attempted to destroy Terra Venture. After being defeated by Leo for the first time, she decided to destroy Terra Venture's power core. Leo managed to stop her again, but Trakeena then grew bigger and challenged the Galaxy Megazord, but was defeated.

Power Rangers Legends

Trakeena appeared in Power Rangers Legends as one of the three main antagonists (alongside Lord Zedd and Master Xandred). She was in her original form, but wielded her powerful staff which she used to attack the Rangers. She sent her Stingwingers and even Villamax to fight the Rangers, but after they were all defeated she attacked them herself. However, Trakeena was defeated.

Power Rangers Legacy Wars

Legacy Wars Trakeena

Trakeena as seen in Power Rangers Legacy Wars.

Trakeena is among the villains who feature in Power Rangers Legacy Wars.

According to her in-game profile, her mother is an unknown human female, though the canonicity of the game's information is not known.

Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid

Trakeena appears in the board game Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid as an opponent in the expansion "Villain Pack #5: Trouble Through Time". She is classified as a Boss.

Power Rangers Roleplaying Game

Trakeena appears in the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game as a Threat in the expansion "Across the Stars".

See Also



Power nav icon Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Icon-gingaman
Leo Corbett - Damon Henderson - Kai Chen - Maya - Kendrix Morgan - Karone - Magna Defender - Mike Corbett
Transmorpher - Magna Defender Morpher - Quasar Sabers - Transdaggers - Quasar Launchers - Magna Blaster - Lights of Orion - Jet Jammers - Astro Cycles - Capsular Cycle - Red Armored Ranger
Commander Stanton - Alpha 6 - DECA - GSA - Andros - T.J. Johnson - Carlos Vallerte - Ashley Hammond - Cassie Chan - Professor Phenomenus - Farkas Bulkmeier - Carter Grayson - Chad Lee - Joel Rawlings - Kelsey Winslow - Dana Mitchell
Zords and Megazord
Lion Galactabeast - Condor Galactabeast - Gorilla Galactabeast - Wolf Galactabeast - Wildcat Galactabeast - Torozord - C-Zords - S-Zords - Zenith Carrierzord - Astro Megaship
Galaxy Megazord - Defender Torozord - Centaurus Megazord - Stratoforce Megazord
Scorpius - Trakeena - Furio - Treacheron - Deviot - Villamax - Kegler - Stingwingers
The Psycho Rangers
Psycho Red - Psycho Black - Psycho Blue - Psycho Yellow - Psycho Pink
Captain Mutiny's Crew:
Captain Mutiny - Barbarax - Hexuba - Titanisaur - Swabbies
Scorpius and Trakeena's Monsters: Brunt - Radster - Horn - Gasser - Sledge - Mutantrum - Wise Wizard - Quakemaker - Starcog - Ruptor - Samuron - Fishface - Chillyfish - Destruxo - Impostra - Shark Brothers - Freaky Tiki - Skelekron - Crumummy - Hardtochoke - Kubak - Teksa - Rykon - Cannonbrawl - Icy Angel - Motor Mantis - Loyax - Maronda - Trencher - Chameliac - Spikaka - Ironite - Magnetox - Decibat - Buzz (scrapped)
Captain Mutiny's Monsters: Rocketron - Grunchor - Rojomon - Nightmare
Others Monsters: Alien - Trencher - Hunghorn
Power nav icon Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue Icon-gogofive
Carter Grayson - Chad Lee - Joel Rawlings - Kelsey Winslow - Dana Mitchell - Ryan Mitchell
Rescue Morpher - Titanium Morpher - Rescue Blaster - Rescue Bird - Battle Boosters - V-Lancer - Titanium Laser - Lightspeed Cycles - Rescue Rover - Trans Armor Cycle
Captain William Mitchell - Angela Fairweather - Leo Corbett - Damon Henderson - Kai Chen - Maya - Kendrix Morgan - Wesley Collins - Jen Scotts - Lucas Kendall - Katie Walker - Trip - Eric Myers - Cole Evans
Zords and Megazords
Rail Rescue 1 - Rail Rescue 2 - Rail Rescue 3 - Rail Rescue 4 - Rail Rescue 5 - Pyro Rescue 1 - Aqua Rescue 2 - Aero Rescue 3 - Haz Rescue 4 - Med Rescue 5 - Max Solarzord - Omegazord 1 - Omegazord 2 - Omegazord 3 - Omegazord 4 - Omegazord 5
Lightspeed Megazord - Supertrain Megazord - Lightspeed Solarzord - Omega Megazord - Lifeforce Megazord
Queen Bansheera - Prince Olympius - Diabolico - Loki - Vypra - Jinxer - Batlings
Ghouligan - Magmavore - Quakemon - Whirlin - Fireor - Gold Beaked Monster - Elestomp - Striking - Cyborg Rangers - Smogger - Trifire - Liztwin - Demonite - Thunderon - Falkar - Troika - Cobra Incarnate - Thunderclaw - Shockatron - Spellbinder - Moleman - Cyclopter - Mantevil - Vilevine - Freezard - Infinitor - Birdbane - Memorase - The Gatekeeper - Furnace Monster - Ghoular - Flowar - Mermatron - Fire Wasp - Aquafiend - Arachnor - Treevil
Triskull - Ghouls