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Episode XXXIII: Jack and the Annoying Creature[1] is the seventh episode of the third season of Samurai Jack and the thirty-third episode overall. This episode features an overly friendly creature befriending Jack, which in turn leads to some misadventures.


While continuing on his mission, Jack is followed by an overly friendly creature who accidentally thwarts his every move.


The episode starts with Jack walking through a desert and coming to rest at a large grove of trees. Jack lies down for a rest and suddenly, the ground starts to move. Jack leaps to his feet and it's revealed that he is actually on top of the belly of a giant, yet seemingly harmless, creature. Jack and the creature stare at each other for a moment, not knowing what to make of the situation. Eventually, the creature approves of Jack and sloppily licks him on the face, much to his irritation. Jack moves on and the creature begins to follow him, ducking out of view every time Jack turns around.

Although Jack has a feeling something is following him, he remains oblivious of his stalker until it appears in front of him. Frustrated, Jack asks the creature why it won't stop following him. The creature proceeds to run around the forest with a big, goofy grin on its face while making bizarre noises. It occurs to Jack that the creature is not threatening, just not very bright and decides this situation is nothing to get upset over. Jack walks away and comes across a tree with berries growing on it. Jacks chops some off for his dinner, but is annoyed to find the creature followed him yet again. Jack begins to eat his berries, but the creature stares at him hungrily as he does so. Growing irritated, Jack gives the creature his berries and demands for it to leave. However, the creature is still hungry. So, Jack sets up a trap to catch a deer But, the creature scares it off and gets shot in the behind with an arrow from the trap.

The creature continues to follow Jack, who eventually gives in and allows it to accompany him. After a long journey, they finally arrive at their destination: A crystal that will send Jack back in time. Before Jack parts, he apologizes to the creature for being irritable towards him and tells the creature that instead of getting in the way he actually helped him. Although the creature is happy to be of help to his friend, he is deeply saddened that Jack will leave him. After realizing that if the portal was gone, Jack would have to stay behind, the creature levitates to the crystal and eats it, once again thwarting Jack's quest. Furious at the creature for destroying his chance to return home, Jack tells it that in the morning it will no longer be welcome to follow him.

Jack eventually falls asleep and the creature smiles at him before sleeping as well. In the morning, the creature awakens and is horrified to discover Jack is gone. The creature frantically searches for him and calls out. After getting no answer, the creature begins to cry. Jack is still close enough to hear the creature's wails, but decides to carry on.

Jack continues walking through the wasteland when he is soon attacked by a gang of hot-rodding robot greasers. Upon seeing Jack, the robots shoot at him from their car, while a song called Wild Ride blares over their radio. After causing the robot gang to crash their car, Jack faces the robots but they over-power him with little effort. The creature eventually finds Jack, but is horrified to find him being savaged by the greaser-bots. At first, the creature is too scared to save his friend and hides behind a rock. However, after hearing Jack's agonizing screams the creature snaps and in a fit of rage, transforms into a gigantic, ferocious beast and brutally destroys the robot gang.

After returning to normal, the creature walks over to Jack, who is lying motionless on the ground. Thinking he is dead, the creature falls to the ground and sobs. The creature's tears fall on Jack's face and he regains consciousness. Jack sees the scattered remains of his attackers and realizes the creature saved his life. The creature sees Jack is still alive and he bows to it out of appreciation and forgives it for yesterday's mishap. The creature is overcome with joy and tightly embraces Jack. Jack tells him he thinks he sees a village where they can find food and shelter. The two walk into the sunset and the creature picks Jack up and gives him a big hug.



  • This episode pays homage to animation director Hayao Miyazaki. The creature itself resembles Totoro. Likewise, the Crystal of Cagliostro that Jack seeks resembles the levitation crystal from Castle in the Sky and is named after The Castle of Cagliostro.

