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Mickey Altieri

Mickey Altieri, the muscles to the operation.

For the book written on its events, see: College Terror (published 1998)

The Windsor College Murders were a series of copycat murders in 1997 committed by Windsor College film major, Mickey Altieri and vengeful mother, Nancy Loomis in Scream 2. The event was named after the college because most of the victims attended here.

After the conclusion of the Woodsboro Murders in 1996, Mrs. Loomis wanted revenge on Sidney Prescott and all of the 1996 survivors for the death of her son, Billy Loomis. She got Mickey Altieri with a promise of tuition funding and potential infamy. In the Windsor College Theatre, both killers would later be killed.


Nancy Loomis, the mastermind.

Nancy Loomis (the mother of one of the first Ghostface killers, Billy Loomis) was grief-stricken over her son's death. She blames Sidney Prescott (her son's girlfriend) for what had happened, that and Sidney being the daughter of the woman (Maureen Prescott) who stole her husband, Hank Loomis, and broke up her family. She gets a 'makeover', making herself physically able to commit the string of murders. She then meets Mickey Altieri on a website and both meet each other. Mrs. Loomis agrees to fund Mickey's tuition expenses in exchange for aiding her in committing the copycat murders. Mickey, who is psychotic, agrees to this. They both then make plans on how, where, and when they will commit the copycat murders.

Murders and story

Copycat Murders

Copycat Murders Names

Copycat Names

Nancy and Mickey start with stage 1, "The Copycat Murders". This serves as a "red herring" for Sidney, Gale, Dewey and of course, the police to think that the killer was trying to imitate the Woodsboro Murders and not connect Nancy Loomis.

They begin with two Windsor College seniors: Maureen Evans and Phil Stevens to replicate the murders of the first two Woodsboro victims: Maureen Prescott and Steven Orth. (It has been speculated, but not confirmed, that Mickey gave the tickets to the Stab premiere in 1997 to Phil to bring Maureen with him).

Mickey most likely dressed up as Ghostface while Nancy waited outside. Mickey first kills Phil through a bathroom stall and then, a few minutes later, kills Maureen in the cinema amongst a crowd of people in Ghostface costumes. In order to remain conspicuous in the murders, Mrs. Loomis poses as a local reporter named "Debbie Salt", while Mickey goes to Windsor College in order to get close to Sidney.


The Copycat Victims.

Mrs. Loomis and Mickey later target Omega Beta Zeta sorority sister, Casey "Cici" Cooper, during the Delta Lambda Zeta party, because she was alone at the Omega Beta Zeta house. Cici was chosen to replicate the murder of Casey Becker, the third Woodsboro victim. Mickey is the one who commits this murder by chasing her up the roof of the sorority house she was staying in, stabbing her twice, and then throwing her off the house's balcony. Later, Mrs. Loomis as Ghostface tried to attack Sidney, but luckily, she managed to get away, though Ghostface managed to injure Sidney's boyfriend, Derek Feldman.

At the police headquarters, Gale and Dewey notice that the names of the new victims loosely match the first three victims from Woodsboro ā€” Maureen Evans matching Maureen Prescott, Phil Stevens matching Steven Orth, and Casey "Cici" Cooper matching Casey Becker . The police chief, Lewis Hartley, assigns two officers, Andrews and Richards, to protect Sidney from any further attempts on her life.

Targeting Sidney

The copycat murders were dropped, and the two killers started targeting Sidney and her loved ones. Mickey first attacks Sidney during a rehearsal for the Agamemnon play. Tragically, Mrs. Loomis brutally murders Woodsboro survivor, Randy Meeks in a van, by slitting his throat and stabbing him four times. This death is heartbreaking for Sidney. Finally, Mrs. Loomis and Mickey set their final plans in motion and simultaneously attack Sidney, Dewey, and Gale in one night.

Final Move

Mrs. Loomis dons the Ghostface costume and attacks both Gale and Dewey. She successfully injures Dewey, but Gale manages to get a safe distance away from Ghostface. At the same time, Mickey, dressed as Ghostface as well, attacks Sidney in a car, killing her protectors as well as her best friend, Hallie McDaniel. Later that night, Mickey killed Derek and revealed himself to Sidney and told her his plan of getting caught and blaming the movies, but after Sidney fought with him, she soon found out that Mrs. Loomis is the one behind it all. A couple of minutes later, Mrs. Loomis shot Mickey, but then shot Gale afterwards, knocking her out temporarily. After which Sidney and Mrs. Loomis had a confutation in which Mrs. Loomis was winning, but Cotton Weary appeared and shot Mrs. Loomis in the chest, ending her life and her plans of revenge on Sidney for murdering her son. Gale then appeared and helped Sidney shoot and kill Mickey, who had a little life left in him which ended his plan of getting caught and blaming the movies, but he did succeed in becoming infamous for the murders and Mrs. Loomis got infamy, too.


Primary target



