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Sign Up authentication using Firebase unsuccessful

"firebase": "^10.11.0" Hi guys, I am working on my OTP verification using Firebase for my authentication function. But i got an error like this : ** Failed to send OTP: Firebase: ...
Nghĩa Trường's user avatar
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We are experiencing an issue where our scheduled Cloud Function is being triggered multiple times unexpectedly

Below is the configuration for the function: .region("australia-southeast1") .runWith({ secrets: ["***"], timeoutSeconds: 540, memory: "1GB", vpcConnector: &...
Somarjun Chandolu's user avatar
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Disable cache for Firebase hosting emulator in local environment

EDIT: added clarification This post is hidden. It was automatically deleted 3 days ago by CommunityBot. Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Add ...
Dživo Jelić's user avatar
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How to make functions NOT work in parallel Firestore-wise

I have a function that puts an item to Firestore database and if this item type is for the first time put in db it gets first: true property. The issue I stumbled upon is when this function is fired ...
jean d'arme's user avatar
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Angular 18.2 Native Federation, Firebase "serve" command doesn't work as expected

I am trying to create an angular project to work with the Firebase (@angular/fire) and Native Federation in an NX Monorepo. This is my setup: tsconfig.base.json { "compileOnSave": false, ...
Andrey Tchiorniy's user avatar
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Firebase "DEFAULT" already initialized error

For those who are getting the firebase project DEFAULT already initialized error in flutter projects do below to fix it. Since the response available on stackoverflow was insufficient, I am creating ...
Pramod S's user avatar
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firestore not working after building the app

This is my first react-native app, when using Expo Go the firestore fetching works perfectly. However, after building the app with npx eas build --platform android --profile preview and installing the ...
Hamza Hamou's user avatar
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Fatal Error when using Firebase Authentication with phone number in flutter on ios

I am developing an existing flutter project on mac, and when trying to test the phone number authentication provided through Firebase I get the following error message: FirebaseAuth/PhoneAuthProvider....
Malachi Gross's user avatar
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Firebase functions Error file is not defined

I'm currently building my first ever project on Firebase. I just deployed my project on it, and after few hours of debugging, I'm mostly lost, and have no more ideas on how to resolve it. I don't know ...
nonomg's user avatar
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Running FlutterBackground service cause a Google Map error

I am building an app where i use Flutter Background service to update user location as the following @override @pragma('vm:entry-point') Future<void> shareTripLocation(Driver currentDriver,...
Ahmed El Sayed's user avatar
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User uid in Firebase custom email verification handler

Is there a way to get any of the requesting user info (say uid or email) in Firebase custom email verification handler?
Richard Kenneth's user avatar
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Google and Normal Authentication(Sign-In and Sign-up) Work on Desktop devises but Not on Mobile Devices in React

I'm working on a MERN stack project where the authentication system (both Google sign-in/sign-up and normal email/password authentication) works perfectly on desktop devices, but I’m encountering ...
Chamika App's user avatar
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How to convert Firestore timestamp to ISO 8601 in python?

I am writing a firebase cloud function in python to read data from firestore database and update it into the firebase realtime database, however I am facing an issue with converting the firestore ...
Nehal AK's user avatar
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Firebase ID Token in Flutter Results in 401 Unauthorized for Cloud Function, but Works with gcloud Identity Token

I'm trying to call a Google Cloud Function from my Flutter app using a Firebase-authenticated user's ID token. Here's what I'm doing in my Flutter code: User? user = FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser; ...
Aniket Chavan's user avatar
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auth.currentUser.uid is still undefined after successful signInWithEmailAndPassword operation

I am signing in the User to Firebase using email and password. It is signing In successfully and I do get the signed in user's uid: const userCredential = await signInWithEmailAndPassword( ...
M.Jafar's user avatar
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