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Properties.Settings.Default is not working after I publish my Winforms Project

I have a TreeView in which I show the Folder Structure of my PC. I built in a Feature, that opens the last selected Path when opening the Application again. To save these Paths, I created a Setting ...
BEEIgartner's user avatar
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Any idea why new StringCollection().AddRange( SomeStringArray[]) throws an error?

I just stumbled across this: new StringCollection().AddRange(SomeStringArray[]) throws an error: "Cannot implicitly convert type 'void' to 'System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection'"...
JRrelyea's user avatar
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Join StringCollection with commas

Usually, joining a List with commas is easy using string.Join(). However, coming across a StringCollection today, string.Join() outputs "System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection" ...
Denis G. Labrecque's user avatar
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Initializing a StringCollection from My.Settings to avoid null reference exception

I am specifying a System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection named MyCollection in My.Settings, and upon first use to add a string, a null reference exception is being thrown (i.e. MyCollection ...
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Windows Update API CopyToCache(IStringCollection) - Specified cast is not valid

For reducing traffic on our VPN routes, I need to download the windows updates from an external server while reporting to our internal server. So I'm doing the following: Create an UpdateSession and ...
Eldo.Ob's user avatar
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Can’t set StringCollection’ string [duplicate]

I have code PrinterSettings set = new PrinterSettings(); set.PrinterName = set.InstalledPrinters[0]; I can’t compile it because of error (Google translate): it is not possible to access this via an ...
Okumaima's user avatar
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4 answers

How to combine / merge two StringCollection into one in C#

How to combine / merge two StringCollection in C# var collection1 = new StringCollection () { "AA", "BB", "CC" }; var collection2 = new StringCollection () { "DD&...
Rahul Uttarkar's user avatar
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How to edit StringCollection in C# PropertyGrid? ["Constructor in type 'System.string' not found"]

Using Settings Editor I created some user settings for my application. In one specific instance, I need a setting to be an array of strings. The only option I encounter is StringCollection: Choosing ...
B_K's user avatar
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System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection settings work fine in Debug and Release but crash on Deployment?

For my latest WPF application, I've been using an System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection to save and load strings. My current system works like a charm in Debug and Release, but when deployed ...
ThomasFrew's user avatar
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Difference between Specialized String collection and Generic list C#

What is the difference between a Specialized String Collection and a Generic String List in C#? And how to convert a Specialized one into a Generic one? System.Collections.Specialized....
Dave's user avatar
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Change sorting of StringCollection

On my current project the user can create a control that gets docked in a TableLayoutPanel. The controls name gets saved in a StringCollection and on every start of the program the controls get ...
Backslash's user avatar
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C# StringCollection in Custom Class

Given the class below, what would be the correct way to add multiple strings to the StringCollection called blob_key_col_name? public class blob_info { public string column_name { get; set; } ...
user3308131's user avatar
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Serialize String-collection object for storing in session variable

In my ASP.Net application, I'm storing a string collection in a Session variable. It was working fine but now I want to change session settings from in-proc to Out Proc. Now I'm having an issue that "...
rinesh's user avatar
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String Collections in Settings aren't changing their size

I have several string collections in my C# project that are stored in Settings. At the beginning of this project, I had initialized these collections to contain 20 values, all being 0s. Lately I've ...
J.Doe's user avatar
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How to access an indexed string from a string collection saved in settings?

I have a few arrays of strings in my settings labelled meas1, meas2, meas3 etc... If I want to set the 6th item in each string collection to "", how would I do that? Below is my broken code of ...
J.Doe's user avatar
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