

This article is about refugee convoy at the Fostar Haven. You may be looking for the Alderaan Flotilla made up of the Alderaanian survivors of The Disaster.

The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"Intelligence reports a possible Alderaanian convoy heading to Fostar Haven. You are to draw them out and finish them off."
―Imperial Commodore Rae Sloane orders Captain Lindon Javes to destroy the convoy[1]

Following the Disaster, a convoy of Alderaanian survivors aboard three GR-75 medium transports traveled to Fostar Haven in the hopes of evading the Galactic Empire, which was under orders from Darth Vader to destroy all remainders of Alderaan.[1]

The convoy was discovered and Commodore Rae Sloane sent Captain Lindon Javes of Helix Squadron alongside a blockade to Fostar Haven to eliminate the refugees. Javes, however, refused to kill innocent lives when he learnt about the Disaster and resolved to aid their escape.[1] During the mission, Captain Canonhaus was ordered to guard the outside perimeter to prevent the refugees from escaping.[2]

The convoy was evacuated by Javes and Echo Squadron of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.[1]



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