

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 

A code cylinder, data cylinder, rank cylinder,[3] rank code cylinder,[4] command cylinder[3] or data probe[5] was a common security device used by military officers, corporate executives, and politicians. It acted as a sophisticated keycard for secure areas. Each cylinder contained its user's personal security clearance codes and data. It was not uncommon for high-ranking personnel to own multiple code cylinders, each with their own encrypted access codes. They were used extensively in the Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, and New Republic, particularly to facilitate security measures. The devices, usually carried within a pocket or on one's belt, used the same interface as a droid's scomp link.

Additionally, code cylinders could be reprogrammed. In situations where it was impossible for a slicer to be physically present and hack a security door, they sometimes elected to reprogram the cylinder instead. Cylinders were programmed with countermeasures such that a failed reprogramming caused the data to become irretrievably corrupted.


Code cylinders were small, cylindrical devices that were a combination of scomp link and data terminal. The code cylinder allowed an individual to interface with computers, droids, and security locks. Military officers had their identity and security clearances encoded onto the device using custom-programmed coding and identification chips. Voice, retinal, and dermatoglyphic records were also stored on the code cylinder, and could be read and verified by specialized scanners.[3]

The code cylinders were inserted into a security terminal or dataport, following by the owner inputting a personal access code. A cylinder being used to access computers or facilities that it was unauthorized for automatically triggered an alarm. An alarm would also be sounded if the pass code was incorrectly entered. Upon a correct input, the clearances would be confirmed by the computer network attempting to be accessed before clearance was granted. The automated system allowed for secure and limited access to a facility, while also decreasing the number of security guards needed on duty at any time.[3]


During the Jedi Civil War, the Sith officer Commander Doel Scherp was entrusted with a code cylinder that contained the command codes for the sensor systems of Darth Revan's flagship. In approximately 3957 BBY, a team of Republic agents stole the code cylinder from Scherp's Estate on the planet Sernpidal, and took the device to a rendezvous point with the Republic Fleet, on the Republic's border with the Sith Empire. The Fleet subsequently used the information contained within the cylinder to attack the flagship, and capture Darth Revan.[2]

In the city of Depatar, code cylinders were used to carry the permits citizens were required to have.[6]

In the Imperial Military, the number of code cylinders issued to personnel reflected their rank and importance within the Empire. Higher-ranking officers with access to multiple commands and facilities were issued with several code cylinders while lower-ranking officers generally only had one. Regulations stipulated officers displayed their code cylinders in their front uniform pocket next to their rank plaque. Technicians and engineers carried their single code cylinders in pockets, on their celts, or affixed to a chain hung around their neck.[3]

During the Galactic Civil War, the Empire instituted a policy of issuing updated code cylinders at least once a month. This was an effort to prevent stolen cylinders that had fallen into Rebel hands from being used to infiltrate Imperial facilities. Electronic records were kept of a code cylinder's activity, including access to facilities and any computer file that was accessed by it. The records were routinely monitored by Imperial Intelligence and Imperial Security Bureau agents to attempt to expose Rebel agents that had infiltrated the Empire.[3]

Within the Imperial Navy, code cylinders were also utilized as rank identifiers. In the case of flag officers, it related to their fleet responsibilities. New code cylinders were typically issued with every new assignment, and the officers did not normally wear them when not on active duty. They were worn in small pockets near the shoulders of the uniform tunic, with the first always placed on the left-hand pocket near the rank plaque. Those in specialist positions in the Imperial Navy also had access to them, although in their case, they served purely as insignia.[source?]

Code cylinders were used by the star systems allied to the Imperial Remnant. Some New Republic member states used similar technologies to achieve the same result, including coded identification cards and electronic keys.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

In the films, the code cylinders worn by Imperial officers were small pen-like radiation dosimeters.[7]


Star Wars RPG Code Cylinder Illustration

An illustration from the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook


Notes and references[]

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