

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

Ossus Stone Guardians, also known as Jedi defense droids, were a model of droid disguised as minimalist statues popular in the Jedi temples constructed around the time of the Qel-Droma Epics.


These simple droids could remain still for millennia without maintenance, moving only when their sensors detected a threat. The powerful juggernauts would then attack all targets within their assigned area. Operating under the most basic of programming, most were unable to distinguish between friend and foe. The droids were heavily armored and, in some cases, layers of cortosis lined the droid chassis beneath their heavy stone exteriors. Still, the droids had a built-in weakness—Jedi who thought to do so could use the Force to move a shutdown switch located within a droid's torso.[1]


By the Imperial Era, they were guarding the Neer's Gauntlet and the Greelwood Saber in the Vault of Justice in the Great Jedi Library on Ossus. Also in the Chamber of Antiquities, a Draethos skeleton still remained sprawled at the feet of his great chair in his office, while two stone guardians stood as silent sentinels to protect the chamber from intruders.[1]


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