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Reelo at Jabba's Palace

SWG Help[]

Reelo will start the Jabba the Hutt's themepark. He is located in the entrance hall of Jabba's palace. You will need to complete his quests to advance to Ree-Yees and then finally Jabba himself.

Star Wars Lore[]

Reelo was yet another Rodian bounty hunter. Born on Rodiaa, Reelo was raised there until he was old enough to leave the house. He left Rodiaa and went to live on Tatooine. He soon became a small time bounty hunter employeed by Jabba. After three unsuccessful missions, Reelo was pulled out of bounty hunting and, under threat of death, was forced to work at Jabba's Palace. For years he worked this way, until Luke Skywalker was captured by Jabba. After Jabba was killed by Leia, Reelo made off with much of Jabba's Nar Shaddaa crime business. In 10 ABY, Reelo had a run in with a Dark Jedi named Desann. After Reelo agreed to work for this Dark Jedi, he had a run in with Lando. Lando lost and was captured by Reelo. But Reelo did not expect on Kyle Katarn showing up, and was killed when Kyle and Lando escaped on the Lady Luck.

Jedi Outcast Overview[]

After the Films, better to say after Episode VI, in the Game "Jedi Outcast" you have to kill Reelo Baruk on Nar Shaddaa.
