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Villain Overview

We all go a little mad sometimes.
~ Billy reveals himself as the killer by quoting Norman Bates before shooting Randy.
Billy: Why? WHY?! You hear that, Stu? I think she wants a motive. I don't really believe in motives, Sid. I mean, did Norman Bates have a motive?
Stu: No.
Billy: Did they ever really decide why Hannibal Lecter liked to eat people? Don't think so! See, it's a lot scarier when there's no motive, Sid. We did your mom a favor, Sid. That woman was a slut-bag whore who flashed her shit all over town like she was Sharon Stone or something.
~ Billy with Sidney about his motivation.
Is that motive enough for you? How about this? Your slut mother was f-cking my father. And she's the reason my mom moved out and abandoned me. How's that for a motive? Maternal abandonment causes serious deviant behavior. Certainly f-cked you up. It made you have sex with a psychopath.
~ Billy explaining his motivation to Sidney.

Billy Loomis is the secondary antagonist of the Scream franchise.

He is a horror film fanatic who pressured his best friend Stu Macher into helping him commit the inaugural Ghostface killing spree in Woodsboro out of anger for his parent's divorce. He is also the son of Nancy Loomis, the ex-boyfriend and second archenemy of Sidney Prescott, and the birth father of Samantha Carpenter.

He was portrayed by Skeet Ulrich, who also played Chris Hooker in The Craft and FP Jones in Riverdale. While in-disguise, he was voiced by Roger L. Jackson. In-costume scenes as Ghostface were portrayed by Lee Waddell and Dane Farwell.

In the Japanese dubbed version, he was voiced by Shin'ichirō Miki, who voiced Creed Diskenth.



Billy Loomis was born on September 19, 1979 to Hank and Nancy Loomis in Woodsboro, California. At some point in his senior year of high school, he started dating Sidney Prescott. However, sometime prior to these events, Hank had an affair with Sidney's mother, Maureen. Upon learning of her husband’s infidelity, Billy's mother left them both out of sheer disappointment in him. The maternal abandonment caused a serious disruption to Billy's life. After learning about the affair, Roman Bridger showed Billy video footage of Hank having an affair with Maureen Prescott, Sidney's mother. Roman convinced Billy to murder Maureen because she was the reason Nancy left Hank and Billy. Roman told Billy to get an easily controllable accomplice he could pin the murder on if it went wrong (Stu), and to frame another of Maureen's lovers (Cotton Weary). Billy and Stu followed the plan perfectly.

In Scream (2022) it's revealed that prior to the Woodsboro Murders, Billy slept with Christina Carpenter, presumably whilst still with Sidney, and she gave birth to his daughter, Samantha Carpenter. Billy never knew his daughter and Samantha spent most of her life not knowing he was her real father until she found her mother's diaries which confirmed this to her.

Scream (1996)[]

A year after Maureen's murder, Billy and Stu killed Casey Becker and Steven Orth respectively. Billy was the one, who called Casey, while Stu killed Steven. When Casey punched Stu at the window, later she got caught by Billy. He strangled Casey and stabbed her multiple times. After she is already severely injured from stab wounds to chest, stomach, neck and legs, Billy and Stu then gut and hang Casey leaving her in the backyard to die, just to be known that a possible killing spree has taken place in Woodsboro; now becoming a devastating neighborhood. His choice of apparel is a generic Halloween costume that several people own, making finding the killer almost impossible. This killer is now known as Ghostface. They then begin to target Sidney, they started in the evening the next day. After Billy called Sidney, and Stu chased her, Billy pops through her window as himself comforting a very terrified Sidney. Sidney notices a cell phone that drops from his pocket. Because of that, he is arrested and brought to the Woodsboro Police Precinct. However, he is released due to lack of evidence as well as the fact that the killer continued to call Sidney, even while Billy was incarcerated (it was actually Stu calling).

Sidney, fleeing from insensitive classmates, is surprised when she runs right into Billy. Although she sees it's him, she is not comforted and pushes him away. Not caring about how she must be feeling, he asks her if she still thinks he's the one who attacked her. She says no, but he claims she isn't the same as she used to be since her mother died. Sidney gets angry at his careless statement and scolds him. He tries to minimize what she's going through by comparing his own maternal absence to the death of Sidney's mother. He tried to justify this statement and say he wants his girlfriend back. Sidney, very emotional because of what Billy says, walks away.

After that, Billy put on Ghostface's costume again, to kill Principal Himbry. Billy killed him, because it was the plan to get rid of all the guests at Stu's party later on. Later, he is likely stalking Sidney and Tatum when they are talking on the porch and later shopping at a convenience store. It's very apparent this is Billy, and he has targeted Tatum to get Sidney alone and possible resentment over statements she said about him. Before the party. he was seen in the video store, where Randy and Stu were talking about, who could be the killer. Randy (rightly) suspected, that this is Billy. Unfortunately for him, Billy overheard his suspicions and along with Stu, he confronted Randy. When Stu asks Randy what his motive would be if he was the killer, he said that motives are incidental because of the millennium. After that, Billy teased Randy for a while and soon left the video store. This made Randy even more convinced that Billy was the killer.

The party occurs. He isn't invited, but is lurking around. Tatum goes into the garage for beer and she is confronted by Billy in his Ghostface costume, after Stu locked the garage door. He kills her by crushing her head by the garage door when she tried to escape, and enters the house through the garage to hide out. Billy pops into the door frame scaring both of them, then Billy looks to Stu, giving him a look, indicating to him that it is done. And then asking if he can talk to Sidney alone. She agrees and they go upstairs to the master bedroom and talk, she agrees. Soon after Sidney and Billy have sex, Ghostface (Stu) appears and stabs and seemingly kills Billy, and Sidney is chased once more by the killer. After Sidney is chased and she goes back into the house locking Randy out with Stu (out of his own house), Billy appears to be mortally wounded, but alive. He falls down the stairs seriously injured. He insists on getting the gun and opening the door. He lets Randy in only to reveal he is the one of the masterminds behind the murders and shoots Randy in the chest area, revealing he is Ghostface.

Shortly after that, Stu reveals himself as well. They said that the killing spree was made all fun and games for them for the anniversary of Maureen's death, they devise a plan to kill Sidney and frame Neil Prescott, Sidney's father for the killings, but after being distracted by Gale Weathers, Billy knocks her out when she forgot to pull the safety, just when Billy was just gonna kill Gale, Sidney is able to escape and fight back against Billy and Stu with their own Ghostface tricks back on them to see how they like it, as Sidney makes Billy really angry, no longer making this a game, now a very serious situation where they don't wanna go to jail or die, as Stu wasn't able to help him find Sidney because their plans to make themselves look like survivors made Stu too injured from a little bit of blood loss. As Billy looks for Sidney himself, he gets distracted by the movie "Halloween" on TV as Sidney surprises and stabs him with an umbrella wearing their own Ghostface costume. After assuming he was dead, Stu gets back up and runs and yells straight at Sidney to kill her, but she managed to knock him down and ultimately kills Stu by smashing his TV on his head and electrocuted to death.

After killing Stu, Randy gets up from his gunshot wound, much to Sidney's relief. However, Billy also gets up and punches out Randy. He then tries to strangle Sidney, but she sticks her finger in one of his knife wounds. However, this only angers Billy and he raises his knife to stab down. Gale then gets up and shoots Billy, and he collapses. Randy predicts that Billy will come back for "one last scare", and Billy indeed did open up his eyes and let out a grunt startling the survivors. However, Sidney with a certain survivor's edge, holds the gun in confidence and delivers the killing shot to him in the forehead, finally killing him.

Scream 2 (1997)[]

What did you just say? Was that a negative, disparaging remark about my son? About my Billy?
~ Nancy Loomis to Sidney about her son Billy.

Billy was still dead throughout the sequel, but his mother Nancy returned when she discovered her son Billy was killed by Sidney after the first killing spree he caused. Later, Mrs. Loomis and her partner (later pawn) she hired named Mickey Altieri, copied Billy and Stu's motives Nancy planned to avenge his death with another killing spree to get revenge on Sidney for killing Billy, even though it was Billy's own fault for bringing that pain on himself. Mickey started the second killing spree by murdering an innocent couple in a movie theater watching a movie called "Stab" based on Sidney's fight against Billy and Stu which became world famous 2 years later for bravery against those two monsters. When Sidney went to college, she was reported again for folks believing the second killing spree has something to do with her, as Gale comes back to interview Sidney again and Nancy pretends to be a writer and a fan of Gale's book about Billy and Stu's murder story, asking questions about her adventure against the killers.

Later after the first three murders, She started wearing a Ghostface costume and started talking to Randy on the phone as Gale and Dewey try to find her because they knew she was watching them, while Randy was alone out in the open talking and trying to distract Nancy on the phone. She killed Randy because he bad-mouthed about Billy on how much of a stupid psycho he was, that enraged Nancy with those hurtful and truthful words he said to her. She brutally stabbed him multiple times as she escaped, Dewey and Gale ran back for him and they find his bleeding corpse in a van, later as Gale ran to her falsely thinking Cotton was the killer but reveals herself to Gale and Sidney as Sidney recognizes her that she's Billy's mother and the killer behind the second killing spree and she betrayed Mickey by shooting him as he shot Gale as she fell down the stage unconscious and assumed dead, as Nancy gloats and angrily yells at Sidney for killing her son, as Sidney argues back how she won't get with it as Debbie thinks otherwise wipes her finger prints off her gun it still wasn't enough to clean her evidence but still plans to frame Sidney for Mickey's murder.

But Sidney angrily yells how it was her own fault for abandoning him and fights back by hurting her with the stage sets and as Nancy tries to kill Sidney in a desperate rage but Sidney had the upper hand until Cotton shows up with a gun threating to shot both of them unless he knows what's going on here, Nancy had her knife to Sidney's neck and tried to brainwash Cotton into letting her kill Sidney, reminding how Sidney sent him to prison two years ago and telling him he'll be the hero that stops the killer. Cotton pretends to think Nancy is right, until Sidney said, "Consider it done". Nancy realized Cotton knew she was lying, and her smile quickly turns into a scared shocking frown eventually shot by Cotton Weary to save Sidney's life, as Nancy was stupid enough to think it wasn't Billy's fault for getting Cotton arrested in the first place.

Scream 3 (2000)[]

Sidney remembered conversations with Billy when she visited her bedroom set in the Stab 3 studios. She smiled at his sweet side before she thought of his sinister side. Roman later explained to Sidney in great detail how he convinced Billy to kill Maureen Prescott.

Scream 4 (2011)[]

Billy was referenced in the fourth installment a few times. Trevor referenced Billy by being Jill Roberts' boyfriend at one time, crawling through Jill's window, and giving constant romantic gestures of being together. Sidney remarked that this reminded her of herself and Billy. When Sidney comforts Jill concerning Olivia, Jill doesn't seem as bothered as she is a female "Billy". This brings on the bonding scene between Sidney and Jill, much like when Billy and Sidney made up and Sidney lost her virginity to Billy, but reciprocated. Instead, with them being female cousins, Sidney and Jill share a tender family moment, but Sidney is left with a gut feeling of familiarity as she sensed a familiar energy.

Another reciprocated reference was the chase in Kirby's house, where both Jill and Sidney run upstairs to Kirby's room. Stu originally came up and interrupted Billy and Sidney, and pretended to stab Billy leaving him "unconscious" on top of the bed and Sidney fleeing. This time, Sidney tells Jill to hide UNDER the bed and pretends she is running to get help as she flees. Like Billy, she emerges from the bed and as one of the killers. Lastly, Charlie Walker, specifically tells Jill that they will injure each other "just like Billy and Stu", but he is quickly betrayed by Jill instead.

Scream (2022)[]


Billy appears as a hallucination to his illegitimate daughter, Samantha Carpenter, multiple times whilst she is on her medication. The hallucinations seem to resemble Billy as he was in his last moments of life, consistently attempting to convince Sam to embrace her dark side and kill.


Billy initially appears to Sam in the hospital, as she leans down to drink water from a tap and then rises again to see Billy behind her. He taunts her with the secret she is keeping and questions as to when she'll tell Tara the truth, thus the reason why she was attacked in the first place. Sam's phone rings and Billy disappears.


When Samantha is driving away from the Meeks House after being offended by Mindy Meeks-Martin's accusation that she is the killer, Billy appears in the rear-view and tells Sam that it's time to find the killer and "cut some f-cking throats". Sam screams "NO" and just barely avoids being T-Boned by another car. Billy disappears again.


After Richie Kirsch, revealed as the killer, attacks Sam in the Macher house, Billy appears yet again in a mirror, pointing out the location of Richie's knife which he previously dropped. Billy nods, encouraging his daughter to use the knife. Sam finally sublimates her dark side and uses Richie's knife to stab him repeatedly and then slit his throat, killing him.

As Sam leaves with Tara in an ambulance, she hallucinates Billy standing behind her once more, indicating that he still is, and will continue to haunt her.

Scream VI (2023)[]

Stu and Billy-Scream VI

Sam sometime has stopped suffering hallucinations of Billy. However, she still feels his presence in her life and admits that when she stabbed Richie, "it felt right". Billy is also mentioned by Kirby Reed, when she and Wayne Bailey are tracking the timeline of Ghostface. After discovering the Ghostface shrine belonged to Richie (although not revealed to be his until the revelations by Ghostfaces: Wayne Bailey, Quinn Bailey, Ethan Landry), Sam approaches a glass display case containing Billy's old robe and knife and she begins to hallucinate Billy reflected behind her in the glass, much to Sam's fear.


When she returns to the shrine to trap the new killer, Sam hallucinates Billy once more when he convinces her to open the display case and use his old bloody knife to kill the new killer. Sam obliges and takes the knife. To kill Wayne, Sam dresses in Billy's old costume and mask. She uses Billy's knife to stab Wayne over thirty times and then peeled off Wayne's eye, brutally killing him.

In the aftermath of the unmasking, Sam reveals Billy's mask hidden in her jacket but fights off the intrusive thoughts and drops the mask to the ground, leaving Billy behind her.


Billy was once a caring and sweet person until his family was broken up due to his father having an affair with Maureen Prescott, the mother of his girlfriend Sidney Prescott. He suffered a psychotic breakdown, turning him into a sociopathic monster. He was very calculating and manipulative, strategically planning each of the murders and the attacks on Sidney to avoid any suspicion.


Maureen Prescott Stabbed to death. (with Stu)
Casey Becker Strangled, stabbed multiple times, gutted and hung from a tree. (with Stu)
Principal Arthur Himbry Stabbed three times in the chest and the stomach, gutted, hung from high school football goal post.
Tatum Riley Arm slashed and then head crushed by garage door after being stuck in cat flap.


Scream (1996)[]

Billy/Ghostface: Hello?
Casey: Yes?
Ghostface: Who is this?
Casey: Who're you trying to reach?
Ghostface: What number is this?
Casey: Well, what number are you trying to reach?
Ghostface: I don't know.
Casey: Well, I think you have the wrong number.
Ghostface: Do I?
Casey: It happens. Take it easy.
[Casey hangs up, but Billy calls her again]
Ghostface: I'm sorry. I guess I dialled the wrong number.
Casey: So why'd you dial it again?
Ghostface: To apologize.
Casey: You're forgiven. Bye now.
Ghostface: Wait, wait. Don't hang up. I wanna talk to you for a second.
Casey: They've got 900 numbers for that. See ya.
[Casey hangs up the phone and goes to the kitchen to make popcorn, phone rings again]
Casey: Uh, hello?
Ghostface: Why don't you want to talk to me?
Casey: Who is this?
Ghostface: You tell me your name, I'll tell you mine.
Casey: I don't think so. [popcorn shaking]
Ghostface: What's that noise?
Casey: Popcorn.
Ghostface: You're making popcorn? I only eat popcorn at the movies.
Casey: Well, I'm getting ready to watch a video.
Ghostface: Really? What?
Casey: Oh, just some scary movie.
Ghostface: Do you like scary movies? What's your favourite scary movie?
Casey: Uh, I don't know.
Ghostface: You have to have a favourite. What comes to mind?
Casey: Um, "Halloween." You know, the one with the guy in the white mask who walks around and stalks babysitters. What's yours?
Ghostface: Guess.
Casey: Um, "Nightmare on Elm Street".
Ghostface: Is that the one where the guy had knives for fingers?
Casey: Yeah, Freddy Krueger.
Ghostface: Freddy, that's right. I liked that movie. It was scary.
Casey: Yeah, the first one was, but the rest sucked.
Ghostface: So, you got a boyfriend?
Casey: [chuckling] Why, you wanna ask me out on a date?
Ghostface: Maybe. Do you have a boyfriend
Casey: No.
Ghostface: You never told me your name.
Casey: Why do you want to know my name?
Ghostface: Because I want to know who I'm looking at.
Casey: What did you say?
Ghostface: I want to know who I'm talking to.
Casey: That's not what you said.
Ghostface: What do you think I said? [Casey turns on the patio light and looks out the patio doors] What? Hello?
Casey: Look, I gotta go.
Ghostface: Wait. I thought we were gonna go out.
Casey: Uh, nah, I don't think so. [locks the patio doors]
Ghostface: Don't hang up on me!
[Casey hangs up, popcorn pops while Casey tries to put down the phone, the phone rings again]
Casey: Shit... [answers] Yes?
Ghostface: I told you not to hang up on me.
Casey: What do you want?
Ghostface: To talk.
Casey: Well, dial someone else, okay?
[Casey hangs up again, however, as she goes to the kitchen, Billy calls her again]
Casey: Listen, asshole!
Ghostface: No, you, listen, you little bitch! You hang up on me again, I'll gut you like a fish, understand?! [chuckles] Oh yeah.
Casey: Is this some kind of joke?
Ghostface: More of a game, really. Can you handle that... blondie?
[Casey runs to close the front door and looks outside]
Ghostface: Can you see me?
Casey: Listen. I am two seconds away from calling the police.
Ghostface: They'd never make it in time. We're out in the middle of nowhere.
Casey: What do you want?
Ghostface: To see what your insides look like.
[Casey tearily hangs up. Billy rings the bell at the front door].
Casey: [scared] Who's there? Who's there? I'm calling the police.
[Billy calls again]
Ghostface: You should never say "Who's there?" Don't you watch scary movies? It's a death wish. You might as well just come out here to investigate a strange noise or something.
Casey: Look, you've had your fun now, so I think you better just leave or else.
Ghostface: Or else what?
Casey: Or else my boyfriend will be here any second and he'll be pissed when he finds out.
Ghostface: I thought you didn't have a boyfriend.
Casey: I lied! I do have a boyfriend... and he'll be here any second, so your ass better be gone...
Ghostface: Sure.
Casey: I swear... He's big and he plays football, and he'll kick the shit out of you!
Ghostface: I'm getting scared. I'm shaking in my boots.
Casey: So you better just leave...
Ghostface: His name wouldn't be... Steve, would it?
Casey: How do you know his name?
Ghostface: Turn on the patio lights... again.
[Casey turns on the patio light, where she notices Steven tied to a chair, who is terrified and tries to save him]
Ghostface: I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Casey: Where are you? Where are you?
Ghostface: Guess.
Casey: Please don't hurt him.
Ghostface: That all depends on you.
Casey: Why are you doing this?
Ghostface: I wanna play a game.
Casey: No.
Ghostface: Then he dies right now! Which is it? Which is it?
Casey: Well, what kind of a game?
Ghostface: Turn off the light. You'll see what kind of game. Just do it!
Steven: [muffled] No, Casey! No! No! [Casey turns off the patio lights] NO! CASEY!
Ghostface: Here's how we play. I ask a question. If you get it right, Steve lives.
Casey: Please don't do this.
Ghostface: Come on, it'll be fun. It's an easy category. Movie trivia. I'll even give you a warm-up question. Name the killer in "Halloween." Come on, it's your favourite scary movie, remember? He had a white mask, he stalked the baby-sitters.
Casey: I don't know.
Ghostface: Come on. Yes, you do.
Casey: No, please.
Ghostface: What's his name?
Casey: I can't think.
Ghostface: Steve's counting on you.
Casey: Michael... Michael Myers.
Ghostface: Yes! Very good. Now for the real question.
Casey: No!
Ghostface: But you're doing so well. We can't stop now.
Casey: Please stop! Leave us alone!
Ghostface: Then answer the question. Same category. Name the killer in "Friday the 13th."
Casey: Jason! Jason, Jason!
Ghostface: I'm sorry. That's the wrong answer.
Casey: No, it's not! No, it's not, it was Jason!
Ghostface: Afraid not... No way...
Casey: Listen, it was Jason! I saw that movie 20 goddamn times!
Ghostface: Then you should know Jason's mother! Mrs. Voorhees was the original killer. Jason didn't show up until the sequel. I'm afraid that was a wrong answer.
Casey: You tricked me.
Ghostface: Lucky for you there's a bonus round, but poor Steve... I'm afraid he's out!
[Stu guts Steve off-screen, while Casey watches in horror]
Ghostface: Hey, we're not finished yet. Final question. Are you ready?
Casey: Please, please, leave me alone...
Ghostface: Answer the question, and I will. What door am I at?
Casey: What?
Ghostface: There are two main doors to your house. The front door and the patio doors. If you answer correctly, you live, very simple.
Casey: Don't do this... I can't... I won't...
Ghostface: Your call...
~ Billy's phone calls with Casey, Ghostface's most iconic phone call in the Scream franchise.
Billy: [after showing up unannounced at Sidney's house and after Neil left Sidney's bedroom] Oh, close call.
Sidney: Billy... what are you doing here?
Billy: Well, it occurred to me that I've never snuck through your bedroom window.
Sidney: Great, and now, that it's out of your system.
Billy: You know, I was home watching television. The, uh, "The Exorcist" was on. It got me thinking of you. It was edited for TV, you know, all the good stuff was cut out. And it got me thinking of us... how two years ago we started off hot and heavy. Nice solid R-rating on our way to an NC-17. And now things have changed and... lately we're just sort of edited for television.
Sidney: Oh, so you thought you would climb in my window and we'd have a little raw footage?
Billy: No, I wouldn't dream of breaking your underwear rule, I just thought maybe we could do a little on-top-of-the-clothes stuff.
~ Billy visits Sidney after the murders of Steve and Casey, and makes a sexual proposal to Sidney.
Tatum: What kind of questions did they ask you, Sidney?
Sidney: They asked if I knew Casey.
Tatum: Yeah, they asked me that too.
Stu: Hey, did they ask if you like to hunt?
Billy: Yeah, they did. Did they ask you?
Tatum: Hunt? Why would they ask you if you like to hunt?
Randy: 'Cause their bodies were gutted.
Billy: Thank you, Randy.
Tatum: They didn't ask me if I like to hunt.
Stu: It's because there's no way a girl could've killed them.
Tatum: That is so sexist. The killer could easily be female. "Basic lnstinct."
Randy: That was an ice pick, not exactly the same thing.
Stu: Yeah, Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out. And the fact is, it takes a man to do something like that.
Tatum: Or a man's mentality.
Sidney: How do you gut someone?
Stu: You take a knife, and you slit 'em from the groin to sternum.
Billy: Hey... It's called tact, you f-ck rag.
Sidney: Hey, Stu, didn't you used to date Casey?
Stu: Yeah, for like two seconds.
Randy: Before she dumped you for Steve.
Tatum: I thought you dumped her for me.
Stu: And I did, he's full of shit.
Randy: And are the police aware that you dated the victim?
Stu: Hey, what're you saying? That... That I killed her?
Randy: It would certainly improve your high school "Q."
Tatum: Stu was with me last night, okay?
Stu: Yeah, I was.
Randy: Was that before or after he sliced and diced?
Tatum: F-ck you, nut case. Where were you last night?
Randy: Working. Thank you.
Tatum: Oh, at the video store? I thought they fired your sorry ass.
Randy: Twice.
Stu: I didn't kill anybody.
Billy: Nobody said you did.
Stu: Thanks, buddy.
Randy: Besides, it takes a man to do something like that!
Stu: Yeah, I'm gonna gut your ass in a second, kid!
Randy: Tell me something. Did you really put her liver in the mailbox? 'Cause I heard that they found her liver in the mailbox next to her spleen and her pancreas.
Tatum: Randy, you goon-f-ck! I'm trying to eat here! Okay?
Stu: She's getting mad, all right? You better "liver" alone. [laughs] "Liver" alone! [Billy elbows Stu] Ow! Liver, liver, liv... That was a joke!
~ Billy, along with Stu, Sidney, Tatum and Randy discuss Steven and Casey's murders.
Billy/Ghostface: Hello, Sidney.
Sidney: Uh, hi, who is this?
Ghostface: You tell me.
Sidney: Well, l have no idea.
Ghostface: Scary night, isn't it? With the murders and all, it's like right out of a horror movie or something.
Sidney: [laughs] Randy, you gave yourself away, are you calling from work, 'cause Tatum's on her way over.
Ghostface: Do you like scary movies, Sidney?
Sidney: I like that thing you're doing with your voice, Randy, it's sexy.
Ghostface: What's your favourite scary movie?
Sidney: Oh, come on. You know I don't watch that shit.
Ghostface: Why not? Too scared?
Sidney: No, no. It's just, what's the point? They're all the same. Some stupid killer stalking some big-breasted girl who can't act, who's always running up the stairs when she should be going out the front door. It's insulting.
Ghostface: Are you alone in the house?
Sidney: Randy, that's so unoriginal. I'm disappointed in you.
Ghostface: Maybe that's because I'm not Randy.
Sidney: So, who are you?
Ghostface: The question isn't: "Who am I?", the question is: "Where am I?"
Sidney: So, where are you?
Ghostface: Your front porch.
Sidney: Why would you be calling from my front porch?
Ghostface: That's the original part.
Sidney: Oh, yeah? [Sidney goes outside] Well, I call your bluff. So, where are you?
Ghostface: Right here.
Sidney: [after looking around for a while] Can you see me right now? Oh, Okay... [Sidney picks her nose] What am I doing? Huh? Hello?
[chuckles] Nice try, Randy. Tell Tatum to hurry up, okay? Bye now.
Ghostface: If you hang up on me, you'll die just like your mother! Do you wanna die, Sidney? Your mother sure didn't!
Sidney: F-ck you, you cretin!
~ Billy's phone call with Sidney, before Stu attacked her.
Billy: [after Sidney accidentally ran into him] Relax, it's just me... Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... You still think it's me?
Sidney: No... l don't. It's just, somebody was there. Billy, someone tried to kill me.
Billy: I know, I know... The cops said I scared him away. It wasn't me, Sid.
Sidney: I know. He called me again last night at Tatum's house.
Billy: You see? It couldn't have been me. I was in jail, remember?
Sidney: I'm so sorry, please understand.
Billy: Understand what? That I have a girlfriend who would rather accuse me of being a psychopathic killer than touch me?
Sidney: You know that's not true.
Billy: Then what is it?
Sidney: What is it? Billy, I was attacked and nearly filleted last night.
Billy: I mean between us. You haven't been the same since... since your mother died.
Sidney: Is your brain leaking? My mom was killed. I can't believe you're bringing this up!
Billy: It's been a year.
Sidney: Tomorrow, one year tomorrow.
Billy: You know what? I think it's time you got over that. I mean, when my mom left my dad, I accepted it. It's the way it is. She's not comin' back.
Sidney: Your parents split up. This is not the same thing. Your mom left town, she's not lying in a coffin somewhere.
Billy: Okay, okay, I'm sorry. It's a bad analogy. But it's just that... that I want my girlfriend back.
Sidney: [walks away outraged]
Billy: Sid!
Sidney: Billy, I am sorry if my traumatized life is an inconvenience to you and your perfect existence!
Billy: What? What are you...? Nobody said that. Sid!
[to himself] Stupid!
~ Billy's conversation with Sidney after he was released from jail.
Randy: [to Stu] I'm telling you, the dad's a red herring. It's Billy. [Billy shortly after that confronts Randy]
Billy: How do we know you're not the killer? Huh? Huh?!
Randy: Hi Billy!
Billy: Maybe your movie-freaked mind lost its reality button. Did you ever think of that?
Randy: You're absolutely right. I'm the first to admit it, that If this were a scary movie, I'd be the prime suspect.
Billy: That's right.
Stu: And what would be your motive?
Randy: It's the millennium. Motives are incidental.
Billy: Hmm, "Millennium"? "Millennium", I like that! That's good, it's the millennium! Good kid.
~ Billy confronts Randy in the video store.
Billy: [shows up at Stu's house in front of Stu and Sidney]
Stu: Hey, Billy. Hmm, what are you doing here?
Billy: I was hoping I could talk to Sid alone.
Sidney: You know, if Tatum sees you here, she'll draw blood.
Stu: I tell you what. Why don't you guys go up to my parents' room? You know, you guys can talk... whatever.
Billy: Subtlety, Stu. You should look it up.
Sidney: No, it's okay. We do need to talk.
~ Billy shows up at Stu's party and goes with Sidney to the bedroom.
Billy: [as he is in Stu's parents bedroom with Sidney] So... Look, I'm sorry. I've been selfish, and I want to apologize.
Sidney: No, Billy... I'm the one who's been selfish and self-absorbed... with all this post-traumatic stress.
Billy: You lost your mom.
Sidney: Yeah, I know, but you're right. Enough is enough. I can't wallow in the grief process forever, and... and I can't keep lying to myself about who my mom was. Yeah, I think I'm really... scared... that I'm gonna turn out just like her, you know? Like "The Bad Seed" or something. And I know it doesn't make sense.
Billy: Yeah, it does. It's like Jodie Foster in "The Silence of the Lambs", when she keeps having flashbacks of her dead father.
Sidney: But this is life, this isn't a movie.
Billy: Sure it is, Sid. It's all a movie. It's all... one great big movie. Only you can't pick your genre.
[Billy and Sidney share kiss]
Sidney: Why can't I be a Meg Ryan movie... or even a good porno?
Billy: What?
Sidney: You heard me.
Billy: Are you sure?
Sidney: Yeah... I think so.
~ Billy upstairs with Sidney.
Billy: You okay?
Sidney: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. [silence moment] Who'd you call?
Billy: What?
Sidney: Well, I don't know... When you're arrested, you're allowed one phone call. So I was just curious - who'd you call?
Billy: Called my dad.
Sidney: No, um, Sheriff Burke called your dad. I saw him.
Billy: Yeah, but when I called I didn't get an answer...
Sidney: Huh...
Billy: [looks at Sidney] You don't still think it was me, do you?
Sidney: No. No, I was just thinking, if it were you it'd be a very clever way to throw me off track.You know, using your one phone call to call me so that I wouldn't think it was you, that's all.
Billy: Really?
Sidney: [chuckles]
Billy: [gets up from the floor, agitated] What do I have to do to prove to you that I'm not a killer?
Sidney: [notices Ghostface behind Billy] Oh, my God...
Billy: Huh?
Sidney: Oh, my God...
Billy: Sidney...
Sidney: Billy, watch out!
[Billy turns around and Stu stabs him four times while Sidney watches in horror and cries]
Billy: [wheezing] Sid... [falls on the bed]
~ Billy fakes his death in front of Sidney.
Billy: [after shooting Randy] Anthony Perkins, "Psycho". [reveals to Sidney, that he wasn't stabbed, as she looks shocked] Mmm... Corn syrup. Same stuff they used for pig's blood in Carrie.
Sidney: [tries to escape, runs into Stu] Stu... help me please.
Stu: [turns on the voice modulator, revealing himself as Ghostface] Surprise, Sidney!
Sidney: [stares at both in shock, pushes Stu away to escape] No!
Stu: Ooh!
Billy: [blocks Sidney's passage] Oh, now, whoa... [using voice modulator] What's the matter, Sidney? You look like you've seen a ghost.
Sidney: [gasps] Why are you doing this?
Stu: It's all part of the game, Sidney!
Billy: It's called: Guess how I'm gonna die!
Sidney: F-ck you!
Billy: No, no, no... We already played that game, remember? You lost.
~ Billy, along with Stu are revealed as Ghostface killers.
Stu: See, it's a fun game, Sidney. We ask you a question, and if you get it wrong... "BOO-KAH," you die!
Billy: You get it right...? You die.
Sidney: You're crazy, both of you.
Stu: Actually, we prefer the term "psychotic."
Sidney: You'll never get away with this.
Billy: Oh, no? Tell that to Cotton Weary. You wouldn't believe how easy he was to frame.
Stu: Watch a few movies, take a few notes. [laughs] It was fun!
~ Billy taunts Sidney along with Stu, before they reveal they killed Sidney's mom Maureen.
Stu: That's right. You gave it up. Now you're no longer a virgin. [giggles] I said "virgin." Whoops! Now you gotta die, those are the rules.
Billy: Let's pretend it's all a scary movie, Sid. How do you think it's gonna end?
Stu: Oh! Oh! This is the greatest part, you're gonna love this! We got a surprise for you, Sidney! Yeah, you're gonna love this one. It's a SCREAM, baby! Hold on a sec, I'll be right back!
Billy: You know what time it is, Sid? It's after midnight. It's your mom's anniversary. Congratulations. We killed her exactly one year ago today.
Stu: Attention! [holds tied up Neil] Oh, what do we have behind door number three, Sidney?
Sidney: Daddy!
Stu: [using voice modulator] Guess we won't be needing this any more, huh? [puts the voice modulator in Neil's pocket] And, oh, look at this. Ring, ring. Won't need this. [puts killer's phone in Neil's pocket]
Billy: Got the ending figured out yet, Sid?
Stu: Come on, Sidney. You think about it now, huh? Your daddy's the chief suspect. We cloned his cellular. The evidence is all right there, baby!
Billy: What if your father snapped? Your mother's anniversary set him off, and he went on a murder spree, killing everyone.
Stu: Except for Billy and me, we were left for dead.
Billy: Then he kills you... and shoot himself in the head. Perfect ending.
Stu: I thought of that.
~ Billy and Stu reveal their plan to frame Sidney's father for their killings before killing him and Sidney.
Billy: Don't forget, stay to the side and don't go too deep.
Stu: Okay, I'll remember... [stabs Billy]
~ Stu's turn at stabbing Billy.
Now Sid, don't you blame the movies! Movies don't create psychos, movies make psychos more creative!
~ Billy defending his insanity.
Stu: [can't find the gun] Houston, we... we have a problem here...
Billy: What?
Stu: The gun, man... the gun, I put it right there, and it's not there.
Billy: Where the f-ck is it?
Gale: Right here, asshole. [points the gun at Billy]
Billy: Man, I thought she was dead!
Stu: She looked dead, man, still does.
Gale: I've got an ending for you. The reporter left for dead in the news van... comes to... stumbles on you two dipshits, finds the gun... foils your plan and saves the day.
Sidney: I like that ending.
Billy: I know something you don't. [Gale tries to shoot Billy, but the safety is on, and he knocks her out]
Stu: Yeah, man!
Billy: Yeah. Aw, so sweet. It works better without the safety on. This is Gale Weathers signing off.
Stu: Baby, you're gonna love this! Oh, shit...
Billy: What? [they notice that Sidney and Neil are missing] Where are they? Where are they?
Stu: I don't know, Billy, but I'm hurtin', man. [phone rings] Shall I let the machine get it?
Billy: [picks up] Hello?
Sidney: [using voice changer] Are you alone in the house?
Billy: Bitch! You bitch! Where the f-ck are you?!
Sidney: Not so fast. We're gonna play a little game. It's called [turns voice changer off] "Guess who just called the police and reported your sorry motherf-cking ass"!
Billy: Find her, you dipshit, get up!
Stu: I can't Billy, you already cut me too deep. I think I'm dying here, man!
Billy: [gives the phone to Stu] Talk to her.
Stu: Hello?
Sidney: Ah, Stu, Stu, Stu... What's your motive? Billy's got one. The police are on their way. What are you gonna tell them?
Stu: Peer pressure. I'm far too sensitive.
Billy: I'm gonna rip you up, you bitch, just like your f-cking mother!
Sidney: You've gotta find me first, you pansy-assed momma's-boy!
Billy: F-ck! [Billy throws the phone at Stu]
Stu: Ow! You f-cking hit me with the phone, dick!
Billy: F-cker where are you?! Ah! Ah, you f-ck! AHH!
Stu: Did you really call the police?
Sidney: You bet your sorry ass I did.
Stu: My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me…
Billy: AHH! BITCH!
~ Sidney turns the tables on Billy and Stu, taunting Billy and insults him back as he gets very angry and worried.
Billy: [gets up, punches Randy and lunges at Sidney] F-cker! [attacks and strangles Sidney] Say hello to your mother! [Sidney sticks her finger in one of his wounds, he screams and raises his knife to stab Sidney, however he is shot by Gale, supposedly to death]
Gale: Guess I remembered the safety that time, you bastard.
[Sidney, Gale and Randy look at Billy]
Randy: Careful, this is the moment when the supposedly dead killer comes back to life - for one last scare.
[Billy grunts, turns out to be still alive, but is shot in the head by Sidney]
~ Billy's last moments.

Scream (2022)[]

Billy: How you doing Sam? Hmm... Antipsychotics aren't working as well as they used to, are they?
Sam: F-ck you.
Billy: You can't run from who you are, Sam. I'm just trying to help. Hey, when are you gonna tell her why all this is happening?
~ Billy's hallucination appears for the first time.
Billy: The nerve of that girl, right?
Sam: Really not in the mood right now.
Billy: Sam, Sam, Sam... There is a killer on the loose. He's threatening you, he's threatening your sister. Are you gonna run away from who you are like you always do, or are you gonna use it?
Sam: I'm not like you.
Billy: Really? Then how else are you gonna survive? I say accept who you are, let's get out there, find out who's doing this and CUT SOME F-CKING THROATS!
~ Billy's hallucination appears for the second time.

Scream VI[]

Billy: Hot damn how f-cking cool is this place!
Sam: F-ck no…
Billy: F-ck yes! Come on Sam you gotta be excited to get our murder on again together. Billy, and Sam, Team Loomis. Get ready to slice some more motherf-ckers.
~ Billy's hallucination appears at the shrine.
Billy: You know you’re not safe here, whenever someone says we’re save here, it means you’re not.
Sam: Not now…
Billy: You’re smarter than this Sam! Grab a weapon and clear this place yourself. You know I'm right.
Sam: [Grabs Billy’s old knife]
Billy: Excellent choice, my favorite…
~ Billy's hallucination appears at the shrine again, and encourages Sam to grab a weapon.


  • The killings in the first Scream film are inspired by the murders in Florida committed by serial killer Danny Rolling. Rolling, nicknamed "The Gainsville Ripper", murdered and mutilated multiple college students, after murdering a family of three in Shrevport.
  • Billy bears resemblance to Eric Harris, one of the perpetrators of the Columbine High massacre. Harris was considered the mastermind of the shooting, which killed high school students and even the principal, while his accomplice Dylan Klebold was considered Harris' shy accomplice following his direction.
  • In the Scream poster, he has facial hair despite never having facial hair in the movie.
    • Due to the photoshoot being after Scream was filmed, noticeably most of the actors appearances changed as they moved onto other projects
  • Billy was described as "a young, strapping boy of seventeen. A star quarterback/class president type of guy. He sports a smile that could last for days" in the script.
  • David Arquette was offered the role of Billy Loomis, but he wanted to portray Dewey Riley instead; the studio was nervous about this, but Wes Craven decided that Arquette would play Dewey instead of Billy. The role was ultimately won out by Skeet Ulrich.
  • Billy was named after the heroic Dr. Sam Loomis from Halloween, who was already named after one of the protagonists, Sam Loomis, from Psycho.
  • Billy quotes killer Norman Bates ("We all go a little mad sometimes") and his motive (avenging his mother) is that of Jason Voorhees' first kill. Interestingly, his mother's motive in the second movie was to avenge his death, much like Pamela Voorhees.
  • Being the first person to don the Ghostface mantle, Billy Loomis may be considered the Predecessor Villain of the franchise, but Roman Bridger is responsible for his fall into villainy.
  • Billy has several similarities with Kieran Wilcox.
    • Both were protagonists' boyfriends (Billy was Sidney Prescott's and Kieran was Emma Duval's).
    • Both cheated on their girlfriends (Billy with Christina Carpenter, Kieran with Haley Meyers).
    • Both had a complicated relationship with their parents and both started killing largely because of their fathers' mistakes.
    • Both were corrupted by violent narcissists who wanted to kill their own mothers (Roman for Billy, Piper for Kieran).
    • However, unlike Kieran, Billy wouldn't hurt his own family.
  • His second motive might've been fear that Sidney will leave him, just like his mother left him.
  • Skeet Ulrich reprised his role in Scream 5 as a hallucination manifested in his daughter's mind, with CGI being used to de-age him. It was originally believed he would appear in some capacity as he had been tagged on Marley Shelton's Instagram which was then edited later.
    • In that case, he is the first and only Ghostface to be a hallucination.

External Links[]


          SCREAM5 Villains

Billy Loomis | Stu Macher | Nancy Loomis | Mickey Altieri | Roman Bridger | Jill Roberts | Charlie Walker | Richie Kirsch | Amber Freeman | Wayne Bailey | Quinn Bailey | Ethan Landry | Jason Carvey

Beth | Jamal Elliot

Video Games
Danny Johnson

The Lakewood Slasher
Piper Shaw | Kieran Wilcox | The Third Killer

John Milton | Chloe | Becca | Haley Meyers | Tom Martin | Luther Thompson | Vince Schneider | Greg Bruckner | Frankie

See Also
A Nightmare on Elm Street Villains | The Hills Have Eyes Villains | The Last House on The Left Villains
