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Villain Overview

Do you know what it was like growing up in this family? Related to you? I mean, all I ever heard was Sidney this, and Sidney that, and Sidney, Sidney, Sidney! You were always just so F-CKING SPECIAL!! Well, now I'm the special one.
~ Jill Roberts expressing her jealousy and motivation to Sidney Prescott.
You just won't die, will you? Who are you, Michael f-cking Myers?
~ Jill Roberts attempting to kill Sidney in the hospital.

Jillian "Jill" Roberts is the main antagonist of Scream 4, the fourth installment of the Scream franchise.

She is Sidney Prescott's egotistical and envious cousin who wants to become famous just like her. To accomplish this, Jill becomes the next Ghostface and pretends to be a surviving victim of the very massacre she creates.

She was portrayed by Emma Roberts, who also played Madison Montgomery in American Horror Story: Coven, Maggie Esmerelda in American Horror Story: Freak Show and Chanel Oberlin in Scream Queens.

While in-disguise, she is voiced by Roger L. Jackson. In-costume scenes as Ghostface were portrayed by Dane Farwell.



Jill was born to single mother, Kate Roberts in 1993. She grew up in Woodsboro, California. Just one year after her birth, the very first Ghostface killing in Woodsboro occurred; the victim being her aunt, Maureen Prescott, killed by Billy Loomis and Stu Macher.

As a child growing up, Jill was all super familiar with the name of her celebrity cousin, Sidney Prescott, a survivor of the 1996 Woodsboro Murders, and the name and face protagonist of a successful slasher franchise, Stab.

After she was cheated on by her boyfriend, Trevor Sheldon sometime in their junior year or the summer before senior year, Jill began a secret relationship with Woodsboro High Cinema Club President and horror buff, Charlie Walker, who she sat next to in Mr. Baker's English class.

Growing up, her mother Kate neglected her a lot. Fueled by her cousin's immense stardom and fame, being cheated on, and her cousin's successful book tour of her self-help novel, Out of Darkness (2011, published by Random), the events spiraled Jill over the edge into psychopathy. She conspired with secret boyfriend, Charlie Walker to concoct their own elaborate anniversary killing spree in the town for the 15th anniversary, learning Sidney would be in town as a last stop on her book tour. Unbeknownst to Charlie, he was simply a tool in her game. Jill convinced him of manifesting his Stab movie dreams to reality in the form a real-life remake. She elaborated on her vision: millennial counterparts to Sidney Prescott and Randy Meeks.

As part of their plan, they desired to remake the original Woodsboro murders that Billy Loomis and Stu Macher orchestrated, framing her ex-boyfriend, Trevor Sheldon in the process. However, Jill also secretly intended on framing Charlie for the murders as an accomplice, with the pairing serving as a true millennial counterpart to Billy and Stu, while Jill would be left as the sole survivor, like her cousin. As part of the scheme, she came up with the idea of filming the murders due to Jill's belief that no one reads anymore, which they also intended on uploading onto the internet under Trevor's IP address to further frame him as the Ghostface killer.

Scream 4 (2011)[]

Jill and Charlie began their copycat killings with Jenny Randall and Marnie Cooper. Originally, Jill planned to kill only Jenny, because she was the girl Trevor cheated on her with, Marnie was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. When Jenny was upstairs, Charlie kidnapped and killed Marnie off-screen. After that Jill called Jenny and taunted her over the phone, shortly before she and Charlie threw Marnie's corpse through a nearby window. Charlie chased Jenny until she finally managed to kill her, while jill filmed the murder.

The following day, Jill and her friend Olivia Morris are given a ride to school by their best friend Kirby Reed. Charlie plants Jenny and Marnie's blood, Sidney's novels and Ghostface merchandise in the trunk of Sidney's rental car while she is inside a bookstore doing a book signing for her newly released novel Out of Darkness. Jill receives a phone call from Charlie as "Ghostface" using Jenny's phone during the ride, and after Jill hangs up, Olivia reveals she got a call like that from Marnie's phone. In the evening, she and Kirby prepare dinner with her mother. Later, she sees that Trevor has snuck into her bedroom when she comes into her room after using the bathroom. She tells Trevor to get away from the window. He starts talking about wanting a second chance again when Sidney walks in and sees Jill with Trevor. After he leaves, she tells Jill she reminds her of herself. This is a homage to the time Billy Loomis snuck in through her window 15 years earlier.

Later on, while watching Shaun of the Dead with Kirby, Jill makes a fake "Ghostface" phone call to Olivia. During this conversation, Charlie calls Kirby as Ghostface, claiming to be in the closet. Kirby opens Jill's closet to prove he isn't in there and called him a liar. He then gives a bone chilling response, "I never said I was in your closet" before immediately leaping out of Olivia's closet. Charlie mutilates her while Kirby and Jill watch horrified from the house next door. Sidney rushes to the Morris house, but does not arrive in time to save Olivia from death. Charlie then calls Sidney as Ghostface to taunt her. Jill heads upstairs to Olivia's room, but Sidney prevents her from looking at Olivia's corpse. Then Charlie, still wearing the Ghostface costume, comes out from behind a door, seemingly trying to attack Jill and manages to slash her arm. Sidney pushes her out of the way and kicks him down the stairs. After fighting him off, Sidney sees Jill sitting down at the top of the stairs, holding her bloodied left her arm. The police come in and Sidney tries to show them where Charlie is, but he already escaped. Kirby and Trevor also arrive at Olivia's house shortly after to see if Jill is okay.

Jill's arm is X-rayed at the hospital, where no serious damage appears to have been sustained. Jill somehow finds a way to escape from Sidney, her mother, and the doctors for a little bit. She calls and taunts Sidney's former publicist and personal assistant, Rebecca Walters. Later, Charlie as Ghostface follows her into an empty parking structure. Having disabled Rebecca's car's ability to operate, he taunts her some more before finally stabbing Rebecca in the stomach as she attempts to flee. Charlie makes his way to the roof and throws Rebecca's body off the parking structure. The body lands on a news van during a press conference held by Dewey Riley.

The third annual Stab-a-Thon is the next night, taking place at an abandoned barn on the outskirts of town. However, Jill can't go because Kate wants to keep her teenage daughter safe. Jill and Sidney share a family moment when Sidney states that she knows how Jill feels and is very sorry about Olivia. Jill says she is sorry about Rebecca. Continuing the moment, Jill asks Sidney about being a survivor. Later on, Charlie lets Jill know that Gale Riley has arrived, and to log onto her laptop to watch through the webcam. She does so and sees Gale has discovered the webcam hidden in the haystack. Jill watches as Charlie attacks Gale, but he panics when Dewey begins firing gunshots at him. She sees Charlie stab Gale in the right shoulder, just before fleeing the scene. Gale survives her injuries and is rushed to the hospital as soon as possible. The Stab-a-Thon is canceled as a result of the incident.

Jill meets Charlie outside her house in her own Ghostface costume where she stabs Deputy Hoss and Deputy Perkins. Charlie drives the cop car with their corpses two blocks down the street and stabs them several more times before taking a gun from one of the dead officers, which he gives to Jill later. In the meantime, after killing the cops, Jill calls Sidney to taunt her about Gale and to tell her a member of her family is going to die while all Sidney can do is watch. When Charlie returns, they attack Sidney and Kate from both sides of the Roberts house. Charlie scares Sidney and Kate at the back door forcing them to run to the front door where they are attacked by Jill. Sidney slams the door on Jill's arm causing her to groan in pain. Jill angrily thrusts her knife through the mail slot, stabbing her mother Kate, who was sitting against the door in an attempt to keep it shut. Kate dies after asking Sidney to tell Jill she's sorry.

Jill, while waiting for Kirby to pick her up, sends Trevor a text message telling him to meet her at Kirby's house, where she intends on ending the killing spree. Trevor appears claiming Jill invited him to come over. Jill denies sending Trevor a text message to further arouse suspicion of him. She goes to upstairs to "look" for her cellphone, claiming she doesn't have it on her, and Trevor follows her. Later, after Trevor interrupted Charlie and Kirby's erotic moment, mad Charlie leaves to room just to kill a drunken Robbie outside of Kirby's house while Jill abducts Trevor, tying him up upstairs. Jill returns downstairs after erasing the text she sent to Trevor. Soon, Sidney arrives and asks Jill to come with her when a bleeding Robbie appears at the door and gurgles "Run.", dying. Shortly after that, Charlie appeared and chased Jill and Sidney upstairs. Jill hid under the bed, while Sidney fled on the roof. Charlie didn't find Jill and continued to attack Sidney. At the same time Jill came out from under the bed and went to get her Ghostface costume.

Sidney escaped from Charlie and after that she joined up Kirby. When they go towards the basement, Charlie appears at the patio doors, trying to get inside. Because Charlie had blood on his hands, Kirby didn't let Charlie in. Because of that, Charlie is attacked and later tied-up on the chair by Jill (reference to Steven Orth). Jill calls Kirby as Ghostface and Sidney tells her to keep the killer on the phone while she goes to get Jill. They manage to trick Kirby into coming out of the room by asking her several trivial horror movie questions and letting her believe she actually won the game. She goes to untie Charlie, but he stabs her in the stomach twice, blaming her for not returning his affections sooner and leaving her for dead. Luckily, Kirby managed to survive off-screen, which is revealed in a Scream (2022) easter-egg.

Hello Sidney, surprised? Watch this. This is the part, dear cousin, when the cameras...turn off.
~ Jill reveals herself to Sidney.

Sidney, back inside, finds Jill is gone starts to go into the basement, going back for Kirby. She is grabbed from behind by Charlie, who holds her at knife point. After a struggle, she gets free and races for the front door. Before reaching the front door, Jill stabs Sidney in the stomach just before revealing herself as the main Ghostface killer.

In the kitchen she tells Sidney how she plans to frame her ex-boyfriend Trevor Sheldon for the murders and then she kills him (taking her revenge because Trevor cheated on her), by shooting him in the groin and then in the head. Charlie and Jill then tell Sidney they plan on being this generation's Randy Meeks and Sidney Prescott. Jill then kisses Charlie, leading him on into thinking that she loves him. Afterward, Jill asks Charlie if he's ready. He says yes, just like Billy and Stu, wanting her to stab him in the shoulder like they rehearsed. Instead, she stabs him the chest, and claims the media really loves a sole survivor, before stabbing him in the stomach, killing him. Jill then continued her jealous rant, before stabbing Sidney again (supposedly to death) and deliberately injures herself to make it appear that she had been attacked.

At the hospital, Dewey talks to Jill, who reveals to know a little more information than she should for somebody who is a victim; Jill mentions to Dewey that she would like to write a book with Gale, with their "matching wounds", referring to them both being stabbed in the shoulder. The details of Charlie's attack on Gale were never released to the public, so Jill could never have known unless she was one of the murderers herself (some fans believe that Jill was the one who attacked Gale, but it has been debunked, she knew about the "matching wounds", because Charlie told Jill about the attack). Dewey does not catch onto this until he speaks with his wife. Furious that Sidney is still alive, Jill goes to the I.C.U. and tries to kill her again. She digs her fingers into Sidney's stitches until Dewey arrives. Jill hides and knocks him out with a metal bedpan. Gale and Deputy Judy Hicks arrive, but Jill shoots Judy in the chest after she tells Jill not to do anything stupid. As she prepares to shoot Gale, Sidney regains consciousness and puts two defibrillator pads to her skull, shocking her brain. However, Jill is still alive and proceeds to grab a glass shard in a foolish final attempt to kill Sidney but was slow due to her being too injured this time to attack quick. Predicting Jill's final attack, Sidney grabs Dewey's gun and shoots her in the chest, finally killing Jill and putting an end to her killing spree and delusional goals.

Despite her death, however, Jill seemed to have achieved her wish to become famous and to create a legacy of her own as the new generation's "Sidney Prescott", as the reporters outside the hospital refer to her as "an American hero right out of the movies". However, since Sidney, Gale, Dewey, and Judy (Gale because she's a news reporter and Judy and Dewey because they're cops) knew the truth, they told everyone, and they realized that they were wrong about her. They realized that she was "a true American villain right out of the movies" and was officially confirmed to be the new generation's "Billy Loomis".

Scream (2022)[]

While in the car going to Woodsboro to see about Tara, Sam tells Richie Kirsch about Woodsboro’s fatal history remarks on the massacre that happened during 2011 as she referred to Charlie and Jill as “some idiot” as wanting to kill their friends and get famous as Billy Loomis her father once did the generation before that in 1996.

Scream VI (2023)[]

Jill's Ghostface mask was left in the bodega after the attack. At the police station, Wayne reveals, that another mask which was left behind at the Bodega, had "DNA that matched Jill Roberts and Charlie Walker, both deceased." Kirby later responds "Ghostface killers from 2011". These words refuted the speculations of fans and Emma Roberts herself, who believed that Jill survived the gunshot to the chest.

Jill and Charlie-Scream VI

Jill is mentioned again by Kirby, when she and Wayne are tracking the timeline of Ghostface. While at the shrine that was created by Richie, Kirby stares with watery eyes at the shirt that was worn by Jill in the final act of the movie.


Jill appeared to be a nice, vulnerable and dainty person, who was supposed to be the new generation "Sidney Prescott". However, Jill turned out to be a high-functioning psychopathic, selfish, brutal and skilled manipulator, who will do anything to be in the center of attention. She is naturally self-indulgent, feeling nothing but endless wanting.

To achieve her goals, she even goes so far as (directly or indirectly) to kill anyone who ever loved her, including her own mother, as well as Charlie Walker, who helped her orchestrate the Woodsboro murders knowing that he did it out of love for her. Jill gladly and without remorse killed her ex-boyfriend, Trevor Sheldon, and her accomplice Charlie Walker, so she could frame them as the Ghostface Killers, and people would remember her as a Woodsboro hero rather than a psycho killer.

Jill also wanted to kill Sidney and her friends to cover her tracks, as well as be the sole survivor. But despite her intelligence she was ultimately arrogant, as she wanted to become famous like Sidney, she doesn't see the fact that Sidney didn't survive so far on her own, as she always had Dewey, Gale and other friends who helped which was Jill's ultimate downfall, as she herself foolishly believed friends would only hold her back, as she got ultimately outsmarted by Gale and Sidney, as Gale distracted her and Sidney snuck up behind her and fried her brain with defibrillators before fatally killing her as Jill made another reckless attempt to attack the group alone.

Even if Jill did get away with killing Sidney, Dewey would eventually found out she's the killer due to how she knew what spot Gale was stabbed in and had her arrested and only be famous for being another Ghostface pathetic enough to believe they'd succeed in lies like the others.


Confirmed Victims[]

Deputy Ross Hoss Stabbed in the back by Jill (on-screen), stabbed multiple times by Charlie (off-screen).
Deputy Anthony Perkins Stabbed in the forehead by Jill (on-screen), stabbed multiple times by Charlie (off-screen)
Trevor Sheldon Shot in the groin and forehead.
Charlie Walker Stabbed in the heart and stomach.

Speculated Victims[]

Jenny Randall Stabbed in the back, back crushed by garage door, stabbed in the chest.
Kate Roberts Stabbed in the back through letterbox.


Jenny: [thinks she talks to Marnie] Ok... Timing, timing is perfect. But you don't have the app on your phone, so you can't talk like Ghostface, can you?
Jill/Ghostface: Yes, I can.
Jenny: Is this Trevor?
Ghostface: Do I sound like a Trevor to you? Think of me as your director. You're in my movie. You got a fun part so don't blow it.
Jenny: What movie?
Ghostface: Same one Marnie's in, only her part got cut way back. But you, you are dumb blond with the big tits. We'll have some fun with you before you die.
Jenny: I have a 4.0 GPA and 135 IQ, asshole! What did you do with Marnie?
Ghostface: She's on the cutting room floor.
Jenny: That's not funny.
Ghostface: This isn't a comedy, it's a horror film. People live, people die, and you'd better start running!
~ Jill's phone call with Jenny Randall.
Kirby: Hey, before you get to the car,

you have to promise to not kill me.
Jill: Why? What did you do?
Kirby: Trevor called me last night.
Jill: Why is he calling you?
Kirby: Because you won't take his calls, he knows I have your ear and he wants to know.
Jill: Know what?
Kirby: How upset you are.
Jill: Can we just not talk about this, please?
Olivia: Okay, so Trevor called me last night.
Jill: He called you too?
Olivia: He's worried your cousin coming to Woodsboro is distracting you from knowing how sorry he really is.
Jill: Well, that's inventive.
Olivia: Oh, by the way, have you seen the Grim Reaper, the Angel of Death?
Jill: What are you talking about?
Kirby: Your cousin. Last stop in a book tour, first stop on her road to a new life. It's very dramatic. She's the reason why I love horror movies.
Jill I'm sure she'd love to hear that. If I knew her, which I don't really.
Olivia: Well, wherever she went, peple died, other people, it was never her. I mean, "Stab" is the wrong franchise for her, it should be the "Final Destination".
Jill: [gets a phone call from Ghostface using Jenny's phone] Okay, why is Jenny Randall calling me? I cannot stand Jenny Randall... Hello?
Charlie/Ghostface: Hello, Jill.
Jill: Jenny, is this you?
Ghostface: What's your favorite scary movie?
Jill: Okay, who is this?
Kirby: What does she want?
Jill: I said, who is this?
Ghostface: [angrily] I asked you a question. What's your favorite scary movie?!
Jill: I'm hanging up.
Olivia: Wow, that was original. I got a call like that this morning from Marnie the Carnie.

~ Jill's introduction.
Robbie: This is "Hall Pass" with Robbie Mercer, here with the luscious Olivia "Don't look at my tits, I have a mind" Morris. Here is my Woodsboro Massacre anniversary question: What is your favorite scary movie?
Olivia: Is that all you got? Some stupid douche question?
Jill: Yeah, where did you hear that anyways?
Robbie: It's a line from "Stab 1". Hey Charlie. You're a genre nut Kirby, what's your favorite scary movie?
Kirby: "Bambi".
~ Jill, Olivia and Kirby are acoosted by Robbie.
When you're done with a phone call, you let someone go, or when you take someone to the airport, you let them go. But when you tell somebody you love them. And she gives you... everything. And then you just go out with someone else, that is not letting her go, that's dumping her. Okay, that's... that's betrayal.
~ Jill to Trevor.
'Trevor: [appears in Jill's bedroom] Be cool, relax, relax. It's just me.
Jill: What the hell are you doing here? There are cops right out front.
Trevor: No match for the ninja, baby. Anyway, what are you doing in the house with Sidney Prescott? I mean, that's like being on "Top Chef" with Jeffrey Dahmer.
Jill: Can you please get away from the window? You've no right to be in here. Not anymore.
Trevor: Hang on. I heard you got a phone call from the killer. Is that true?
Jill: And what, do you care?
Trevor: Don't you think you'd be a lot safer with me around?
Jill: I don't trust you, Trevor.
Trevor: Hey, then I am just gonna have to make sure that you do, all right?
Sidney: [enters the bedroom] Oh, sorry, I didn't...
Jill: No, he's just leaving.'s my ex.
Trevor: Yeah, her one and only.
Sidney: Hi.
Trevor: Hi, it's cool to meet you...officially. I keep meaning to pick up a copy of your book, but... You're smaller in person. [leaves the bedroom]
Jill: What?
Sidney: Nothing, you just, ehm, you remind me of me.
~ Jill and Trevor in the bedroom, an homage to the original movie.
Jill/Ghostface: Sidney Prescott, please.
Rebecca: I am handling Miss Prescott's calls and appearances. May I take a message?
Ghostface: You are the message. Are you writing this down?
Rebecca: Yes, I am. But, it's kinda hard to hear you. I'm in a hospital, with Sidney. If you could just hang on one second.
Ghostface: I've got time. It's you that doesn't. [car alarm blares] You know, Rebecca, it doesn't sound to me like you re in the hospital. Sounds like you re in a parking garage... a dark and deserted parking garage. But if you wanna be in the hospital, I'd be happy to put you there... in the morgue!
~ Jill's phone call with Rebecca Walters.
Jill: I feel like I'm under house arrest.
Sidney: You know when people say "I know how you feel", but you know they're just saying that because they really have no frigging idea how you feel? I know how you feel. I am so sorry about Olivia.
Jill: I am sorry about your publicist. How do you handle it, people staring at you all the time? I could never handle that kind of attention. I just feel like it would take over your whole life.
Sidney: Uh, what I do is... I try not to think about me. I have people I care about. I focus on them. And the rest, it... it works out.
Jill: You saved my life last night. I mean, I know we're family but, you hardly know me. Makes me wonder, you know, if I'd have been brave enough to do the same thing.
Sidney: I really hope you never have to find that out.
Jill: Well, if you need me, you know where to find me. I'll be up in my cell, oh, I mean, my room.
~ Jill lies to Sidney, that she never would like to be in the centre of attention.
Jill/Ghostface: You're a survivor, aren't you Sidney, your one and only skill - you survive. Well, I have one question for you. What good's it to be a survivor in this little drama, if everyone close to you is dead?
Sidney: Who are you?
Ghostface: Turn on the TV to channel 6.
Sidney: Who the f-ck are you?!
Ghostface: Turn it on. Watch the teaser. [Sidney turns on TV and watches the news about Gale being attacked]
[laughs] Glad you came home, Sidney. Has it been worth it yet?
Sidney: Why are you doing this?
Ghostface: Ah, friends count, but it's the family ties that cut deep. Am I right?
Sidney: What do you mean?
Ghostface: The ones you care about most. And what's closer than family? The bond of blood. You can't save them... all you can do is watch. [laughter]
~ Jill's phone call with Sidney.
Kirby: You missed chaos, utter chaos.
Jill: I can't believe that.
Robbie: The Sheriff's wife, man! She told us to cancel it, and we didn't, and now this? What are we supposed to do?
Charlie: Robbie, calm down. It makes sense. This is what the re-boots do. They one up the original ending.
Kirby: "The Woodsboro Murders" ended at a party, so in the remake... Charlie: ...the party is the false ending, new rules.
Kirby: Exactly.
Charlie: Okay, no offense guys, but I'm gonna put in "Stab 7".
Kirby: Yes!
Charlie: Nobody cancels my film festival.
Jill: Whoa, whoa... I don't wanna watch that, not after what happened to Olivia.
Kirby: Oh, come on. It was her favorite.
Charlie: Oh, wow Kirby. You got some classics here. "Suspiria". "Don't Look Now".
Kirby: You know it. I can trivia your ass under the table, Cinema Boy.
Charlie: Oh, yeah? Who played Leatherface first?
Kirby: Gunnar Hansen.
Charlie: Wow, did you feel that? That charge that moved between us just then?
Kirby: Oh, that was me. I have powers.
Charlie: [aroused] So sexy...
Robbie: You guys are unbelievable, you're playing f-cking trivia games? The cops are gonna come for us, they are gonna shut down my website! We're so dead!
Trevor: [shows up] Yeah. I agree.
Robbie: Jesus Christ, where did you come from?
Trevor: The front door. By the way Kirby, with everything that's going on right now, you probably shouldn't leave that unlocked.
Kirby: Charlie...
Charlie: Sorry...
Kirby: And, may I ask what the hell are you doing here?
Trevor: What? Didn't I find the after-party?
Kirby: No, you found the "anti-party", and it's invitation only.
Trevor: Yeah, well, I got an invitation, from Jill. So, what's the story?
Jill: [pretends to be clueless] What?
Trevor: You sent me a text message. "After-party at Kirby's house." I mean, it was from your phone.
Jill: What do you mean, from my phone? Oh, where is my phone? I think I left it in your car, but I didn't text you. And I'll prove it. [Jill leaves the living room]
~ Jill at Kirby's "anti-party".
Jill/Ghostface: Tell Sidney heads are gonna roll tonight! Tell Sidney it's all because of her! Or maybe she wants into his place. I promise to be quick.
Kirby: Let him go, please...
Ghostface: I hear you like horror movies, Kirby, but do you like them so much as him? Forget watching "Stab". You get to live it.
Kirby: No, no, no, no, no... He's the expert, it's not me!
Ghostface: Warm-up question: Jason's weapon?
Kirby: Uh, it's a machete.
Ghostface: There, you see? You do know the genre. Michael Myers?
Kirby: Uh, butcher knife.
Ghostface: Leatherface?
Kirby: A chainsaw. Please...
Ghostface: Just ask Sidney if you need some help. Freddy Krueger?!
Kirby: Uh, uh, razor hands.
Ghostface: Name the movie that started the slasher craze: "Halloween", "Texas Chainsaw massacre", "The Last House on the Left" or "Psycho"?
Kirby: "Psycho".
Ghostface: None of the above! "Peeping Tom". 1960, directed by Michael Powell. First movie to ever put the audience in the killer's POV.
Kirby: What? Wait... No, no... Please, just ask me one more question, just one more!
Ghostface: Alright, Kirby. Then it's time for your last chance question. Name the remake of the groundbreaking horror movie in which the villain...
Kirby: "Halloween", "Texas Chainsaw", "Dawn of the Dead", "The Hills Have Eyes", "The Amityville Horror", "The Last House on the Left", "Friday the 13th", "A Nightmare on Elm Street", "My Bloody Valentine", "When a Stranger Calls", "Prom Night", "Black Christmas", "House of Wax", "The Fog", "Piranha". It's one of those, right? Right?!
~ Jill's phone call with Kirby about horror trivia, to "save" Charlie.
Jill: Charlie?
Charlie: Already taken care of it. Man, I got great footage of my Robbie kill. Better than Jenny and Marnie or Olivia even..
Jill: Good, we'll cut and upload it later and make it all traceable to Trevor.
Charlie: Speaking of which... [pulls Trevor out of the closet] ...remind you of anything?
Trevor: Jill, please...
Jill: Shut up, dick!
Charlie: [to Sidney] Everything I learned, I learned from you.
Jill: You think you had a shitty boyfriend, Sidney? Here's one that f-cks you, dumps you and doesn't even make you famous... [kicks Trevor]
Trevor: AGH! What the f-ck, Jill?! I loved you!
Jill: Shut the f-ck up, already! [kicks him again]
Trevor: AGH! AAGH!!
Charlie: [gives a gun to Jill] I'm sure those cops would want you to have this, Jill. For your protection.
Trevor: Baby, please...
Jill: You shouldn't have killed all those people, Trev, gone and put it on video even. But it means a lot that you did it for me.
Trevor: What the f*ck are you talking about?!
Jill: I am NOT the girl you cheat on. [shoots Trevor in the groin]
Trevor: AAGH! F-CK! AAAGH!
Charlie: I've gone through everything. We're definitely good on timeline.
Jill: Oh, yeah. We're perfect.
Trevor: No, no, no, please! [shoots Trevor in the head, killing him]
Jill: Ready for act 3?
Charlie: Have you figured it out yet, Sidney? In keeping with our remake theme, Trevor is this generation's Billy Loomis and we're the innocent victims: Sidney and Randy.
Jill: See, with you, the world just heard about what happened, but with us, they're gonna see it. It's gonna be a worldwide sensation. I mean, people gotta see this shit. It's not like anyone reads anymore. We're gonna know fame like you never even dreamed of.
Charlie: Last two teenagers standing. This time Randy gets the girl.
Jill: [kisses Charlie in the lips]
Charlie: You were amazing. You're the perfect victim.
~ Charlie and Jill during the revelations.
Jill: Come on, Charlie. Let's go on with this. You have to be strong and hold still, okay?
Charlie: Yeah, yeah, old school, like Billy and Stu. Come on, baby, get it up. Come on. Shoulder me, shoulder me, shoulder me. Get it up!
[Jill stabs Charlie in the heart instead of shoulder]
Charlie: [grunts] The heart... not the way we rehearsed it...
Sidney: You said it, Charlie: Billy and Stu. Trevor and you.
Jill: What the media really loves, baby, is a sole survivor. Just ask you know who. Trevor was your partner, but you... You were the idea man.
Charlie: [gets stabbed in the stomach, groans and slumps to the ground, bleeding out to death]
Sidney: [shocked] Even your friends?
~ Jill betraying her accomplice.
My friends? What world are you living in? I don't need friends. I need fans. Don't you get it?! This has never been about killing you. It's about...becoming you. I mean, for f-ck's sake, my own mother had to die, no great loss there, so I could stay true to the original. It's sick, right? Well sick is the new sane. You had your 15 minutes, now I want mine! I mean, what am I supposed to do? Go to college, grad school, work? Look around, we all live in public now, we're all on the Internet. How do you think people become famous anymore? You don't have to achieve anything. You just gotta have f-cked up shit happen to you. So, you do have to die Sid. Those are the rules. New movie, new franchise. There's only room for one lead and, let's face it, your ingenue days, they're over.
~ Jill's monologue to Sidney, before supposedly killing her.
Dewey: Jill, you made it. That's all that matters.
Jill: Trevor and Charlie, tried to kill me. And I heard they killed my mom. And Robbie and Kirby too.
Dewey: Shhh. Just lay back. Try to rest.
Jill: Is-is your wife...?
Dewey: She's gonna be fine. She's recovering.
Jill: If I ever write a book one day I'd... I'd want her to write it with me. We'd be a good team with our matching wounds and all. We're survivors now. I just wish Sidney was too.
Dewey: Jill, they're not sure yet. It's still touch and go. But she's in intensive care unit, and they think Sidney just might make it.
Jill: What? But, I saw Trevor kill her.
Dewey: Look, we don't know yet. But she's hanging on.
Jill: I wanna see her.
Dewey: She's not awake yet. And, she may not remember anything. You'll have to help her with that. All in time. Just get some rest now, okay?
~ Jill finds out that Sidney is still alive.
Jill: Is this how it's gonna be, Sid? The ending of the movie was supposed to be at the house. And this, I mean, this is just... silly.
Sidney: Consider this an alternate ending. You're never gonna get out of this, Jill.
Jill: Of course I will.
Gale: [appears at the I.C.U. and notices unconscious Dewey and Sidney] Easy.. Wait, wait. What about the book?
Jill: Looks like I'll just have to write it myself. [Jill is about to shoot Gale, but Judy Hicks jumps into the room, throwing herself and Gale over the nearby bed] Goddammit!
Don't even think about shooting or I'll blow Dewey's head off. What, you think I won't do it? Give me your gun! You just had to be the hero, huh? Give me your gun. What are you, deaf? Give me... your gun!
Judy: [throws her gun to Jill]
Jill: Now get up. And keep your hands over your head.
Judy: Don't do anything stupi... [gets shot in the chest by Jill]
Jill: Don't f-cking tell me what to do. [to Gale] Now, get up, bitch. Get up! Now! She's not gonna help you. Come on. Let's go. Get your skinny ass out here. I'm gonna enjoy blowing your head off!
Gale: Ok, but... Can I just have one final word?
Jill: What? "Please"?
Gale: No... Clear.
Jill: Clear?
Sidney: Clear! [Sidney electrocutes Jill in the head with two defibrillator pads, as she falls to the ground]
You forgot the first rule of remakes, Jill. Don't f-ck with the original.
~ Jill's hospital confrontation with Sidney, Hicks and Gale, and also last moments before being completely outsmarted and electrocuted and later shot by Sidney.


  • Jill Roberts shares the same last name as her actress Emma Roberts.
  • Jill is the first killer in the franchise who successfully killed another killer (the second is the Third Killer, the third is Jamal Elliot, the fourth is Beth and the fifth is Wayne Bailey). In her case, she did it to her accomplice Charlie.
  • Jill Roberts is the youngest person to wear the Ghostface mask in the series so far, only being 18 years old at the time of her death.
  • Jill did not receive her 15 minutes of fame postmortem either; no Stab film was made about her story. After Stab 7 (2010), the franchise was in development hell for 10 years, until the infamous Rian Johnson directed eighth Stab film, simply known as Stab (2020) was released. In the Scream universe, this technically means she and Charlie are the least famous Ghostface killers known in comparison to the first three killing sprees.
  • Jill's jealousy was rooted in desiring to be Sidney, whereas Roman's issue was about their shared mother's rejection, with Maureen rejecting her birth son and "choosing" Sidney, who would develop a celebrity victim reputation with adoring fans and a film franchise inspired by her life. This would have aggrieved Roman, as he technically sparked the chain of events to convince her mother's killer to do the job. Ultimately, both relatives have very similar motives, but subtle and important differences.
    • Between them, though, Roman's is realistically more tragic (even if it did corrupt him), as opposed to Jill's, which is instead a much pettier one.
  • Emma Roberts was required to dye her short, blonde hair brunette and wear extensions to match Sidney's length and color in the first film. She also had to wear seven-inch-high boots in order to make her height the same as everyone else's, as she was the shortest person on set. The boots can actually be seen at the end of the movie, where Jill attacks herself and falls down next to Sidney and when Sidney instructs her to go under the bed.
  • In the movie Lymelife with Rory Culkin and Emma Roberts, Emma's character seduces Rory's character in a confessional and they also had a sex scene. This is apparently what happened between Jill and Charlie: Jill seduced Charlie into doing her bidding and thinking that she loved him, he agreed to help her with her killing spree.
  • Jill continues the trend of (usually mastermind) killers wearing plaid and or blue to indicate their secret intentions. Billy Loomis had a plaid flannel shirt on his white shirt when arriving to Stu's house, Mickey Altieri wore a blue shirt at the Sorority House Attack, Charlie Walker wore plaid/flannel in the film club, Nancy Loomis wore blue as her Debbie Salt persona, and Roman Bridger was seen wearing flannel when Stab was shut down.
  • Jill is the first main antagonist in the franchise whose ultimate demise does not involve being shot at the head (although she was electrocuted there with a defibrilator); instead she got shot at the heart with Dewey's gun.

External Links[]


          SCREAM5 Villains

Billy Loomis | Stu Macher | Nancy Loomis | Mickey Altieri | Roman Bridger | Jill Roberts | Charlie Walker | Richie Kirsch | Amber Freeman | Wayne Bailey | Quinn Bailey | Ethan Landry | Jason Carvey

Beth | Jamal Elliot

Video Games
Danny Johnson

The Lakewood Slasher
Piper Shaw | Kieran Wilcox | The Third Killer

John Milton | Chloe | Becca | Haley Meyers | Tom Martin | Luther Thompson | Vince Schneider | Greg Bruckner | Frankie

See Also
A Nightmare on Elm Street Villains | The Hills Have Eyes Villains | The Last House on The Left Villains
