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Villains Wiki
Villain Overview

~ DJ Octavio's signature laugh.
~ Octavio's catchphrase during his battles.

DJ Octavio is the main antagonist of the Splatoon franchise. He is an Octoling who is the evil leader of the Octarians, the archenemy of the Squidbeak Splatoon, the former boss of Marina Ida and Agent 8, and the former friend turned arch-nemesis of Cap'n Cuttlefish, before the Great Turf War tore them apart.



DJ Octavio is ruler of the Octarians and was once on good terms with the Inklings like the rest of his race. However, due to rising sea levels, both races, unable to survive in water due to their water-soluble bodies, were left with little living space, causing relations to turn sour and the Great Turf War occurs. This causes Octavio, leader of the Octarian troops to fight the Inkling resistance as well as a platoon of soldiers, named the Squidbeak Splatoon, led by his former friend Cap'n Cuttlefish with its members including the cat Judd, the horseshoe crab Ammoses Shellendorf and two unnamed Inklings. Constructing the great Octoweapons, the Octarians initially dominate the Inklings thanks to their hardworking and diligent nature, but eventually the Inklings come up on top, either by finding new ways to use their extra limbs in combat or thanks to an Octarian mishap depowering the Octoweapons.

Forced underground, DJ Octavio and the Octarians take up residence in ancient human bunkers which would form Octo Valley and Octo Canyon. Eventually, however, Octo Valley begins to run out of power due to the energy-demanding Octarian technology, and thus DJ Octavio orders his troops to kidnap the Great Zapfish, a giant electric catfish powering Inkopolis in hopes of powering the Octarian domes with it, setting the premise for the story mode of Splatoon, as well as sending scouts into Inkopolis under the cover of darkness during certain missions in story mode, using the giant Octarian UFO they built.


Octavio's stage begins with Cap'n Cuttlefish tied up warning the player character (Agent 3) not to come any further. Once the player takes a few steps forward towards the Great Zapfish, Octavio's machine sucks it up and he starts scratching the records on his turntable.

The boss fight against DJ Octavio has five phases. Each phase has Octavio launch the machine's fists at the player, which must be reflected by splatting them in order to knock him back. Once Octavio is knocked back far enough, he will launch a large missile that needs to be splat-reflected three times in order to move on to the next phase. The missile gets faster the more it is reflected. Unlike most other tennis bosses, Octavio will not stop shooting his other weapons while the player is reflecting the missile.

  • The first phase starts off with Octavio firing Octopods that follow the player, similar to heat-seeking missiles, he will also launch his giant fist-like weapons at the player, which must be launched back at him to make him retreat to another platform, allowing the player to move onto another one as well.
  • The second phase adds a Killer Wail attack to the mix, which is a one-hit-kill unless you have armor.
  • The third phase adds small disco ball-like projectiles that will spawn lower-ranking Octarian troops if not destroyed.
  • The fourth and fifth phase does not add any new weapons, but include narrower platforms and faster attacks.

After hitting Octavio with a missile four times, the music will change to the Calamari Inkantation, sung by the Squid Sisters (the real identity of Agents 1 and 2), prompting Cuttlefish to break out of his ropes. After the fifth hit, Octavio will fly out of his machine, and one shot will send him flying back into it, causing it to self-destruct in a blast of orange ink.

Splatoon 2[]

DJ Octavio returns as the final boss in the Single-Player campaign of Splatoon 2, but this time, there are two final bosses: DJ Octavio and Callie.

When the level starts, Callie appears to be standing on a stage-like platform, once the player approaches her, she will turn around and will begin to rise into the air, with Octavio coming out of the ground in his Octobot King II. DJ Octavio has three phases instead of five and the phases are similar to the first Splatoon.

The first phase starts with DJ Octavio firing fists while the player tries to launch them back, similar to how he fought in the first game. Occasionally, his punches will become more difficult to ink and will sometime have to be dodged. After knocking his fists back at him, he will fall out of the Octobot King II and the player will have the chance to attack him. Once they attack him long enough, he will be launched back into the giant bot.

The second phase will begin with Octavio rapidly firing giant Splat Bombs at the player, similar to how a Bomb Rush special works. He will also fire four "Calamari Bombs", (as Marie calls them, they actually appear to resemble takoyaki, or grilled octopus) at the player, which must be destroyed or they will become impervious to attacks, creating giant spirals which can damage the play upon contact The player must repeat what they did in the previous phase by knocking Octavio's "fists" back at him, causing him to fall out of his mech and onto the ground.

The third phase begins with Marie flying in, wearing her Squid Sisters attire, standing on a Splatfest truck with Sheldon as the driver, holding the Hero Charger from the first game, and preparing to shoot DJ Octavio's hypnoshades off Callie's face, so she could regain awareness. Marie fires the shades off her face and Callie goes into a daze.

Despite losing his control over Callie, Octavio steps up his attacks, now strafing to the side before launching one or both of his fists at the player. He also uses a spread of Splat Bombs or Suction Bombs, his 'Calamari Bombs', and an Ink Shower attack he rains down from one side of the area to the other in a wide area under his Octobot King II. After launching his fists back at him enough, he'll fall out to be attacked directly again before being flung back into his mech.

After that, Marie pulls out a boom box and begins playing a remix of the Squid Sisters' famed "Calamari Inkantation". Upon hearing it, Callie snaps out of her daze from the Hero Charger, leaps towards the truck and transforms her clothes back into her Squid Sisters attire as she joins her cousin to counter Octavio's music once more with their own. Sheldon then sends down his drone to arm the player with a modified Rainmaker to finish off Octavio and the Octobot King II.

Realizing that the player is packing some heavy firepower now in the Rainmaker, Octavio attempts to escape as his Octobot King II rises towards the top of the arena, but the player super-jumps to the grind rails circling Octavio to pursue him. With no other option available to him but to take out the player before he can make his getaway, Octavio launches his fists towards the player, who needs to shoot them back at Octavio with the Rainmaker, but only those he fires straight while dodging the spinning punches he fires at times. After enough hits, the Octobot King II conks out, loses power, and unable to remain airborne, crashes back to the arena below, where the player then needs to use a newly-appeared grind rail to leap down onto Octavio and deliver the finisher with the Rainmaker.

Defeated again, Octavio groans "Cross-fade to blaaaaaaaaaaack..." as the Octobot King II undergoes a similar self-destruct to the original Octobot King and explodes in a huge splatter of green ink, freeing the Great Zapfish and leading to Octavio being imprisoned again in a giant snow globe, this time being watched over by Marie to ensure he doesn't escape again.

Splatoon 3[]

DJ Octavio returns in the story mode of Splatoon 3, where he seems to be commanding a large white mech similar in design to his Octobot King.

Shortly after Cap'n Cuttlefish recruits a new Agent 3 to help hunt down the Great Zapfish of Splatsville after it was kidnapped, suspecting the Octarians being behind it again, when Cuttlefish calls on Callie and Marie, the Squid Sisters and his granddaughters, for help, DJ Octavio breaks into the transmission, but his answer is in pieces due to static interference. He later shows up in his battle mech to fight New Agent 3, while also attempting to explain to Cuttlefish he was not behind the disappearance of the Great Zapfish this time, but is forced to fight New Agent 3 until he is defeated and his mech is blasted into the sky before crashing back down hard in the Crater of the Splatlands. Upon confronted by Cuttlefish and New Agent 3, Octavio explains that he is innocent of the Great Zapfish's disappearance this time, as someone, or something, has kidnapped the Octarian Army and is using them for dark purposes, and Octavio wants to know who, or what, is using his own troopers for their sinister agenda. Before further can be explained, the ground collapses beneath Octavio, Cuttlefish, and New Agent 3, and they disappear into the world underneath the Splatlands, unaware that they are being spied on by Deep Cut, suspicious of the New Squidbeak Splatoon muscling in on the territory they use for scavenging.

It is later revealed that the one behind the Great Zapfish's disappearance and turning Octavio's forces against him was none other than the CEO of Grizzco Industries, Mr. Grizz, who intended to unleash his Fuzzy Ooze he had been cultivating using the Golden Power Eggs the Inklings and Octolings had been collecting for him during Salmon Runs on the Earth to terraform it and turn all the Inklings, Octolings, and other aquatic intelligent life on the Earth into mammals. When New Agent 3 is knocked off the rocket Mr. Grizz is using to complete his endgame, Octavio arrives in his mech to help stop Mr. Grizz's plan, refusing to let Mr. Grizz mess with "their" turf. Working with New Agent 3, their Smallfry Salmonid, the Squid Sisters, and Deep Cut by mixing his trademark spicy wasabi beats with them to create the Calamari Inkantation 3MIX, Octavio is able to stop Mr. Grizz, defeat him, and save the planet. In Side Order, it's revealed that Octavio is on vacation after making peace with the inklings and now is on much more amiable terms with the people of the surface, cameoing during the Grand Festival running a small stand to sell Squid Sisters merch along with Cap'n Cuttlefish, additionally greeting fans.

Other Media[]

Super Smash Bros.[]

DJ Octavio appears as a primary neutral spirit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which can be summoned using cores from Octoling, Octorok, and any neutral spirit core. At level 99, he can be enhanced to a spirit of DJ Octavio in the Octobot King, whose ability can enhance the fighter with metal at the start of a fight.


In all his appearances, Octavio appears as a huge magenta octopus, shown to be roughly 1.5 times the height of Cap'n Cuttlefish. Two of his tentacles are crossed and two are holding wasabi roots, and the other four are used as legs. Octavio does not fight hand-to-hand, instead opting to use a giant mecha that resembles a DJ podium.

In the first game, he wears a golden kabuto-like crown, with his mech, the Octobot King, having loudspeakers outfitted in the front.

In the second game his crown more resembles a kabuto crossed with a cap. He also wears golden shutter shades and golden bracelets on two of his tentacles. His new mech the Octobot King II has pieces of cloth draped over his podium with gold highlights, and now features a stage on top with loudspeakers which the brainwashed Callie performs upon. There are now loudspeakers mounted on the sides and front of the mech, with the frontal ones being gold and purple, and the mech's fists are now gold with enlarged portions on them resembling gold rings.

In the third game he wears a safety helmet with kabuto-like features as well as safety goggles. The Octobot King L3.Gs is now a plain off-white and grey, possessing a large antenna on its top and legs on its bottom which can convert to rocket boosters. The loudspeakers on the front more resemble regular radio speakers which can convert into a large vacuum nozzle.


  • DJ Octavio's dialogue varies depending on the region. The North American version has hammy DJ-pun-filled banter, while the European and Japanese versions have fairly generic final boss dialogue.
  • After defeating Octavio, he is trapped in a snow globe in front of Cuttlefish's shed. Shooting at it causes Octavio to recoil. This defeat reminds of the defeat from Dave from Penguins of Madagascar, who is also an Octopus.
  • In the first Splatoon game, Octavio's missiles appear to have shutter shades, most likely added for fun.
  • When re-fighting DJ Octavio, his dialogue and Agents 1 and 2's dialogue change.
  • DJ Octavio is the only boss in Splatoon who takes more hits to defeat rather than three.
  • The name of DJ Octavio's mech in Splatoon 3, the Octobot King L3.Gs is a joke on how it is the only of his mechs to have legs, with L3.Gs resembling the word legs. This also implies that the Zapfish’s power is what allowed Octavio’s other mechs to fly.
  • Contrary to popular belief, DJ Octavio does not brainwash his troops into serving him, as both Agent 8 and Marina respect him, with Marina having stickers of him and his albums on her laptop and Agent 8 feeling remorseful they defected so suddenly from the Octarians in Octavio's mem cake description. One of the bosses, the Octo-Samurai, also wears a leather jacket with Octavio and Callie on it, indicating he's a big fan of them both. Rather, it seems that Octavio, while not above using propaganda, is actually a good ruler and Octarians aren't freed by the Calamari Inkantation, but instead are calmed down and can attune to the Inklings better, as the song is etched into both of their DNAs.
  • According to the October 2018 issue of the Nintendo Dream magazine, DJ Octavio is unable to enter his humanoid form anymore due to injuries from the Great Turf War. However, the wording in the Japanese version suggests that this could be later retconned.
  • DJ Octavio is referenced by Frye in the Nessie vs. Aliens vs. Bigfoot Splatfest, in which she recounts having seen a UFO at the Crater, with its description being alarmingly similar to the Octobot King L3.Gs's appearance, implying she probably mistook Octavio for an extraterrestrial. This is a refrence to Splatoon's story mode, in which the Octarians have UFO-like machinery and are usually found in the "UFO" levels.
  • The flavour text for DJ Octavio’s palette suggests that the DJ is currently traveling the world in his mech as Smollusk remarks he spends most of his time “flying around in his brand-new robot.”

External links[]


           SplatoonLogo Villains

The Octarian Army
DJ Octavio | Octolings | Octostomp | Octonozzle | Octowhirl | Octomaw | Octo Oven | Octo Samurai | Octo Shower
Steelhead | Flyfish | Steel Eel | Drizzler | Fish Stick | Maws | Scrapper | Flipper-Flopper | Big Shot | Slammin' Lid | Griller | Goldie | Mothership | Mudmouth | Chinook | Cohozuna | Horrorboros | Megalodontia
Deep Cut
Shiver | Frye | Big Man
Order | Asynchronous Rondo | Parallel Canon | Pinging Marciale
Commander Tartar | Mr. Grizz

DJ Octavio | Commander Tartar | Hivemind

            Bro Villains

Playable Characters
Bowser | Bowser Jr. | Dark Pit | Dark Samus | Donkey Kong | Enderman | Ganondorf | Kazuya Mishima | King Dedede | King K. Rool | Koopalings (Larry, Roy, Wendy, Iggy, Morton, Lemmy, Ludwig) | Meta Knight | Mewtwo | Piranha Plant | Ridley | R.O.B. | Sephiroth | Wario | Wolf O'Donnell | Zombie

Subspace Army
Ancient Minister | Bowser | Bullet Bills | Duon | Galleom | Ganondorf | Goombas | Hammer Bros. | King Statue | Koopa Troopas | Master Hand | Petey Piranha | Primids | Rayquaza | Ridley | Porky Minch | Shadow Bugs (False Bowser, False Diddy Kong, False Peach, False Samus, False Zelda) | Tabuu | Wario

World of Light
Crazy Hand | Dharkon | Dracula | Galeem | Galleom | Ganon | Giga Bowser | Master Hand | Marx

Crazy Hand | Dark Emperor | Dharkon | Dracula | Duon | Galeem | Galleom | Ganon | Giga Bowser | Marx | Master Hand | Master Core | Metal Face | Petey Piranha | Porky Minch | Rayquaza | Ridley | Tabuu | Yellow Devil

Assists Trophies/Poké Ball Pokémon/Miscellaneous Items
Andross | Arceus | Black Knight | Bob-ombs | Boss Galaga | Bullet Bills | Burrowing Snagrets | Chain Chomps | Chef Kawasaki | Darkrai | Deoxys | Devil | Dr. Wily | Entei | Elec Man | Ghirahim | Giratina | Ghosts | Gray Fox | Hammer Bros. | Klaptrap | Knuckle Joes | Kyurem | Lakitu | Lord Nightmare | Metroid | Meowth | Mimikyu | Mother Brain | Palkia | Phosphora | Shadow the Hedgehog | Skull Kid | Spinies | Starman | Unira | Unown | Waluigi

Acro | Affinity | Akuma | Alraune | Albert Wesker | Amalthus | Andrew Oikonny | Antasma | Aparoids | Aparoid Queen | Arlon | Ashnard | Axel | Baba | Baby Bowser | Babylon Rogues (Jet the Hawk, Wave the Swallow, Storm the Albatross) | Balrog | Banzai Bills | Bass | Big Boss | Bio Rex | Birdo | Black Shadow | Blood Falcon | Bokoblins | Blippers | Bloopers | Bombers | Bonkers | Boos | Boom Boom | Boom Stompers | Box Boxer | Boxy | Broom Hatters | Bugzzy | Bumpety Bombs | Bulborbs | Burt the Bashful | Buzzy Beetles | Byrne | Cackletta | Calamity Ganon | Camus | Cappys | Captain Syrup | Carmilla | Chandelure | Chaos | Chaos Kin | Chargin' Chucks | Chozo Soldiers | Clubberskulls | Colonel Pluck | Condor | Careening Dirigibugs | Cragalanche | Creepers | Creeping Chrysanthemums | Count Bleck | Count Cannoli | Cranky Kong/Donkey Kong (arcade) | Daphnes | Dark Man 4 | Dark Matter | Dark Matter Blade | Dark Mind | Dark Monita | Darknuts | Daroach | Deadly Six (Zavok, Master Zik, Zeena, Zomom, Zazz, Zor) | Death | Deathborn | Deep Cut (Shiver, Big Man, Frye) | Devil Jin | Demise | Demon King Arzodius | Diggernaut | Dimentio | DJ Octavio | Don Bongo | Drackys | Dragaux | Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik | Dry Bones | Eagle | E-123 Omega | Edelgard von Hresvelg | Eggplant Wizard | EggRobos | Emerl | E.M.M.I. | Ender Dragon | Erazor Djinn | Evil Ryu | Father Balder | Fawful | Fiery Blowhogs | Flages | Fortitudo | FU | Fynalle | Gabriel Belmont | Gangrel | Galacta Knight | Galactic Fiend Kraken | Garon | Gengar | General Guy | Geese Howard | Gharnef | Ghasts | Ghosts | Gleeoks | Goda | Gold Bone | Golems (Kirby) | Golems (Dragon Quest) | Gomorrah | Gooper Blooper | Gordos | Goro Akechi | Great Reaper | Great Sabrecats | Grief | Gruntilda | Guardians | Hades | Hawke | Heihachi Mishima | Helmaroc King | Hewdraw | Hooktail | Hoopa Unbound | Hot Heads | Igor | Infinite | Ing | Inspired | Iori Yagami | Iridescent Flint Beetles | Iridescent Glint Beetles | Jade Face | Jeanne | Jin | Jin Kazama | Julius | Juri Han | Kalypso | Kamek | Kammy Koopa | Kanden | Karate Kong | Kass | King Bob-omb | King Boo | King Dice | King Dodongo | King Hippo | King Knight | King Olly | King Slimes | Kip | Kludge | Kracko | Kraid | Kritters | Kuma II | Kyle Merkulov | Leon Powalski | Lethiniums | Liquid Snake | Loptr | Lord Fredrik | Louie | Lurchthorns | Lyon | MB | M. Bison | Magnamalo | Magolor | Mahvas | Majora | Malladus | Malos | Masked Man | Master Belch | Master Kohga | Mecha Ridley | Medeus | Medusa | Megontas | Meta-Knights (Axe Knight, Javelin Knight, Mace Knight, Trident Knight, Blade Knights, Heavy Lobster) | Metal Sonic | Metroid Prime | Mimicuties | Moblins | Mockiwis | Moley | Monoeyes | Mouser | Mr. Frosty | Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright | Mugly | Nabbit | Natah | Necrozma | Nihilego | Nightmare | Nina Williams | Ninja Kong | Nipper Plants | Noxus | Nruffs | Nutskis | O'Chunks | Octoman | Octoroks | Olaf | Ornes | Pandora | Panther Caroso | Paper Bowser | Parasite Queen | Paz Ortega Andrade | Peckish Aristocrabs | Phantom Ganon | Pico | Pidgits | Piglins | Pigma Dengar | Pigmasks | Plague Knight | Plasma Wisps | Plasm Wraith | Pom Pom | Pompy | Poppy Bros. Jrs. | Princess Shroob | Quaggled Mireclops | Queen Metroid | Queen Sectonia | Rabbid Kong | Rabbids | Raphael the Raven | Reapers | Redd | Reshiram | Rhea | Revolver Ocelot | Riku | Risky Boots | Robot Masters (Cut Man, Guts Man, Ice Man, Bomb Man, Fire Man, Metal Man, Air Man, Quick Man, Crash Man, Flash Man, Wood Man, Hard Man, Top Man, Spark Man, Snake Man, Shadow Man, Drill Man, Dive Man, Skull Man, Gravity Man, Napalm Man, Knight Man, Wind Man, Slash Man, Sword Man, Galaxy Man) | Rockys | Rodin, the Infinite One | Roger the Potted Ghost | Rouge the Bat | Rufus Shinra | Ryuichi and Ryuji | Sagat | Salamence | Scarfies | Scurvy Crew | Shadow Beasts | Shadow Queen | Shaft | Shake King | Sheegoth | Shield Knight | Shotzos | Shroobs | Shy Guys | Sidesteppers | Sigma | Sir Kibbles | Skeletons | Skuttlers | Slimes (Dragon Quest) | Slimes (Minecraft) | Smoky Progs | Snowmads | Solidus Snake | Space Pirates (Kid Icarus) | Space Pirates (Metroid) | Specknoses | Specter Knight | Spire | Squeakers | Starmans | Stu | Swooping Snitchbugs | Sylux | Tacs | Tatanga | Thanatos | The Devil | The Skull | Therion | The Three Mage-Sisters (Francisca, Flamberge, Zan Partizanne) | Tiki Tak Tribe (Tiki Tong, Kalimba, Gong-Oh, Maraca Gang, Wacky Pipes, Cordian, Banjo Bottom, Xylobone) | Trace | Travis Touchdown | Turks (Elena, Reno, Rude, Tseng) | Turret Tusk | Twinbellows | Twinrova | Ultimate Chimera | Vaati | Validar | Vega | Viridi | Viruses | Vivian | Vorash | Waddle Dees | Waddle Doos | Walhart | Walkys | Wart | Weavel | Wheelies | Whispy Woods | Whomps | Wigglers | Wollywogs | Xord | X-Parasites | Yaldabaoth | Yuga | Yveltal | Zangief | Zant | Zekrom | Zero | Zingers | Zoda | Zurees

Billy Kane | Chang Koehan | Choi Bounge | Dr. Coyle | Dragonborn | Grima | Organization XIII (Master Xehanort, Xemnas, Ansem, Vanitas) | Ryuji Yamazaki | Saïx | Solon | Spiders | Springtron | Team Rocket Grunts | Yiga Foot Soldiers
