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Victory means utter destruction!
~ Evil Ryu
Violence is who I am!
~ Evil Ryu

Evil Ryu, also known as Satsui no Hado ni Mezameta Ryū (in Japanese: 殺意の波動に目覚めたリュウ, Satsui no Hadō ni Mezameta Ryū, "Ryu who has Awakened to the Surge of Killing Intent", Satsui Ryu in short), or Dark Ryu in the UDON comics, is a secondary antagonist in the Street Fighter series beginning with Street Fighter Alpha 2. He was originally introduced in a Street Fighter Zero manga series authored by Masahiko Nakahira and later adapted in the Street Fighter canon by Capcom.

It is interesting to note that Evil Ryu does not exist in canon, him being more of a "What If..." character.


Street Fighter Alpha 2[]


Street Fighter Alpha 3[]


Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers[]


Street Fighter IV[]


Street Fighter V[]

Although Evil Ryu himself is not playable, he appears in Ryu's character story in a dream, trying to have Ryu embrace his inner darkness. Due to his rejection, Kage manifested.

Street Fighter EX[]


SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium[]


Capcom vs. SNK 2[]


SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash[]


Marvel vs. Capcom[]


Namco × Capcom[]


Asura's Wrath[]

Evil Ryu also makes an appearance in the DLC of Asura's Wrath. In this game; Asura has the opportunity to fight both Ryu and Evil Ryu. After their fight, Akuma punches Evil Ryu back into their universe and fights Asura in himself.


Evil Ryu appears as a unlockable skin for Ryu in the online crossover card game TEPPEN. Evil Ryu has different artwork, hero art animations (although their effects remain the same), and voice-lines.

Super Smash Bros.[]

First appearing in the spirit event "Street Fighter 35th Anniversary", Evil Ryu appears in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a Neutral-type Legend-rank spirit that makes the user's fist attacks stronger. In his spirit battle, the user fights against a Ryu on the Ω form of Suzaku Castle stage in a Stamina match, with the Ryu having stronger special attacks and sometimes gaining the ability to automatically being able to deliver a Final Smash.


Evil Ryu often appears as a palette swap of Ryu wearing a black gi, though the Alpha series also gives him a black head band. His skin also becomes a slightly darker shade along with his hair. From CvS onward, he has been depicted with red pupils, although some games leave his eyes entirely red.

In Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, his design was given an update, taking on a much more feral appearance with traits taken from Akuma. His eyes now glow and his hair spikes up with a red tint. Most notable of all is a gaping hole bored into his chest, with a similar scar on his back that bears a glowing ten kanji. The scar resembles the effects of being hit up close with the Medio Gohado that is used by Oni. He appears far more menacing and powerful than his Alpha version.





            Street Fighter Logo Villains

Street Fighter
M. Bison (1994 | 1995 | 2009) | Sagat (1994) | Vega (1994) | Balrog | F.A.N.G | Decapre | Ed | JP | A.K.I. | Mecha Zangief | Senoh | Bison Troopers

Gill | Urien | Kolin | Twelve

Seth | Juri Han

Akuma | Adon | Dee Jay (1994) | Doctrine Dark | Donu | Dr. Jose | Dr. Troy | Eleven | Evil Ryu | Garuda | Geki | Kage | La Lupa | Lean | Necalli | Parasites | Quinn | Rudra | Rosanov | Sadler | Satin Hammer | Shadow | Shadow Lady | Shadowgeist | Warden Nuchi | Zangief | Zochi | Zoltar

Final Fight
Abigail | Black | Bratken | Caine | Callman | Dave | Devin Aranoc | Drake | Edi. E | El Gado | Guy | Father Bella | Freddie | Horace Belger | Hugo Andore | Nicky Wissell | Pestilence | Philippe | Poison | Retsu | Rolento | Sodom | Stray | Thrasher Damnd | Vito Bracca | Won Won | Wong

Rival Schools
Hyo Imawano | Kurow Kirishima | Momo Karuizawa | Raizo Imawano | Yurika Kirishima

Strider Villains

Slam Masters
Alexander the Grater | Black Widow | Jumbo Flapjack | Rip Saber | The Scorpion | The Wraith

Amnesia | Ashura | Blue Ballers | Blood Wrestling Association | Darkside Society Organization | Mad Gear | Skull Cross Gang

           Asura's Wrath Villains

Seven Deities
Deus | Olga | Augus | Kalrow | Wyzen | Sergei | Yasha

Gohma Vlitra

Chakravartin | Akuma | Evil Ryu

            Bro Villains

Playable Characters
Bowser | Bowser Jr. | Dark Pit | Dark Samus | Donkey Kong | Enderman | Ganondorf | Kazuya Mishima | King Dedede | King K. Rool | Koopalings (Larry, Roy, Wendy, Iggy, Morton, Lemmy, Ludwig) | Meta Knight | Mewtwo | Piranha Plant | Ridley | R.O.B. | Sephiroth | Wario | Wolf O'Donnell | Zombie

Subspace Army
Ancient Minister | Bowser | Bullet Bills | Duon | Galleom | Ganondorf | Goombas | Hammer Bros. | King Statue | Koopa Troopas | Master Hand | Petey Piranha | Primids | Rayquaza | Ridley | Porky Minch | Shadow Bugs (False Bowser, False Diddy Kong, False Peach, False Samus, False Zelda) | Tabuu | Wario

World of Light
Crazy Hand | Dharkon | Dracula | Galeem | Galleom | Ganon | Giga Bowser | Master Hand | Marx

Crazy Hand | Dark Emperor | Dharkon | Dracula | Duon | Galeem | Galleom | Ganon | Giga Bowser | Marx | Master Hand | Master Core | Metal Face | Petey Piranha | Porky Minch | Rayquaza | Ridley | Tabuu | Yellow Devil

Assists Trophies/Poké Ball Pokémon/Miscellaneous Items
Andross | Arceus | Black Knight | Bob-ombs | Boss Galaga | Bullet Bills | Burrowing Snagrets | Chain Chomps | Chef Kawasaki | Darkrai | Deoxys | Devil | Dr. Wily | Entei | Elec Man | Ghirahim | Giratina | Ghosts | Gray Fox | Hammer Bros. | Klaptrap | Knuckle Joes | Kyurem | Lakitu | Lord Nightmare | Metroid | Meowth | Mimikyu | Mother Brain | Palkia | Phosphora | Shadow the Hedgehog | Skull Kid | Spinies | Starman | Unira | Unown | Waluigi

Acro | Affinity | Akuma | Alraune | Albert Wesker | Amalthus | Andrew Oikonny | Antasma | Aparoids | Aparoid Queen | Arlon | Ashnard | Axel | Baba | Baby Bowser | Babylon Rogues (Jet the Hawk, Wave the Swallow, Storm the Albatross) | Balrog | Banzai Bills | Bass | Big Boss | Bio Rex | Birdo | Black Shadow | Blood Falcon | Bokoblins | Blippers | Bloopers | Bombers | Bonkers | Boos | Boom Boom | Boom Stompers | Box Boxer | Boxy | Broom Hatters | Bugzzy | Bumpety Bombs | Bulborbs | Burt the Bashful | Buzzy Beetles | Byrne | Cackletta | Calamity Ganon | Camus | Cappys | Captain Syrup | Carmilla | Chandelure | Chaos | Chaos Kin | Chargin' Chucks | Chozo Soldiers | Clubberskulls | Colonel Pluck | Condor | Careening Dirigibugs | Cragalanche | Creepers | Creeping Chrysanthemums | Count Bleck | Count Cannoli | Cranky Kong/Donkey Kong (arcade) | Daphnes | Dark Man 4 | Dark Matter | Dark Matter Blade | Dark Mind | Dark Monita | Darknuts | Daroach | Deadly Six (Zavok, Master Zik, Zeena, Zomom, Zazz, Zor) | Death | Deathborn | Deep Cut (Shiver, Big Man, Frye) | Devil Jin | Demise | Demon King Arzodius | Diggernaut | Dimentio | DJ Octavio | Don Bongo | Drackys | Dragaux | Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik | Dry Bones | Eagle | E-123 Omega | Edelgard von Hresvelg | Eggplant Wizard | EggRobos | Emerl | E.M.M.I. | Ender Dragon | Erazor Djinn | Evil Ryu | Father Balder | Fawful | Fiery Blowhogs | Flages | Fortitudo | FU | Fynalle | Gabriel Belmont | Gangrel | Galacta Knight | Galactic Fiend Kraken | Garon | Gengar | General Guy | Geese Howard | Gharnef | Ghasts | Ghosts | Gleeoks | Goda | Gold Bone | Golems (Kirby) | Golems (Dragon Quest) | Gomorrah | Gooper Blooper | Gordos | Goro Akechi | Great Reaper | Great Sabrecats | Grief | Gruntilda | Guardians | Hades | Hawke | Heihachi Mishima | Helmaroc King | Hewdraw | Hooktail | Hoopa Unbound | Hot Heads | Igor | Infinite | Ing | Inspired | Iori Yagami | Iridescent Flint Beetles | Iridescent Glint Beetles | Jade Face | Jeanne | Jin | Jin Kazama | Julius | Juri Han | Kalypso | Kamek | Kammy Koopa | Kanden | Karate Kong | Kass | King Bob-omb | King Boo | King Dice | King Dodongo | King Hippo | King Knight | King Olly | King Slimes | Kip | Kludge | Kracko | Kraid | Kritters | Kuma II | Kyle Merkulov | Leon Powalski | Lethiniums | Liquid Snake | Loptr | Lord Fredrik | Louie | Lurchthorns | Lyon | MB | M. Bison | Magnamalo | Magolor | Mahvas | Majora | Malladus | Malos | Masked Man | Master Belch | Master Kohga | Mecha Ridley | Medeus | Medusa | Megontas | Meta-Knights (Axe Knight, Javelin Knight, Mace Knight, Trident Knight, Blade Knights, Heavy Lobster) | Metal Sonic | Metroid Prime | Mimicuties | Moblins | Mockiwis | Moley | Monoeyes | Mouser | Mr. Frosty | Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright | Mugly | Nabbit | Natah | Necrozma | Nihilego | Nightmare | Nina Williams | Ninja Kong | Nipper Plants | Noxus | Nruffs | Nutskis | O'Chunks | Octoman | Octoroks | Olaf | Ornes | Pandora | Panther Caroso | Paper Bowser | Parasite Queen | Paz Ortega Andrade | Peckish Aristocrabs | Phantom Ganon | Pico | Pidgits | Piglins | Pigma Dengar | Pigmasks | Plague Knight | Plasma Wisps | Plasm Wraith | Pom Pom | Pompy | Poppy Bros. Jrs. | Princess Shroob | Quaggled Mireclops | Queen Metroid | Queen Sectonia | Rabbid Kong | Rabbids | Raphael the Raven | Reapers | Redd | Reshiram | Rhea | Revolver Ocelot | Riku | Risky Boots | Robot Masters (Cut Man, Guts Man, Ice Man, Bomb Man, Fire Man, Metal Man, Air Man, Quick Man, Crash Man, Flash Man, Wood Man, Hard Man, Top Man, Spark Man, Snake Man, Shadow Man, Drill Man, Dive Man, Skull Man, Gravity Man, Napalm Man, Knight Man, Wind Man, Slash Man, Sword Man, Galaxy Man) | Rockys | Rodin, the Infinite One | Roger the Potted Ghost | Rouge the Bat | Rufus Shinra | Ryuichi and Ryuji | Sagat | Salamence | Scarfies | Scurvy Crew | Shadow Beasts | Shadow Queen | Shaft | Shake King | Sheegoth | Shield Knight | Shotzos | Shroobs | Shy Guys | Sidesteppers | Sigma | Sir Kibbles | Skeletons | Skuttlers | Slimes (Dragon Quest) | Slimes (Minecraft) | Smoky Progs | Snowmads | Solidus Snake | Space Pirates (Kid Icarus) | Space Pirates (Metroid) | Specknoses | Specter Knight | Spire | Squeakers | Starmans | Stu | Swooping Snitchbugs | Sylux | Tacs | Tatanga | Thanatos | The Devil | The Skull | Therion | The Three Mage-Sisters (Francisca, Flamberge, Zan Partizanne) | Tiki Tak Tribe (Tiki Tong, Kalimba, Gong-Oh, Maraca Gang, Wacky Pipes, Cordian, Banjo Bottom, Xylobone) | Trace | Travis Touchdown | Turks (Elena, Reno, Rude, Tseng) | Turret Tusk | Twinbellows | Twinrova | Ultimate Chimera | Vaati | Validar | Vega | Viridi | Viruses | Vivian | Vorash | Waddle Dees | Waddle Doos | Walhart | Walkys | Wart | Weavel | Wheelies | Whispy Woods | Whomps | Wigglers | Wollywogs | Xord | X-Parasites | Yaldabaoth | Yuga | Yveltal | Zangief | Zant | Zekrom | Zero | Zingers | Zoda | Zurees

Billy Kane | Chang Koehan | Choi Bounge | Dr. Coyle | Dragonborn | Grima | Organization XIII (Master Xehanort, Xemnas, Ansem, Vanitas) | Ryuji Yamazaki | Saïx | Solon | Spiders | Springtron | Team Rocket Grunts | Yiga Foot Soldiers

           Capcom logo Vs. Villains

Capcom Universe
Abyss | Akuma | Albert Wesker | Anakaris | Astaroth | Baby Bonnie Hood | Balrog | Black Hayato | Demitri Maximoff | Devilotte | Dr. Wily | Druk, Shtrom and Shtrom Jr. | Evil Ryu | Firebrand | Grandmaster Meio (Original) | Hugo | Huitzil | Jedah Dohma | Juri Han | Lord Raptor | M. Bison | Megaman Juno | Nebiroth | Nemesis | Pyron | Red Arremers | Rolento | Sagat | Seth | Shadow | Shadow Lady | Sigma | Solo | Strider Hien | Trish | Tong Pooh | Urien | Vector | Vega | Vergil | Vile | Yami | Zangief

Marvel Universe
Apocalypse | Blackheart | Black Widow | Dark Phoenix | Deadpool | Doctor Doom | Dormammu | Galactus |

Juggernaut | Lady Death | Magneto | Marrow | Mephisto | M.O.D.O.K. | Omega Red | Onslaught | Sabretooth | Sentinels | Shuma-Gorath | Silver Samurai | Spiral | Taskmaster | Thanos | Ultron | Winter Soldier

Sega Universe
Aya-Me | Break | Ciseaux | Coco ★ Tapioca | Dokurobo | Dural | Goro Majima | Kurohagane | Ranmaru Mori | Reala | Riemsianne La Vaes | Selvaria Bles | Shadow | Wizeman

SNK Universe
Chang Koehan | Choi Bounge | Earthquake | Geese Howard | Genjuro Kibagami | Goenitz | Iori Yagami | Mars People | Raiden | Rugal Bernstein | Ryuji Yamazaki | Vice

Namco Universe
Amazona | Ancient Ogre | Azure Flame Kite | Black Bravo | Black Valkyrie | Charade | Dokugozu | Dokumezu | Drei Belanos | Druaga | Due Flabellum | Eins Belanos | Heihachi Mishima | Janga | Jin Kazama | Joker | Kamuz | Kazuya Mishima | Kiso Yoshinaka | Marduk | Meden Traore | Minamoto no Yoritomo | Minamoto no Yoshitsune | Musashibō Benkei | Omicon and Necron | Phantom | Saya | Sheath | Skeith | Stehoney | T-elos | Unknown | Vajra | Waya Hime | Zagi | Zouna

Tatsunoko Universe
Berg Katse | Boyacky | Doronjo | Tonzura | Sosai X

Nintendo Universe
Metal Face

Sony/PlayStation Universe
Cole MacGrath

Original Generation
Ultron Sigma
