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This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all.

Each of you has experienced the loss of colleagues, friends, and even family to the devastation caused by the horrible Kaiju scourge. I've felt that pain, that loss, and I wake up every morning, asking myself; "How can I stop it from happening again?" But our shared sacrifices have not been in vain. Today is a landmark day, and thanks to your courageous efforts, very soon our families and the families of this country will be able to live in a better world, a safe world. A world absent from fear.
~ Dr. Onda's famous speech during his introduction.
Ultraman! I trusted you. I trusted you to protect us. To protect them. Ultraman, YOU… let them… DIE!
~ Dr. Onda showing his resentment for Professor Sato/Ultraman (Ultradad) for failing to protect his family, also his villainous breakdown.
~ Dr. Onda's last words before he dies from explosion due to activating the Destroyer's self-destruct sequence.

Dr. Onda is the main antagonist in the 2024 Netflix animated film, Ultraman: Rising. He is the chief officer of the Kaiju Defense Force who has a personal vendetta against Kaiju and plots to wipe them all out completely by discovering Kaiju Island. Once a scientist, Onda commenced his plan by using a baby Gigantron to echo-locate the island and is known for neutralizing Kaiju threats to death.

He was voiced by Fumihiko Tachiki in Japanese and Keone Young in English.


Family is everything. I would do anything to have one more day with my wife and daughter. Anything. I don't enjoy this task. I'm a scientist after all, not a hunter. But I've learned that hard decisions must be made to protect those we love. Understand?
~ Dr. Onda venting his grief and remorse to Captain Aoshima.

Onda is a cold-hearted and bitter person whose hatred for Kaiju stems from the loss of his family. He is shown time from time again that he'll go through great lengths to achieve his vendetta no matter the cost, especially if Ultraman was in his way. Described as brilliant and cunning, Onda leads the Kaiju Defense Force with precision in the midst of the situation and shows strong leadership to his subordinates. He's also pragmatic, as he intends to have Emi, the baby Gigantron, spared and be used to echo-locate Kaiju Island to commence his operations, that even includes being a skilled fighter as demonstrated from his deployed KDF ship in its robot form. His vendetta also extends to Ultraman on a personal note, whom he once believed and trusted him to protect his family and is shown to resent him for failing to do his duty, which worsened when he started to protect Kaiju.

In spite of everything, Onda isn't completely heartless. He actually stays true to his intentions of wanting to protect Japan from Kaiju threats in order to prevent the losses of many families and loved ones, believing there is no other way to settle matters with the Kaiju but to destroy them to keep humanity safe and devoid of fear. He even admitted that he doesn't really enjoy killing and capturing Kaiju at hand, though he learnt to make hard decisions over it. Onda is also shown to still be heartbroken by the tragic passing of his wife and daughter, frequently watching a recorded video of their last moments and the moment he tried to sacrifice his life was to watch the recording of his family once more, hoping to reunite with them in death. Even if he is questioned, he's shown to care for the well-being of his subordinates, especially to Captain Aoshima, whom he could relate to due to the latter having a family of his own, promptly giving him the time off work to spend time with his family and later ordering his subordinates to evacuate his ship in order to face the Ultramen and Gigantron himself, ensuring their safety comes first.

He is also shown to be honorable, as he tries to lay off the situation between Ultraman and Emi, professionally demanding the infant kaiju to be hand over without further unnecessary action, and when he chose to sacrifice himself, he silently took dignity to accept his death.


In the past, Onda was once a scientist for the Kaiju Defense Force and had a loving family he genuinely cared about. However, that all changes when a Kaiju attack took away their lives and it forever haunted him ever since. Heartbroken and angered, he swore to destroy all Kaiju so that he could avoid any further losses of innocent people and their loved ones, the same way he had to suffer. Eventually becoming the new head of the Kaiju Defense Force and chief officer, he made it his mission to kill off all Kaiju threats that occur in Japan, using advanced technology and capturing nets that neutralize Kaiju to death and is shown to have a screen record of past Kaiju he's killed, one of them notably being Gomora. Having once lost any trust in Ultraman, he would often have his forces denounce him for 'interference' and tries to have him convicted into custody several times in the past.

After having to neutralize Neronga, Onda is first seen back at the Kaiju Defense Force headquarters, giving off his speech to his subordinates about loss and the efforts they've done to protect Japan from Kaiju threats, declaring his determination to create a better, safer world, earning an applause. At some point, he had his men poach and secure a Gigantron egg somewhere within the seas, luring Gigantron itself to go after them into retrieving back her egg and later destroy half of the baseball stadium on the night of Ken Sato's return. Ordering his subordinates to retrieve the egg back, it escalates to Ultraman fighting Gigantron and later having his air force squad of jet fighters eliminate both the mother Gigantron and Ultraman when he intervened for the last time. As the missiles hit, it nearly drove the mother Gigantron on the verge of death and the egg soon hatched into a baby Gigantron (later named Emi), whom Ken Sato/Ultraman later adopted.

Later retrieving the body of Gigantron and discovering the egg already been hatched, Onda deploys a number of search drones throughout Japan in hopes of looking for Emi. From the moment Emi broke out of her container via acid reflux breathe, Onda's drones eventually found her when she escaped into the city to find Ken, which his drones initiate to have her tranquilized before he dispatched his men to deploy the attack squadron. When they caught onto Ultraman and Emi at a tower, he tried to have her tranquilized again until Emi fell, which Ultraman caught her at the cost of breaking her right arm. Onda then demanded Ultraman to hand over Emi and he'll take no course fighting against him, simply settling matters with ease, though Ultraman flew off to aid Emi's injured arm. He's later seen re-watching an old recording of his late wife and daughter, sadly remembering them again until Captain Aoshima entered his base room, discussing matters regarding Emi's echo-locating abilities and decided to use it to their advantage of finding Kaiju Island.

When feeling Aoshima questions his methods, the latter responds that they believe in their mission but came to conclude if there was no other him. Onda compliments his compassion as admirable and admitted that he'd do anything to have one more day with his wife and daughter when the latter replied to his question if he had children of his own, which Onda then admits that he doesn't enjoy the task of taking down Kaiju but learn to make hard decisions for the sake of protecting others. Afterwards, Onda allowed Aoshima to return home to spend time with his family so they could resume tomorrow in searching for Emi. Somewhere within the headquarters, Onda oversees the body of an unconscious Gigantron and proceeds to have her unethically modified with cybernetic enhancements to lure out Emi, hence dubbing her between Mecha Gigantron or "The Destroyer".

After the events, Onda proceeds to slander Ultraman a threat in the news and request a manhunt against him. Eventually, he located Ken, Professor Sato, and Emi in a private island that was Professor Sato's vacation home, having his drones open fire at Professor Sato without warning and when Emi entered a pupal stage, eventually leading to Ken transforming into Ultraman in a fit of rage and destroying every last one of the drones, though one of them manages to implant the homing beacon onto the larva Emi. He's then seen with Aoshima discussing the frequency of locating Emi but then change to triangulate Ultraman's location, which Onda questioned if Project Surrogate will commence, estimating five hours from now and left Aoshima be for the moment. Managing to locate Ken Sato's home, he unleashes the Mecha Gigantron to lure out Emi while launching missiles directly at the former, nearly killing Professor Sato prior to becoming the first Ultraman again but destroying Mina, Ken's robot assistant.

Having Emi continue echo-locating Kaiju Island in the southeast, Onda and his subordinates are seen hovering above the former and Mecha Gigantron in their ship. However, Ultraman intervenes to put a stop to their plans and call out Onda, he then proceeds to order Mecha Gigantron to attack him, even having missiles launched directly at him to where Emi was caught in the crossfire. Ultraman then discovers Mecha Gigantron is in fact alive with Emi managing to draw out her mother from Onda's control, which he then ordered for him to be killed, strangling him till he turned back to Ken Sato. Fortunately, Professor Sato, now as the first Ultraman, saves Ken. When Emi breaks her mother free from the cybernetic protocols, Onda instructs Aoshima to have everyone board the escape pods, wishing to settle matters alone and assuring Aoshima that the KDF must survive, even if he doesn't. Once all KDF members escaped, Onda transforms the ship into a gigantic robot to deal with the two Ultraman and the Kaiju family, going at them in a fit of fury and sorrow.

Onda had the upper hand at first, using his robot's shield and blade right at them, that includes firing missiles as they went about their best efforts. He then launches Ultraman into mid air with Emi trying to save him, leaving only him and the first Ultraman, Professor Sato, to fight each other. Throughout the fight, he angrily called out Sato/Ultraman for failing to protect his family and all the trust he placed onto him, grabbing his arms to make way on breaking his right leg, and tries to swing his energized blade at him. It was then Ultraman and Emi came back, the latter battering his robot's left arm out while the latter dealt with destroying his blade. Enraged, Onda screams "Die!" in Japanese and uses his robot's back-up blade to end both Ultraman once and for all, however, both worked together to fire a Spacium Ray right back at him, including the firing breathes of Emi and her mother.

In a final attempt to destroy the Kaiju and the Ultramen, he activated the robot's self-destruct sequence to take them both down with him, which the explosion would also risk wiping out a portion of the city nearby. Before he did, he spent the last moments looking back at his late wife and daughter's past recording, tearing up and hoping he'll be with them soon. As Ultraman comes to shield the robot's self-destruction and nearly sacrificed himself, Onda witnessed this and closed his eyes, accepting his death with dignity. After it's revealed Ken Sato survived the explosion, Onda likely did not.


(Mina: Incoming call from Dr. Onda.) Emiko, Hayao... level our defenses. Your family, mine, are in danger. Gigatron is coming. Gigatron is coming to you.
~ Dr. Onda contacting Professor Sato for help to fight against Gigatron, also his first appearance.
Scramble all jets. Kill Gigantron. And retrieve the package.
~ Dr. Onda orders to kill Gigantron and steal her egg.
If Ultraman interferes, you are authorized to use deadly force.
~ Dr. Onda allows the jets to use deadly force just in case Ultraman is in their way.
I don't care about Ultraman. Will the package survive the blast? (Pilot: Yes, sir.) Then take the shot!
~ Dr. Onda orders to fire missiles at Gigantron instead of paying attention to Ultraman, which killed the former and almost on the latter.
My god... It hatched. Blanket the area. Find the infant and bring it back alive.
~ Dr. Onda's reaction of discovering Emi's already hatching.
Scramble the attack squadron and ready my ship. (Captain Aoshima: Roger that, sir.)
~ Discovering that Emi is unknowingly going on rampage around Tokyo, Dr. Onda orders Captain Aoshima to be prepared for a take off to capture her at all costs.
There they are. Remember, tranquilizers only this time.
~ After found both Ultraman and Emi climbing on Tokyo Tower, Dr. Onda orders to fire tranquilizers on the latter.
Ultraman, turn the infant over to the KDF and we will take no action against you.
~ Dr. Onda demanding Ultraman to hand over Emi to him and the KDF, which the former refused and flew away with her.
Captain Aoshima: Sorry for the intrusion, sir. My deepest apologies for failing to capture the infant.
Dr. Onda: It's all right, captain. We learned something very important tonight. Watch this.
[showing the hologram of Emi] As I'd suspected, the infant has the ability to echolocate to find her way, meaning, eventually, she'll want to go home. And when she does, we will track her back to Kaiju Island and destroy them all. [closing down the hologram of Emi] You question my methods?
Captain Aoshima: Sir, I'm sorry. I wholeheartedly believe in our mission, but... is there no other way?
Dr. Onda: Your compassion is admirable, captain. You have children. A boy and a girl. Yes?
Captain Aoshima: They're my world, sir.
Dr. Onda: Family is everything. I would do anything to have one more day with my wife and daughter. Anything. I don't enjoy this task. I am a scientist after all, not a hunter. But I've learned that hard decisions must be made to protect those we love. Understand?
Captain Aoshima: Yes, sir.
Dr. Onda: Captain, you look exhausted. Go home to your family. Get some rest and we will resume the search in the morning.
Captain Aoshima: Thank you, sir. Have a good night.
~ Dr. Onda and Captain Aoshima's conversation of his plans with Kaijus and about family.
Fortunately, the KDF was able to contain the damage and no one was harmed. But the Kaiju escaped and it would appear that Ultraman is actually defending the beast. The KDF are conducting a massive search for both the creature and Ultraman. We will protect the families of this city. We will get to the bottom of this and we will eliminate the threat.
~ Dr. Onda declares Ultraman to be a threat for protecting the baby Kaiju on the news.
Are there more drones in the area? Do we have more drones in the area? (Captain Aoshima: Yes, Doctor. A short distance away.) Send them. Send them now!
~ Dr. Onda orders to send more drones to capture Emi.
Was the homing beacon successfully deployed? (Captain Aoshima: Yes, Dr. Onda. But some sort of frequency jammer was engaged. We lost the signal, but we believe we can triangulate Ultraman's location within a five-mile radius.) Good, good. And what of Project Surrogate? (Captain Aoshima: Good news, sir. Estimated time of completion is five hours. The Destroyer is prepped and ready.) Thank you Captain Aoshima. That will be all for now. (Captain Aoshima: Yes, sir.)
~ Dr. Onda and Captain Aoshima discussing about tracking down Ultraman and Mecha Gigantron ready to be used.
(Captain Aoshima: We are headed southeast. The infant is keeping a steady pace.) Good. We'll follow them back to Kaiju Island. And once we're there, we will do what needs to be done. (Captain Aoshima: Dr. Onda, how did you know that we could lure the infant out?) As I said, Captain, family is everything, even to these creatures.
~ Dr. Onda reveals how he send out Mecha Gigantron to lure out Emi.
Mecha Gigantron, attack!
~ Dr. Onda orders Mecha Gigantron to attack Ultraman.
Missile attack now!
~ Dr. Onda orders Mecha Gigantron to fire missiles on Ultraman.
Kill him.
~ Dr. Onda orders Mecha Gigantron to finish off Ultraman.
Another Ultra? Kill them both!
~ Dr. Onda witnessing the appearance of Ultradad, which happens to be Professor Sato.
What's happening? (Female KDF officer: Sir, The Mech systems are no longer accepting our commands.) Try again.
~ Dr. Onda when Gigantron breaks free from the KDF's control.
(Captain Aoshima: Sir, Gigantron has overridden our protocols. It seems the creature is no longer under our control.) [sighs] Escort the crew to the escape pods. See to it that everyone is safe. (Captain Aoshima: But sir, I...) The KDF must survive. Even if I don't. Go now.
~ Before fighting against two Ultramen and two Kaijus alone, Dr. Onda sends Captain Aoshima to escort the team to the escape pods.
~ Dr. Onda attempt to kill both Ultraman and Ultradad in rage, while also speaking in Japanese.



  • Dr. Onda serves as a dark reflection to Ken Sato/Ultraman, both of them who lost their families (With Ken's mother and Professor Sato's wife, Emiko Sato, who disappeared and Onda's daughter and wife being killed by a kaiju attack). Onda is example of what Kenji could have become if He let his anger, grief, and ego get to the best of him.
  • It's unknown how Onda actually felt pain when wearing his mecha robot suit and as a example, when Emi swing a piece of metal as a bat and tore up the robot's limb arm, Onda screams in pain (this could imply that the suit might some has connection sensors that allows Onda to feel pain or another theory that Onda is screaming like he's actually the mecha armor robot itself).
  • Onda is the first human villain in the franchise to simultaneously work as the captain of the Defense Team the whole time without any corruption or outside influence dictating his actions and not get any redemption.


           Ultraman English Villains

Main Villains
Absolute Tartarus | Alien Bat | Alien Benzene | Alien Empera | Alien Garut | Alien Rayblood | Alien Zagon | Carmeara | Celebro | Chaos Header | Commander Black | Dark Lugiel | Dark Zagi | Demon King Jackal | Exceller | Gatanozoa | Grakyess | Greeza | Gudis | Heller | Juda | Jugglus Juggler | Maga-Orochi | Mensch Heit | Mother Sphere | Radical Destruction Bringer | Reugosite | Sphire | Ultra Dark-Killer | Ultraman Belial | Ultraman Tregear | Valaron | Yapool | Zogu

Secondary / Recurring Villains
Ace Killer | Agams | Alien Babarue | Alien Baltan | Alien Bat | Alien Guts | Alien Hipporito | Alien Magma | Alien Mefilas | Alien Metron | Alien Nackle | Alien Nowar | Alien Pedan | Alien Salome | Alien Sran | Alien Temperor | Alien Valky | Alien Zamu | Alien Zarab | Antlar | Bader Tribe | Cicada Human | Dark Mephisto | Darklops Zero | Darrgon | Bemstar | Black King | Deathrem | Delos | Destrudos | Doragory | Eleking | Etelgar | Galberos | Gan Q | Gebalga | Geronimon| Gina | Golza | Gomora | Grand King | Grozam | Gudon | Hudram | Kei Fukuide | Kemur | Kodalar and Kilazee | Kyrieloid | Lunaticks | Melba | Mold | Nonmalt | Nova | Pandon | Red King | Reibotas | Roygard | Sadola | Saki Mitsurugi | Telesdon | Trigger Dark | Tyrant | Ultraman Orb Dark | Vakishim | Verokron | Zetton (Zett)

Minor / Movie Villains
Alien Baladon | Alien Barossa | Alien Gapiya | Alien Godola | Alien Icarus | Alien Keel | Alien Markind | Alien Mijir | Alien Monera | Alien Nuaza | Alien Regulan | Alien Shamer | Alien Shaplay | Alien Steal | Alien Tarla | Armored Darkness | Bakubarba | Beast the One | Beatstar | Bemular | Bezelb (Queen Bezelb) | Biranki | Bizorm | Black Silhouette | Bogar | Camearra | Chaosroid | Chaos Ultraman | C.O.V. | Darramb | Dark Faust | Dark Mephisto (Zwei) | Dark Lucifer | Darkgone | Deathfacer | Delacion | Dogyuh | Doctor Psychi | Evil Tiga | Evil Trigger | Ezmael | Gakuzom | Gamos | Gargorgon | Giranbo | Gillvalis | Gomess (S) | Grimdo | Guar | Hudra | Iaron | Inpelaizer | Jamila | Jasyuline | King Myra | King of Mons | Luganoger | Megaflash | Metal Organisms (Apatee | Algyuros | Meemos) | Menjura | Mezard | Murnau | Nature Control Machines (Tenkai | Enzan | Shinryoku) | Peginera | Phantom Ultraman Agul | Roberuga | Robot Chief | Robot Commissioner | Sandros | Shinigami/Zebub | Snake Darkness | Waroga | Zaigorg | Zamsher | Zoiger | Zombayu | Mad Origin

Dr. Onda | Gondo Kihachi | Hiroshi Sonezaki | Hiroya Narumi | Kaji | Kazunori Yokomine | Keigo Masaki | Leyrah (Zabil | Leyrah Ibra) | Mai Yuki | Maki Shigenaga | Mitsuhiko Hirukawa | Mushitaro Kuri | Norberg | Professor Nakagawa | Professor Nikaido | Professor Otomo | Shinichi | Yoichiro Matsunaga | Yu Dobashi | Yuji Hiyama | Yuuji Tango

Other Media
Ultraman Tiga Manga: Makila | Alien Regulan
ULTRAMAN Manga/Anime: Ace Killer | Adad | Alien Adacic | Alien Bris | Alien Igaru Pigmon | Alien Kadder | Alien Nepenthes | Alien Pedan | Alien Robuton | Alien Woovelve | Ambassador Mephisto | Bemular | Black King | Leo Brothers | Valcure

Ace Killer Squad | Alien Union | Belial Army | Belial Galactic Empire | Black Buster Corps | Dark Four Heavenly Kings | Dark Giants (Trigger) | Darkness Five | Empera Army | Guar Army | Heller Empire | Interstellar Alliance | League of Darkness | Planet Invasion Union | Reionics Hunter | Star Cluster Council | Star of Darkness | The Kingdom | Villain Guild
