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Villains Wiki

Kasplats are elite members of the Kremling Krew and among the most physically powerful Kremlings in Donkey Kong. Serving as heavy duty frontline assault units, their might also makes then excel at guarding areas and objects of interest as well. In Donkey Kong 64, Kasplats were charged with safeguarding the blueprints to King K Rool's Blast-O-Matic, and would regularly take part in the battle arenas as well.


Kasplats have only appeared Donkey Kong 64, where they guarded blueprints. One Kasplat in particular had both grown fed up with King K. Rool, openly insulting its leader by calling him fatso while also fleeing for its life, fearing the punishment K. Rool would hand down upon learning that the Kongs were successfully defeating its fellow Kasplats and recovering the Blast-O-Matics blueprints. This Kremling would meat a grizzly fate as it was then eaten alive by a giant red Klaptrap under orders from K. Rool for both mocking him and abandoning its post like a coward. The Kasplats would ultimately fail in their duty, as they were all defeated and every last blueprint recovered, allowing the Kongs to delay K. Rool's doomsday machine long enough to finally bring him down.


Kasplats were huge and muscular blue colored Kremlings with beige colored snouts. Their arms were packed full of powerful muscles, and were also drastically disproportionate to their body, being almost as long as they were tall. They wore slick shades that kept their eyes hidden and wore black leather vests that look similar to those that bikers wear. For shoes they wear heavy duty black combat boots.

Kasplats distinctively had hair colors that represented the blueprint they were guarding and the respective Kong it could be acquired by; Yellow, Red, Blue, Purple, and Green. Some of them could even reach truly massive size, dwarfing Donkey Kong. They also wore black combat gloves. After losing their blueprints, their hair turns white, their shockwave remains unchanged though.


Befitting being among the strongest soldiers of the Kremling Krew, Kasplats were brute force powerhouses and possibly the most combat effective in the entire army. Able to demonstrate melee combat combo skills on top of their vast physical might, they could make quick work of Kongs that were reckless. Hits from them could send the Kongs flying, and their signature ability was their shockwave; By slamming their mighty arms into the ground, Kasplats could unleash huge shockwaves covering a wide area around them. These shockwaves matched their hair color, and they were also capable of withstanding a great amount of damage before being defeated.


           Donkey Kong Logo Villains

Kremling Krew
King K. Rool | Kritter | Klump | Kasplat | Kip | Kass | Kalypso | Kludge | Krusha | Kudgel | Congazuma | Kackle | Klaptrap | Klobber | Koin | Kosha | Kerozene | Kopter | Kuff 'n' Klout | Kleever | Mega Amp | Dragon Kremling | Kloak | King Kut Out
Allies: KAOS | Very Gnawty and Really Gnawty | Master Necky and Master Necky, Snr. | Queen B. | Dumb Drum | Krow | Screech | King Zing | Belcha | Arich | Squirt | Bleak | Barbos | Army Dillo | Dogadon | Gnawties | Zingers | Armies | Slippas | Neckys |

Tiki Tak Tribe
Tiki Tong | Kalimba | Gong-Oh | Maraca Gang | Wacky Pipes | Cordian | Banjo Bottom | Xylobone | Tiki Tong Tower | Tiki Goon | Screamming Pillar | Tiki Buzz | Tiki Pop | Tiki Bomber | Tiki Tank | Tiki Seeker | Tiki Torch | Tiki Boing | Grounder Tiki
Allies: Mugly | Scurvy Crew | Stu | Mole Train | Mangoruby | Thugly | Colonel Pluck | Awk | Toothberry | Squeeklys | Snaps | Chomps | Snaggles | Readybots | Char-Chars

Lord Fredrik | Pompy | Skowl | Ba-Boom | Fugu | Bashmaster | Tuck | Waldoughs | Hootz | Fluff | Lemmington
Allies: Dozy | Buffaloafer | Schnautzel | Swooper Dooper | Ice Dragons | Punchy Paddy

Wizpig | Cranky Kong | Donkey Kong | Cactus/Ghastly King | Dread Kong | Karate Kong | Ninja Kong | Sumo Kong | Crazy Kong | Manky Kong | Minkeys | Monkey Robots | Krunch | Hogs | Tusks | Rocs | Ninjape | Iguanagon | Firefoxes | Insects | Snapjaw | Nitpicker | Spark | Fire Necky | Sassy Squatch | Davy Bones | B. Locker | Krosshair | Kroctopus | Smokey the Dragon | Bluey the Walrus | Bubbler the Octopus | Tricky the Triceratops | Mad Jack | Puftoss | Hard Hat | Chomps | Klubba | Flotsams | Clambos | Squiddicus
Bowser | Koopa Troop | False Diddy Kong | Giant Donkey Kong | Pixel Donkey Kong | MegaBug | Rabbid Kong | Cursa

Saturday Supercade
Barnacle and Long John | Colonel Culpepper | Billy Bob | Belle | Doug's Health Club | Solmes and Kenworth | Mr. X | Trapper Jack | Gorilla Ghost | Aurora | Dr. Demise | Horace | Sheep Rustlers | Trucknappers

TV Series
King K. Rool | Klump | Krusha | Kritters | Klaptrap (Jr. Klaptrap) | Candy Clone | Kaptain Skurvy | Green Krock | Kutlass | Eddie the Old Yeti | Polly Roger | Kong Fu | King Diddy | Evil Funky Kong | Evil Cranky Kong | Evil Candy Kong
The Super Mario Bros. Movie
Bowser | Koopa General | Kamek | Bowser's Army

See Also
Super Mario Villains
