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Villains Wiki

Kohei Sawaki is the main antagonist of the anime movie Detective Conan: The Fourteenth Target/Case Closed: The Fourteenth Target. He is a sommelier and an old friend of Kogoro and Eri, who in truth is trying to kill everyone who caused his career to go downhill after the loss of his ability to taste and thus his retirement as the sommelier.

He was voiced by Ryusei Nakao, best known for his role as Frieza from the Dragon Ball franchise.


In his first appearance, Kohei is seen working in the "Le Felur" Restaurant where Conan, Ran, Kogoro and Eri are having dinner as he is seen opening a bottle of wine. Ran then told Conan that Kohei is Sommelier as he began to pour wine for The Mouri Table (Minus for Ran and Conan due to them being underage.)

Kohei is seen again in his apartment as Kogoro, Megure, and Shiratori (along with Conan and Ran who tag a long) when he was suspected to be the next victim of a line of killing that involved people that Kogoro know in life and playing cards with the SPADE mark on it (since Kohei would be #8 since he attended a wine school that had an 8-year program), Conan then notice his large collection of wine bottle that his parents sent from their collection as he hoped to use them for his upcoming wine shop and even allow Shiratori to view his collection, which Kogoro mention he had a Petrus Wine he was saving for but admit he drank it a few days ago. Kohei revealed that he had a meeting today to me Katsuyoshi Asahi about asking him to work at one of his Restaurants in his new place; Aquacrystal. After learning that Katsuyoshi is the next victim since he owns Nine Buildings, Kogoro, Megure, and Shiratori decide to join with Kohei in order to protect him and Katsuyoshi Asahi from the killer, Also Ran joined in order to stop the killer also.

At Aquacrystal, Kohei and the others as they encountered other people such as Nana Osanai (Model), Minoru Nishina (Essayist), Eimei Shishido (Photographer) and Peter Ford (Newscaster) who were also invited to meet Katsuyoshi Asahi. After a few introductions, Kohei and the others all arrived in the restaurants as they waited for Katsuyoshi. To past the time, Nana had Minoru and Kohei compete in a blind taste (due to Nana reading an article Minoru wrote about French cuisine and called it one of the worst places she ever tasted) with a Wine she brought for Katsuyoshi as a gift but want to see if he does have good taste. After Minoru failed to ID the wine, Kohei took a taste and got it right.

After Conan, Nana and Eimei head to the kitchen to get glass for the wine (with Eimei getting a beer and Conan Juice for him and Ran, only for Korgo to take both can for him and Megure) Kohei decides to get a glass of Water. Unbeknownst to him Conan was watching him tasting a spice from the spice rack only to see him as Conan asked what he was doing and Kohei said he was tasting a unique spice as he got the water. He then witnesses Peter's faking being poison as a laugh. Peter then informs Kohei that a letter was found on the floor addressed to him as it was a letter from Katsuyoshi telling him that he would be late for their meeting and allows him to go to his wine cellar to serve to the others. Upon arriving Kohe and the others sees the collection of wine as Ran admit it's a bit cold, but he informs Ran that it not that cold as it only 63 degrees (while normally it supposed to be 50-57 degrees to keep the wine good)

As Kohei and Conan are looking for the wine, Kohei was nearly killed by an arrow attracted to a string and believes he's now safe since he was killed by it. As Kohei and the others all headed back to the surface, they hear Nana screaming in terror upon seeing Katsuyoshi Asahi dead in his aquarium floating in the water with the nine of spade card in his pocket jacket. Later Kohei and the other arrived at the site of Nana's death where she was seen with a stabbed in the back and two cards (The 7 of Spade and Joker card). As Kogoro approach Kohei and apologize for what is happening, which including being hired by Katsuyoshi to work in his restaurant, but Kohei revealed that he was planning to reject his offer and plan to return home to take care of his parents. Later Kohei and the others were all given Water by Conan as a way to loosen then tensions between the victims. As Aquacrystal experience of couple of explosions and the restaurant began to sink, Kohei and the others manage to escape their watery death, Minoru was seen not breathing as Kohei plans to give him CPR, Only for Conan (using his bowtie to voice Kogoro) to have Shiratori preform CPR, which not only did he do it but Kogoro wondered who is saying that as Conan knock him out and revealed who the killer was (who is revealed not to be Jo Murakami as many people thought he did in the film).

Conan (via Kogoro) then revealed that the Killer true victims were Nana, Minoru, Katsuyoshi and Hiroki Tsuji as he revealed that Kohei Sawaki himself as the killer. At first, he denied the claim as he was nearly killed by the killer only for Conan to explain that he set up the trap himself after Killing Katsuyoshi himself and was the one who invited the others to come to Aquacrystal by posing as Katsuyoshi's secretary and sending them the invitations. According to Conan, Kohei suffer from Taste Disorder (losing his taste ability) and even revealed that he was faking since his talent of a Sommelier allows him to know what wine taste like. As Kohei still denied that he was the killer, one piece of evidence is shown to revealed Kohei as the killer; a cork with a crude picture of a cat Nana made before she died was found in Kohei's pocket, as it seems she place it there before she died in order to help everybody figure out who the killer is. With that Cork and the remaining playing card of the Ace of Spade that Khoei took out, He revealed himself as the killer and explain his motives of Killing Nana, Minoru, Katsuyoshi and Hiroki.

The First Motive to kill Nana was that a few months ago as he was riding his cycle after signing the lease for his new wine shop, Nana (who was driving and on her phone) nearly crashed into Kohei, causing him to get into an accident that lead him to lose his sense of taste (This was explain as Nana revealed before her death that she is thought she saw Jo Murakami when she was driving and nearly hit him and wondered why she was the next victims.) The second for killing Katsuyoshi was because he doesn't know how to take proper care of wine as while be bought rare kind, he doesn't know the right temperature to store them. For the third motive for trying to kill Minoru, it was because despite Minoru's claims of being an expert in wines and foods that he wrote in his books, everything he wrote was wrong as he made those books just to sell and make money. And for the final motive of trying to kill Hiroki was because a few months before the incident, he was invited to a party and Hiroki (who was drunk) insulted in job by giving him a pig button and a soup ladle, which Kohei take very seriously. He also revealed that he was the one who killed Jo Murakami when he was going to apologize for what he did to Kogoro and his family 10 years ago. To make matter even worse Kohei revealed that the other people he tried to kill had nothing to do with his plan because he wanted to frame Jo Murakami for the murders. He also revealed that he tried to kill everyone (including himself) so that the case would remain unsolved. As Migure was about to arrest Kohei, he took out a button and caused the rest of Aquacrystal to explode, which he then grabbed Ran hostage and told the other to stay or else he would kill her on the spot.

As Aquacrystal continue to crumble, Kohei and Ran head up to the roof as Conan believed that Kohei (pretending to be Katsuyoshi's secretary) called the company to use the helicopter as an escape from others. Just as Kohei and Ran made it to the roof, he yelled at the pilot to lower the helicopter but instead he decides to call for help. As Kogoro, Megure, Shiratori and Conan arrived, he threatens to kill Ran and Shiratori is unable to shoot, Kohei than revealed that when he find and kills Hiroki then he will Kill Ran and told Shiratori to drop the gun and told Conan took the gun and give it to him but instead Conan aimed the gun and shot Ran instead but only graze Ran's leg, resulting in Ran to passed out, causing Kohei to abandon Ran as his Hostage just as Kogoro arrived and judo flip Kohei just as he and Conan saved Ran.

Kohei was last seen being arrested as Megure told him about the crimes he committed. As he was about to fall and yelled to be dropped as he wanted to be killed, Kogoro was able to grab Kohei and save him. Kogoro then told Kohei that Kohei cannot die and has to live to repent for what he did, as the two and others boarded the helicopter for safety.


           Detective Conan Logo Villains

Black Organization
Note: This section only include known BO members that are originated from manga and did not defect.
Boss | Rum | Gin | Vodka | Ki'ichiro Numabuchi | Vermouth | Pisco | Tequila | Calvados | Chianti | Korn

Akemi Miyano

Denjiro Maru | Chikako Ikeda | Ryoichi Takahashi | Gozo Hatamoto | Yutaka Abe | Reika Yotsui | Yuji Nikaido | Masashi Oyama | Bank Robber groups | Shuji Tsugawa | Kento Togano | Kohei Shimoda and Sugiyama | Taichi Tomizawa | Tenei Oshou | Machiko Yabuuchi | Keiko Yabuuchi | Masuko Tsuchiya | Kozaburo Hijikata | Mutsumi Nishikawa | Kikue Tanaka | Seiji Haruta | Tadahiko Michiwaki | Serial Arsonist | Serial Bomber | Kazuhiro Otaka | Ritsuko Usui | Robert Taylor | Nobukazu Takeda | Akio Negishi | Saizo Kano | Sadao Kujirai | Teruyoshi Kameda | Korehisa Kanie | Shiro Kawabata | Rose Hewitt | Senzo Ogura | Akira Akashi | Giichi Aramaki | Kengo Bito | Hunter | Motoo Mino | Kikuyo Kasama | Yoshio Sadakane | Shukuzen Ogami | Iwao Ushigome | Yuji Katou | Maho Katagiri | Arihiro Kasuya | Choichiro Shitara | Junya Tokitsu | Tenji Urushibara | Touji Kawase | Tatsumi Moniwa | Makoto Okuda | Osamu Aizono | Ryuzo Agatsuma | Shuuhei Aosato | Naoki Midorikawa | Nami Kasakura | Tatsue Torada | Isao Sawaguri | Miku Sawaguri | Toru Amakasu | Ikuro Wakamatsu | Serika Wakamatsu | Toshio Kanbe and Mrs. Kanbe | Ryusaku Fuemoto | Chozo Usagi | Kenya Settsu | Shinsuke Akiyama | Saya Kitami | Kengo Aono

Anime Exclusive

Sayuri Minagawa | Okita | Tiger Gang member | Ryoko | Ryoko's Henchmen | Mika Taniguchi | Morio Anzai | Hitoshi Yuda | Maya Tachibana | Katsuhiko Takei | Takeshi Maehara | Okida | Kazumi Tatsumi | Souhei Tatsumi | Takashi Date | Mitsuo Shirai | Yoko Asanuma | Sachiko Shimamura | Hiroaki Nishitani | Kenzo Tajima | Hiroshi Akimoto | Rumi Shimizu | Yukiko Mori | Nobuo Iwama | Misaki Kana | Two Unnamed Robber | Katsuhiko Nakamoto | Tsuyoshi Kitagawa | Naomi | Principal | Kosaku Hotta | Ikuko Kojima | Naoya Saijo | Eisuke Tachibana | Tomofumi Minami | Ryuusuke Imoto | Utsumi | Tsunehisa Fujii | Kouji Hamada | Goro Kinoshita | Komuro and Naomi | Yoshiro Ikuta | Shoko Oide | Tatsuya Nagai | Teruhiko Kasuga | Hayato Nanjo | Noboru Taniguchi | Touru Saeki | Kimie Hayase | Tomidokoro | Tamotsu Machida | Daisuke Torakura | Rika Okano | Daisuke Shiraki | Fox | Akira Kawabe | Kyoko Saegusa | Kazumi Takenaka | Kotaro Ichikawa | Kazue Ichikawa | Mizue Ichikawa | Ryuuichi Yanase | Yoshikazu Watanuki | Kenichi Shishido | Michi Uemori | Dr. Tanaka | Katsuji Mishima | Hiromi Yamazaki | Kazumi Tsukumo | Tsuneaki Niikura | Shiro Hiraoka | Shiro Kaizuka | Kishii | Midori Goto | Minoru Nakagawa | Koichi Nokata | Masao Horii | Wataru Otake | Hiromi Tanaka | Kazuo Sakihara | Hiromasa Takahashi | Two unnamed man in coat | Yoshihiko Kido | Hideaki Oda | Pension hooligan | Michiko Oosawa | Taiji Komiyama | Atsuko Komiyama | Toru Aida | Ikuyo Hasegawa | Yasuo Murakami | Beniko Suou | Toshiaki Tahara | Etsuko Furukawa | Akio Yoshino | Yoichi Tezuka | Hiroshi Nakamoto | Eizo Domoto | Sana | Man wearing sunglasses | Ryozo Aonogi | Kuniko Yamamoto | Kensuke Tachibana | Tatsuya Kumada | Mitsuo Yoshimura | Takeo Nonaka | Maki Shinjou | Ryuichiro Kanazawa | Shiro Murakami | Kanenari Mochizuki | Motoo Sugiyama | Yuuji Kisaki | Kozo Ushikubo | Rokusuke Urasawa | Saki Yoshizawa | Genichiro Daimon | Hatsuho Hojo | Tsuyoshi Hirasawa | Toshio Mochizuki | Jiro Hanzaki | Tatsuo Suzuki | Michiyoshi Majima | Akira Doi | Hideki Mamiya | Kenzo Narimasu | Tsuneo Yamazaki | Masahiko Arima | Seiji Hario | Unnamed Old lady | Takaya Hirai | Jiro Kuroki | Masaki Hiramatsu | Yuichi Kusaka | Tadashi Yoshizawa | Goro Kitayama | Keiko Sawaguchi | Keisuke Furuta | Junichi Takahashi | Shokichi Sakaki | Toshihiko Funaki | Kenji Suenaga | Minoru Shirai | Takashi Ishida | Tatsue Egami | Chiezo Negura | Sachiko Hashigaki | Akiko Shiina | Nobukazu Michiba | Yukari Hachisuga | Miwa Yasuda | Masashi Horikoshi | Masaeki Takada | Naoto Momoi | Asuka Shibasaki | Ema Anzai | Hiroshi Ukita | Fumiko Shiraishi | Katsugoro Kitamura | Takeshi Hirano | Akinari Domoto | Ryota Shimizu | Ryoji Mizuhara | Soichi Onuki | Morio Kouda | Koji Wanibuchi | Minoru Yoshikawa | Umeda | Yasuda | Osamu Umezu | Yoriko Nakatani | Takeshi Nezu | Toshiyuki Kamio | Kengo Rikiishi | Nobuo Yamamoto | Yumi Suzuki | Daijiro Manaka | Nagarou Uwajima | Shingo Shoji | Romi Karube | Katsuo Nabeshima | Shunichi Tono | Misa Katayama | Tomoko Komori

Seiji Asoh | Ichiro Hatamoto | Takashi Ichieda | Kaori Nakahara | Akiko Yonehara | Shunen | Yusuke Sakata | Tsugumi Amano | Norifumi Saku | Mai Kogami | Furuyo Senma | Noboru Shimojo | Takayasu Shimizu | Bunta Kuniyoshi | Muneyuki Mino | Shigehiko Wakisaka | Kunishige Seko | Kaizo Isogami | Akira Nagumo | Kyosuke Haga | Natsuki Koshimizu | Satan Onizuka | Kyota Honma | Shinobu Yuchi | Yoshimi Satake

Anime Exclusive

Eiko Ashiya | Taeko Mamegaki | Yuji Shimazaki | Akiko Hanai | Masayoshi Sakaguchi | Tokito | Yoko Sawaki | Noriko Okaya | Murase | Masahiro Yamauchi | Takeo Izumi | Hisashi Kijima | Norio Terasawa | Hideyuki Nakayama | Teraoka | Kouji Takeno | Hitomi Sasaki | Miho Nishitani | Satomi Yoshino | Toshiya Tadokoro | Midori Ozaki | Hitoshi Okano | Osamu Honda | Shingo Aihara | Yousuke Kajimura | Yasuyuki Murakawa | Kazuo Ohara | Touya Aikawa | Megumi Sakihara | Hisashi Suguro | Toko Natsume | Mitsuyuki Arimori | Ayaka Yoshino | Yaeko Kamei | Yuji Kamekura | Joji Ueda | Kanako Miyahara | Masaya Amamori | Shiro Murakami | Hirohito Ninomiya | Tomoyuki Okusu | Ryosuke Shiina | Masako Kameda | Tomonori Kiyama | Masato Tachikawa | Kazuyuki Kawai | Eiko Nojima | Touru Akitaya | Kazuhiro Tokunaga | Eeichiro Kondo | Shiro Umetani | Masaru Saruhashi | Junji Togashi | Hideki Sugimoto | Saori Ayukawa | Noriko Imai | Yasuo Fujino | Chieri Ake | Yuuichi Minamida | Takehiko Fujie | Touru Mikami | Shinji Fukamachi | Iwao Iwata

Movie Exclusive
Teiji Moriya | Kohei Sawaki | Jo Murakami | Seiran Hoshi | Kyosuke Kazato | Tamotsu Jinno | Toshiya Odagiri | Hosui Kisaragi | Thomas Schindler | James Moriarty | Jack the Ripper | Taiga Saijo | Natsuki Sakai | Minako Akiyoshi | Suehiko Itoh | Ono | Reiko Shimizu | Jouji Iwanaga | Takumi Fuwa | Kazuki Honjou | Irish | Red Siamese Cats | Takamichi Fujioka | Kasumi Nishitani | Keisuke Yamao | Shogo Hikawa | Kazumasa Nakaoka | Masaki Kurata | Spy X | Timothy Hunter | Jack Waltz | Kevin Yoshino | Natsumi Miyadai | Leon Lowe | Rishi Ramanathan | Maiko Shirahato | Osamu Inoue | Plamya | Pinga
