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I am the future!
~ Peter Stegman's signature quote.
Life... is pain. Pain... is everything. You... you will learn!
~ Stegman, summing up his entire mindset on the world and foreshadowing the rape of Andrew's wife.

Peter Stegman is the main antagonist of the 1982 Canadian-American thriller film Class of 1984.

He is a teenage high school thug who rules over his own gang of neo-Nazi hooligans who also supply drugs and prostitution services to students as well as extortion rackets. He is feared by all the kids and staff due to his ruthless and unhinged nature. He is the archenemy of protagonist Andrew Norris.

He was portrayed by Timothy Van Patten.


When a new teacher by the name of Andrew Norris arrives at Lincoln High School, Peter Stegman and his gang are acting disruptive in the class Norris is supposed to be teaching. Stegman is quick to dislike Norris due to his serious demeanor in teaching, which ignites a rivalry between the two.

Stegman and his gang attack an African-American student dealing drugs to assert their control over crime at the school, which spurs a gang fight between Stegman's gang and aforementioned drug dealer's gang, with the former being largely victorious.

One day, Stegman and his gang steal a staff directory for Lincoln High, and use it to travel to Norris' house later at night, where they pull up to his driveway and spray him with prop blood as a prank, before heading off to a nightclub to commit crimes such as prostitution and racketeering.

Peter's rivalry with Andrew worsens one day, where Peter plays the piano flawlessly in the music classroom during the wrong class period. Andrew is impressed but asks Peter to leave due to the fact that he's not supposed to be in that class and is technically disrupting the lecture. Peter takes this as an insult and leaves furiously. He also catches Peter in the act of obviously dealing drugs in the bathroom but finds no proof of this. Later that day, the student who bought drugs from Peter, while intoxicated, climbs a flagpole and falls to his death. Andrew asks a student in his class, Arthur, if Peter dealt him the drugs, but he refuses to answer, fearing Peter. The gang observes him talking with Andrew and mistakenly believes him to have ratted on them, and Peter marks him for an attack.

Peter leads an assault on Arthur, but his attack is foiled when Andrew and fellow teacher Terry abruptly walk in on the scene.

As revenge for Terry's interruption of their attack and to further aggravate Andrew, Peter slaughters all of the animals in Terry's biology classroom, which drives him insane and enrages Andrew. Andrew enters the bathroom and confronts Peter, but ultimately doesn't attack him. Peter then successfully got Andrew suspended when he inflicted injuries on himself and framed the teacher for assault during a confrontation, which led to him facing assault charges.

Andrew attempts to clear things up with Peter's mother, but she refuses to listen and Peter still plays the victim. Andrew trashes Peter's car in response.

He then got their friend Vinnie to stab Arthur in the cafeteria, which resulted in the former being arrested and held in juvenile detention while the latter was taken to the hospital. Andrew naturally suspects Peter was responsible, but Arthur claims that Vinnie did it and suspects Peter ordered it.

Terry, in a fit of insanity, holds the gang at gunpoint during a lecture, knowing them to be responsible for the killings of his animals. Peter is almost shot point-blank in the head until Andrew intervenes. Later that night, Terry attempts to run over Peter with his car, but is failed and dies.

On the night of Andrew's concert, Peter and his gang break into his house and gang-rape his wife. A member of the gang shows Andrew a Polaroid photo of Peter raping her. Enraged and seeing no other means to stop the violence Andrew went to the school and engaged in a vigilante battle with the gang, killing many of the members. He would confront Stegman on the roof and the two wrestled, with Stegman almost falling through the roof.

At this point Stegman pleaded with Andrew, stating he was "just a kid" - this caused Andrew to pause and attempt to reach over to Stegman, who then tried to swipe him with his switchblade in a final act of malice. Andrew punched him in the eye costing Stegman his life as he fell through the ceiling and was hung by gym ropes over the school auditorium, in view of everyone. Andrew got away with the killings due to there being no witnesses.


Peter is a totally violent, sadistic, ruthless and mentally unstable teenager. He will hurt anyone who he thinks is threatening his authority over the school, or he will also kill them with no remorse or regrets. He is also racist towards African-American kids at his school, leading to him and his gang having a conflict with an African-American gang. His mother doesn't know of his real nature and thinks he is a really sweet kid. His father is briefly mentioned as being dead, but no further details on this are provided. Given Stegman's nature, it is entirely possible that he murdered his father, either because he was not allowed to do something, because his father was aware of Stegman's true nature or quite possibly, both. His personality largely indicates the presence of psychosis and some sort of personality disorder, most likely antisocial personality disorder given the circumstances.

Later on in the movie, Peter shows his worst by slaughtering the science department's animals and raping Andrew Norris' wife, the latter being the last straw for Andrew. He also demonstrates he is beyond redemption by feigning remorse moments before death in an effort to murder Norris.

Overall, Stegman is a rather infamous villain for his personality, so much that many people consider him to be among the most evil teenage villains in fiction.


Stegman has blond hair, and is usually shown wearing punk clothing that points out to his sinister nature, at the end of the movie, he wears red lipstick across his face, which he and his gang called "war paint".



  • Peter and his gang were neo-Nazis and in conflict with an African-American gang in the school. Stegman was openly racist towards his rivals, and frequently used offensive language (such as the N-word). One of his gang members also wore a Swastika with pride.
  • Peter's only harmless talent was that he was an excellent pianist: he could play "Ivory Joe" by Kokomo flawlessly, for example.
  • Stegman's father is mentioned to be dead, and it is unknown how he died, but given Stegman's evil nature, it's possible that he killed his father offscreen or he died of natural causes.
  • The events of the original movie would be completely retconned out of future additions to the franchise, which would focus on sci-fi action and robotic antagonists in a very strange change of tone (to the point where the films only share a similar naming style).
  • Peter Stegman is well-known fictionally for his crimes and heinous performances, remembered back then as one of the cruelest and most sadistic teens, if not the most evilest among them, in film history.
  • Despite Peter Stagman leading a Neo-Nazi group, his surname is (ironically) Ashkenazic Jewish. This implies that Stegman is deeply self-loathing.

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