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773px-Al'Akir the Windlord TCG
The Conclave of Wind has dissipated. Your honorable conduct and determination have earned you the right to face me in battle, mortals. I await your assault on my platform! Come! Your challenge is accepted, mortals! Know that you face Al'Akir, Elemental Lord of Air! You have no hope of defeating me!
~ Al'Akir to Mortal challengers within Skywall[1]


Al'Akir the Windlord was the Elemental Lord of air. He ruled over his domain of Skywall from his seat at the Throne of the Four Winds. Of all the elemental lords, Al'Akir was known to be the cleverest[2] and was once the foremost tactician in the Old Gods' horrific armies.[1] Aligned with the corrupted Dragon Aspect Deathwing and his fellow Elemental Lord Ragnaros in their efforts to usher in the end of days, Al'Akir was defeated by the mortal champions of Azeroth, who were able to enter Skywall from the breach in Uldum and destroy the Windlord within his own sanctum.[1]

Summary courtesy of WoWPedia

Powers and Stats

Tier: 5-B, Higher with Enrage

Name: Al'Akir the Windlord[1][3][3]

Origin: World of Warcraft[1][3]

Gender: Genderless, referred to as Male[1][3]

Age: Well over 20,000 (Al'Akir, as with all the Elemental Lords, predates The Dragon Aspects[1][3])

Classification: The Elemental Lord of Air[1][3]

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Planet level[Note 1] (Helped Ragnaros the Firelord burn numerous cities of the Black Empire to ash.[6] Fought the combined efforts of the Titan Keepers Ra, Thorim, and Hodir for weeks.[6] Fought the other Elemental Lords like Ragnaros the Firelord for eons, none of them ever gaining an edge on the other.[6] A fraction of his power nearly leveled a city[4]), Higher with Enrage (Increases his damage by 900%[1])

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (Not only are dragons whom Al'Akir is comparable to consistently stated to be in the realm of lightning in travel speed,[7] and Al'akir also uses natural lightning to attack, and he is also vastly superior to adventurers who use and can dodge attacks from the Titanstrike artifact weapon, which is directly stated to be infused with natural lightning,[8] and Hunters who can use abilities like Titan's Thunder,[9] Ride the Lightning,[10] and Surge of the Stormgod,[11] which project natural lightning)

Lifting Strength: Class Y (Comparable to Neltharion who supports the full weight of Azeroth on his body at all times, and was capable of standing even with that weight being increased by Iridikron[12])

Striking Strength: Planet level

Durability: Planet level (Capable of trading blows with dozens of individuals whom can tank his hits[1])

Stamina: Infinite (Elementals are repeatedly stated to be incapable of tiring,[5] as Al'Akir and the other elemental lords proved when they waged a centuries-long war against the Old Gods[6])

Range: Hundreds of Meters physically,[2][5] Planetary with Abilities (Can contact any Shaman on Azeroth at will,[5] and is comparable to Ragnaros the Firelord, with Al'Akir himself blowing away entire zones[4]

Standard Equipment: His sword known as Stormwake, the Tempest's Reach.[2][5][4]


Gifted, possibly Higher (Al'Akir is referred to as the most clever and tactical of the Elemental Lords,[1][2] going as far as to serve as the primary tactician of the Old Gods when he served them for his talents in that regard.[1][2] Al'Akir appears to have a sense of honor, preferring to fight those he deems as worthy instead of simply swatting away the innocent or weak for no reason.[1][2])

Genius (Fought Three Titan Keepers capable of fighting off entire armies of Old God minions who can harm them at the same time for weeks[6])

Weaknesses: None Notable

Notable Attacks & Techniques:

Stage One: Your Challenge is Accepted!

Al'Akir periodically casts Squall Line, Wind Burst, Ice Storm and Lightning Strike on random players. He casts Static Shock on any target in melee range and Electrocute on his primary target if that target leaves melee range.[1]

  • Ice Storm: Al'Akir creates a Blizzard that moves around the platform he is fought on, leaving Ice Patches on the ground behind it. Deals 15000 Frost damage every 0.5 sec to all enemies standing within the radius of the ice patches on the ground. This effect will persist as long as the target remains in this area.[1]
  • Static Shock: Al'Akir shocks all nearby enemies, deals 1000 Nature damage per second, interrupting any spells cast. Lasts 5 sec.[1]
  • Electrocute: Channels a bolt of electricity into the caster's current target, dealing increasing Nature damage over time. Al'Akir will only use this if his opponent is outside of his melee range.[1]
  • Wind Burst: Deals 28275 to 31725 Nature damage to all enemies, knocking them back. 5 second cast.[1]
  • Lightning Strike: Deals 19000 to 21000 Nature damage in a cone facing a random enemy every second for 30 sec. This effect chains off all enemies affected causing 19000 to 21000 to all other enemies affected.[1]
  • Squall Line: Creates two walls of Tornadoes that circles around Al'Akir's platform with an obvious opening in the line players must move to. 40,000 damage per second to those touching the Squall line.[1]

Stage Two: Your Persistence Angers Me!

At 80% health, Al'Akir no longer casts Wind Bursts but continually brings down Acid Rain and spawns Stormlings.[1]

  • Static Shock: Al'Akir shocks all nearby enemies, deals 1000 Nature damage per second, interrupting any spells cast. Lasts 5 sec.[1]
  • Electrocute: Channels a bolt of electricity into the caster's current target, dealing increasing Nature damage over time. Al'Akir will only use this if his opponent is outside of his melee range.[1]
  • Squall Line: Creates a wall of Tornadoes that circles around Al'Akir's platform with an obvious opening in the line players must move to, much like Sartharion's Flame Tsunamis. 40,000 damage per second to those touching the Squall line. Two walls of Tornadoes on Heroic.[1]
  • Acid Rain: Deals 500 Nature damage per second to all enemies. This effect will increase by 500 every 15 sec until Al'Akir enters phase three.[1]
  • Stormling: Summons a Stormling add with a nature damage aura that will apply Feedback to Al'Akir when slain. Deals 2375 to 2625 Nature damage every second to all enemies within 20 yards (on Heroic increasing Nature damage they take by 25% for 2 sec, Stacks.)[1]

Stage Three: Enough!

Al'Akir shatters his platform and creates a zone-wide Relentless Storm, lifting all players into the air and giving them the Eye of the Storm buff as long as they remain near him.

  • Eye of the Storm: Flight. Movement speed increased by 300%.[1]
  • Lightning: Deals 28500 to 31500 Nature damage to random enemy targets. Cast constantly in phase 3.[1]
  • Lightning Rod: Causes a random target to begin to emit lightning to nearby friends after 5 sec, dealing 4750 to 5250 Nature damage per second to all friends within 20 yards horizontally, and 5 yards vertically. Lasts 5 sec.[1]
  • Lightning Cloud : Summons clouds at the altitude of a random enemy. After 5 seconds, these clouds erupt in lightning, dealing 47500 to 52500 Nature damage per second to all enemies at the same altitude. Lasts 30 sec.[1]
  • Wind Burst: Deals 38000 to 42000 Nature damage to all enemies, knocking them back.[1]

Notable Matchups






  1. Scales to 594.4 Zettatons Al'akir is comparable or superior to Malygos, who held enough power to destroy Azeroth ten times over


Discussion threads involving Al'Akir the Windlord