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Mao Pam 3
Uses her four large black wings to fight.
~ Archfiend Pam's magic description


Archfiend Pam is a magical girl known for her strength. Within the Magical Kingdom, she was formerly the head of the Department of Diplomacy, before becoming their “ultimate weapon”. She’s also the founder of the Mao School, an organization in which the members are mostly battle enthusiasts and strive to be stronger.

From both the Magical Kingdom and Mao School, Archfiend Pam is respected and appreciated, due to her massive experience and battle prowess, but also feared for the same reasons. Like her students, she’s a battle enthusiast herself, and her blood can’t resist but boil at the mere thought of a tough fight; she’s learned to control herself, and only remove her restraints when needed. Despite that, she’s respectful to others, and has a strict moral code, as while she loves combat, she’s by no means a chaos-lover or anything close to a criminal. She is considered the strongest Magical Girl of the current generation, and once was Cranberry’s teacher, and feels remorse about how she became. She’s sent to B City by the Department of Diplomacy to team up with Mana, Hana Gekokujou, 7753, and Ripple, with the mission to apprehend a serious criminal.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 7-C, likely higher. Likely 7-C with wing-made clones

Name: Archfiend Pam, The Archfiend, Ultimate Weapon, Weapon of Mass Destruction, The Strongest Magical Girl, The Department of Diplomacy’s Final Weapon

Origin: Magical Girl Raising Project

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human, Magical Girl, Founder of the Mao School, Former Head and member of the Magical Kingdom's Department of Diplomacy, Part of the B-City Investigation Team

Powers and Abilities: Magical Girl Physiology, Enhanced Senses (Among the best of the entire series), Instinctive Reaction (During an assassination attempt on her life, where she was caught off-guard and was in an unoptimal state without most of her wings, she reacted to and defeated the assassin in the blink of an eye.[1] She surpasses Marika Fukuroi, who dueled Ace of Spades,[2] who shattered icicles flying at her from 6 different directions without looking at them.[3] She once dueled Lethe, resulting in a draw[3], who can fight the likes of Puk Puck. She parried the attacks of Pukin, Tot Pop and Pythie Frederica at once, while trapped inside a hole[4]), Master in CQC, Flight with wings, Forcefield Creation with wings, Weather Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Temperature Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Duplication and Shapeshifting (She can use her wings to create duplicate bodies, either in her appearance or of others[2][1]), Light Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Poison Manipulation (Can create miasma), Organic Manipulation (Can create flammable substances), Regeneration (Low-Mid) for her wings, Resistance to Pain Manipulation when bloodlusted (She ignores most external stimuli and resist pain[2])

Attack Potency: Town level+ (Scales to the Ultimate Princess Explosion, which can destroy everything in a 900-meter radius[2]), likely higher (Considered the strongest modern magical girl. Comparable power to an average modern nuke. Her full power was never showcased[4]). Likely Town level with wing-made clones (Should upscale from Hana Gekokujou, as the clones were more efficient than Hana at handling and defeating Captain Grace.[5] A different clone survived an attack from a powerful assassin, who was confident she could kill Archfiend Pam without her wings[1])

Speed: At least Supersonic+ movement speed (Scales to Marika Fukuroi who crossed 200 meters in half a blink[2]), with at least Hypersonic+ combat/reaction speed (Strong magical girls can act 1000 times faster than humans. Faster than Post-Unmarked Ripple who, already in Unmarked, could react to stat-amped gunfire from blind spots)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 50 (Should upscale from La Pucelle. Considerably stronger than Captain Grace who should be able to lift her pirate ship)

Striking Strength: Town level+, likely higher. Likely Town Town level with wing-made clones

Durability: At least Town level+ with her body (She tanked attacks from Cranberry), likely higher, City level with her wings (Stated to survive a city-wide nuclear blast at point-blank range[4]. The referenced city has similar characteristics to Catania, which translates to a blast energy of 23 megatons). Likely Town level with wing-made clones (Easily took hits from Captain Grace, but was defeated by her cannon and ship)

Stamina: Superhuman. As a magical girl, she has hugely improved stamina and resistance to fatigue (moreover, she doesn't need to eat or to sleep). Fighting against other magical girls for a while, running kilometers and rescuing people for several hours doesn’t affect her at all. Magical Girls can stay active for multiple days without rest, resist freezing cold and scorching heat.

Range: Extended Melee Range to Kilometers for combat, at least Planetary for the deployment of her wings

Standard Equipment: 4 large wings, 2 hidden smaller wings

Intelligence: At least Above Average as a person, Genius in combat. Pam used to be the Department of Diplomacy's head before stepping down and becoming its "ultimate weapon", effectively giving her the experience of a minister. She founded and led the Archfiend Cram School, an organization with the purpose of attracting magical girls who sought strength or who were battle enthusiasts; within it, she hosted a total of, at least, 36 tournaments, the Hell Survival Games. Pam's status among magical girls reached a legendary status, because of her battle prowess and the near-impossibility of even harming her (even the almighty Cranberry only managed to damage Pam's arm). Pam has among the most experience out of any magical girl that has ever existed, thanks to her decades-old activity. Her ridiculous power and versatility has earned her the title of "the strongest magical girl". In accordance to that, her instincts are perfect, her battle prowess is unmatched and she's extremely quick-witted; she surpasses the likes of Cranberry, Marika Fukuroi and even Pukin, who's noted to be physically superior.[5][6][1] She never underestimates anyone, no matter how weak they look, and is always ready to strike at any suspicious signs. During an assassination attempt on her life, despite being in an unoptimal state, she defeated the assassin in the blink of an eye.[1] When battling someone, she places all her focus on them to deploy her power to its fullest.

Standard Tactics: She enters a bloodlusted state against opponents she deems strong and that make her excited, ignoring external stimulus and, to a certain degree, pain

Weaknesses: None of the regular human weaknesses. If she becomes unconscious, she turns back into a human and loses all the magical girl advantages. When battling someone, she can focus so much to the point of ignoring external stimulus, though never to the point of losing track of her surroundings.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Wings Manipulation: Archfiend Pam's magic allows her to freely manipulate the four large black wings that are on her back. She can change their size, shape, color, speed, constitution, and all characteristics, or add new ones. As such, she can change the components they are made of, give them sensory organs that transfer all gathered information to Pam live (for example, giving an eyeball with the range and precision of a high-tech telescope), turn them into any shape, including humanoid ones (essentially making clones of sorts), have them split, turn them into clothes or shields, and even manipulate the surrounding environment, like weather and temperature, or make them manipulate elements. The wings can regenerate quickly, and if they were to disappear or get destroyed, Pam can split the remaining ones to have 4 of them again, though, she can have only up to 4 sheets of wings active at once, and can’t split her wings immediately after one has been destroyed, needing to wait a few seconds. If they leave the body, the wings can act autonomously, but they can only perform simple instructions, like “patrol around”, “attack anyone with antagonistic intentions”, or “guard the building”. In emergencies, Pam can use the 2 extra hidden wings in the middle of her back to take opponents by surprise; though smaller, they have the same versatility as the 4 other ones. There’s no range limit to how far her wings can travel away from her.

  • Special Moves: Archfiend Pam has given names to some of her wings' abilities. The rest of her abilities don't have names.
    • Cocytus: Reduces the density of a wing, thins it out and expands it over a large area, and significantly lowers the temperature emitted from it.
    • Sabbath: Turns a wing into clothes.
    • Hadraniel: Enhances the durability of a wing, to the point of tanking a nuclear attack at point-blank.
    • Longinus: Turns a wing into a tough spear.
    • Gehenna: Turns a wing into flames.
    • Logos: Turns a wing into an omnidirectional destructive sound wave.
    • Lucifer: Fire a beam of light from a wing with intense heat.
    • Minos: Creates strong winds from a wing.
    • Echidna: Emits miasma from a wing.
    • Mastema: Turns a wing into a sharp-bladed propeller.

Notable Matchups





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Light Novel, Volume 12
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Light Novel, Volume 7
  3. 3.0 3.1 Light Novel, Volume 11
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Light Novel, Volume 6
  5. 5.0 5.1 Light Novel, Volume 5
  6. Light Novel, Volume 9


Discussion threads involving Archfiend Pam